6 research outputs found

    The Density of Coronal Plasma in Active Stellar Coronae

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    We have analyzed high-resolution X-ray spectra of a sample of 22 active stars observed with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on {\em Chandra} in order to investigate their coronal plasma density. Densities where investigated using the lines of the He-like ions O VII, Mg XI, and Si XIII. While Si XIII lines in all stars of the sample are compatible with the low-density limit, Mg XI lines betray the presence of high plasma densities (>1012> 10^{12} cm3^{-3}) for most of the sources with higher X-ray luminosity (>1030> 10^{30} erg/s); stars with higher LXL_X and LX/LbolL_X/L_{bol} tend to have higher densities at high temperatures. Ratios of O VII lines yield much lower densities of a few 101010^{10} cm3^{-3}, indicating that the ``hot'' and ``cool'' plasma resides in physically different structures. Our findings imply remarkably compact coronal structures, especially for the hotter plasma emitting the Mg XI lines characterized by coronal surface filling factor, fMgXIf_{MgXI}, ranging from 10410^{-4} to 10110^{-1}, while we find fOVIIf_{OVII} values from a few 10310^{-3} up to 1\sim 1 for the cooler plasma emitting the O VII lines. We find that fOVIIf_{OVII} approaches unity at the same stellar surface X-ray flux level as solar active regions, suggesting that these stars become completely covered by active regions. At the same surface flux level, fMgXIf_{MgXI} is seen to increase more sharply with increasing surface flux. These results appear to support earlier suggestions that hot 10710^7 K plasma in active coronae arises from flaring activity, and that this flaring activity increases markedly once the stellar surface becomes covered with active regions.Comment: 53 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. A version of the paper with higher quality figures is available from http://www.astropa.unipa.it/Library/preprint.htm

    Attitude determination and control system of Sharjah-sat-1

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    Sharjah-Sat-1 is the first CubeSat mission of the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST), in collaboration with Istanbul Technical University Space Systems Design and Test Laboratory (ITU-SSDTL) and Sabanci University (SU). The 3U+ CubeSat's primary payload is an improved X-Ray detector (iXRD), with the objectives of detecting hard X-rays from very bright X-ray sources, as well as studying the solar coronal holes. The secondary payload is a dual-camera system for Earth imaging. A dual-camera system will be used to image the SAASST building with a size of about 100m. The iXRD requires an attitude accuracy of 1 degree or better. Its full width at half maximum is 4.26 degrees with a linear response for the square collimator used. Every 1-degree pointing error will lead to 23% information loss. The ADCS subsystem of Sharjah-Sat-1 has been carefully determined and selected to ensure the success of its sophisticated mission, considering the constraints on the CubeSat standards with regards to size, mass, and power, the operational requirements of the mission, and space environmental disturbances expected throughout the mission's lifetime. Those disturbances are mostly encountered at low altitudes, and Sharjah-Sat-1 is planned to have a Sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of about 500 km, not exceeding 600km. The planned launch date of the mission is June 2022. The paper presents a discussion and evaluation of the ADCS system in detail and its importance in terms of the achievement of the Sharjah-Sat-1 scientific mission (both star/Sun imaging and Earth-imaging), the hardware and the software implemented for active control, and the various attitude determination and control modes for different sensors and actuators' configurations

    Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure

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    We present the first Doppler imaging study of the two rapidly rotating, single K-giants DP CVn and DI Psc in order to study the surface spot configuration and to pinpoint their stellar evolutionary status. Optical spectroscopy and photometry are used to determine the fundamental astrophysical properties. Doppler imaging is applied to recover the surface temperature distribution for both stars, while photometric light-curve inversions are carried out for studying the long-term changes of the surface activity of DP CVn. Surface differential rotation of DP CVn is estimated from cross-correlating the available subsequent Doppler reconstructions separated by roughly one rotation period. Both stars appear to have higher than normal lithium abundance, LTE log n of 2.28 (DP CVn) and 2.20 (DI Psc), and are supposed to be located at the end of the first Li dredge-up on the RGB. Photometric observations reveal rotational modulation with a period of 14.010 d (DP CVn) and 18.066 d (DI Psc). Doppler reconstructions from the available mapping lines well agree in the revealed spot patterns, recovering rather low latitude spots for both stars with temperature contrasts of Delta T ~ 600-800 K below the unspotted photospheric background. Spots at higher latitudes are also found but either with less contrast (DP CVn) or with smaller extent (DI Psc). A preliminary antisolar-type differential rotation with alpha=-0.035 is found for DP CVn from cross-correlating the subsequent Doppler images. Long-term photometric analysis supports the existence of active longitudes, as well as the differential rotation.Comment: accepted for publication in A&