138 research outputs found
Une analyse provinciale de la migration de remplacement au Canada
L’étude des Nations unies (2000) intitulée « Replacement migrations : Is it a solution to declining and aging population ? » montre que l’immigration à elle seule ne saurait être une solution viable au vieillissement démographique. La situation démographique canadienne diffère de celles des pays analysés dans le rapport des Nations unies, notamment par son taux d’immigration parmi les plus élevés au monde. Contrairement aux idées reçues, les taux actuels d’immigration sont amplement suffisants pour assurer le maintien de la population canadienne et même de sa population en âge de travailler à des niveaux supérieurs à ceux observés actuellement à court, moyen et même long terme. Par contre, compte tenu de la concentration spatiale des immigrants à leur arrivée, une analyse des conséquences démographiques de l’immigration de remplacement au niveau provincial montre qu’une répartition plus égale des immigrants sur le territoire pourrait s’avérer plus efficace qu’une simple hausse des niveaux d’immigration.The UN (2000) report titled « Replacement migrations : Is it a solution to declining and aging population ? » shows that immigration by itself cannot be a solution to demographic aging. The Canadian demographic situation differs from those of the countries analysed in the UN report, notably by its much higher immigration rate. Contrary to common beliefs, the current canadian immigration rates are more than enough to assure total population growth as well as the growth of the working age population over the short, medium and even long term. However, because of the high spatial concentration of immigrants at their arrival, an analysis of the demographic consequences of replacement migration at the provincial level shows that a more equal spatial distribution of the immigrants could be more efficient than a simple increase in the levels of immigration
Perspectives on Below Replacement Fertility in Canada: Trends, Desires, and Accomodations
Abstract not availabl
Policy Brief No. 13 - Future Canadian Workers: More Educated and More Culturally diversified
This article charts the future transformations of the Canadian labor force population using a microsimulation projection model. The model takes into account differentials in demographic behavior and labor force participation of individuals according to their ethnocultural and educational characteristics. Results of the microsimulation show that Canada\u27s labor force population will continue to increase, but at a slower rate than in the recent past. By 2031, almost one third of the country\u27s total labor force could be foreign-born, and almost all its future increase is expected to be fueled by university graduates, while the less-educated labor force is projected to decline. All projection scenarios show that Canada’s overall participation rate will decline due to the retirement of the Boomers and the slow growth of the workforce. The analyses suggest that the most pertinent driver to be addressed is the differential in the labor force participation rates of the Canadian-born white population and immigrants and visible minorities
La capacité d’influence des cadres supérieurs en ressources humaines auprès des membres du comité de direction
Au cours des dernières annĂ©es, un nombre croissant d’auteurs en gestion des ressources humaines se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s aux rĂ´les que peuvent jouer les services des RH et les cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH dans le dĂ©veloppement de la stratĂ©gie de l’entreprise. Toutefois, il est pertinent de se demander dans quel contexte l’exercice de ces rĂ´les devient lĂ©gitime. Selon certains auteurs, c’est particulièrement le cas lorsque l’entreprise se retrouve face Ă des dĂ©fis exigeants au plan des ressources humaines.Donc, compte tenu du contexte actuel caractĂ©risĂ© par une Ă©conomie sous pression, les cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH devraient ĂŞtre en mesure d’en profiter pour devenir des partenaires influents auprès du comitĂ© de direction. Cependant, nous savons très peu de choses sur la capacitĂ© d’influence des cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH, particulièrement auprès des membres du comitĂ© de direction, de mĂŞme que l’écart potentiel qui peut exister entre la perception de ces derniers et celle que les cadres supĂ©rieurs RH entretiennent Ă leur propre Ă©gard en ce qui concerne leur capacitĂ© d’influence.Dans le cadre de notre recherche, le terrain ciblĂ© se compose de cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH travaillant majoritairement dans la grande rĂ©gion de MontrĂ©al. Au total, nous avons rencontrĂ© 41 cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH afin de mesurer leur capacitĂ© d’influence. Suite Ă l’entretien, nous les avons invitĂ©s Ă distribuer un questionnaire Ă des membres de leur comitĂ© de direction qu’ils avaient influencĂ© au cours des trois dernières annĂ©es.Les analyses rĂ©vèlent que les cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH tendent Ă surestimer leur capacitĂ© d’influence auprès des membres de l’équipe de direction par rapport au jugement portĂ© par leurs collègues exĂ©cutifs ou de leur supĂ©rieur immĂ©diat. Enfin, nos rĂ©sultats montrent qu’une bonne rĂ©putation, une solide crĂ©dibilitĂ© ainsi qu’un pouvoir de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă©levĂ© peuvent faciliter l’exercice de l’influence