15 research outputs found

    Aetiological profile of nasal trauma in Ilorin North-Central Nigeria

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    Background: The nose being the most prominent part of the face is easily traumatized in facial injuries and these has been found to be common among the Caucasians compared to the Africans and Asians. The aim is to ighlight the Aetiological profile of nasal trauma in Ilorin orth-central Nigeria. Method: A prospective study was carried out at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Ilorin, Ilorin, north central Nigeria over a period of one and half years of all trauma cases seen at the A/E department of the hospital and those with nasal trauma were further studied. The  data retrieved include demographic data, clinical presentation, and timing of presentation, examination findings, intervention offered and the outcome. Data were entered into SPSS 11.0 and analyzed descriptively. Results : A total of one hundred and six (106) patients with nasal trauma were seen during the study period with a prevalence rate of 7%. The age range 6months to 65years with the majority of the patients in the age range 21-34 years (35.8%). The Male to female ratio was 1.7:1.0 and most patients were students ( 28.3%), followed by the traders ( 22.6%) the least were children (8.5%).Road traffic injury (RTI) constituted the highest cause of the nasal trauma ( 57.5%),assaults (17%),falls from heights ( 8.5%) and others were 17%.Majority of the patients presented within 1-6hours of occurrence of the injury (61.3%) and only 24.5% presented less than an hour of the incidence. The common forms of presentation were epistaxis (40.6%), nasal lacerations and epistaxis (25.5%) and nasal fractures in only 10.4%.Involvement of both the passengers and the pedestrians was (57.5%) and most of them, 44.3% had surgical intervention and 40.6% had conservative treatment with a mortality rate of 0.9%. Conclusions: The prevalence of nasal trauma is 7% with RTI being the commonest cause in nearly two thirds of cases and cases of assaults only accounted for 17%.The commonest forms of presentation were epistaxis,nasal lacerations and nasal fractures in that order and most of them were surgically treated. Measures should be adopted to reduce incidence of RTI, with regulations enforced to protect pedestrians most of whom were the victims of these injuries.Key words: Nasal trauma, North-central, RTI, Epistaxis

    Knowledge And Attitude Of Nigerians On Snoring As A Health Problem

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    Abstract is simply that of adaptation , hence many do not This is a cross sectional study on snoring was consider it worthwhile to seek medical attention. There conducted among adults aged 18 years and above at is need to create public awareness on snoring as a Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling treatable health problem that require detailed technique using the primary health care (PHC) House evaluation with definitive medical, surgical and numbering was used to select households from which ancillary treatment of the condition. adult subjects were interviewed. 400 subjects were Key words: Low knowledge, attitude, Nigerians, sampled, 383 consented and completed the survey. This Snoring. gave a participatory rate of 96%. Introduction Pre-tested semi-structured questionnaires on Snoring is the production of sound from the knowledge, attitude of Nigerians on snoring as a health upper aero digestive tract during sleep due to turbulent problem were administered to the subjects by trained airflow 1. It is part of sleep disordered breathing (SPB) research assistants. Completed questionnaires were which ranged from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) at analyzed using EPI 2000 software package. one end to simple snoring at the other end 2. A total of 383 subjects were interviewed in the One of the most important risk factors associated with age range of 18-60 years (mean of 29.09 ±1.23 years) snoring is obesity. Over two-thirds of individuals with There were 194 females (50.7%) and 189 males Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) are 20% (49.3%) with a male/female sex ratio of 0.97 to 1.0. On above their ideal body weight 3. Obese individual have consideration of snoring as a health problem, majority enlarged neck size which make them to be prone to of the respondents 202 (52.7%) did not feel so, 147 snoring as their tongues fall back during sleep leading (38.4%) considered it as a health problem while 34 to obstruction 4. (8.9%) were undecided. Only 42 (11%) admitted they According to WHO, in 2005, there are 400 were told they snore, 290 (75.7%) do not snore while 51 million obese individuals in the world with a projection (13.3%) do not know if they snore. of 700 million by 2015 4. Obesity co-exists with the The age distribution showed increase of snorers with problem of under nutrition in developing countries increasing age, from 7.1% among 16-20 and 21-25 year affecting all ages and socio economic groups due age groups to 26.2% in 45years and above. probably to consumption of more energy dense, On the knowledge of predisposing factors of nutrient poor foods with high levels of sugar and snoring, 356 (93.5%) agreed that overweight/obesity is saturated fats 4. strongly associated, alcohol consumption in 206 Obesity rate has risen three folds or more since (53.8%), cigarette smoking among 169 (44.0%), 1980 in North America, United Kingdom, Eastern fatigue and tiredness in 94 (24.6%) and upper airway Europe, Middle East, Pacific Islands, Australia and obstructions amongst 68 (17.8%). On attitudes towards China 3. Other risk factors associated with snoring/ snorers, 71.1% claimed they adapt to it, only 23.3% OSAS include diabetes, hypertension, stroke and were disturbed and 15.4% simply ignore it. There was certain form of cancers 5, 6. no significant difference in gender and age group of the The clinical features associated with OSAS respondents in relation to whether they snore or not. include nocturnal symptoms such as loud snoring, The knowledge of snoring as a health problem fragmented sleep, apneas, restless sleep, among Nigerians is quite low despite their awareness of oesopharyngeal reflux and dry mouth with nightmares the predisposing factors/causes of snoring and attitudeis simply that of adaptation , hence many do not This is a cross sectional study on snoring was consider it worthwhile to seek medical attention. There conducted among adults aged 18 years and above at is need to create public awareness on snoring as a Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling treatable health problem that require detailed technique using the primary health care (PHC) House evaluation with definitive medical, surgical and numbering was used to select households from which ancillary treatment of the condition. adult subjects were interviewed. 400 subjects were Key words: Low knowledge, attitude, Nigerians, sampled, 383 consented and completed the survey. This Snoring

