38 research outputs found

    Extraction optimization of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) oil from cold pressed cake with supercritical CO2

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    Posljednjih par desetljeća, industrijska konoplja (Cannabis sativa L.) je nepravedno zapostavljena zbog izgledom slične vrste konoplje Cannabis indica L. koja se koristi kao opojno sredstvo. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj parametara ekstrakcije ulja iz Cannabis sativa L. sjemenki procesom hladnog prešanja nakon čega je provedena ekstrakcija zaostalog ulja u pogači pomoću superkritičnog CO2. Optimiranje procesa ekstrakcije konopljinog ulja provedeno je metodom odzivnih površina. Ispitan je utjecaj temperature zagrijavanja glave preše, frekvencije elektromotora te veličine otvora pužne preše na iskorištenje i kvalitetu ulja kod procesa prešanja, kao i utjecaj tlaka ekstrakcije, temperature i protoka otapala u procesu ekstrakcije pomoću superkritičnog CO2. U proizvedenim uljima odredili su se sljedeći parametri kvalitete ulja: peroksidni broj, slobodne masne kiseline, netopljive nečistoće, voda, jodni broj, saponifikacijski broj, anisidinski broj i Totox broj. Osim navedenog, u dobivenim uljima ispitan je i sastav masnih kiselina, tokoferola, te klorofila i karotenoida. Ispitan je i utjecaj različitih prirodnih antioksidanasa i njihovih koncentracija na oksidacijsku stabilnost konopljinog ulja. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajan utjecaj različitih procesnih parametara ekstrakcije na iskorištenje i kvalitetu ulja. Količina zaostalog ulja u pogači potpuno je ekstrahirana pomoću superkritičnog CO2 na novokonstruiranom uređaju za superkritičnu ekstrakciju. Odabirom relevantnih procesnih uvjeta superkritične ekstrakcije, kao i periodičnim frakcioniranjem, dobiveno je konopljino ulje različitih masenih koncentracija masnih kiselina, tokoferola i pigmenata. Eterično ulje origana koncentracije 0,05 % je bilo najučinkovitije u zaštiti ulja od oksidacijske degradacije. Zbog svoje kvalitete, kao i sadržaja visokokvalitetnih komponenti u sjemenkama konoplje koje pozitivno utječu na ljudsko zdravlje, ovo istraživanje je vrlo značajno s obzirom na neznatan broj objavljenih studija o konopljinom ulju.In the past few decades, the Cannabis sativa L. hemp variety has been unfairly neglected because of its similarity to the illegal kind Cannabis indica L. used as a narcotic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the process of oil extraction from Cannabis sativa L. seeds by cold pressing, followed by extraction with supercritical CO2. Extraction optimization of hemp oil production was conducted using response surface methodology (RSM). The effects of temperature, temperature head presses, frequency, and nozzle size on oil recovery and quality parameters in the pressing experiments and the effects of extraction pressure, temperature and solvent flow rate in supercritical CO2 extraction experiments were investigated. In obtained hemp oils the following parameters were analysed: peroxide value, free fatty acids, insoluble impurities, moisture content, iodine value, saponification value, Anisidine value and Totox value. The composition of fatty acids, tocopherols, chlorophyll and carotene content was also determined. The influence of different natural antioxidants and their concentration on the oxidative stability of hemp seed oil was investigated. The results show that the oil recovery and quality was statistically significantly (ANOVA) affected by applied operational extraction process parameters. The residual oil in the pressed cake was extracted almost completely by supercritical CO2 in a newly designed supercritical fluid extraction system. By selecting the relevant process conditions of supercritical extraction, as well as by fractionation, it is possible to obtain hemp oil with different mass concentrations oil fatty acids, tocopherols and pigments. The essential oil of oregano in concentration of 0.05 % was the most efficient in protecting the hemp oil against oxidative deterioration. Because of the oil’s high quality, as well as the high content of high-quality components in hemp seeds which positively affect human health, this study is very significant regarding the small number of published studies on hemp seed oil


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    Nowadays, when we are increasingly becoming a generation of large quantities of waste materials from various industries, there is an emerged need for certain solutions to suppress waste or make it more economical in some other way. Some by-products from the different food industries are rich in various bioactive compounds which could be utilized in other production processes. Finding the purpose and use of these compounds could be valuable for future generations. One of those by-products is cocoa bean shell (CBS), by-product in the processing of cocoa and its products, that has already proven to contain large amount of different bioactive compounds like theobromine, caffeine, specific phenolic compounds as well as dietary fibres and other valuable compounds which will be reviewed in this paper. CBS could be used in the production of functional products or even in food industry, cosmetic or pharmaceutics due to its high nutritional value what also makes it an economically acceptable raw material

    Supercritical CO2 extraction pilot plant design - towards IoT integration

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    Interes za tehnologije visokog tlaka tijekom posljednjih desetljeća se intenzivno povećava. Ekstrakcija super kritičnim fluidima (SFE) je process koji predstavlja alternative konvencionalnim postupcima separacije. U procesu ekstrakcije superkritičnim fluidima koristi se ekološki CO2 kao ekstrakcijsko otapalo zbog relativno niskog kritičnog tlaka (7,38 MPa), niske kritične temperature (304 K), poželjnih svojstava i niske cijene. Tijekom ovog postupka, potrebno je rabiti visoke tlakove. Ekstrakcijska posuda (posuda pod tlakom) je najvažnija oprema sustava, gdje se trebaju ostvariti kritični uvjeti i gdje se odvija ekstrakcija. Također, u procesu se treba obratiti pažnja i na druge dijelove uređaja (separator, izmjenjivače topline, ventile i sl.) zbog uporabe visokih tlakova. Sigurnost je najvažniji factor kada se radi o SFE sustavima i projektiranje takve opreme s potpunom sigurnosti procesa predstavlja vrlo težak zadatak. Stoga, kako bi se postigla visoka razina sigurnosti, pouzdan sustav kontrole mora biti osmišljen kao komunikacijski segment sustava kontrole i podataka. Različiti procesni parametri, kao što su protok CO2, tlak i temperature ekstrakcije, utječu na process ekstrakcije i kvalitetu dobivenog ekstrakta. Stoga ovi parametri trebaju biti precizno kontrolirani i nadzirani tijekom ekstrakcije. Projektiranje jednog laboratorijskog-pilot postrojenja za ekstrakciju superkritičnim CO2, te razvoj daljinskog upravljanja i nadzora sustava prikazani su u ovom radu. Razvijeni sustavi SFE (mehaničke i električne komponente) uspoređeni su s postojećim komercijalnim sustavima, gdje su prezentirane njegove glavne prednosti u odnosu na postojeće sustave. Omogućavanjem daljinskog upravljanja i nadzora klasična kontrola procesa je spojena s konceptom Interneta objekata - Internet of Things (IoT), gdje informacija postaje sve prisutna u ogromnom području Interneta.The interest in high pressure technology during last decades increased intensively. Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) is a process that is growing in importance as an alternative to conventional separation processes. SFE uses environmentally friendly CO2 as the extracting agent in the process because of its relatively low critical pressure (7,38 MPa), its low critical temperature (304 K), its non-dangerous character and low cost. During this process it is necessary to use high pressures in the procedure. The extractor vessel (pressure vessel) is the most important equipment of the system, where the supercritical conditions need to be established and the extraction occurs. Also other devices (separator vessel, heat exchangers, valves etc.) are necessary to be involved in the process due to used high pressures. Safety is the most important factor while dealing with SFE systems and the design of such equipment with full safety of process is very hard task. Therefore, to achieve the high desired safety level, a reliable control system must be designed as the control system and data communication segment. Various different process parameters such as CO2 mass flow rate, extraction pressures and temperatures affect the extraction process and the quality of the extract; hence these parameters need to be precisely controlled and monitored during the extraction. A design of one supercritical CO2 extraction laboratory-pilot plant and development of a remote control and its supervision system is presented in this paper. The developed SFE system (mechanical and electrical components) was compared with the existing commercial systems and its main advantages over the existing systems are presented. By enabling remote control and supervision the classical process control is joined with the concept of Internet of Things (IoT), where the information becomes omnipresent in the vast realm of Internet

