14 research outputs found

    Communicable diseases in northwest Syria in the context of protracted armed conflict and earthquakes

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    The earthquakes in TĂŒrkiye and Syria in February, 2023, have caused further devastation in northwest Syria—an area already affected by protracted armed conflict, mass forced displacement, and inadequate health and humanitarian provision. The earthquake damaged infrastructure supporting water, sanitation, and hygiene, and health-care facilities. The disruptions to epidemiological surveillance and ongoing disease control measures resulting from the earthquake will accelerate and expand ongoing and new outbreaks of many communicable diseases including measles, cholera, tuberculosis, and leishmaniasis. Investing in existing early warning and response network activities in the area is essential. Antimicrobial resistance, which had already been an increasing concern in Syria before the earthquake, will also be exacerbated given the high number of traumatic injuries and breakdown of antimicrobial stewardship, and the collapse of infection prevention and control measures. Tackling communicable diseases in this setting requires multisectoral collaboration at the human–animal–environment nexus given the effect of the earthquakes on all these sectors. Without this collaboration, communicable disease outbreaks will further strain the already overburdened health system and cause further harm to the population

    Politicization of water, humanitarian response, and health in Syria as a contributor to the ongoing cholera outbreak

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    In September 2022, the Syrian Ministry of Health declared a cholera outbreak after a surge of acute watery diarrhea cases. Since then, cases have been reported across Syria, particularly in the northwest. This ongoing outbreak reflects a pattern of politicizing water, humanitarian response, and health throughout the country's protracted conflict. Interference with water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure has been a key component of this politicization, impeding detection, prevention, case management, and control. Droughts and floods have exacerbated the WASH situation, as have the early 2023 TĂŒrkiye-Syria earthquakes. The humanitarian response after the earthquakes has also faced politicization, leading to increased risk of surges in cases of cholera and other waterborne diseases. This has all occurred in a conflict where health care has been weaponized, attacks on health care and related infrastructure are the norm, and syndromic surveillance and outbreak response have been influenced and restricted by politics. Cholera outbreaks are entirely preventable; what we see in Syria is cholera reflecting the myriad ways in which the right to health has been brought under fire in the Syrian conflict. The recent earthquakes are additional assaults, which raise urgent concerns that a surge of cholera cases, particularly in northwest Syria, may now become uncontrolled

    Measles in conflict-affected northern Syria: results from an ongoing outbreak surveillance program

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    Background: The Syrian conflict has dramatically changed the public health landscape of Syria since its onset in March of 2011. Depleted resources, fractured health systems, and increased security risks have disrupted many routine services, including vaccinations, across several regions in Syria. Improving our understanding of infectious disease transmission in conflict-affected communities is imperative, particularly in the Syrian conflict. We utilize surveillance data from the Early Warning Alert and Response Network (EWARN) database managed by the Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) to explore trends in the incidence of measles in conflict-affected northern Syria and analyze two consecutive epidemics in 2017 and 2018. Methods: We conducted a retrospective time-series analysis of the incidence of clinically suspected cases of measles using EWARN data between January 2015 and June 2019. We compared regional and temporal trends to assess differences between geographic areas and across time. Results: Between January 2015 and June 2019, there were 30,241 clinically suspected cases of measles reported, compared to 3193 cases reported across the whole country in the decade leading up to the conflict. There were 960 regional events that met the measles outbreak threshold and significant differences in the medians of measles incidence across all years (p-value < 0.001) and in each pairwise comparison of years as well as across all geographic regions (p-value < 0.001). Although most governorates faced an elevated burden of cases in every year of the study, the measles epidemics of 2017 and 2018 in the governorates of Ar-Raqqa, Deir-Ez-Zor, and Idlib accounted for over 71% of the total suspected cases over the entire study period. Conclusions: The 2017 and 2018 measles epidemics were the largest since Syria eliminated the disease in 1999. The regions most affected by these outbreaks were areas of intense conflict and displacement between 2014 and 2018, including districts in Ar-Raqqa, Deir-Ez-Zor, and Idlib. The spread of measles in northern Syria serves as an indicator of low immunization coverage and limited access to care and highlights the Syrian peoples’ vulnerability to infectious diseases and vaccine preventable diseases in the setting of the current conflict

