22 research outputs found

    Grupo escolar «Les Eguerets». Ciudad nueva de Cergy Pontoise. Francia

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    On a terrain of 9,500 m<sup>2</sup>, situated on the plateau occupied by the district of Versants de l'Hautil, of the new city of Cergy-Pontolse, this scholastic group has been constructed, consisting of ten classes for primaries, five for infants and five dwellings of 4 rooms, apart from the usual annexes of a construction of these characteristics: library multi-purpose hall, restaurant with kitchen, workshops for manual activities, sports zones, courtyards and playgrounds.&#13; Its dominant situation has been reinforced with the type of construction employed, on the basis of a modular metal structure which supports a series of roofs at two water of distinct rythms.<br><br>En un terreno de 9,500 m<sup>2</sup>, situado en la meseta ocupada por el barrio de los Versants de l'Hautil de la nueva ciudad de Cergy Pontoise, se ha levantado este grupo escolar constituido por diez clases destinadas a primaria, cinco a párvulos y cinco a viviendas de 4 habitaciones, amén de los anexos propios de una construcción de estas características: biblioteca, sala polivalente, restaurante con cocina, talleres de actividades manuales, zonas deportivas, patios y jardines de recreo.&#13; Su situación dominante se ha reforzado con el tipo de construcción empleado, a base de una estructura modular metálica que soporta una serie de tejados a dos aguas de distintos ritmos.&#13; Se pretendía que las actividades de la escuela participaran en la animación de la calle peatonal de acceso, lo que se ha conseguido mediante fachadas fuertemente acristaladas que dejan ver gran parte del interior.&#13; En esta escuela se ha querido salir al paso de las sucesivas alternativas pedagógicas, procurando espacios de muy variada índole, acordes con las distintas tendencias

    A nonlinear parametric model for phenanthrene sorption

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    International audienceTwo models for phenanthrene sorption prediction are discussed and checked against experimental data. The first model, based on a two-site Langmuir expression, displays too large uncertainties. The second is based on a modified Langmuir relation and provides a better description of the whole dataset. It includes an experimentally derived relation between the site maximal concentration and chemical parameters of the substrate: TOC amount and polarity index (O + N)/C. The model is tested against sorption isotherms of phenanthrene acquired with six different substrates. Calculated values display satisfying accordance with experimental data. Validity of the model is tested with an isotherm that does not belong to the set of data used for the regression, with good results. Some discrepancies may arise from analytical uncertainty and structural aspects not included within the model

    Defining and designing plant architectural ideotypes to control epidemics?

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    UMR AGAP - équipe AFEF - Architecture et fonctionnement des espèces fruitièresInternational audienceIdeotypes are a popular concept for plant breeders, who designate as such the ideal combinations of traits in a particular genotype to reach a pre-set production objective within a given socio-economic context. The historical, ‘genetic’ view of ideotypes has been more recently extended to cover the design of plant genotypes for specific cropping systems (the ‘agronomic’ view), or even the ideal combination of parameters, identified from formal or simulation modeling, to a specific agronomic problem (the ‘modelling’ view). These different forms of ideotypes in turn lead to different strategies for breeding plants. This paper will briefly describe, analyse and discuss some applications of these ideotype views, using the specific case of architectural traits of plant and crop canopies to limit the epidemic development of pests and diseases in crops. It is not intended to be an exhaustive and objective review of the existing literature on plant ideotypes, but rather to express as an ‘opinion’ paper the views discussed and elaborated among participants to the EpiArch network

    Defining and designing architectural ideotypes to control epidemics?

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    Keynote BIdeotypes are a popular concept for plant breeders, who designate as such the ideal combinations of traits in a particular genotype. This historical, genetic view of ideotypes can (and has) been more recently extended to cover the design of plant genotypes for specific cropping systems (the ‘agronomic’ view), or even the ideal combination of parameters, identified from simulation modeling, to a specific agronomic problem (the ‘mathematical’ view). Designing an ideotype requires first to precisely bind the purpose the ideotype is supposed to meet. This imposes not only the definition of the agronomic problem itself, the action possibilities available (genetic variability in the plant, human interventions during crop husbandry, etc…), but also of the production system considered. Whether ideotypes should remain virtual objects (i.e., cultivar blueprints) or can be real varieties is still an open debate. The different forms of ideotypes in turn induce different strategies for breeding plants. This paper will therefore briefly describe, analyse and discuss the application of these modes of ideotype conception and design in the specific case of architectural traits of plant and plant canopies to limit the epidemic development of pests and diseases in crops