7 research outputs found

    ECOGRAFÍA BÁSICA: Identificación de estructuras (Taller)

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    Se realizó un taller teórico práctico para la identificación de estructuras básicas en el pie de nivel básico en el Congreso Nacional de Podología.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influences of ultrasound characteristics of the Achilles tendon on gait biomechanics

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    Existen diferencias en las características sonoanatómicas del tendón de Aquiles tanto en reposo como con una fuerza pasiva máxima entre hombres y mujeres. El género femenino presenta una mayor tensión deformación del Tendón de Aquiles en el ROM de la flexión dorsal de la marcha.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Variations in the Thickness of the Plantar Fascia After Training Based in Training Race. A Pilot Study

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    Plantar fascia (PF) is a connective tissue made up of mostly type 1 collagen that is subjected to constant loads. This study evaluated the effect of continuous running on tissue stress in the PF by measuring changes in the thickness of the PF using ultrasound scans. It was a cross-sectional study involving 24 runners from the University of Valencia, recruited as volunteers between December 2018 and February 2019. A variety of data was recorded: (age, body mass index, type of footwear, number of workouts per week, KM run per week, sports injuries in the last year, pre and postrace ultrasound PF measurements). There were significant differences in the 3 postrace measurements of the left foot (<0.001). PF thicknesses were measured before and after running, with a minimal average difference of 0.4 mm in the medial and central fascicles, and 0.3 mm in the lateral fascicle. We observed PF thicknesses above 4mm in asymptomatic patients with no signs of vascularisation, proving that increased PF thickness is not the only criterion for diagnosis of plantar fasciitis

    How susceptible are our Achilles Tendons? Sonoanatomical assessment. A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: the aim of this study is to observe whether there are ultrasound changes between men and women in the Achilles tendon at rest, at maximum passive force is applied and during walking. Material and methods: it was a cross-sectional study involving 27 healthy young participants recruited as vol-unteers between April to July 2022. A variety of data was recorded: (age, Body Mass Index, sex, smoking, current injury status, allergies, medications, previous surgeries, type of sport, and number of weekly workouts) and ultrasound measurements at rest and at passive force (Cross Sectional Area Achilles Tendon length, tendon thickness, Cross Sectional Area and pennation angle of the soleus muscle to the Achilles Tendon). Results: women demonstrated a statistically significant lower proximal and median thickness both at rest (4.5 vs 5.1 mm with p < 0.001 for proximal thickness; 4.4 vs 5.3 mm with p < 0.001 for median thickness) as well as during maximum eccentric contraction (4.3 vs 4.8 mm with p=<0.001 for proximal thickness; 4.1 vs 4.8 mm with p < 0.001 for median thickness). Conclusion: there are significant sonoanatomical differences in vivo Achilles tendon between men and women.Funding for opoen access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Variations in the Thickness of the Plantar Fascia After Training Based in Training Race. A Pilot Study

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    Plantar fascia (PF) is a connective tissue made up of mostly type 1 collagen that is subjected to constant loads. This study evaluated the effect of continuous running on tissue stress in the PF by measuring changes in the thickness of the PF using ultrasound scans. It was a cross-sectional study involving 24 runners from the University of Valen- cia, recruited as volunteers between December 2018 and February 2019. A variety of data was recorded: (age, body mass index, type of footwear, number of workouts per week, KM run per week, sports injuries in the last year, pre and postrace ultrasound PF measurements). There were significant differences in the 3 postrace meas- urements of the left foot (<0.001). PF thicknesses were measured before and after running, with a minimal average difference of 0.4 mm in the medial and central fascicles, and 0.3 mm in the lateral fascicle. We observed PF thick- nesses above 4mm in asymptomatic patients with no signs of vascularisation, proving that increased PF thickness is not the only criterion for diagnosis of plantar fasciitis.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Effect of Spatiotemporal Parameters on the Gait of Children Aged from 6 to 12 Years in Podiatric Tests: A Cross Sectional Study

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    The use of lower limb tests in the paediatric population is of great importance for diagnostic evaluations. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between the tests performed on the feet and ankles, covering all of its planes, and the spatiotemporal parameters of children’s gait. Methods: It is a cross-sectional observational study. Children aged between 6 and 12 years participated. Measurements were carried out in 2022. An analysis of three tests used to assess the feet and ankles (FPI, the ankle lunge test, and the lunge test), as well as a kinematic analysis of gait using OptoGait as a measurement tool, was performed. Results: The spatiotemporal parameters show how Jack’s Test is significant in the propulsion phase in its % parameter, with a p-value of 0.05 and a mean difference of 0.67%. Additionally, in the lunge test, we studied the % of midstance in the left foot, with a mean difference between the positive test and the 10 cm test of 10.76 (p value of 0.04). Conclusions: The diagnostic analysis of the functional limitation of the first toe (Jack’s test) is correlated with the spaciotemporal parameter of propulsion, as well as the lunge test, which is also correlated with the midstance phase of gait.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Follow-up of health-related quality of life and pain in a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis before and after COVID-19

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    The foot is one of the anatomical structures of the body most affected in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), associated with the disability of patients, even more during COVID-19. The aim of this study was to analyse whether the period of physical inactivity during COVID-19 is an influential factor on health-related quality of life and foot pain in patients with RA. Methods: 162 patients with foot pain and RA, recruited from the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Granada (Spain) were included. Data was collected during two different periods: January - December 2018 in person and June - September 2021 by phone. Patients were asked to complete the Spanish adapted version of the 12-Item Short Form Survey (SF-12) and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results: The results from the SF-12 questionnaires were divided between its two subscales (i.e., mental, and physical component). The physical component shows an improvement between 2018 and 2021, from 32.05in 2018–35.18 in 2021 (p < 0.05). The opposite happened with the mental component, showing a dete- rioration, from 39.69 in 2018–34.48 in 2021 (p < 0.05). Regarding pain, VAS shows higher levels of pain with statistically significant differences, both in general pain (from 6 in 2018–7 in 2012) and in foot pain (from 5 to 7), (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Mental quality of life and pain, both general and foot pain, are influenced by the period of physical inactivity during COVID-19.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU