281 research outputs found

    The Role of Empathy and Sympathy in Character Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe and highlight the role of empathy and sympathy in character education. More specifically, the bridging function of empathy and sympathy to civility and their role in promoting development in the context of forgiveness will be emphasized. The paper is organized in five major parts. The first one consists of an introduction and a brief historical overview of character education followed by a discussion of the aims of character education and the school’s role in nurturing it. In the second part, an argument is made for forgiveness as a means of promoting development and enabling the individual to be an effective moral agent through the use of empathy and sympathy. In the third part, definitions and description of empathy are provided, steps of empathy are elaborated, and cautions in the use of empathy are offered. The fourth part defines and describes sympathy, its steps, and offers precautions in the use of sympathy. The fifth and final part gives a conclusion and offers implications for promoting use of empathy and sympathy as tools to strengthening character by restoring physical and socio-emotional well-being

    Strategic Functions in CNN’s Media Discourse: An Ideological Method to Convince People

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    The current research paper concentrates on the possibility of utilizing the four strategic functions of political discourse initiated by Chilton and Schaffner (1997) to analyze media discourse. More directly, the research is dealt with how Cable News Network (CNN) establishes the four strategic functions within its media discourse to convey its media message to its readers, reflecting its “Self” and “Other”. To go deep further, it focuses to know whether the four strategic functions of political discourse can be applied and utilized with media discourse or not. Hence, this research contributes to the realization of strategic functions notion in media discourse, in general, CNN news discourse, in particular. Thus, it seeks, mainly, to answer the following question: Can strategic functions be established and utilized within the media discourse to convey ideological media message to the recipients? The linguistic analysis of CNN’s news text that concerns with Arab spring events in Bahrain approves that the strategic functions concept can be detected within the analyzed data. Thus, this concept can be established and detected within the media news discourse, in general. As such, this study is designed to identify the prevailing strategic functions enacted through linguistic choices to reflect “Self” and “Other” ’s constructions in the CNN’s Arab spring news text by analyzing presupposition and the hidden ideologies behind. Fairclough’s 2-dimentional approach for CDA (1995) will be employed to organize the process of analysis. Wodak’s historical discourse approach for CDA (2009) will be integrated during the analysis to provide the readers with the background information necessary to understand the selected news texts. Square van Dijk’s theory of Ideological (1998) will be utilized to clarify CNN’s presentation of positive “Self” and negative “Other” (in and out groups)

    Nature and Determinants of CSR Disclosure: Experience of the Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies

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    Recently, much attention has been dedicated by researchers to the study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosures among corporations. However, most of the studies so far have been conducted in developed countries, with only a few being undertaken in developing countries. This study aims to investigate the extent to which CSR is disclosed in the annual reports of the Jordanian public shareholding companies. The study also examines whether the level of disclosure is influenced by a group of factors, including: age of the reporting company, sector, ownership structure, and market capitalization. In order to achieve its objectives, a research index with 41 items was designed for the purpose of data collection. In total, the annual reports and accounts and stand-alone CSR report of 234 public shareholding companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) for the fiscal year 2011 were analyzed. The findings of this study indicate that practice of CSR reporting is improving in Jordan (where percentage of disclosure reached 19% of the investigated items in comparison with 13% in 2004, see Suwaidan et al., 2004). In terms of the CSR dimensions, the results revealed that environment is still the weakest topic being disclosed (10.2%) while economic aspects are on the top of information disclosed (62.5%). One of the key results exposed in the current study is the weak engagement of the Jordanian largest businesses with stakeholders. This is evidenced by low attention being given to identify different groups of stakeholders, identifying their concerns, and presenting real responsiveness to these concerns. The study suggests that associations are exist between age of the reporting company and market capitalization with CSR disclosure (aggregated dimensions), while less associations exist between sector (industry type) and ownership structure with CSR reporting. This study concludes with some practical recommendations aiming at improving CSR practice and reporting practice within the Jordanian business environment. Keywords: CSR; Jordan; Public Shareholding Companies; Disclosure Practices; Corporate Characteristics; Disclosure Index

    The Role of Feedback in Teacher Professional Development

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    This paper examines how professional development (PD) facilitators obtain feedback about the effectiveness of sessions they facilitate and to what extent feedback is an integral part of their planning.  Three professional development facilitators with varying degrees of experience served as participants in this study.  One-on-one semi-structured interviews were used to collect data, and the data were analyzed utilizing an interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA). The findings showed that the participants obtained feedback from teachers using different methods before, during, and after their professional development sessions. The facilitators used feedback to plan and check the effectiveness of their sessions, and feedback was an integral part of their professional development work.

    The Deficits and Surplus in Implementation and Evaluation of Iraqi General Budget

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    As a result of the changes that have occurred in the constitution of the new Iraq, especially in light of the changing economic conditions and the opening of Iraq to the countries of the outside world as well as the result of the development of various technology sciences, which is the reason for the intervention of the state for the continuation of life and the exploitation of resources available within the country and which help in the service of society and the well-being. The State must take into account how resources are channeled and placed in the right place. Here, the importance of highlighting the public budget in Iraq has emerged, and there is also a need to estimate the public expenditure of the various units within the country. Therefore, it is necessary to move away from the traditional budget theory and the use of modern budgets such as balancing performance and programs or the budget of programming and planning or zero budget and other budgets that help the State in directing its revenues in exchange for its expenses or even to find a modern budget support for the theory of the traditional budget because the state budget is considered from The most important tools of the achievements of public performance. The general budget is the main tool in achieving the efficiency of the state organs in performance and implementation as planned by the legislative, executive and supervisory authority through the resources and expenditures of the general budget, in order to achieve the economic and social well-being of the country's citizens. Keywords: The Deficits, Surplus, Evaluation and General Budge

    Financing Higher Education Institutions: Experience of the Jordanian Public Universities

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    This paper investigates the financing options available to the public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Jordan. By referring to the extant literature as well as to the legislative framework in Jordan, a quantitative research instrument is designed for collecting data over five years (2009-2013) from the financial departments of 10 Jordanian public universities. The results suggest that public universities are significantly dependent on internal sources of finance rather than external ones to back their ongoing operations. On average, 77% of the total revenues of HEIs are generated from tuition fees, whereas governmental subsidies make around 13% of their total revenues. The findings of this study reveal that the administrators at the public HEIs experience fundamental challenges to secure sustainable sources of finance, namely: the limited operational income capacity generated from research, consultation, and teaching activities; the irregularity of the received governmental aid; and exhibiting shallow and modest investment strategies. The study reports significant associations between the universities’ size, age and location and their revenue structure. There are implications to the policy makers and regulators in the HE sector since the ramifications of the findings are intense on the HEIs, not only because their advance is pulled back, but also because their survival on the long run is challenged. Key words: Finance Options; Revenue Structure; Public Sector Accounting; Jordan; Government Subsidy; Public Universities

    The Reality of Social Responsibility in Private Universities in Riyadh

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    Now more than ever, educational institutions especially the large ones are called upon to hold responsibility, take the initiative to include that through their strategic plans. They should not to be limited in this field to only donations, sponsoring and organizing conferences or offering initiatives within the framework of public relations or marketing department, without developing plans and studying the needs in order to get to what is known as "smart donations" which guarantee the initiatives meeting the needs following conducting relevant studies and developing mechanisms to measure the extent of success. Universities have been and continue to be a platform for civilization in all communities. Therefore it became necessary that universities' administrations to seek to deepen the practices of the sense of social responsibility, and to encourage personnel to convert it from just a thought to a behavior of practicing social responsibility in the minds of personnel and students alike. Who could also contribute with the lion's share towards the public participatory developmental concern, which we hope that its effect and impact will reach various aspects of life. Then the citizen could enjoy firstly, the environment blessing (air, water and food), secondly stability and security blessing and voluntarily economical participation in society’s development. Thirdly, keeping pace with progress and development and providing the required benefits. This is possible only through profound understanding, good will, donor ship and granting, participation, commendable initiative, and benefiting from mutuality of interests fully. Al-Harthi (2011). Therefore, private sector, including non-governmental institutions of higher education like universities, colleges, and institutes should play a significant role in social responsibility, supporting government’s entities and sectors to achieve sustainable development, sharing success with the community, and finding many solutions in economic, social and environmental terms. The private sector may also participate by supporting social responsibility’s programs whether financially or by offering their support to those that do not require financial support. Meras (2010). In addition, the performance of higher education institutions and developing it is a global interest for all nations worldwide. The most significant feature distinguishing any community is its ability to command its vital institutions and programs, not only effectively and efficiently, but also fairly and innovatively, whereby the size of services existing in higher education institutions is connected with administrative system, which makes the mission of a university is to act as a link through guiding the principles and ethics adopted by that university, given that the success of any institution is the success of its administration. Consequently, the importance of the commitment higher education institutions and their adherence to proper leadership with a comprehensive philosophy for continuous improvement in order to achieve the ultimate quality in universities, which needs participation of all the elements to ensure universities’ continuity. Boon (2008)