des cadres supĂ©rieurs en RH.Over the past few years, an increasing number of authors in the human resource management field have developed an interest in the roles played by HR departments and HR executives in the formulation of the business strategy. However, it is relevant to examine in which context the use of these roles becomes legitimate. According to a number of authors, this is particularly the case when businesses are facing demanding human resource challenges.Therefore, taking into account the current context characterized by an economy under pressure, HR executives should be in a good position to benefit from such a context to become influential partners within their respective top management committee. However, very little is known about the extent to which members of the top management committee perceive HR executives as having a high capability to influence them. Also, so far, no one has addressed the gap that may exist between the perception of the top management committee members and the perception HR executives hold for themselves with regards to their capability to influence the latter.In this study, we chose to investigate HR executives who come mainly from the greater Montreal area. In total, we met 41 HR executives for whom we investigated their influence capability. Following the interview, we invited each HR executive to hand out a short questionnaire to each member of the top management committee that they had tried to influence over the last three years.Results show that, overall, HR executives tend to overestimate their influence capability when compared to the perception of their executive colleagues and chief officer. Finally, this study also confirmed that a good reputation, a solid credibility and high referent power can facilitate the capability of HR executives to influence others.Durante los Ăşltimos años, una cantidad creciente de autores en recursos humanos se han interesado a los roles que los servicios de RH y los directivos de RH pueden jugar en el desarrollo de la estrategia de la empresa. No obstante, es pertinente preguntarse en quĂ© contexto el ejercicio de esos roles deviene legitimo. SegĂşn ciertos autores, esto sucede particularmente cuando la empresa se encuentra frente a desafĂos exigentes en el plano de los recursos humanos.Por ello, teniendo en cuenta el contexto actual caracterizado por una economĂa bajo presiĂłn, los directivos de recursos humanos deberĂan estar en condiciones de aprovechar para devenir socios influyentes del comitĂ© de direcciĂłn. Sin embargo, sabemos muy poco sobre la capacidad de influencia de estos directivos de RH, particularmente frente a los miembros del comitĂ© de direcciĂłn, de igual modo que sobre la distancia potencial que puede existir entre la percepciĂłn de estos Ăşltimos y la percepciĂłn de los directivos de RH respecto a sĂ mismos y su capacidad de influencia.En el cuadro de nuestra investigaciĂłn, el terreno seleccionado se compone de directivos de RH que trabajan mayoritariamente en la gran regiĂłn de Montreal. En total, hemos encontrado 41 directivos de RH con el fin de medir su capacidad de influencia. DespuĂ©s de la entrevista, les invitábamos a distribuir un cuestionario a los miembros de su comitĂ© de direcciĂłn que habĂan sido influenciados por ellos durante los Ăşltimos tres anos.Los análisis revelan que los directivos de RH tienden a sobrestimar su capacidad de influencia frente a los miembros del equipo de direcciĂłn respecto a la opiniĂłn de sus colegas ejecutivos o de sus superiores inmediatos. Por Ăşltimo, nuestros resultados muestran que una buena reputaciĂłn, una solida credibilidad asĂ que un poder de referencia elevado pueden facilitar el ejercicio de influencia de los directivos de RH
Microsimulation Model Projecting Small Area Populations Using Contextual Variables: An Application to the Montreal Metropolitan Area, 2006-2031
A common difficulty faced when projecting small area populations has to do with the implementation of local factors which highly influence local population growth. This problem is particularly important when simulating events that have a strong geographic component, such as internal migration, and destination choice of external migrants. This paper is part of a larger research program that aims at developing a dynamic time-based microsimulation projection model of the population of the Montreal metropolitan area and its 79 municipalities, by age, sex, and language. It presents an innovative treatment of migration by taking into consideration previous changes in local conditions when determining mobility and destination choices. Municipalities are first divided into two categories, suburban and the central city, to compute location-specific probabilities of moving by age, language and place of birth. Then, the destination choice of movers is based on a utility function that accounts for five important determinants of residential choice: (1) the distance from the central city, (2) the current size of the population of each municipality, (3) the municipality development potential, (4) the linguistic composition of its population, and (5) the geographical location. A similar function is estimated to allocate a place of residence to external migrants. Parameters are estimated using conditional logistic regressions and are implemented into the microsimulation model. The model is validated over the 2006-2011 period and results of the reference scenario presented for 2031
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