833 research outputs found

    The level of knowledge management among kindergarten principals in the city of Amman from their perspective and its relationship with some variables

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    This study aimed to identify the level of knowledge management among kindergarten principals in the city of Amman from their perspective and its relationship with some variables. The study sample consisted of (102) principals selected randomly from several kindergartens, a questionnaire consisted of four domains has been designed, and its validity and reliability were verified. To analyze the data statistically, means and standard deviations were used, and "T" test was used for independent samples, one-way analysis of variance, and Scheffe' test, the study reached the following results: The level of knowledge management among kindergarten principals in Amman from their perspective got a high degree. There were no statistically significant differences among kindergarten principals attributed to the educational level, marital status, or experience with the exception of the development of intellectual and cognitive resources, differences came in favor of the less experienced. The study reached a set of recommendations such as conducting further studies in knowledge management that tackles the variables of this study and other variables that it didn't deal with, and holding training workshops in knowledge management for administrators and teachers. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Kindergarten Principal

    How to Make Learning Effectiveness with Mayer’s Multimedia Instructional Model

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    “People learn more deeply from words and graphics than from words alone” [19]. This assertion constitutes the basic principle of multimedia instruction as one of the trends in the digital education. Some of instructional material designers or developers are not familiar with the principles of learning with multimedia in the creation of learning materials which may negatively impact learning effectiveness. Hence, this literature review paper aims to present the theoretical aspects of Mayer’s multimedia instructional learning with the main focus on the tenets and principles. The paper also aims to derive a set of implications that hopefully be of value for teachers and instructional designers in higher education who often endeavor to design multimedia materials supporting the motivation and knowledge retention

    City of Jerusalem: Historical Reading of the Civilizational and Administrative Aspects of the Mamluk Era

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    This study aims to shed light on the civilized aspects of the city of Jerusalem during the Mamluk era. In this study, we will talk about the city of Jerusalem during the Mamluk era, as this city has met the sanctities of the three monotheistic religions, which made it the focus of attention of many writers and historians, as well as it had Its special place among intellectuals of that time, It also had many lovers, mainly after Jerusalem was occupied from the arms of the Islamic State. Besides the deteriorating conditions of the Islamic community in the Levant and Maghreb as a result of the Mughal takeover of Transoxiana, Iraq, and Iran, and the recovery movement launched by the Crusader forces against the Muslims of Andalusia, which Many scholars encouraged emigration and settlement as one of the prosperous Arab and Islamic cities in the era of the Mamluk sultans.Keywords: Historical Reading, Jerusalem, Muslims, Crusade

    Egyptian Prisons in the Era of the Mamluk Dynasty Period

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    This study deals with one of the common punitive punishments in the Mamluk rule community, which is the prison; which illustrates the actual image of the general situation at that time. The study dealt with the types of prisons and their names, as prisons were divided into several sections according to the kind of crime: the first section: political prisons, the second section: is concerned with criminals and the third section: regional jails. The study also reveals the causes and obligations of the prison, in addition to the prison administration, which was followed in its administration to the Sultan in some cases and others in other cases, without the direct supervision of the prisoners 'rulers, which made the prisoners subject to the most severe physical punishments, so this study came to shed light on Prisons and this group in that era, which is called prisoners. Keywords: Egyptian Prisons, Mamluk Dynast

    The Idea of Criminal Liability of the Commercial Company

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    The subject of the research acquires special importance, as it relates to the rule in criminal jurisprudence that responsibility is only related to the human person, although the legislator did not explicitly stipulate this rule, he presupposes it with the commands and intentions contained in the texts of the law that are directed to the people, because the actions that are criminalized by the texts of the law are supposed to be issued by a human being, and the prescribed penalties cannot be imagined being sent down to anyone other than a person, as a jurisprudential dispute arose about the criminal responsibility He acts through his representatives and does not have criminal capacity, and most criminal penalties cannot be applied to him, except that denying the will of the commercial company means the impossibility of him being a party to a contract, and therefore the impossibility of civil accountability, because he has no will, and this is a realistic and legally unacceptable result.[1] However, in reality, it is proven for entities other than the human being, just by their validity, as if they have one right, no matter how simple this right is, It proves to groups of human beings who have gathered together to achieve a common goal, or to groups of funds earmarked to achieve a specific purpose; this is due to the expansion of the circle of activity of these people in the modern era and their entry into most areas of life, especially commercial ones, which led to the commercial company occupying a dangerous position on the decisions of society and its basic interests, which led to the intervention of legislators by criminalizing some forms of behavior that occur from the representatives of these people The morale - the most important of which are commercial companies - during the performance of their work, and to decide on some measures or measures directed to protect the interests of society and its members from the dangers of these persons.[2] The topic of the research acquires special importance, as it relates to a contemporary and advanced topic that keeps pace with modern developments in our contemporary life and relates to the scope of criminalization and punishment in the field of commercial companies that have become using modern technology, where previously unknown crimes have appeared that require the intervention of the legislator to set penal rules to punish violators of the economic and commercial systems in force. Hence the problem of the study arose; Because the criminal penalties prescribed for combating crimes in violation of corporate provisions still include a set of traditional penalties included in the Penal Code and special legislation. We have addressed through this research the positions of the criminal responsibility of the commercial company and the nature and conditions of that responsibility. We also reached a set of results, most notably: the general rule is that criminal responsibility is personal, and only the person who committed the crime or participated in it is criminally responsible. However, the modern trend in punishment seeks to prosecute people who facilitated the commission of the crime because of their mere presence or because of their financial liability; we also reached a set of results, most notably: the general rule is that criminal responsibility is personal, and only the person who committed the crime or participated in it is criminally responsible. However, the modern trend in punishment seeks to prosecute people who facilitated the commission of the crime because of their mere presence or because of their financial liability; thus, it constitutes a departure from the principle of personal punishment. However, the criminal responsibility of legal persons does not prevent the liability of natural persons as principals or partners for the same facts. In terms of punishment, the law pertains to the commercial company with a special type of penalties: such as fines, confiscation, closure...etc. By extrapolating the crime within the scope of commercial companies and the responsibility for them, it becomes clear to us that a large number of them can only be imagined by a special person and not an ordinary person, with regard to refraining from carrying out an obligation imposed by law, as this obligation falls on certain persons. The legislator intervenes by establishing the criminal responsibility of the commercial company and by imposing a set of rules that must be respected in the commercial field, and this is supported by the necessary sanctions with the aim of ensuring trust and credit among traders as well as ensuring the stability of the economic situation in the country. Keywords: Corporate law, Penal law, Criminal liability of the commercial company. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/122-09 Publication date: July 31st 2022 [1] Dr. Fathi Anwar Ezzat, Economic Crime, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, first edition, 2009, p. 162. [2] Dr. Muhammad Subhi Najm, Penal Code, General Section, The General Theory of Crime, 3rd Edition, Dar Al Thaqafa Publishing, Amman. p. 286