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    Faisal Al Radhi dengan skripsi berjudul "Peranan Bank Mandiri Cabang Banda Aceh Dalam Menunjang Pengembangan Sektor Pertanian di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)". yang dibimbing oleh Bapak Ir. Edy Marsudi,M.Si sebagai pembimbing pertama dan ibu Zakiah. SP, M.Si sebagai pembimbing kedua.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh dalam menunjang pengembangan sektor pertanian di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) serta untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh terhadap peningkatan produksi sektor pertanian di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD).Penelitian ini dilakukan di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Aceh Barat dan Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja berdasarkan petunjuk dari Bank Mandiri dengan asumsi di dua kabupaten ini terdapat banyak petani dan unit usaha yang menerima kredit dari Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh. Objek penelitian terdiri atas Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh sebagai pihak kreditur dan petani yang memanfaatkan kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh sebagai pihak debitur. Ruang lingkup penelitian terbatas pada hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pengaruh kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh terhadap peningkatan produksi yang dihasilkan oleh petani dan unit usaha yang menerima kredit. Untukmengetahui peranan Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh dianalisis secara deskriptif.berdasarkan pada perbedaan persentase kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh dengan persentase kredit rata-rata yang disalurkan oleh semua Bank yang ada di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) untuk sektor pertanian. Sedangkan untuk melihat adanya pengaruh kredit yang disalurkan oleh.Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh terhadap peningkatan produksi sektor pertanian di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji beda yaitu statistik uji t.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan Bank Mandiri dalam menunjang pengembangan sektor pertanian di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) sudah cukup besar. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan lebih besarnya persentase kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh (16.27 persen) bila dibandingkan dengan persentase rata-rata kredit yang disalurkan oleh semua Bank yang ada di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (11,11 persen) untuk sektor pertanian. Sementara hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan uji t menunjukkan bahwa kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produksi sektor pertanian di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari lebih besarnya produksi yang dihasilkan oleh petani dari subsektor tanaman pangan kacang tanah. perkebunan kelapa sawit, dan peternakan ayam pedaging setelah mereka menerima dan menggunakan kredit yang disalurkan oleh Bank Mandiri dibandingkan sebelum mereka menerima dan menggunakan kredit. dimana hasil statistik uji t untuk masing-masing subsektor pertanian menunjukkan bahwa tcari>ttabel.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka disarankan kepada pihak perbankan agar dapat membangun pola kemitraan yang lebih baik dengan para petani. Hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui pembenahan dan perbaikan manajemen birokrasi pengelolaan kredit dengan membuat suatu kebijakan yang dapat mempermudah dan dapat mempercepat proses penyaluran kredit sehingga petani tidak merasa kesulitan dalam mengajukan permohonan pembiayaan kredit perbankan. Selain itu diharapkan kepada pemerintah untuk dapat memobilisasi Dinas Pertanian khususnya petugas penyuluh lapangan (PPL) yang selama ini terkesan tidak memberikan kontribusi yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap petani
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