52 research outputs found

    Development And Characterization Of Biomass Gasifier-Combustor System For Hot Air Production3 [TP339. A883 2007 f rb].

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    Bahan api merupakan subjek utama dalam bidang pengajian, terutamanya untuk tenaga boleh diperbaharui, disebabkan oleh kekurangan bahan api fosil. Alternative fuels have been considered as a priority in the research field, especially for the renewable energy, due to the issue of fossil fuel depletion

    Development And Performance Of Turbocharger Based Micro Gas Turbine System Using Biomass Fuel

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    Alternative fuels are a priority in energy research field, due to issues of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation. Biomass is an important renewable energy fuel source for thermal and power applications, especially in countries like Malaysia where abundant biomass waste available. As for electrical power generation, interest has recently increased in small scale distributed generation (DG) due to its advantages over centralized power generation. Internal combustion (IC) engines, micro gas turbines (MGT) and wind turbines are the main candidates for DG technology. Biomass gasifiers with IC engines have shown success for power generation. However, one of the problems with these systems is the maintenance requirement, since producer gas has to be cleaned, cooled and dried before it can be used in IC engines

    Management of Medical Waste for Hospitals in the City of Diwaniyah and the Potential of Investing it to Achieve Sustainable Development

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    تعد النفايات الطبية من المشاكل التي ظهرت خلال العقدين الماضيين والتي لها أثار سلبية على الصحة العامة والبيئة, التي لا تزال تعرقل مسار التنمية المستدامة بسبب عدم تصريف النفايات الطبيّة والتخلص منها بطريقة سليمة, ومع ذلك لا تهتم الجهات المختصة لهذه المسألة اهتمام كبيراً، على الرغم من أنّ عدداً كبيراً من العاملون في المؤسسات الطبية والعاملون في مرافق التخلص من النفايات وعامة الناس قد يتعرضون لإصابات أو تلوث جراء التعرض غير المقصود لنفايات المؤسسات الصحية,لذلك بدأ الاهتمام من قبل المختصين في قضايا البيئة والمختصين في مجال الصحة والاخذ بدراستها بكافة ابعادها وبذلت الجهود لتقليل من اثارها من خلال ادارتها بطريقة صحيحة.  يهدف البحث في بيان طريقة ادارة النفايات الطبية للمستشفيات الحكومية في منطقة الدراسة وطرق معالجتها واظهر البحث افتقـار اغلب المستـشفيات الى التطبيق المنظم والصحيح لإدارة النفايات الطبية وقلة الوعي للعاملين في جمع النفايات الطبية من خلال حدوث خلط بين النفايات الطبية والنفايات العادية في بعض اقسام المستشفيات كما لم يتم وضع العلامات على اكياس النفايات لبيان مصادرها ومن أي قسم او شعبة, وان غرف التخزين لا تتوفر فيها شروط صحيحة التي اوصت به منظمة الصحة العالمية وتتم معالجة النفايات الطبية في جهاز الثرم والتعقيم رغم مميزاته الذي يقلل من تلوث البيئة الا انه له سلبيات واغلب المستشفيات تتم معالجه نفايتها الطبية في هاذين الجهازين المتوفرين في مستشفى الديوانية ومستشفى الولادة والاطفال الذي يتعرض الى ضغط كبير مما يتعرض الى اعطال كثيرة. وتناول البحث كيفية الاستثمار كحل مثالي للتخلص من للنفايات الطبية من أجل تحقيق التنمية المستدامة , إلى جانب ما خرج به البحث من مقترحات وتوصيات.Medical waste is one of the problems that emerged during the past two decades, which have negative impacts on public health and the environment, which continue to impede the path of sustainable development due to the lack of proper disposal and disposal of medical wastes. However, the competent authorities do not pay much attention to this issue, despite the fact that That a large number of workers in medical institutions and workers in waste disposal facilities and the general public may be exposed to injuries or pollution as a result of unintended exposure to the waste of health institutions. Therefore, attention by specialists in environmental issues and health professionals began to study it in all its dimensions, and efforts were made to reduce Raise it by managing it in a correct way. The research aims to show the method of medical waste management for government hospitals in the study area and the methods of its treatment. The research showed the lack of most hospitals in the orderly and correct application of medical waste management and the lack of awareness of workers in the collection of medical waste through the occurrence of confusion between medical waste and regular waste in some hospital departments, as it has not been done. Marking waste bags to indicate their sources and from which department or division, and that the storage rooms do not meet the correct conditions recommended by the World Health Organization, and medical waste is treated in a threshing and sterilization device despite its advantages that reduce environmental pollution, but it has drawbacks and most hospitals are treated Its medical waste is in these two devices, which are available at Al Diwaniyah Hospital and the Maternity and Children Hospital, which is subjected to great pressure, which is subject to many malfunctions. The research dealt with how to invest as an ideal solution to get rid of medical waste in order to achieve sustainable development, in addition to the proposals and recommendations that came out of the research

    Evaluating Land Suitability for Wheat Cultivation Criteria Analysis Fuzzy-AHP and Geospatial Techniques in Northern Basrah Governorate.