    “Actually, the psychological wounds are more difficult than physical injuries:” a qualitative analysis of the impacts of attacks on health on the personal and professional lives of health workers in the Syrian conflict

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    Abstract Introduction Attacks on healthcare in armed conflict have far-reaching impacts on the personal and professional lives of health workers, as well as the communities they serve. Despite this, even in protracted conflicts such as in Syria, health workers may choose to stay despite repeated attacks on health facilities, resulting in compounded traumas. This research explores the intermediate and long-term impacts of such attacks on healthcare on the local health professionals who have lived through them with the aim of strengthening the evidence base around such impacts and better supporting them. Methods We undertook purposive sampling of health workers in northwest and northeast Syria; we actively sought to interview non-physician and female health workers as these groups are often neglected in similar research. In-depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted in Arabic and transcribed into English for framework analysis. We used an a priori codebook to explore the short- and long-term impacts of attacks on the health workers and incorporated emergent themes as analysis progressed. Results A total of 40 health workers who had experienced attacks between 2013 and 2020 participated in IDIs. 13 were female (32.5%). Various health cadres including doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, students in healthcare and technicians were represented. They were mainly based in Idlib (39.5%), and Aleppo (37.5%) governorates. Themes emerged related to personal and professional impacts as well as coping mechanisms. The key themes include firstly the psychological harms, second the impacts of the nature of the attacks e.g. anticipatory stress related to the ‘double tap’ nature of attacks as well as opportunities related to coping mechanisms among health workers. Conclusion Violence against healthcare in Syria has had profound and lasting impacts on the health workforce due to the relentless and intentional targeting of healthcare facilities. They not only face the challenges of providing care for a conflict-affected population but are also part of the community themselves. They also face ethical dilemmas in their work leading to moral distress and moral injury. Donors must support funding for psychosocial support for health workers in Syria and similar contexts; the focus must be on supporting and enhancing existing context-specific coping strategies

    Disruption to water supply and waterborne communicable diseases in northeast Syria : a spatiotemporal analysis

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    Background: In Syria, disruption to water and sanitation systems, together with poor access to vaccination, forced displacement and overcrowding contribute to increases in waterborne diseases (WBDs). The aim of this study is to perform a spatiotemporal analysis to investigate potential associations between interruptions to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and WBDs in northeast Syria using data collected by the Early Warning Alert and Response Network (EWARN) from Deir-ez-Zor, Raqqa, Hassakeh and parts of Aleppo governorates. Methods: We reviewed the literature databases of MEDLINE and Google Scholar and the updates of ReliefWeb to obtain information on acute disruptions and attacks against water infrastructure in northeast Syria between January 2015 and June 2021. The EWARN weekly trends of five syndromes representing waterborne diseases were plotted and analysed to identify time trends and the influence of these disruptions. To investigate a potential relationship, the Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to compare districts with and without disruptions. Time series analyses were carried out on major disruptions to analyse their effect on WBD incidence. Results: The literature review found several instances where water infrastructure was attacked or disrupted, suggesting that water has been deliberately targeted by both state and non-state actors in northeast Syria throughout the conflict. Over time, there was an overall upwards trend of other acute diarrhoea (OAD, p &lt; 0.001), but downwards trends for acute jaundice syndrome, suspected typhoid fever and acute bloody diarrhoea. For the major disruption of the Alouk water plant, an interrupted time series analysis did not find a strong correlation between the disruption and changes in disease incidence in the weeks following the incident, but long-term increases in WBD were observed. Conclusions: While no strong immediate correlation could be established between disruptions to WASH and WBDs in northeast Syria, further research is essential to explore the impact of conflict-associated damage to civil infrastructure including WASH. This is vital though challenging given confounding factors which affect both WASH and WBDs in contexts like northeast Syria. As such, research which includes exploration of mitigation after damage to WASH is essential to improve understanding of impacts on quantity and quality of WASH. More granular research which explores the origin of cases of WBDs and how such communities are affected by challenges to WASH is needed. One step towards research on this, is the implementation of adequate reporting mechanisms for real time tracking of the WASH attacks, damages, direct effects, and likely impact in conjunction with environmental and public health bodies and surveillance systems