10 research outputs found

    Molecular Mechanisms that Govern Stem Cell Differentiation and their Implications in Cancer

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    Mammalian development is orchestrated by global transcriptional changes, which drive cellular differentiation, giving rise to diverse cell types. The mechanisms that mediate the temporal control of early differentiation can be studied using embryonic stem cell (ESCs) and embryonal carcinoma cells (ECCs) as model systems. In these stem cells, differentiation signals induce transcriptional repression of genes that maintain pluripotency (PpG) and activation of genes required for lineage specification. Expression of PpGs is controlled by these genes’ proximal and distal regulatory elements, promoters and enhancers, respectively. Previously published work from our laboratory showed that during differentiation of ESCs, the repression of PpGs is accompanied by enhancer silencing mediated by the Lsd1/Mi2-NuRD-Dnmt3a complex. The enzymes in this complex catalyze histone H3K27Ac deacetylation and H3K4me1/2 demethylation followed by a gain of DNA methylation mediated by the DNA methyltransferase, Dnmt3a. The absence of these chromatin changes at PpG enhancers during ESC differentiation leads to their incomplete repression. In cancer, abnormal expression of PpG is commonly observed. Our studies show that in differentiating F9 embryonal carcinoma cells (F9 ECCs), PpG maintain substantial expression concomitant with an absence of Lsd1-mediated H3K4me1 demethylation at their respective enhancers. The continued presence of H3K4me1 blocks the downstream activity of Dnmt3a, leading to the absence of DNA methylation at these sites. The absence of Lsd1 activity at PpG enhancers establishes a “primed” chromatin state distinguished by the absence of DNA methylation and the presence of H3K4me1. We further established that the activity of Lsd1 in these cells was inhibited by Oct3/4, which was partially repressed post-differentiation. Our data reveal that sustained expression of the pioneer pluripotency factor Oct3/4 disrupts the enhancer silencing mechanism. This generates an aberrant “primed” enhancer state, which is susceptible to activation and supports tumorigenicity

    Whole-exome sequencing identifies cancer-associated variants of the endo-lysosomal ion transport channels in the Saudi population

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    Background: Although national efforts are underway to document the genomic variability of the Saudi population relative to other populations, such variability remains largely unexplored. Genetic variability is known to impact the fate of cells and increase or decrease the risk of a variety of complex diseases including cancer forms. Therefore, the identification of variants associated with cancer susceptibility in Saudi population may protect individuals from cancer or aid in patient-tailored therapies. The endo-lysosomal ion transport genes responsible for cationic ion homeostasis within the cell. We screened 703 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the endo-lysosomal ion transporter genes in the Saudi population and identified cancer-associated variants that have been reported in other populations. Methods: Utilizing previously derived local data of Whole-Exome Sequencing (WES), we examined SNPs of TPCN1, TPCN2, P2RX4, TRPM7, TRPV4, TRPV4, and TRPV6 genes. The SNPs were identified for those genes by our in-house database. We predicted the pathogenicity of these variants using in silico tools CADD, Polyphen-2, SIFT, PrimateAI, and FATHMM-XF. Then, we validated our findings by exploring the genetics database (VarSome, dbSNP NCB, OMIM, ClinVar, Ensembl, and GWAS Catalog) to further link cancer risk. Results: The WES database yielded 703 SNPs found in TPCN2, P2RX4, TRPM7, TRPV4, and TRPV6 genes in 1,144 subjects. The number of variants that were found to be common in our population was 150 SNPs. We identified 13 coding-region non-synonymous variants of the endo-lysosomal genes that were most common with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of ≥ 1 %. Twelve of these variants are rs2376558, rs3750965, rs61746574, rs35264875, rs3829241, rs72928978, rs25644, rs8042919, rs17881456, rs4987682, rs4987667, and rs4987657 that were classified as cancer-associated genes. Conclusion: Our study highlighted cancer-associated SNPs in the endo-lysosomal genes among Saudi individuals. The allelic frequencies on polymorphic variants confer susceptibility to complex diseases that are comparable to other populations. There is currently insufficient clinical data supporting the link between these SNPs and cancer risk in the Saudi population. Our data argues for initiating future cohort studies in which individuals with the identified SNPs are monitored and assessed for their likelihood of developing malignancies and therapy outcomes

    Cone dystrophy associated with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1

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    To report the association of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS1) with cone dystrophy in a large Saudi family. This is a Retrospective chart review and prospective genetic testing and ophthalmic examination of a large multiplex consanguineous family. Genetic testing was performed on 14 family members, seven of whom had detailed ophthalmic examinations. Medical history, ocular history and evaluation, visual field testing, full-field electroretinogram (ERG), and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) results were analyzed. Three family members were homozygous for c.205_208dupCAGG;p.(Asp70Alafs*148) in AIRE and homozygous for c.481-1G>A in PDE6C. One additional family member was homozygous for only the AIRE variant and another additional family member was homozygous for only the PDE6C variant. All patients with homozygosity for the PDE6C variant had cone dystrophy, and all patients with homozygosity for the AIRE variant had APS1. In addition, two of the family members who were homozygous for the PDE6C and AIRE variants had reduced rod function on ERG. We report the co-inheritance for APS1 and PDE6C-related cone dystrophy, an unusual example of two seemingly independent recessive conditions coinciding within a family. Dual molecular diagnosis must be taken into account by ophthalmologists facing unusual constellations of findings, especially in consanguineous families

    Dnmt3b Methylates DNA by a Noncooperative Mechanism, and Its Activity Is Unaffected by Manipulations at the Predicted Dimer Interface

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    The catalytic domains of the <i>de novo</i> DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a-C and Dnmt3b-C are highly homologous. However, their unique biochemical properties could potentially contribute to differences in the substrate preferences or biological functions of these enzymes. Dnmt3a-C forms tetramers through interactions at the dimer interface, which also promote multimerization on DNA and cooperativity. Similar to the case for processive enzymes, cooperativity allows Dnmt3a-C to methylate multiple sites on the same DNA molecule; however, it is unclear whether Dnmt3b-C methylates DNA by a cooperative or processive mechanism. The importance of the tetramer structure and cooperative mechanism is emphasized by the observation that the R882H mutation in the dimer interface of DNMT3A is highly prevalent in acute myeloid leukemia and leads to a substantial loss of its activity. Under conditions that distinguish between cooperativity and processivity, we show that in contrast to that of Dnmt3a-C, the activity of Dnmt3b-C is not cooperative and confirm the processivity of Dnmt3b-C and the full length Dnmt3b enzyme. Whereas the R878H mutation (mouse homologue of R882H) led to the loss of cooperativity of Dnmt3a-C, the activity and processivity of the analogous Dnmt3b-C R829H variant were comparable to those of the wild-type enzyme. Additionally, buffer acidification that attenuates the dimer interface interactions of Dnmt3a-C had no effect on Dnmt3b-C activity. Taken together, these results demonstrate an important mechanistic difference between Dnmt3b and Dnmt3a and suggest that interactions at the dimer interface may play a limited role in regulating Dnmt3b-C activity. These new insights have potential implications for the distinct biological roles of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b

    Biallelic variants in the small optic lobe calpain CAPN15 are associated with congenital eye anomalies, deafness and other neurodevelopmental deficits

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    Microphthalmia, coloboma and cataract are part of a spectrum of developmental eye disorders in humans affecting ~ 12 per 100 000 live births. Currently, variants in over 100 genes are known to underlie these conditions. However, at least 40% of affected individuals remain without a clinical genetic diagnosis, suggesting variants in additional genes may be responsible. Calpain 15 (CAPN15) is an intracellular cysteine protease belonging to the non-classical Small Optic Lobe (SOL) family of calpains, an important class of developmental proteins, as yet uncharacterised in vertebrates. We identified five individuals with microphthalmia and/or coloboma from four independent families carrying homozygous or compound heterozygous predicted damaging variants in CAPN15. Several individuals had additional phenotypes including growth deficits, developmental delay and hearing loss. We generated Capn15 knockout mice that exhibited similar severe developmental eye defects, including anophthalmia, microphthalmia, and cataract, and diminished growth. We demonstrate widespread Capn15 expression throughout the brain and central nervous system, strongest during early development, and decreasing postnatally. Together, these findings demonstrate a critical role of CAPN15 in vertebrate developmental eye disorders, and may signify a new developmental pathway

