3 research outputs found

    Tag-recapture datasets for the Idrjica trout populations

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    Tag-recapture datasets for the marble trout populations of Lower Idrijca and Upper Idrijca and the rainbow trout population of Lower Idrijca.<div>An impassable waterfall separates the stream in two sectors: a downstream sector (Lower) in which marble trout live in sympatry with rainbow trout and a upstream sector in which marble trout live in allopatry (Upper). </div><div>Population, Stream, Species self-explanatory; Mark = fish ID; Year = year of sampling; Month = month of sampling;Run = first pass (1) or second pass (2); Sector = stream section in which the fish was sampled; Length = total length of fish (mm); Weight = weight of the fish (g); Age = age of fish - fish emerge in May/June, they are 0+ up to first winter, then 1+ and so on; Cohort: year of birth (format Cyy); yob: year of birth; Tag_loss: 1 if the fish lost the tag; Adc: 1 if adipose fin was cut - only for fish with no tag when sampled; Adip = additional tag associated with a piece of the adipose cut</div


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    Tag-recapture data for the marble trout populations of Zakojska and Lipovscek (two .csv files). Mark = fish ID; Year = year of sampling; Month = month of sampling;Run = first pass (1) or second pass (2); Sector = stream section in which the fish was sampled; Length = total length of fish (mm); Weight = weight of the fish (g); Age = age of fish - fish emerge in May/June, they are 0+ up to first winter, then 1+ and so on; Cohort: year of birth (format Cyy); Adc: 1 if adipose fin was cut - only for fish with no tag when sampled; Adip = additional tag associated with a piece of the adipose cut


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    Genotype data for the marble trout populations of Zakojska and Lipovscek. LOCATION = name of the stream/population; SAMPLE_ID fish ID, corresponds to Mark in the tag-recapture dataset; SEX = sex of fish - ? and NA mean not available/uncertain;YOB = year of birth of fish. Additional columns are the bi-allelic SNPs (0 means not genotyped)