23 research outputs found

    Treatment of Men Infertility using Low doses of Fenugreek Oil Extract

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    Fenugreek seeds are well known herbs that used traditionally as a spices, besides, their uses as a medicine for many diseases.Many researchers worked on the effects of these seeds on many diseases.In 2002, for  the 1st time,these  seeds used for  the treatment of the infertility. In this study, a trial to use the fenugreek seeds oil in the treatment of the infertility in man has been done.The results are so encouraging to consider fenugreek seed oil as a safest, cheapest and  an excellent medicine for the treatment of the infertility in men  due to oligospermia .Yet,  the mode of action can  not be explained. Keywords: infertility, fenugreek seeds oil

    The effect of Nigella sativa oils on hyper lipidemia in the human.

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    One of the most important cause of death , all over , the world is ischemic heart diseases & C.V.A.. The major  factor in the pathology of these two diseases is atherosclerosis, in which , diabetes , hypertension & hyper lipidemia play an evident roles in its causes(1)(2) . For these very important  reasons, scientists try their best to dissolve this problem ; once they try to reduce hyper lipidemia (all types of lipid) through regulation of diet , others try to use medications with or without diet regulation (3). However, medications used (for example statins ,nicotinic acid , lopid , tricor etc ……)have limited effects in reducing lipid level ,since it needs long time , can not be used in all conditions, besides, they are not free of risks as a side effects . Therefore , in the last decades , scientists turned their attention toward using  harmless herbs since, these herbs posses pharmacological principles. Besides , traditionally these herbs are widely utilized to improve human health through curing numerous diseases. Example for these herbs are fenugreek & nigella sativa(4)(5)(6) . According to the world Healt Organization (WHO) reports, 70-80%, of the people over the world , have a great confidence in traditional medical herb for primary health cure. For these reasons , 30% of all modern drugs are derived from plants(7) . One of these important plants that play a big role as medication is Nigella sativa mainly its dried seeds(8). Nigella sativa is an annual herbaceous plant from Ranunculaceae family producing small black seeds, which have characteristic aromatic odor & taste(9). Besides, its uses as a spices & condiment , it is one of important plants seeds that was used as a traditional medicine as a galactagogue , carminative , laxative besides their anti – parasitic properties(10) . Recently , animal studies have shown that extract of N.sativa have many therapeutic effects such as gastrotection, anti malignant effect(11) , & anti oxidant(12). The black seeds have different constituents such mucilage , crude fiber , alkaloid , sugar resins , saponins & proteins(8). Besides , they have high content of unsaturated fatty acids(13). One of these medical uses of N.sativa seeds is treatment of hyper lipidemia(4). Many scientist used the crude crushed N.Sativa seeds,  orally , in the treatment of the hyper lipidemia . This treatment had been used in experimental animals(14) & in human being(15). However the active ingredient , in N. Sativa seeds , is still obscure , besides , the mode of action is unknown

    The Effect of Metformin and Anastrozole on the Induced Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Rat. Morphological, Morphometric, and Histological Study

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of an important gynecologic disorder that attracts the attention of many scientists about its etiology, diagnosis and treatment. It is characterized by enlargement of the ovary, many macroscopic and microscopic changes, with disturbance of menstruation and infertility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a multifactorial disorder of unclear etiology. Its diagnosis depends on many criteria. Many lines of treatment are used which give different responses. Aim of study: Follow up the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome with metformin and anastrozole through morphological, morphometric and histological studies. Materials and methods: Twenty-one day old female rats had been involved in this study. Forth of them received nothing and considered as a control group while the remaining received testosterone to induce polycystic ovarian syndrome. The animals with polycystic ovary had been divided into three subgroups; the first one received nothing, while the second one treated with metformin and the last subgroup received anastrozole as a therapy. The morphological, morphometric and histological studies of each subgroups had been demonstrated and comparison between the results obtained of metformin and anastrozole treated subgroups had been analyzed. Result: The result collected from metformin treated subgroup revealed response to treatment, however, this response was inferior to the response of this syndrome to anastrozole. This was observed according to the morphological, morphometric and histological studies. Discussion: Metformin reduces insulin level in the blood which acts directly or systemically on the ovarian tissue to reduce androgen production, which in turn, improves the physiological cycle of sexual hormones. However, this improvement (reflected by macroscopic and microscopic results) did not approximate the normal value as anastrozole did. Anastrozole acts as aromatase enzyme inhibitor, therefore, inhibits aromatization of androgen into estrogen. This returned the hormonal cycle to almost normal status.              