    La influencia de los antioxidantes sobre la estabilidad a la oxidación de la grasa de cerdo

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    Oksidacija lipida predstavlja glavni problem u životinjskim mastima, ona prouzrokuje važnu promjenu kemijskih, senzorskih i nutritivnih svojstava. Svinjska mast podliježe oksidaciji tijekom proizvodnje, skladištenja i toplinske obrade. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj dodatka prirodnih antioksidanasa (ekstrakt ružmarina tip Oxy’Less CS, ekstrakt kadulje, ekstrakt maslinove komine, alfa tokoferol, mješavina tokoferola) i sintetskih antioksidanasa (PG, BHA) na promjenu oksidacijske stabilnosti svinjske masti. Oksidacijska stabilnost masti, sa i bez dodanog antioksidansa, ispitivana je primjenom Testa održivosti na 98 oC. Rezultati testa prikazani su kao vrijednost peroksidnog broja (mmol O2/kg) nakon određenog vremena držanja uzorka pri temperaturi 98 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost ima ekstrakt ružmarina tip Oxy’Less CS, ostvario je veću efikasnost zaštite svinjske masti od oksidacije, u odnosu na druge ispitivane antioksidanse. Sintetski antioksidansi propil galat i butilhidroksianisol uspješno su povećali stabilnost svinjske masti prema oksidaciji pri čemu veće antioksidacijsko djelovanje pokazuje propil galat.Lipid oxidation is a major problem in animal fats, it is the cause of important deteriorative changes in their chemical, sensory and nutritional properties. Pork fat is subject to oxidation during the production, storage and heat treatment. This study researched the effect of natural antioxidants (rosemary extract type Oxy’Less CS, sage extract, olive pomace extract, alpha tocopherol, mixture tocopherol) and synthetic antioxidants (PG, BHA) on the oxidative stability of pork fat. The oxidative stability of pork fat, with and without added antioxidant, was evaluated using the sustainability test at 98 oC. The results are expressed as peroxide number value (mmol O2/kg) after keeping the sample for a certain period of time at temperature of 98°C. The result showed that greater antioxidant activity has a rosemary extract of the type Oxy\u27Less CS, has achieved greater efficacy of the protection of pork fat than oxidation, compared to other antioxidants tested. Synthetic antioxidants propyl galate and butylhydroxyanisole have successfully increased the stability of pork fat to oxidation, with a higher antioxidant activity showing propyl galate.Die Lipidoxidation stellt das wichtigste Problem bei tierischen Fetten dar, weil sie bedeutende Veränderungen der chemischen, sensorischen und nutritiven Eigenschaften verursacht. Schweineschmalz ist der Oxidation während der Herstellung, Lagerung und thermischen Behandlung ausgesetzt. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen von zugesetzten natürlichen Antioxidantien (Rosmarinextrakt, Typ Oxy’Less CS, Salbeiextrakt, Oliventresterextrakt, Alpha-Tocopherol, Tocopherol-Mischung) und synthetischen Antioxidantien (PG, BHA) auf die Veränderung der Oxidationsstabilität bei Schweineschmalz untersucht. Die Oxidationsstabilität des Fettes, mit und ohne zugesetzten Antioxidantien, wurde anhand des Beständigkeitstests auf 98 °C untersucht. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse wurden als Wert der Peroxidzahl dargestellt (mmol O2/kg), nachdem die Probe eine Zeit lang auf einer Temperatur von 98 °C gehalten wurde. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, dass das Rosmarinextrakt vom Typ Oxy’Less CS über eine höhere antioxidative Aktivität verfügt und einen besseren Schutz des Schweineschmalzes vor Oxidation im Vergleich zu anderen untersuchten Antioxidantien bietet. Die synthetischen Antioxidantien wie Propylgallat und Butylhydroxyanisol konnten die Stabilität von Schweineschmalz gegenüber der Oxidation erfolgreich erhöhen, wobei Propylgallat eine stärkere antioxidative Wirkung zeigte.L’ossidazione dei lipidi rappresenta il principale problema nei grassi animali poiché determina in essi importanti alterazioni delle proprietà chimiche, sensoriali e nutritive. Lo strutto è soggetto a ossidazione durante la produzione, l’immagazzinamento e il trattamento termico. In questo studio è stato analizzato l’impatto dell’aggiunta di antiossidanti naturali (estratto di rosmarino tipo Oxy’Less CS, estratto di salvia, estratto di sansa d’oliva, α-tocoferolo, miscela di tocoferoli) e sintetici (PG, BHA) sulla stabilità ossidativa dello strutto. La stabilità ossidativa dello strutto, con o senza l’aggiunta di antiossidanti, è stata testata mediante il test di sostenibilità a 98 °C. I risultati del test sono stati illustrati come valore del numero di perossidi (mmol O2/kg) dopo un certo tempo in cui il campione è stato tenuto alla temperatura di 98°C. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che l’estratto di rosmarino tipo Oxy’Less CS, risultando più efficace nella protezione dello strutto dall’ossidazione, ha una maggiore efficacia antiossidante rispetto agli altri antiossidanti analizzati. Gli antiossidanti sintetici, come il propile gallato e il butilidrossianisolo, hanno aumentato la stabilità dello strutto all’ossidazione; tra i due, il propile gallato ha mostrato una maggiore efficacia antiossidante.La oxidación de lípidos es el problema principal en las grasas animales que causa el cambio importante en las características químicas, sensoriales y nutritivas. La grasa de cerdo está sujeta a la oxidación durante el procesamiento, almacenamiento y el tratamiento térmico. En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de la añadidura de los antioxidantes naturales (extracto de romero tipo Oxy’Less CS, extracto de salvia, extracto de orujo de oliva, alfa-tocoferol, mezcla de tocoferol) y de antioxidantes sintéticos (PG, BHA) sobre el cambio de la estabilidad a la oxidación de la grasa de cerdo. La estabilidad a la oxidación de la grasa, con y sin la añadidura de antioxidantes, fue examinada por la Prueba de estabilidad a los 98 °C. Los resultados de la prueba fueron presentados como el índice de peróxido (mmol O2/kg) después de mantener la muestra a la temperatura de 98 °C por un tiempo. Los resultados muestran que la actividad antioxidante más alta tiene el extracto de romero tipo Oxy’Less CS porque mostró la eficaz más alta en la protección de la grasa de cerdo de la oxidación, en comparación con otros antioxidantes probados. Los antioxidantes sintéticos el galato de propilo y butilhidroxianisol han aumentado satisfactoriamente la estabilidad de la grasa de cerdo a la oxidación, donde el galato de propilo ha mostrado mayor actividad antioxidante

    Impatto dell’aggiunta di antiossidanti sulla stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso

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    Mast jazavca ima ljekovita svojstva koja proizlaze iz načina ishrane jazavca. Životinjska mast podliježe oksidacijskom kvarenju tijekom proizvodnje, skladištenja i toplinske obrade. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj dodatka prirodnih antioksidanasa (ekstrakt ružmarina, ekstrakt kadulje, alfa tokoferol, mješavina tokoferola) i sintetskog antioksidansa propil galata na promjenu oksidacijske stabilnosti masti jazavca. Oksidacijska stabilnost masti jazavca, sa i bez dodanog antioksidansa, ispitivana je primjenom testa održivosti na 98 °C. Rezultati testa prikazani su kao vrijednost peroksidnog broja nakon određenog vremena držanja uzorka pri temperaturi 98 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da dodani antioksidansi uspješno stabiliziraju mast jazavca. Od prirodnih antioksidanasa veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost u masti jazavca ima ekstrakt ružmarina tip Oxy’Less CS. Postigao je veću efikasnost zaštite od oksidacije, u odnosu na druge ispitivane antioksidanse. Sintetski antioksidans propil galat uspješno je povećao stabilnost masti jazavca, ali je manje efikasan od ekstrakta ružmarina i mješavine tokoferola.Badger fat has healing properties resulting from badgers\u27 diet. Animal fat is subject