    Prevalence of snoring and symptoms of sleep disordered breathing among primary school pupils in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Background/Aim: Snoring is the production of sound from the upper aero-digestive tract during sleep due to turbulent airflow This study is to determine the prevalence, pattern, night and daytime symptoms of snoring among nursery and primary school pupils in Ilorin, Nigeria due to its public health importance. Materials and methods: This cross sectional survey was carried out among nursery /primary school pupils in Ilorin, Kwara state between April and September, 2010. Ten schools were selected randomly from 100 schools sited within the 3LGAs of Ilorin municipality. Also private and public schools with different parental social economic status were selected. The pupils were selected from nursery 2 to primary 6 in each school using the class registers with the aid of a table of random numbers with 1500 children assessed. The parents/guardians were made to fill the questionnaires and same returned with visitations to the schools twice weekly and reminders sent via phone calls. Data were analyzed using EPIINFO 2002 version 2 software. Results: 1500 questionnaires were given out but 909 were completely filled and returned (response rate of 61%.). There were 598(65.8%) non snorers (NSn) and 311(34.2%) snorers (Sn) at different scales with 153 male snorers to 158 female snorers. The ages of the children ranges from 3 to 16 years (mean � SD, 8.3 � 4.8 years. The mean age for the Sn was 8.2 and 8.3 for NSn (range 3–6 years). No statistical difference in age, gender or socio-economic status between Sn and NSn. 598(65.8%) were non snorers (NSn) and 311(34.2%) were snorers (Sn) especially in the age groups 3–6 years, 121(38.9%) and above 6 years of age 101(32.7%) and below 3 years were 89(28%). Conclusion: Snoring is an important health problem among the pupils as a significant percentage snores and most of them are between third and sixth year of lif

    Effects of application of phosphorus fertilizer on brown blotch disease of cowpea

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    A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of level of phosphorus application on brown blotch disease of cowpea during the planting seasons of 2001, 2002 and 2003. Application of phosphorus from Single Super Phosphate at 30, 60, 90, and 120 kg P2O5/ha significantly increased the number of petioles, pods, nodules, seed/pod leaf area and yield. The higher the level of application of phosphorus the higher values of all the parameters. Disease incidence and severity of brown blotch were significantly reduced at higher levels of phosphorus (90 and 120 kg/ha) irrespective of the method of application. Moreover, there were also increases in the grain yield of cowpe

    Biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Citrus sinesis seeds: Effects on hepatic and renal functional integrities and antioxidant activities.