    Sub Grouping of Lipase Enzymes According to Tween Substrate in Different Organs of Rat

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    Lipase is a general term involved types of lipase enzymes that hydrolyse long chain esters. Yet, no one knows which type of lipase is specific for certain organ or tissue.Therefore the aim of this study is to highlight which type of lipase enzymes subgroup is specific for each organ, using different tween substrates.Norway rats had been used. Different tissues had been taken from these animals. Detection of lipase enzyme, for each tissue, had been done by using Gomori method using different types of tween substrates.Different organs revealed different lipase enzymes activities according to the different substrates used in this experiment.From this study, different organs elicited their own lipase enzymes subgroups since different organs utilized different types of tweens as substrate and in different intensity. Keywords: Lipase, Gomori method, tween substrates.

    The Mode of Therapeutic Action of Metformin and Aromatase Enzyme Inhibitors in the Treatment of Induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Rat through using Immunohistochemical Technique

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    Background Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of well-known disorder that affects females during their reproductive period. The etiology and the pathogenesis of this disorder are still unclear since many scientists consider some factors are the causes of this disorder while the others proved them as a result of this disorder. In general, this disorder chaptalized mainly by hormonal imbalance which reflected itself as pathological changes which mainly summarized by multiple large cysts associated with clinical features mainly disturbance of menstruation and infertility. Two parameters play a principal role in pathogenesis and a guide line in the progression of the treatment. These are aromatase enzyme activity and estrogen receptor B distribution. Now a day many lines of treatment are involved in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, but the two important one are the use of antihyperinsulinemic drugs (like metformin) and aromatase inhibitors (like anastrozole). The aim of this research is to study the mode of action of these two drugs through using immunohistochemical techniques and illustrate their effect on aromatase enzyme activity and estrogen receptor B distribution in different ovarian tissues. Materials and methods: Twenty-six premature female Norway albino rats aged 21 day had been involved in this study. Five of them considered as controls while the others received testosterone for 4 weeks to induce polycystic ovary and considered as experimental group. The experimental group divided into 3 subgroups, the first one received nothing while the second one was treated with metformin and the third one was treated with anastrozole. In all the groups, the aromatase enzyme activity and estrogen receptor B distribution had been examined through using immunohistochemical technique. Result: The results revealed improvement in the syndrome reflected through increase in the activity of aromatase enzyme besides increase in the estrogen receptor B distribution in certain ovarian tissues. However the intensity of aromatase activity and the intensity of estrogen receptor expression varied according to the treatment used. Discussion: Both drugs, used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, were act through normalization of the sexual hormonal situation in order to preserve the normal histology and the physiological function of the ovary. However, anastrozole proved to be much better as a therapy than metformin in this line

    Evaluation of the effect of type II diabetes mellitus on Bone Mineral Density of Upper and Lower Limbs by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry

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    Background: Bone mineral density has been assessed using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. Bone mineral density is measured according to the results of the Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry examination of the vertebral column and pelvis. Although diabetes mellitus type II (DM) is known to affect bone mineral density, at the present time this particular relationship is not clear.  Objective: The aim of current study was to evaluate the effects of type II diabetes mellitus on bone mineral density of the upper and lower limbs as well as gender differences.   Patients and Methods: This study involved 165 patients complaining of bone pain (85 males and 80 females), 85 patients of who suffered from diabetes, involving both genders. In addition, 90 apparently healthy volunteers had been studied and were considered to constitute the control group. All individuals (255) were studied regarding their bone mineral density via Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for all parts of the body. Results: The Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry exam revealed highly statistically significant differences between the sides of the body in the same person. In addition, there were significant differences in bone mineral density between females and males, as well as between the control and patient groups with type II diabetes mellitus.  Conclusion: Our results indicated that the bone mineral density of women was less than that in men in all cases (normal, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus type II (DM) with osteoporosis). Other results obtained from this research revealed that diabetes mellitus type II (DM) can be considered to be one of the major causes of osteoporosis in the general populatio