to oxidative deterioration during production, storage and heat treatment. This study examined the effect of natural antioxidants (rosemary extract, sage extract, alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol blend) and synthetic antioxidant propyl gallate on the oxidative stability of badger fat. The oxidative stability of badger fat, with and without added antioxidant, was evaluated using the sustainability test at 98 °C. The test results were expressed as the peroxide value after keeping the samples for a certain period of time at the temperature of 98 °C. The results of the study showed that applying antioxidants successfully stabilises badger fat. Among natural antioxidants, the rosemary extract type Oxy\u27Less CS demonstrated higher antioxidant activity in badger fat. Compared to Other tested antioxidants, it was more efficient in achieving a greater protection from oxidation. Although the synthetic antioxidant propyl gallate successfully increased the stability of badger fat, it was less efficient than rosemary extract and tocopherol blends.Das Dachsfett hat heilende Eigenschaften, die aus der Ernährung von Dachsen resultieren. Tierisches Fett unterliegt bei der Herstellung, Lagerung und Wärmebehandlung einer Oxidation. In dieser Studie wurde die Wirkung natürlicher Antioxidantien (Rosmarinextrakt, Salbei-Extrakt, Alpha-Tocopherol, Mischtocopherolen) und synthetischen Antioxidationsmittels Propylgallat auf die Oxidationsstabilität von Dachsfett untersucht. Die Oxidationsstabilität von Dachsfett, mit und ohne Zusatz von Antioxidationsmittel, wurde mit Hilfe des Nachhaltigkeitstests bei 98°C bewertet. Die Ergebnisse werden als Peroxidzahl-Wert ausgedrückt, nachdem die Proben eine bestimmte Zeit lang bei einer Temperatur von 98°C aufbewahrt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die eingesetzten Antioxidantien das Dachsfett erfolgreich stabilisieren. Von den natürlichen Antioxidantien hat der Rosmarinextrakt vom Typ Oxy\u27Less CS eine höhere antioxidative Aktivität im Dachsfett. Es hat eine größere Wirksamkeit des Schutzes vor Oxidation im Vergleich zu anderen getesteten Antioxidantien erreicht. Das synthetische Antioxidationsmittel Propylgallat hat die Stabilität des Dachsfetts erfolgreich erhöht, aber weniger wirksam als Rosmarinextrakt und Tocopherol-Mischungen.La grasa de tejón tiene propiedades medicinales como el resultado de la dieta del tejón. La grasa animal está sujeta a la oxidación durante al producción, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento térmico. En este trabajo fue investigado el efecto de los antioxidantes naturales (el extracto de romero, el extracto de salvia, el alfatocoferol, la mezcla de tocoferoles) y del antioxidante sintético galato de propilo sobre la estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de tejón. La estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de tejón, con y sin antioxidante agregado, fue evaluada a través de la prueba de sostenibilidad a 98 °C. Los resultados de la prueba fueron mostrados como el índice de peróxido después de mantener la muestra por un tiempo a la temperatura de 98 °C. Los resultados muestran qu los antioxidantes añadidos estabilizan la grasa del tejón. Entre los antioxidantes naturales, la mayor actividad antioxidante en la grasa del tejón tiene el extracto de romero tipo Oxy’Less CS. Ha logrado una mayor eficiencia de la protección de la oxidación, en comparación con otros antioxidantes probados. El antioxidante sintético, el galato de propilo, ha aumentado la estabilidad de la grasa de tejón, pero fue menos eficaz que el extracto de romero y las mezclas de tocoferoles.Il grasso del tasso ha proprietà curative che derivano dal modo in cui l’animale viene alimentato. Il grasso animale è soggetto all’irrancidimento per ossidazione durante la produzione, l’immagazzinamento e il trattamento termico. In questo studio è stato esaminato l’impatto dell’aggiunta di antiossidanti naturali (estratto di rosmarino, estratto di salvia, alfa-tocoferolo, miscela di tocoferoli) e dell’antiossidante sintetico propile gallato sulla modificazione della stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso. La stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso, con e senza l’aggiunta d’antiossidanti, è stata esaminata mediante il test di sostenibilità a 98 °C. I risultati del test sono stati espressi come il valore del numero di perossidi dopo che il campione è stato tenuto per un certo tempo alla temperatura di 98° C. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che gli antiossidanti aggiunti stabilizzano efficacemente il grasso del tasso. Tra gli antiossidanti naturali, l’estratto di rosmarino tipo Oxy’Less CS ha fatto riscontrare una maggiore attività antiossidante. Esso ha garantito una protezione antiossidante superiore rispetto agli altri antiossidanti presi in esame. Anche l’antiossidante sintetico propile gallato ha aumentato la stabilità ossidativa del grasso del tasso, ma s’è dimostrato meno efficace dell’estratto di rosmarino e della miscela di tocoferoli

    Características reológicas de mayonesa de ensalada con la yema de los huevos de gallina y codorniz

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    U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj pojedinih sastojaka (uljne faze, vrste ugljikohidrata, mliječne komponente, graška u prahu, visokokoncentriranih proteina soje u prahu, žumanjka jajeta kokoši i prepelice) na reološke karakteristike salatne majoneze. Uljnu fazu majoneze (60%) čini rafinirano suncokretovo ulje (linolni tip, visokooleinski tip). Od ugljikohidrata korišteni su glukoza, laktoza, saharoza i inulin HD. Za mliječnu komponentu majoneze korišteno je punomasno mlijeko, obrano mlijeko, sirutka u prahu, sojin napitak, visokokoncentrirani proteini soje i grašak u prahu. Uzorci majoneze pripremljeni su sa žumanjkom jajeta kokoši i prepelice (svježi, pasterizirani, granule). Mehanički proces homogenizacije majoneze proveden je kod 10 000 o/min i vremena pripreme 1,5 minute, pri sobnoj temperaturi. Mjerenje reoloških svojstava provedeno je na rotacijskom viskozimetru s koncentričnim cilindrima pri temperaturama 10 ˚C i 25 ˚C. Ispitivan je i utjecaj žumanjka jajeta kokoši i prepelice na promjenu boje salatne majoneze instrumentalnom metodom. Iz dobivenih podataka izračunati su reološki parametri koeficijent konzistencije, indeks tečenja i prividna viskoznost. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da pojedini sastojci salatne majoneze utječu na njena reološka svojstva. Korištenjem mješavine rafiniranog suncokretovog ulja (linolni tip i visokooleinski tip 50:50), laktoze, mješavine punomasnog mlijeka u prahu i graška u prahu (50:50) te granula žumanjka jajeta (kokoši, prepelice) dobivene su veće vrijednosti reoloških parametara koeficijenta konzistencije i prividne viskoznosti, a manji indeks tečenja. Mjerenjem boje salatne majoneze kolorimetrom primjenom L*a*b sustava, zapaženo je da se žumanjkom jajeta kokoši postiže veća vrijednost parametra b koji opisuje intenzitet žute boje, u odnosu na žumanjak prepelice.In this paper. the influence of certain ingredients (oil phase. types of carbohydrates. milk components. peas powder. highly concentrated soy protein powder. hens and quail egg yolks) on the rheological characteristics of the salad mayonnaise were investigated. The oil phase of mayonnaise (60%) seems refined sunflower oil (linoleic type. high oleic type). Of carbohydrates used are glucose. lactose. sucrose and inulin HD. For dairy component of mayonnaise whole milk. skim milk. whey powder. soy drink. highly concentrated soy protein and peas powder were used. Samples of mayonnaise were prepared with hens and quail egg yolks (fresh. pasteurized. granules). Mechanical homogenization process of mayonnaise was conducted in 10 000 rpm and the preparation time was 1.5 minutes. at room temperature. Measuring rheological properties was conducted on a rotational viscometer with concentric spindles at 10 ˚C and 25 ˚C. Effect of hens and quail egg yolks on change of color salad mayonnaise was studied with instrumental method. From the obtained data. rheological parameters. consistency coefficient. flow behavior index and apparent viscosity were calculated. The results showed that certain ingredients salad mayonnaise affect its rheological properties. By using a mixture of refined sunflower oil (linoleic type. and high oleic type 50:50). lactose. mixtures of whole milk powder and peas powder (50:50) and yolk granules (hens. quail) obtained higher values of rheological parameters. consistency coefficient. apparent viscosity and lower flow behavior index were obtained. By measuring of salad mayonnaise