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    Objective: This work reports the possible toxicological effects of AgNPs on the liver and kidney. Additionally, it also beamed its searchlight on its effects on the antioxidant defense mechanism in male Wistar rats.Method: Male Wistar rats (n=28) were used for the study. Control animals (n=7) were exposed to only drinking ware ad-libitum for 12 weeks. The remaining 21 rats were randomized into 3 groups of 7 animals each and were exposed to 50, 150 and 250 kg/mg body weight AgNPs biosynthesized from Citrus sinensisi for the same period after which blood and liver were removed from the rats and analyzed spectrophotometrically.Results: A non-significant reduction of plasma ALT, AST, ?GT and ALP characterized the effects of AgNPs in the animal tested. Similarly, AgNPs significantly depleted the plasma creatinine and urea level. The exposure also up-regulated the activities/concentration of antioxidant markers. Malondialdehyde concentration was also significantly depleted by AgNPs.Conclusion: The findings from this study revealed that biologically synthesized AgNPs induced no toxicological potential on hepatic and renal structural and functional integrity. Meanwhile, it enhanced the activities and concentration of antioxidant markers

    Descriptive analysis of salivary gland tumours in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Background: Salivary gland tumors are relatively uncommon lesions accounting for about 3-6% of head and neck tumors with 60 - 80% affecting the parotid glands.Objective: The aim is to analyse descriptively the pattern of salivary gland tumor seen in Ilorin, North-Central Nigeria.Methods: A retrospective analysis of histological slides reviewed by the pathologist of patients with primary epithelial salivary gland neoplasms operated between 2001 and 2010, in Otorhinolaryngology and General Surgery. Information regarding age, gender, and anatomical location of the tumors was retrieved from the patients' hospital records. All information was entered into a SPSS computer software and result presented in tables and figures.Results: A total of 56 case notes and slides were reviewed with 24 males and 32females (M:F-1.0:1.3), with the peak age of 21-30years in males and 31-40 among the females The mean age is 38.62yrs (SD = 18.4±2.5) . There were 31 (55.4%), 17 (30.4%), 8 (14.2%), parotid, submandibular and minor salivary glands tumours respectively. Histologically pleomorphic adenoma constituted the largest with 62.5% in both the submandibular and the parotid gland specimen analysis then, mucoepidermoid tumour in 26.7%, adenoid cystic carcinoma in 5.4% and 1.8% each of acinic cell tumour (malignant), poorly differentiated carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.Conclusion: Salivary tumours were slightly commoner among females with pleomorphic adenoma in the third to fifth decades of life being the commonest benign tumour and mucoepidermoid the commonest malignant variants in the 5th to 6th decades of life.Keywords: Salivary gland; Parotid; Pleomorphic adenoma; mucoepidermoid, female

    Macrotia - Acquired As Against Congenital: A Case Report

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    Wasp belongs to a group of insect that does not intentionally attack human unless threatened1. It is a member of the Hymenoptera order (which also includes bees and ants). Its consists of various proteinsand enzymes. It also contains an acetylcholine-like substance, histamine, serotonin and a kinin (peptides which cause slow muscle contractions and lower the arterial blood pressure)1. In most people the wasp sting causes an initial sharp localized pain followed by swelling and itching of the affected part. We present a case of a seventeen year old male student who presented with persistently protruding ear following a wasp sting on the affected left ear ten years duration. On the protruding ear, fine needle aspiration cytology was done but the result was inconclusive. A skin snip revealed only inflammatory cells with no evidence of microfilaria. A wedged incisional biopsy of the hypertrophied pinna was done under local anaesthesia. Biopsy was taken from anterior helix and the post auricular sulci area. The Histology report revealed inflammatory cell with no evidence of malignancy. Acquired Macrotia may be an unusual presentation in wasp sting, information on bites and stings should be incorporated within injury prevention programs in West Africa such as those developed by Farmsafe Australia.Key words: Macrotia, Otitis externa, wasp, Otorhinolaryngologis

    Vagal reflex stimulation complicating retrieval of an unusual foreign body from the laryngotracheal lumen: Case report