    Bi-allelic variants in CEP295 cause Seckel-like syndrome presenting with primary microcephaly, developmental delay, intellectual disability, short stature, craniofacial and digital abnormalitiesResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Pathogenic variants in the centrosome protein (CEP) family have been implicated in primary microcephaly, Seckel syndrome, and classical ciliopathies. However, most CEP genes remain unlinked to specific Mendelian genetic diseases in humans. We sought to explore the roles of CEP295 in human pathology. Methods: Whole-exome sequencing was performed to screen for pathogenic variants in patients with severe microcephaly. Patient-derived fibroblasts and CEP295-depleted U2OS and RPE1 cells were used to clarify the underlying pathomechanisms, including centriole/centrosome development, cell cycle and proliferation changes, and ciliogenesis. Complementary experiments using CEP295 mRNA were performed to determine the pathogenicity of the identified missense variant. Findings: Here, we report bi-allelic variants of CEP295 in four children from two unrelated families, characterized by severe primary microcephaly, short stature, developmental delay, intellectual disability, facial deformities, and abnormalities of fingers and toes, suggesting a Seckel-like syndrome. Mechanistically, depletion of CEP295 resulted in a decrease in the numbers of centrioles and centrosomes and triggered p53-dependent G1 cell cycle arrest. Moreover, loss of CEP295 causes extensive primary ciliary defects in both patient-derived fibroblasts and RPE1 cells. The results from complementary experiments revealed that the wild-type CEP295, but not the mutant protein, can correct the developmental defects of the centrosome/centriole and cilia in the patient-derived skin fibroblasts. Interpretation: This study reports CEP295 as a causative gene of the syndromic microcephaly phenotype in humans. Our study also demonstrates that defects in CEP295 result in primary ciliary defects. Funding: A full list of funding bodies that contributed to this study can be found under “Acknowledgments.

    Biallelic MED27 variants lead to variable ponto-cerebello-lental degeneration with movement disorders

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    MED27 is a subunit of the Mediator multiprotein complex, which is involved in transcriptional regulation. Biallelic MED27 variants have recently been suggested to be responsible for an autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental disorder with spasticity, cataracts, and cerebellar hypoplasia. We further delineate the clinical phenotype of MED27-related disease by characterizing the clinical and radiological features of 57 affected individuals from 30 unrelated families with biallelic MED27 variants. Utilizing exome sequencing and extensive international genetic data sharing, 39 unpublished affected individuals from 18 independent families with biallelic missense variants in MED27 have been identified (29 females, mean age at last follow-up 17±12.4 years, range 0.1-45). Follow-up and hitherto unreported clinical features were obtained from the published 12 families. Brain MRI scans from 34 cases were reviewed. MED27-related disease manifests as a broad phenotypic continuum ranging from developmental and epileptic-dyskinestic encephalopathy to variable neurodevelopmental disorder with movement abnormalities. It is characterised by mild to profound global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%), bilateral cataracts (89%), infantile hypotonia (74%), microcephaly (62%), gait ataxia (63%), dystonia (61%), variably combined with epilepsy (50%), limb spasticity (51%), facial dysmorphism (38%), and death before reaching adulthood (16%). Brain MRI revealed cerebellar atrophy (100%), white matter volume loss (76.4%), pontine hypoplasia (47.2%), and basal ganglia atrophy with signal alterations (44.4%). Previously unreported 39 affected individuals had seven homozygous pathogenic missense MED27 variants, five of which were recurrent. An emerging genotype-phenotype correlation was observed. This study provides a comprehensive clinical-radiological description of MED27-related disease, establishes genotype-phenotype and clinical-radiological correlations, and suggests a differential diagnosis with syndromes of cerebello-lental neurodegeneration and other subtypes of “neuro-MEDopathies”

    Biallelic MED27 variants lead to variable ponto-cerebello-lental degeneration with movement disorders

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