color with colorimeter using the L * a * b system. it is observed that hens egg yolks results a higher value of the observed parameter b which is describing the intensity of yellow color. compared to the quail egg yolks.In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einzelner Inhaltsstoffe (Ölphase, diverse Kohlenhydrate, Milchkomponente, Erbsenpulver, hochkonzentriertes Sojaproteinpulver, Hühnerei- und Wachteileidotter) auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise untersucht. Die Ölphase der Mayonnaise (60%) besteht aus raffiniertem Sonnenblumenöl (mit hohem Linolsäuregehalt, mit hohem Ölsäuregehalt). Von den Kohlenhydraten wurden Glukose, Laktose, Saccharose und Inulin HD verwendet. Für die Milchkomponente der Mayonnaise wurden Vollmilch, fettarme Milch, Molkenpulver, Sojagetränkt, hochkonzentriertes Sojaprotein und Erbsenpulver verwendet. Die Mayonnaiseproben wurden aus Hühnerei- und Wachteleidotter zubereitet (frisch, pasteurisiert, Granulat). Das mechanische Verfahren der Homogenisierung der Mayonnaise wurde bei 10 000 o/min in 1,5 Minuten bei Zimmertemperatur durchgeführt. Die Messung der rheologischen Eigenschaften erfolgte auf einem Rotationsviskosimeter mit konzentrischen Zylindern bei Temperaturen von 10 ˚C und 25 ˚C. Anhand der instrumentellen Methode wurde auch die Auswirkung des Eidotters des Hühner- und Wachteleis auf die Änderung der Farbe der Salatmayonnaise untersucht. Aus den gewonnenen Daten wurden folgende rheologische Parameter errechnet: Konzistenzfaktor, Fließindex und scheinbare Viskosität. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass sich einzelne Inhaltsstoffe der Salatmayonnaise auf ihre rheologischen Eigenschaften auswirken. Durch Verwendung einer Mischung aus raffiniertem Sonnenblumenöl (Sonnenblumenöl mit hohem Linolsäuregehalt und Sonnenblumenöl mit hohem Ölsäuregehalt 50:50), Laktose, Mischung aus Vollmilchpulver und Erbsenpulver (50:50) sowie Eidottergranulat (Huhn, Wachtel) wurden höhere Werte der rheologischen Parameter bei dem Konzistenzfaktor und der scheinbaren Viskosität sowie ein niedrigerer Fließindex erreicht. Bei der Messung der Farbe der Salatmayonnaise anhand eines Kolorimeters durch Anwendung des L*a*b Systems wurde beobachtet, dass das Eigelb des Hühnereis im Vergleich zum Wachtelei einen höheren Wert des b Parameters aufweist.In questo studio è stata esaminata l’influenza di singoli ingredienti (fase oleosa, tipi di carboidrati, componenti del latte, piselli in polvere, proteine concentrate della soia in polvere, tuorli delle uova di gallina e quaglia) sulle caratteristiche reologiche della maionese da insalata. La fase oleosa della maionese (60%) è composta di olio di girasole (ad alto contenuto di acido linoleico, tipo “alto oleico”). Per quanto riguarda i carboidrati, sono stati impiegati il glucosio, il lattosio, il saccarosio e l’inulina HD. Per quanto concerne le componenti del latte, sono stati utilizzati latte intero, latte scremato, siero in polvere, latte di soia, proteine concentrate della soia in polvere e piselli in polvere. I campioni di maionese sono stati preparati con i tuorli delle uova di gallina e quaglia (freschi, pastorizzati, in granuli). Il processo meccanico dell’omogeneizzazione della maionese è stato eseguito a 100000 °/min, tempo di preparazione 1,5 minuti e a temperatura ambiente. La misurazione delle caratteristiche reologiche è stata eseguita nel rotoviscosimetro a cilindri concentrici alle temperature di 10 °C e 25 °C. Con il metodo strumentale è stata esaminata anche l’incidenza dei tuorli delle uova di gallina e quaglia sul mutamento del colore della maionese da insalata. Dai dati ottenuti sono stati calcolati i parametri reologici, il coefficiente di consistenza, l’indice di liquidità e la viscosità apparente. I risultati della ricerca hanno dimostrato che singoli ingredienti della maionese da insalata incidono sulle sue caratteristiche reologiche. Utilizzando una miscela di olio di girasole raffinato (ad alto contenuto di acido linoleico e tipo “alto oleico” 50:50), lattosio, una miscela di latte intero in polvere e piselli in polvere (50:50) e granuli dei tuorli di uova (di gallina, di quaglia) s’ottengono maggiori valori relativamente ai parametri reologici del coefficiente di consistenza e della viscosità apparente, ed inferiori rispetto all’indice di liquidità. Misurando