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    Foreign body impaction in the aero digestive tract is a life-threatening emergency, particularly in the paediatric age group. Removal under general anaesthesia poses both surgical and anaesthetic challenges and this may rarely result in mortality. We report a case of a 4 year old boy with an unusual foreign body (FB) impacted in the laryngotracheal causing difficult intubation and precluding tracheostomy with attendant vasovagal reflex stimulation and cardiac arrest. Clinical presentation and radiological evaluation of the patient were highlighted with a review of pertinent literature. We conclude that dis-impacting a foreign body in the trachea could potentiate bradycardia and cardiac arrest; co-existing hypercarbia and/or sepsis increase the risk and worsen the prognosis

    Otologic and audiological evaluation among HIV patients in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Background: HIV infection is the highest cause of death worldwide and presenting eventually with ENT regions.Objective: This study is to determine the prevalence of hearing loss and hearing patterns among adults Nigerians with HIV and causal relationships between CD4+ counts with the degree of hearing impairments.Methods: This prospective study was carried out among all consecutive HIV positive patients attending the clinic at the University of Ilorin teaching hospital (U.I.T.H.), Ilorin, Nigeria between January and July, 2008. They all had audiological assessments with a pure tone audiometer within the frequency range 250 to 8,000Hz to determine their hearing thresholds together with their CD+ counts estimations.Results: 89 were evaluated in the age range of 18 to 56 years (Mean 36.4 years, SD of 8.82) and the modal age group was 21-39 years (59.6%), 40-56 years (38.2%).There were 51 males (57.3%) and 38 females (42.7%) with a male/ female ratio of 1.3:1.0. Otological symptoms included tinnitus (15.7%), vertigo (15.7%), otalgia (14.6%) and hard of hearing (10%).Examinations showed bilateral serous Otitis media (glue ear) in 58 patients (65.1%) with no affectation of the facial nerves. PTA showed mixed, conductive and SNHL in 32 patients (36%), 20 patients (22.5%), 9 patients (10.1%)respectively and only 15 (16.9%) had normal hearing thresholds. The CD4+ counts ranged between 12 to 616. CD4 counts with hearing loss mostly < 300mm3.Conclusion: The prevalence of hearing loss is 87% among HIV infected patients, mostly mixed HL with causal relationships between reduced CD4+ counts of less than 300/mm3 with severity of hearing loss. The hearing loss can interfere with the communication and specific knowledge vital to the development of best practices towards ensuring the inclusion of hearing impaired in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programmes .Keywords: Hearing patterns; Pure tone Audiometry (PTA), CD4+ counts; Mixed hearing los

    Five year review of oropharyngeal cancer patients at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, north central Nigeria

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    Oropharyngeal tumours constitutes 10 to 12% of all head and neck malignancies, and Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common histological variant seen in 90% of cases. Studies have confirmed the high prevalence of the disease among males, and the roles of alcohol intake and cigarette smoking as risk factors are well documented. This is a retrospective  review of  socio-demographic and risk factors of oropharyngeal cancers in our practice. All cases of orophyryngeal cancer seen at Ear, Nose and Throat Department of University of Ilorin Teaching  Hospital (U.I.T.H) between July 2008 and June 2013 were reviewed. UITH has over 600 beds and is a tertiary institution for the University Medical Scohool.There were 27 cases, 15 (54.6%) were within 40-60 years, 7 (27.3%) were below 40 years, and 5 (18.2%) above 60 years. Seventeen (63.6%) were females and 10 (36.4%) males with male to female ratio of 1:1.7.  Twenty (72.7%) were non-smokers while 7 (27.3%) were smokers. Ten cases (36.4%) had history of alcohol intake while 17 (63.4%) did not take alcohol. Lateral wall and tonsil tumours constituted 55.6% (15) of the total, closely followed by base of the tongue tumours 7 (27.3%), then soft palatal tumours 5 (18.2%). There was none in the posterior pharyngeal wall. Seven patients (26.0%) had surgery followed by chemoradiation, 3 (11.1%) had chemoradiation only, while 17 (63.4%) either declined surgery or defaulted clinic follow-up. Two of the patients (7.4%) had associated HIV infection. This study showed relative high incidence of oropharyngeal tumours in young and middle aged females; who are non-alcohol drinking and non-smokers. Incidental finding of HIV infection in some of the patients is a pointer to the possible role of sexually transmitted viral infections in the epidemiology of oropharyngeal cancers and a focus for preventive measures.Keywords: Oropharyngeal cancer, risk factor, sexually transmitted viral infectio