    Evaluation of the effect of type II diabetes mellitus on Bone Mineral Density of Upper and Lower Limbs by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry

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    Background: Bone mineral density has been assessed using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. Bone mineral density is measured according to the results of the Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry examination of the vertebral column and pelvis. Although diabetes mellitus type II (DM) is known to affect bone mineral density, at the present time this particular relationship is not clear.  Objective: The aim of current study was to evaluate the effects of type II diabetes mellitus on bone mineral density of the upper and lower limbs as well as gender differences.   Patients and Methods: This study involved 165 patients complaining of bone pain (85 males and 80 females), 85 patients of who suffered from diabetes, involving both genders. In addition, 90 apparently healthy volunteers had been studied and were considered to constitute the control group. All individuals (255) were studied regarding their bone mineral density via Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for all parts of the body. Results: The Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry exam revealed highly statistically significant differences between the sides of the body in the same person. In addition, there were significant differences in bone mineral density between females and males, as well as between the control and patient groups with type II diabetes mellitus.  Conclusion: Our results indicated that the bone mineral density of women was less than that in men in all cases (normal, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus type II (DM) with osteoporosis). Other results obtained from this research revealed that diabetes mellitus type II (DM) can be considered to be one of the major causes of osteoporosis in the general populatio

    Scrotal Swelling as a Complication of Hydrochlorothiazide Induced Acute Pancreatitis

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    Background. Scrotal swelling is a rare complication of acute pancreatitis with few reported cases in the literature. In this case report, we present a 59-year-old male with hydrochlorothiazide induced pancreatitis who developed scrotal swelling. Case Presentation. A 59-year-old male presented to the emergency department with sharp epigastric abdominal pain that radiated to the back and chest. On physical examination, he had abdominal tenderness and distention with hypoactive bowel sounds. Computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen showed acute pancreatitis. The patient’s condition deteriorated and he was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). After he improved and was transferred out of the ICU, the patient developed swelling of the scrotum and penis. Ultrasound (US) of the scrotum showed large hydrocele bilaterally with no varicoceles or testicular masses. Good blood flow was observed for both testicles. The swelling diminished over the next eight days with the addition of Lasix and the patient was discharged home in stable condition. Conclusion. Scrotal swelling is a rare complication of acute pancreatitis. It usually resolves spontaneously with conservative medical management such as diuretics and elevation of the legs

    A widened pulse pressure: a potential valuable prognostic indicator of mortality in patients with sepsis

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    Background: Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and the most common cause of death among critically ill patients in non-coronary intensive care units. Previous studies have showed pulse pressure (PP) to be a predictor of fluid responsiveness in patients with sepsis. Additionally, previous studies have correlated PP to cardiovascular risk factors and increase in mortality in end-stage renal disease patients. Objectives: To determine the correlation between PP and mortality in patients with sepsis. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on 5,003 patients admitted with the diagnosis of sepsis using ICD-9 codes during the time period from January 2010 to December 2014 at two community-based hospitals in central Pennsylvania. Results: Our study findings showed significant decrease in the mortality when the PP was greater than 70 mmHg of patients with sepsis (p-value: 0.0003, odds ratio: 0.67, 95% confidence limit: 0.54–0.83). Conclusion: Based on our findings, we suggest that PP could be a valuable clinical tool in the early assessment of patients admitted with sepsis and could be used as a prognostic factor to assess and implement management therapy for the patients with sepsis

    A novel hybrid fall detection technique using body part tracking and acceleration

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    Falls by elderly individuals are a major issue in modern health care. A significant amount of research has been done in this domain. In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid solution for fall detection by using body part tracking and human body acceleration. The paper finds that in most cases vision-based fall detection systems work better and give a more accurate result when compared to non-vision-based systems because of the limitations of non-vision based systems (e.g., people forget to wear the wearable detection devices). The proposed system improves the accuracy of the state-of-the-art solution and reduces its computation cost. The vertical distances between head and body center, and human body acceleration are the features used in the proposed method and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used to classify the outcome into two classes. The depth image from a Kinect Camera was used as an input to avoid any privacy issues that may occur by using RGB-based texture images, and the events were classified as an activity of daily living (ADL) or a fall