423 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Differential Beamforming in Decentralized Networks

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    This paper proposes and analyzes a novel differential distributed beamforming strategy for decentralized two-way relay networks. In our strategy, the phases of the received signals at all relays are synchronized without requiring channel feedback or training symbols. Bit error rate (BER) expressions of the proposed strategy are provided for coherent and differential M-PSK modulation. Upper bounds, lower bounds, and simple approximations of the BER are also derived. Based on the theoretical and simulated BER performance, the proposed strategy offers a high system performance and low decoding complexity and delay without requiring channel state information at any transmitting or receiving antenna. Furthermore, the simple approximation of the BER upper bound shows that the proposed strategy enjoys the full diversity gain which is equal to the number of transmitting antennas

    A computationally efficient detector for MIMO systems

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    In this work, a newly designed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detector for implementation on software-defined-radio platforms is proposed and its performance and complexity are studied. In particular, we are interested in proposing and evaluating a MIMO detector that provides the optimal trade-off between the decoding complexity and bit error rate (BER) performance as compared to the state of the art detectors. The proposed MIMO decoding technique appears to find the optimal compromise between competing interests encountered in the implementation of advanced MIMO detectors in practical hardware systems where it i) exhibits deterministic decoding complexity, i.e., deterministic latency, ii) enjoys a good complexity–performance trade-off, i.e., it keeps the complexity considerably lower than that of the maximum likelihood detectors with almost optimal performance, iii) allows fully parameterizable performance to complexity trade-off where the performance (or complexity) of the MIMO detector can be adaptively adjusted without the requirement of changing the implementation, iv) enjoys simple implementation and fully supports parallel processing, and v) allows simple and efficient extension to soft-bit output generation for support of turbo decoding. From the simulation results, the proposed MIMO decoding technique shows a substantially improved complexity–performance trade-off as compared to the state of the art techniques

    Computationally Efficient Multi-Antenna Techniques for Multi-User Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks

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    In this work, we are interested in implementing, developing and evaluating multi-antenna techniques used for multi-user two-way wireless relay networks that provide a good tradeoff between the computational complexity and performance in terms of symbol error rate and achievable data rate. In particular, a variety of newly multi-antenna techniques is proposed and studied. Some techniques based on orthogonal projection enjoy low computational complexity. However, the performance penalty associated with them is high. Other techniques based on maximum likelihood strategy enjoy high performance, however, they suffer from very high computational complexity. The Other techniques based on randomization strategy provide a good trade-off between the computational complexity and performance where they enjoy low computational complexity with almost the same performance as compared to the techniques based on maximum likelihood strategy

    Multicultural healthcare providers in hospitals in the Gulf region

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    In Gulf areas, most of the population more than 50% comprises of people form the other nationalities and hence the doctors in gulf area also belong from the different nationalities. The patient–physician relationship is inherently unequal given the status differences between clinicians and help-seekers. The multiculturalism / or due to different nationalities raises a lot of problems for doctors as well as the patients and this affect the satisfaction level of the patients.  The absence of physician trust on behalf of this issue is considered to be a key mechanism underlying health care disparities. This study has been conducted to Gulf area is from different countries & this may lead to different ways of results in dealing with the patients at the same hospital which affects the patients’ satisfaction level. The study has found out that patients’ satisfaction level is highly dependent upon the nationality of doctors and similarity of the nationality. This issue can be overcome by training the healthcare professionals in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence and other skills in the hospital to have a higher patient satisfaction and to overcome the barriers that are aroused due to the different nationalities of the doctors. Descriptive research design is selected for this study because of its significance to the studies that will be directed in future and it is utilized to depict the specifications of the population under study

    Cross different countries views of bullying within school environment

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    The main component of bullying according to many definitions is the imbalance in power. This paper has mentioned statistics of bullying that happened in countries including Korea, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, India, European countries and North America, and different African regions. This indicated that bullying is a widespread phenomenon that needs to be examined more by conducting different research. Moreover, this paper has discussed accurately four main types of bullying including physical bullying, verbal bullying, relational bullying, and cyber bullying. In addition, causes include misconception of bullying, poor social skills, school or home-related struggles, lack of empathy, video games that include violence, and attentionseeking were discussed to show how these factors contribute to bullying. The paper found that long-term consequences would affect the victim such as poor social adjustment and low psychological well-being. Also, Negative consequences would affect the bully in a way that they have the probability to develop suicidal thoughts. Through the investigation of the literature review, some risk factors of being a victim of bullying were examined. The risk factors such as poor parenting style would increase the probability of being a victim. Eventually, the papers have discussed an intervention method used in Holland. This method relies upon involving teachers, parents, and students, in addition to establishing effective projects. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the bullying issue in a way that increases the awareness of all people especially people who are working in educational settings

    Evaluating the Baseline Chatacteristics of Static Balance in Young Adults

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    The objectives of this study (baseline study, n = 20) were to implement Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables, establish baseline data of selected variables which characterize static balance activities in a population of healthy young adult males, and to examine any trial effects on these variables. The results indicated that the implementation of Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables was practical and enabled baseline data to be established for selected variables. There was no significant trial effect. Recommendations were made for suitable tests to be used in later studies. Specifically it was found that one foot-tiptoes tests either in static balance is too challenging for most participants in normal circumstances. A one foot-flat eyes open test was considered to be representative and challenging for static balance

