367 research outputs found

    Identifying the CIO role configurations across the organisational life cycle stages

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    Arrival of the information age has made the role of the chief information officer (CIO) as vital as other C-suite managers. Since the emergence of the CIO role in the early 1980s, much has been written about it. However, its role remains ambiguous and ill-defined. It is anticipated that one of the main reasons for the lack of clarity and the ambiguity of the CIO role is that the organisational contingencies that shape that crucial role in an organisation have not been considered. The purpose of this research is to identify the role’s configuration for the chief information officer (CIO) across the organisational life cycle (OLC) stages. A quantitative study using component-based SEM was deployed to address three research questions and six hypotheses. This research takes a novel approach to investigate these questions and related hypotheses by empirically examining the relationship between a five stage model of the organisational life cycle and a configuration of six CIO roles. Data were obtained from 174 CIOs through a large scale Australia-wide survey. Findings suggest that the configurations of the CIO role differ across the five stages of the OLC. Results also revealed that CIOs tend to concentrate on the operational (or supply) side role during the early stages of the OLC, whereas a strategic (or demand) side role is predominant in the later stages and in the decline stage of the OLC. Furthermore, no significant interaction effects have been found for organisational information intensity and strategic IT vision which has been proposed to moderate the relationship between the independent variables of this study (the OLC stages) and its dependent variables (the CIO roles). The empirical findings of this study were used to develop the integrated OLC-CIO role framework that can be used to establish stage-wise thinking and improve situational awareness for modern CIOs. This research made several important contributions to existing knowledge and practice and adds substantially to our understanding regarding the role of the CIO in different stages of the OLC. Theoretically, this research has contributed to the growing body of knowledge by conducting an extensive review of the existing literature and addressing an existing gap—that is, investigating the CIO roles across different stages of the organisational life cycle. ii This research provided support to the OLC and CIO role theories, validated and modified two instruments, introduced two new definitions, and applied and evaluated PLS/SEM in testing complex model competently. The integrated OLC-CIO role framework developed in this study has many useful implications for practitioners, organisations’ top management, and for specialist education and training institutes responsible for preparing future CIOs. The limitations of this study are acknowledged and a number of suggestions for future research are provided that build on the theoretical and practical contributions of this study

    The CIO role expectations instrument: validation and model testing

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    The validation of IS instruments has not been given the attention that it deserves. This study uses component-based structural equation modelling (PLS/SEM) to investigate the psychometric properties and possible modelling of the CIO role expectations instrument based on data obtained from 174 Australian CIOs. Results show that the CIO role expectation instrument has exhibited solid validity and reliability indices despite some minor weaknesses. The results also demonstrate the possibility to model the constructs of this instrument in different null and hierarchical models, and the validity of this instrument to measure the CIO role in different types of industries not just the healthcare sector in which it was developed. The results provide support for CIO role theory on two central issues: (1) CIOs are fulfilling a configuration of roles not just one specific role (2) the CIO roles can be grouped into two major categories: supply side roles and demand side roles