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    Land suitability assessment is essential for planned land management strategies aimed at preserving soil and increasing productivity while ensuring sustainable agricultural production. Land degradation resulting from poor land management and fallowing practices typically leads to low land productivity in Iraq. To maintain agricultural productivity in the targeted area, agricultural requirements must align with available resources through land suitability analysis. In the northern region of Basrah Governorate in Iraq, the study focused on integrating GIS-based land suitability analysis with the fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) approach. The analysis revealed varying suitability categories throughout the study area, with the largest proportion of unsuitable areas found in category N2, covering 31,202.36 hectares (37.76%), and category N1, currently unsuitable, covering an area of 19,956.24 hectares (24.15%). On the other hand, the moderately suitable category (S3) covered 8,297.26 hectares (10.04%), while the moderately suitable category (S2) covered 23,177.79 hectares (28.05%) of the total study area. No highly suitable lands were identified. The key determining factors for the suitability of lands for wheat cultivation were high values of electrical conductivity, carbonate minerals, bulk density, and low organic carbon content. Most agricultural lands are being used in a manner that contradicts their suitable potentials in the study area. Therefore, the pattern of agricultural land use needs to be adjusted based on their current potentials to reduce soil degradation

    Comparison of spheno-occipital synchondrosis maturation stages with three-dimensional assessment of mandibular growth

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    Background: This study aimed to compare spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS) maturation stages with a three-dimensional assessment of mandibular growth. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of a retrospective type, in which cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 500 patients aged 6 to 25 years (226 males and 274 females) were analyzed. The SOS was evaluated using the four-stage scoring system; completely open, partially fused, semi-fused, or completely fused. The SOS scoring and three-dimensional cephalometric measurements were analyzed by Invivo 6.0.3 software. Descriptive and analytical statistics were performed, and a P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in mandibular measurements among SOS maturation stages in both sexes (P < 0.05). The skeletal growth increments of mandibular variables across the SOS stages had higher mean differences between SOS stages 2 and 3 than those between stages 1 and 2 and stages 3 and 4 in both sexes. The mandibular growth curves increased with chronological age (earlier in females) and SOS maturation stages (mostly in stages 1, 2, and 3 than stage 4). Conclusions: The SOS maturation stages are valid and reliable mandibular skeletal indicators as evaluated with three-dimensional cephalometric mandibular measurements. The findings of growth increments and constructed growth curves of mandibular growth might be helpful in diagnosis and treatment planning.This project was supported by the Open Subject Foundation of Key Laboratory of Dental Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Biological Intelligence Manufacturing (20JR10RA653-ZDKF20210101), School of Stomatology, Lanzhou University, Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, PR China.Scopu

    Turbine startup methods for externally fired micro gas turbine (EFMGT) system using biomass fuels

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    The concept of external fired micro gas turbine (EFMGT) using biomass fuels is getting more attention in the last two decades. However, most of the studies were conducted using computer simulation to evaluate the EFMGT systems with a lack of experimental studies. A small scale EFMGT was developed using a vehicular turbocharger as a micro gas turbine. Different micro turbine startup methods were experimentally investigated with maximum turbine inlet temperature and pressure of about 694 °C and 2.1 bar, respectively. The difficulties experienced during the turbocharger engine startup process are reported in this paper. Driving the turbocharger shaft from the compressor side using the air flow hydraulic power was not a sufficient method for the EFMGT unlike the directly fired turbine. The only proven turbine startup method for the EFMGT is the mechanically driven turbine shaft.Biomass Heat exchanger Externally fired gas turbine Gasifier-combustor Turbocharger

    Mathematical model of stacked one-sided arrangement of the burners

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    Paper is aimed at computer simulation of the turbulent methane-air combustion in upgraded U-shaped boiler unit. To reduce the temperature in the flame and hence NOx release every burner output was reduced, but the number of the burners was increased. The subject of studying: complex of characteristics with space-time fields in the upgraded steam boiler E-370 with natural circulation. The flare structure, temperature and concentrations were determined computationally

    Prognostic performance of combined use of high-sensitivity troponin T and creatine kinase MB isoenzyme in high cardiovascular risk patients with end-stage renal disease

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    Background: The principal goal of this study was to determine the importance of high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnT) and creatine kinase MB isoenzyme (CK-MB) in predicting cardiovascular events in asymptomatic end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Methods: This study included 110 participants; 54 ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis and 56 healthy control participants. Biochemical parameters and cardiac markers were estimated. Comparative utilities were assessed through logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. Results: We found that 96.3% of ESRD patients had an elevated level of hs-TnT (mean, 0.049 ± 0.0324 μg/L) compared to healthy participants. Among patients with ESRD, hs-TnT showed significant correlations with the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (P = 0.042, r = 0.278) and total cholesterol/HDL-C (P = 0.044, r = 0.276) ratios. CK-MB (odds ratio [OR], 1.138; P = 0.04) and hs-TnT (OR, 2.153; P = 0.017) predicted cardiovascular events on logistic regression analysis, and the prediction was improved by the model that combined two cardiac markers. The diagnostic performance of hs-TnT and CK-MB alone and the combination of the two biomarkers was assessed by the area under the ROC curve (AUC). The highest AUC was produced by the combination of hs-TnT and CK-MB markers (0.920) compared to hs-TnT or CK-MB alone. Conclusion: In asymptomatic patients with ESRD, hs-TnT appeared to be an important predictor for cardiovascular mortality, and its diagnostic accuracy improved with CK-MB. This study provides new insights into the predictive value of multiple biomarkers for identifying cardiovascular events in ESRD patients on hemodialysis