il colore della maionese da insalata con un colorimetro ed applicando il sistema L*a*b, è stato osservato che, impiegando i tuorli delle uova di gallina, il valore del parametro b, che descrive l’intensità del colore giallo, risulta maggiorato rispetto ai tuorli delle uova di quaglia.En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de algunos ingredientes (las fases aceite, tipos de carbohidratos, componentes lácteos, gisante en polvo, proteinas de soya en polvo altamente concentrados, yemas de los huevos de gallina y de codorniz) sobre las características reológicas de mayonesa de ensalada. La fase aceite de la mayonesa (60%) etsá hecha de aceite de girasol (tipo linoleico, tipo alto oleico). Los carbohidratos usados son glucosa, lactosa, sacarosa e inulina HD. Como componente lácteo fue usada la leche entera, leche desnatada, suero de leche en polvo, leche de soya, proteinas de soya altamente concentrados y gisante en polvo. Las muestras de mayonesa fueron hechas de la yema de los huevos de gallina y de codorniz (frescas, pasteurizadas, gránulos). El proceso mecánico de la homogeneización de la mayonesa fue realizada en 10 000 o/min y con tiempo de preparación de 1,5 minutos, en temperatura de comfort. La medición de las características reológicas fue hecha en el viscosímetro de rotación con cilindros concéntricos bajo temperaturas de 10 °C y 25 °C. La influencia de la yema de los huevos de gallina y codorniz sobre el cambio del color de la mayonesa de ensalada fue probada con el método instrumental. Los párametros reológicos calculados usando los datos obtenidos fueron el coeficiente de consistencia, el índice de fluidez y la viscosidad aparente. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que algunos ingredientes de la mayonesa de ensalada influyen sobre sus características reológicas. Usando la mezcla del aceite de girasol refinado (tipo linoleico y tipo alto oleico 50:50), lactosa, la mezcla de la leche entera en polvo y gisante en polvo (50:50) y gránulos de la yema de huevo (gallinas, codornices) fueron obtenidos los valores más altos de los parámetros reológicos: el coeficiente de consistencias y la viscosidad aparente, y el ídice de fluidez más bajo. Mediendo el color de la mayonesa de ensalada con el colorímetro aplicando el sistema L*a*b, fue notado que con el uso de la yema del huevo de gallina se obtiene el valor más alto del parámetro b que describe la intensidad del color amarillo, con respecto a la yema del huevo de codorniz

    The impact of smoke point and aroma profile of sweet red pepper seed oil on culinary application and consumer acceptance

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    The category of edible plant oils with additional health and sustainable benefits is growing steadily. However, this category still represents a relatively small market segment known as ‘niche oils’. Oils derived from byproducts, especially seeds, are considered as functional foods due to their properties. However, to increase their usage, it is necessary to examine their sensory acceptability among consumers. The results of this research demonstrate that cold-pressed sweet pepper seed oil (Capsicum annuum L.), from the Podravka and Slavonka cultivars, is acceptable to consumers as an ingredient in meal preparation and in various processed food products, due to its favorable organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics. The quality of oil is highly dependent on the quick manipulation of pepper seeds. Pepper seeds, that have been dried for a shorter time, yield oil that has a higher smoke point (230 °C), which makes it suitable even for frying food. Aroma profile analysis revealed that cold-pressed sweet pepper seed oil is rich in terpene trans-β-ocimene (40%), as dominant component. Trans-β-ocimene plays a crucial role in the plant’s protective mechanisms their during growth and development. Consequently, sweet pepper seed oil represents a potential natural resource for isolating this terpene to be used as a biopesticide. Notably, this innovative oil is entirely produced from byproducts (seeds) and thus it provides an additional benefit for consumers who seek to contribute to the sustainability of our planet through their dietary choices. Therefore, this oil holds significant potential for closing the loop in the circular bioeconomy