    Bagdadi linna rohealade struktuurimuutuste vaatlemine perioodil 2000- 2018

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    Master’s thesis Curriculum in Landscape architectureDuring the past 18 years, Baghdad (the capital of Iraq) has been experiencing many radical changes in its political, economic, and cultural fronts. Whether through the invasion of 2003 or what followed after of proxy wars or terrorist attacks. All of this mischief has put to the government focus on security issues facing the country, and the rebuilding of infrastructure projects, which has led to destruction and neglect of a large amount of the city’s green infrastructure among other things through illegal building on private gardens and agriculture designated areas. This, in turn, has resulted in large sealed surface increasing and high urban heat island effect, which is being felt and reported by the city’s residents. In order to have some background, this thesis looks at first at the development of the master plan of Baghdad and the current governing bodies that control and regulate green areas, in addition to exploring literature to understand the benefits of green areas and trees for shade, thermal comfort, and improving the air quality. Then through the two methods: tracking the changes that have occurred in Baghdad in regards to the amount of green areas and number of trees through the mapping of four representative areas of different economic levels and time period building and historical value, and through questionnaires spread through social media, surveying the people’s perception of the city and their understanding and priorities when it comes to green areas and trees. It concluded that there has been a large loss in private gardens areas in all of the study sites neighbourhoods, and the disappearance of the agricultural outskirts of the city, which is referred to as “the green belt”. Moreover, that the people’s perception of these changes has been verified by mapping results of Baghdad.Viimase 18 aasta jooksul on Bagdad (Iraagi pealinn) kogenud mitmeid radikaalseid muutusi nii poliitika, majanduse kui kultuuri vallas, seda kas 2003. aasta sissetungi või sellele järgnenud varisõdade ja terrorirünnakute tõttu. Kõik see on pannud riigi valitsuse keskenduma julgeolekuküsimustele ja infrastruktuuri taastamisele, mis omakorda on põhjustanud suure osa linna rohealade hävitamise või hooletusse jätmise, mis muuhulgas hõlmab ebaseaduslikku ehitustööd eravalduses olevates aedades ja põllumajanduslikul maal. See omakorda on kaasa toonud suletud pindade osakaalu ja linna soojussaare efekti suurenemise, mida linnaelanikud tajuvad ja raporteerivad. Eesmärgiga anda taustaülevaade, käsitleb käesolev uurimus Bagdadi üldplaneeringu arengut ja praeguste võimuorganite tegevust, kes kontrollivad ja reguleerivad rohealasid, lisaks käsitletakse kirjandust, loomaks arusaama rohealade ja varju pakkuvate puude kasulikkusest, soojusmugavusest ning õhu kvaliteedi parandamisest. Seda on tehtud kahel meetodil: jälgides Bagdadis toimunud muutusi rohealade ja puude hulga osas, kaardistades selleks nelja representatiivset ala, mis erinevad omavahel elatustaseme, ehitusperioodi ja ajaloolise väärtuse poolest, ning levitades sotsiaalmeedias küsimustikke, saamaks aimu, kuidas inimesed oma linna tajuvad, ning millised on nende arusaamad ja prioriteedid rohealade ja puude osas. Kokkuvõtteks saab öelda, et kõigis uuritud piirkondades on toimunud isiklike aedade hulga laiaulatuslik vähenemine, samuti põllumajandusliku maa, millele viidatakse ka kui haljasvööndile, kadumine linna ümbrusest. Ka inimeste teadlikkus nende muutuste toimumisest on Bagdadi tulemuste kaardistamisel kinnitust saanud

    Study Effect Self-Frequency Shift of A Soliton in A Liquid Core Photonic Crystal Fibre

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          In this study, the dispersion curve family reveals that changing the liquid core fluoro-ethylene increases the dispersion curve and causes the curve to flatten at sugar solution 60% with the second zero dispersion point of the wavelength as the refractive index rises. The two zero dispersion wavelength shifts toward the visible region, and it's clear that Soliton's intensity at the second zero dispersion point is around 10% to 25% of its maximum. These peaks are further subdivided into low amplitude dispersive waves depending on the liquid core used at the anomalous region of the fiber. When a soliton approaches the second point of zero dispersion, the refractive index rises. A broadband continuum named "supercontinuum" will emerge as a result of soliton fission, dispersive wave radiation, and soliton self-frequency shifting. This type of expansion is important in many modern applications, such as medical, industry, and communication systems

    Study Of Some Anatomical Features Of Stevia Rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni Grown In Iraq

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    The leaves of Stevia rebaudiana, from Asteraceae family, are a source of steviol glycosides, which are utilized as a sweeter, more favorite addition. Among the most important anatomical results that were reached through the research and which distinguish the plant from an anatomical point of view are uniseriate-multicellular of non-glandular trichomes that are covered the epidermis of stem and leaves. Also, the vertical walls of the ordinary epidermis cells in the upper and lower epidermis that are heavily sinuous and the stomata scattered in both of it, the type of the stomata anomocytic. In addition, the mesophyll which differentiated into 2-3 layers of palisade cells under the upper epidermis and the spongy cells after it and the cross-section of midrib region of the leaf as crescent shape and the vascular bundle central, crescent shape