547 research outputs found

    La influencia de los extractos de semillas de Rhus coriaria sobre la resistencia genética de Aspergillus amstelodami

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    Introduction: This study aims to investigate the safe use of Rhus coriaria seed extracts (water and ethanol) genetically on fungi Aspergillus amstelodami because the extensive use of plant in many pharmaceutical and food fields. Materials and methods: In this study A1 (Wa1) strain of the fungus A.spergillus amstelodami was used in all genetic testing, Rhus coriaria seeds were obtained from the local markets and two types of extracts were prepared (water and ethanol extracts of Rhus coriaria seeds), two types of resistance mutants were isolated both spontaneous and induced by using mutation agent (nitrous acid). Results and Discussion: In this study 18 spontaneous resistance mutation were isolated in frequency 4.26×10-5 and 96 induced mutations were induced by nitrous acid in Frequency39.76×10-5at (MIC) 16 mg / ml of the ethanol extract, and 22 spontaneous mutations were isolate in frequency 4.59×10-5 and 91 nitrous acid induced mutation with an average recurrence 37.36×10-5at (MIC) 25 mg / ml of water extract. Conclusion: We conclude that presence of resistant ability in A. amstelodami toward Rhus coriaria water and ethanol seeds extracts. Therefore, we suggest further thorough studies to detect the activity to plant extract in order to be use in agricultural pest control

    Assessment the Effect of Some Reagents on the Planktonic Cells and Biofilms of Red Complex Periodontal Pathogens

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    The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of four regents; two naturals, olibanum and alum, and two standards, ciprofloxacin (CIP) and chlorhexidine (CHX) to affect the growth and biofilm of three types of periodontal pathogens, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia, "the red complex group". Clinical isolates of the red complex pathogens were isolated from chronic periodontitis. They were identified by phenotypic properties and molecular method. The inhibitory activity of the four reagents was tested by microdilution method. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) on the bacterial plankton and minimal biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC) on biofilm of the four reagents in a single and combinational use was determined on mono- and polymicrobial populations. Simple linear regression modeling was used to explore the effect of each reagent and determine MICs and MBICs. All reagents showed inhibition activity against the growth of mono- and polymicrobial planktonic population. MIC values on polymicrobial growth were higher than on monomicrobial growth and MBICs were much higher. All reagents had antibacterial activity on a monomicrobial biofilm with greater significant effect on T. denticola then T. forsythia and P. gingivalis. On polymicrobial biofilm, just olibanum continued showing its effect whilst CHX was less effect and both alum and CIP had no effect. Combinational use with Olibanum encouraged the effect of other regents on polymicrobial biofilm. This combination is a promising medicated preparation to combat the subgingival plaque of red complex pathogens

    Local Power For Combining Independent Tests in The Presence of Nuisance Parameters For The Logistic Distribution

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    Four combination methods of independent tests for testing a simple hypothesis versus one-sided alternative are considered viz. Fisher, the logistic, the sum of P-values and the inverse normal method in case of logistic distribution. These methods are compared via local power in the presence of nuisance parameters for some values of α using simple random sample

    Response Characteristic of Cable Stayed Bridges under Static Loading and Due to the Earthquakes in Longitudinal Direction

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    This paper presents the dynamic (earthquake response) analysis of cable stayed bridges under different types of static loading and due to longitudinal directions of earthquake base excitations. The deck and the tower of the bridge were idealized by discrete element idealization scheme (space frame element) with warping considered as a seventh degree of freedom. For comparison purposes, the discrete element with six degrees of freedom (warping neglected) were also used to model the structure under investigation. The cables were modelled by the nonlinear truss elements. It was found that the warping becomes of significant influence on the behaviour of the bridge deck only if the deck is acted upon by loading that is coupled with initial torsional moment

    Influence of forced convection on the evaporation and internal dynamics inside of an array of salt solution droplets

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    The effects of a gentle forced air convection on the internal dynamics of an array of multiple pinned sessile salt solution droplets are investigated via fully-coupled transient ALE finite element analysis. Results highlight the competition between the shear-induced circulation within the droplets and the gravity-driven flow in the droplets arising from increasing liquid density in regions of high water evaporation. At low air speeds, gravity effects dominate, resulting in a non-uniform concentration distribution. However, at higher speeds the shear-induced circulation within the droplets becomes sufficient to mix the liquid within the droplets via a 3D flow pattern, resulting in greater concentration uniformity. In addition, the shielding effect of leading droplets on downstream droplets is explored for various air speeds, with results showing differences in average concentration levels

    Detection of Cpegene in Stool Samples of Food Poisoning Patients in Mosul/Iraq

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    In this study, 27 stool samples  collected from food poisoning patients in Mosul city were analyzed by both  bacteriological standard methods and  molecular methods. The bacteriological methods  used for enumeration of C. perfringens while the  nested PCR technique was used for detection cpe gene directly in stool samples in a method consists of a combination of nested PCR reaction with enrichment of the sample. Two pairs of oligonucleotide primers were used: the first primer pair amplifies a 425-bp fragment and the second pair amplifiesa199-bp within the 425-bp.  Results showed that the number of C. perfringens were less than 103cell/g gave a 199-bp amplified fragment which indicated that those samples contain cpe gene. When we compared nested PCR result with the number of C. perfringens,7 out of 9 samples(77. 8%) which have greater than 103of C. perfringens per g were  positive for cpe gene and 8 out of 18 samples(44. 4%) which have less than 103 of C. perfringens per g also gave cpe gene positive result

    A Study on Solid Waste Composition and Characteristics of Mosul City/Iraq

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    Mosul city, like many other cities in IRAQ, is currently experiencing serious problems at all stages of solid-waste management, that is the collection, sorting, transportation, and disposal of garbage. Presently,  Mosul city (1.52 millions inhabitants and 3.0 % growth rate) produces over 377264 tons of waste a year or 1033.6 tons per day .The above estimates was obtained through  solid waste survey comprising selected  families. These families were thought to represent the city  in terms of cultural, religious, economical and social aspects. 1680 sample of solid waste were collected from February  to end of June 2009. The results revealed that the city generated 0.68 kg/capita/day and that the usual composition was dominated by organic and food constituents. It appeared that social & economical aspects as well as the current instability and insecurity conditions of the country had a considerable impacts on both generation and composition of solid waste. The average studied physical and chemical properties were estimated and tabulated. Their values were (65-480Kg/m3), (90812KJ/Kg ), (50.2%) and (48.86Kg/100Kg) for density, total energy, moisture content and dry weight  respectively

    Microcontroller Servomotor for Maximum Effective Power Point for Solar Cell System

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    In this paper a Maximum Power point (MPP) tracking algorithm is developed using dual-axis servomotor feedback tracking control system. An efficient and accurate servomotor system is used to increase the system efficiency and reduces the solar cell system coast. The proposed automatic servo control system based on PIC microcontroller which is used to control the photovoltaic (PV) modules. This servo system will track the sun rays in order to get MPP during the day using direct radiation. A photo cell is used to sense the direct sun radiation and feedback a signal to the PIC microcontroller, and then the decisions are made through the microcontroller and send a command to the servomotor system to achieve maximum power generation. The proposed system is demonstrated through simulation results. Finally, using the proposed system based on PIC microcontroller, the system will be more efficient, minimum cost, and maximum power transfer is obtained