179 research outputs found

    Isomorphisms of AC(σ)AC(\sigma) spaces for linear graphs

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    We show that among compact subsets of the plane which are drawings of linear graphs, two sets σ\sigma and τ\tau are homeomorphic if and only if the corresponding spaces of absolutely continuous functions (in the sense of Ashton and Doust) are isomorphic as Banach algebras. This gives an analogue for this class of sets to the well-known result of Gelfand and Kolmogorov for C(Ω)C(\Omega) spaces.Comment: 18 pages. Minor revisions. To appear in Adv. Oper, Theor

    Isomorphisms of AC(σ)AC(\sigma) spaces for countable sets

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    It is known that the classical Banach--Stone theorem does not extend to the class of AC(σ)AC(\sigma) spaces of absolutely continuous functions defined on compact subsets of the complex plane. On the other hand, if σ\sigma is restricted to the set of compact polygons, then all the corresponding AC(σ)AC(\sigma) spaces are isomorphic. In this paper we examine the case where σ\sigma is the spectrum of a compact operator, and show that in this case one can obtain an infinite family of homeomorphic sets for which the corresponding function spaces are not isomorphic.Comment: 14 pages. Revised version with slightly expanded introduction. Some minor typos corrected. (To appear in the Proceedings of the 28th IWOTA, in "Operator Theory: Advances and Applications".

    AC(σ)AC(\sigma) spaces for polygonally inscribed curves

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    For certain families of compact subsets of the plane, the isomorphism class of the algebra of absolutely continuous functions on a set is completely determined by the homeomorphism class of the set. This is analogous to the Gelfand--Kolmogorov theorem for C(K)C(K) spaces. In this paper we define a family of compact sets comprising finite unions of convex curves and show that this family has the `Gelfand--Kolmogorov' property.Comment: 17 pages. Minor corrections to version

    Regenerative Endodontic Treatment for Immature Permanent Teeth “Literature Review"

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    يعتبر علاج الاسنان الدائمية غير الناضجة المصابة بنخر العصب تحدي لمعالجي جذور الاسنان العلاج التقليدي للأسنان الدائمية الفتيه غير مكتملة الجذور والمصابة بنخر العصب يشمل استعمال ماده هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم لفتره طويله من اجل حث عملية تكوين الجذر. وقد اكتشف العلماء طريقه لتحفيزالاعضاء لتصبح قادرة على اكمال نمو الجذر, والتي تشمل اغلاق فتحة الجذر الامر الذي فتح عهد لحشوات الجذور التجديدي. ان هذه العملية صممت لكي تعوض عن التراكيب والأنسجة المتضررة والمفقودة بأنسجة صحية ومنتجه حديثا، والتي هي قادره على ترميم الشكل والوظيفة للأسنان. عملية ((إعادة تكوين الأوعية)) أصبحت طريقة جديده للعلاج تهدف الى تعزيز اكمال تكوين الجذر بواسطة انغلاق للأنسجة الرابطة الجديدة في الفراغ الداخلي لتجويف اللب. لذألك فأن عملية إعادة تكوين الاوعية هي طريقة ذات جدوى في إنضاج الجذر مع زيادة في سمكه، والذي بدوره سوف يقود الى تقوية جدران جذورالاسنان الدائمية الفتيه.Eendodontics faces a dilemma when it comes to treating young teeth with pulp necrosis. Long-term administration of calcium hydroxide to induce apexcification is a common therapy for permanent teeth in children inadequate root development and pulp necrosis. Scientists would discover a method of stimulating before the end of the year, the root system will be fully developed, including apex closure organism, ushering in a new age a type of regenerative endodontic therapy that tries to predictably restore damaged, inadequate, and missing materials with healthy freshly created tissues, restoring the tooth pulp-dentin complex's inherent function shape and function.  Revascularization becomes a new treatment method that intends to promote root development completion by invaginating new connective tissue into the pulp cavity's inner space. Root maturation could be aided by revascularization result, root wall thickening and strengthening of immature permanent teeth

    The use of infrared thermal imaging as a marker of tissue perfusion and predictor of arteriovenous fistula outcomes

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    The gold standard of vascular access is the arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Unfortunately it is associated with high rates of failing to mature. Therefore the ability to predict AVF outcomes would change clinical practice. Predictive markers of AVF outcomes were assessed in chapter 2. The literature and our study showed numerous contradictions. In chapter 3 we assessed a multifactorial approach with a systematic review on predictive models of maturation. The review found few models and the disparity between each one limits the development of a unified model. Recent development in infrared thermal imaging (IRTI) technology has made it portable and easy to use. In Chapter 4, we proved that IRTI is a valid and user-friendly method of measuring skin temperature and is comparable to traditional methods of thermometry. IRTI can be used to quantity reactive hyperaemia following a vascular occlusion test (chapter 5). In Chapter 6 we showed that IRTI is an accurate tool in predicting AVF outcome. It was shown to have superiority to intra-operative thrill and other independent patient factors. In conclusion IRTI has a definite role in patients with vascular access. There is also potential for its use in patients with other conditions such as peripheral vascular disease