    Evaluating the Baseline Chatacteristics of Static Balance in Young Adults

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    The objectives of this study (baseline study, n = 20) were to implement Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables, establish baseline data of selected variables which characterize static balance activities in a population of healthy young adult males, and to examine any trial effects on these variables. The results indicated that the implementation of Matlab procedures for quantifying selected static balance variables was practical and enabled baseline data to be established for selected variables. There was no significant trial effect. Recommendations were made for suitable tests to be used in later studies. Specifically it was found that one foot-tiptoes tests either in static balance is too challenging for most participants in normal circumstances. A one foot-flat eyes open test was considered to be representative and challenging for static balance

    Medication Adherence and Self-Management Practices among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Jeli District, Kelantan, Malaysia

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    This study was carried out to investigate the level of medication adherence and diabetic knowledge among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Jeli District, Kelantan, Malaysia. This cross-sectional study was done from February to July 2019 by giving a questionnaire to 150 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients aged 40-80 years at three primary health cares in Jeli District, Kelantan, Malaysia. The quantitative descriptive method was used in this study. The findings of this study revealed that knowledge was significantly related to poor adherence. When sex, history of diabetes, and education were accounted for, patients with low diabetic knowledge had an odds ratio of 4.53 for poor adherence compared to those with high knowledge (adj 95% CI (1.92-10.69), p-value = 0.001). To achieve the goal of regulating diabetes management in primary health care, a clinical supervision program should be implemented to improve staff competence in diabetes management and to empower patients through self-management

    Isolation, Screening and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Pseudomonas species from Kelana Jaya Lake Soil in Selangor Malaysia

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    الكائنات الحية الدقيقة المسببة للأمراض من المستشفى والمجتمعات والبيئة تشكل تهديدات كبيرة لصحة الإنسان أصبح تطوير مقاومة المضادات الحيوية مصدر قلق كبير أيضًا. تهدف هذه الدراسة ، بالتالي ، إلى عزل وفحص وتقييم مدى حساسية المضادات الحيوية لأنواع السودوموناس المعزولة ضد أربعة مضادات حيوية (الجنتاميسين والتتر سيكلين والأمبيسيليلين والبنسلين) على لوحة وسائط مولر-هينتون أغار. عدة. تم استخدام نشر القرص وكذلك اختبار الأكسدة  من نتيجة الأكسدة الإيجابية ، تم التعرف على البكتيريا المعزولة مثلBurkholderia cepacia (97.6% ID),  ، Pseudomonas aeruginosa (99.5 – 99.9% ID),  ، و Pseudomonas fluorescent (75.9% ID).  وقد تبين أن السودوموناس كان عرضة لثلاثة مضادات حيوية فقط (الجنتاميسين ، التتراسيكلين ، والبنسلين) والتي تظهر منطقة تثبيط واضحة بينما كانت الزائفة? مقاومة للأمبيسيلين فقط مع عدم وجود منطقة تثبيط. البكتيريا المعزولة هي مصادر محتملة لتطوير المضادات الحيوية الفعالة ضد البكتيريا المقاومة.   الكلمات المفتاحية: المضادات الحيوية؛ المقاومة البكتيرية. الحساسية ، الزائفةPathogenic microorganisms from hospitals, communities, and the environment remain great threats to human health. The increasing concern about antibiotic resistance has also necessitated the search for robust alternatives. Therefore, this study aims to isolate, screen and evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from a soil sample taken from northern, western and eastern parts of Kelana Jaya Lake against four antibiotics (gentamycin, tetracycline, ampicillin, and penicillin) on a Mueller-Hinton Agar media plate. Pseudomonas identification was done by using API 20 kit. Disc diffusion was employed as well as the oxidase test. From the positive oxidase result, the isolated bacteria were identified as Burkholderia cepacia (97.6% ID), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (99.5-99.9% ID), and Pseudomonas fluorescent (75.9% ID). Only Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were further evaluated for antibiotic susceptibility tests. The result showed that P. aeruginosa was susceptible to only three antibiotics (gentamycin, tetracycline, and penicillin) showing a clear zone of inhibition while it was resistant to only ampicillin with no zone of inhibition. Soil isolates are potential sources for the development of effective antibiotics against resistant bacteria.  Keywords: Antibiotics; Bacterial resistance; Sensitivity, Pseudomona

    Causes and long-term consequences of child labour

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    Recently, the statistics show an incredible increase in child labor rates. The purpose of this paper is to point out the reasons behind child labor and the long term consequences. This research deeply investigates the case of Syrian refugees and how the number of Syrian children in labor increased due to the war conditions. The literature emphasized the low income of the family to be considered as the most common reason for child labor. From the literature, harming the bones is a wide range of physical consequences of child labor. I conclude that the country’s government show arrange programs that monitor child labor after school time, and arrange educational programs in the rural areas