    Effect of Antibiotics on the Pathogenic Bacteria (K. pneumonia and P. aeruginosa) Isolated Around the Dental Implant Area

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    In this study, the bacterial isolates (36) were obtained from total 52 samples were taken Twenty K. pneumonia and sixteen P. aeruginosa isolates were found in the dental implant region of individuals of varying ages and sexes who visited a single dental clinic. It was determined what kind of bacteria had been identified by culture, microscopic characteristics and biochemical tests. The resistance and sensitivity of isolates to eight antibiotics (Ceftazidime CAZ, Amikacin Ak, Ciprofloxacin CIP, Chloramphenicol C, Meropenem MEM, Gentamycin GN, Imipenem IMI, Amoxicillin Clavulanate AMC) were studied, with depending on the diameter of the inhibition on Muller-Hinton Agar medium and its comparison with the standard ratios in the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, 2018). The results showed that the highest percentage of resistance K. pneumonia bacteria was to Ceftazidime and Amoxicillin Clavulanate, which reached (100% ,90%), respectively. It was followed by Gentamycin (77%), Ciprofloxacin (67%) and Amikacin was (40%). While the lowest percentage of resistance to the antibiotics (Imipenem, and Meropenem) were (25%) and Chloramphenicol was (20%). As for bacteria. aeruginosa the highest percentage of resistance was to the antibiotic Ceftazidime (93%), followed by the antibiotic Amikacin by (71%), Chloramphenicol (58%), Gentamycin (47%), Meropenem (42%), then the antibiotic Imipenem (40%) While the lower percentage of resistance to the antibiotic Amoxicillin Clavulanic (39%) and Ciprofloxacin (20%). This review provides a complex effect of antibiotics to understand of mechanism and effects of the antibiotic is the base for the new approaches in clinical treatments by which can effectively fight the groups of the resistant pathogens, in patients who are at high risk specially when undergo dental procedures

    The co-administration of anticancer and pro-apoptotic agents as a novel approach in liver cancer therapy

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma accounts for 85% of primary liver cancer that are usually characterised by defective or ineffective apoptosis which is considered to be the main cause of cancer progression. In this study, Cytochrome-C which is a pro-apoptotic protein is combined with hybrid (iron oxide-gold) nanoparticles and triggers mitochondrial downstream apoptosis pathway in the tumour cells. The nanoparticle complex enables delivery of this difficult protein through the cell membrane. In this research, five different anticancer drugs (doxorubicin, oxaliplatin, paclitaxel, vincristine and vinblastine) were used against liver cancer and U937 cell lines to assess their IC50 values alone and to check their toxicity after their co-administration with cytochrome C hybrid formulation. These combinations resulted in an increase in the cytotoxicity of the used chemotherapeutic drugs and remarkable decrease in the amount needed to kill hepatic cancer cells. For that reason, Iron-gold hybrid nanoparticles offer a promising tool for cytochrome-c delivery into tumour cells and enhance the specific targeting of therapeutic particles to their site of action. The preliminary results reflected the increasing killing abilities of chemotherapeutic therapies when co-administered with cytochrome C hybrid formulation by targeting the natural killing mechanism inside the cells and activating its pathways. Subsequent to these results, further work was done in formulation of one platform therapeutic device with Polymeric amphiphiles hydrophilic poly(allylamine) polymer (PAA) grafting with 5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thiol(oxadiazole, Ox). Paclitaxel (PTX) was selected as a hydrophobic drug model to check its water solubility behaviour after loading into PAA-HNP-C platform. These new devices showed a significant increase in drug uptake level and increase in PTX cytotoxicity against liver cancer cell lines. The data from this work showed a significant increase in the apoptosis activities of combining treatment anticancer agents (doxorubicin, paclitaxel, oxaliplatin, vinblastine and vincristine) and the hybrid formulation of the cytochrome-C within the liver cell lines, which leads to cellular death. Therefore, this combined method may give promise step for the future of liver cancer treatment regimes. In addition to, formulating the HNP-CYT-C and PTX into as active single platform for increasing the PTX cytotoxicity. More laboratory investigation is needed to check the activity of this formulation as a preparing step to further in vivo studies

    Re: ‘Preferred Strategy for Hemodialysis Access Creation in Elderly Patients’

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