    THz Electronics for Data Centre Wireless Links - the TERAPOD Project

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    This paper presents an overview of the terahertz (THz) resonant tunneling diode (RTD) technology that will be used as one of the approaches towards wireless data centres as envisioned on the eU H2020 TERAPOD project. We show an example 480 gm Ă— 680 gm THz source chip at 300 GHz employing a 4 gm Ă— 4 gm RTD device with 0.15 mW output power. We also show a basic laboratory wireless setup with this device in which up to 2.5 Gbps (limited by equipment) was demonstrated

    The Policy of Criminalization and Punishment Within the Scope of the Work of Commercial Companies

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    The research topic acquires special importance because it is related to a contemporary and evolving topic that keeps pace with modern developments in our contemporary life and it is related to the scope of criminalization and punishment in the field of commercial companies that are using modern technology means. Where previously unknown crimes have appeared that require the intervention of the legislator to set penal rules to punish violators of the economic and commercial systems in place. Hence the study problem arose; Because the criminal penalties prescribed for combating crimes in violation of corporate provisions still include a set of traditional penalties included in the Penal Code and special legislation. Also, we have addressed through this research the foundations of criminal intervention specialized in the scope of the commercial company and explained the special nature of crimes related to commercial companies, and we also dealt with the legislative approaches to confront these crimes. We also reached a set of results, most notably: the method of criminalization in the field of commercial companies followed by countries varies according to the approach followed by this or that country; There are countries that follow the traditional approach to criminalization in the field of companies, and there are other countries that follow the new method of having an independent special law. It constitutes an integrated system from both the substantive and procedural aspects, as for the most important recommendation, it was necessary for the legislator to intervene to tighten the penalties prescribed for the crime affecting the interests of commercial companies. Because it is insufficient and not a deterrent compared to the seriousness of the crime. Keywords: Corporate law, Penal law, Criminal liability of a legal person DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/121-10 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Educational Significance of the Qu'ranic Dialogue to Young Muslims in the West

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    This study sheds light on the ethical and social difficulties young Muslims face in the West. It aims to help Young Muslims fit socially without sacrificing their religion's principles, acquire Qu'ranic teachings and guidance, and assimilate Islamic principles and moral values that help them lead a righteous life. It attempts to achieve that by exposing young Muslims to the Qu'ranic educational significances and lessons and the moral values and Islamic principles derived from two types of Qu'ranic dialogue: the exchange dialogue and the speech dialogue. It seeks to develop a plan that enhances acquisition of ample Qu'ranic knowledge and guidance, assimilation of Qu'ranic ethical conducts, Islamic codes and social morals. It also seeks to provide Young Muslims with Qu’ranic teachings that strengthen their faith and immunity against non-Muslim passive social influences. As well, it helps Young Muslims refute the false claims about Islam. Moreover, this study recommends educationalists to help young Muslims eliminate indifference toward their religion, foster trust in themselves toward their Islamic identity and transfer this study into educational programs, and conduct further study from another perspective. Finally, this study concludes the abolition of young Muslims' ignorance of their religion and fostering the pure Islamic doctrine in their hearts

    IV Characteristics of a Stabilized Resonant Tunnelling Diodes

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    The presence of parasitic oscillations found in the negative differential region (NDR), which can distort the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the device is one of the main problems when designing resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) circuits. A new method for RTD stabilization is proposed based on work done previously on tunnel diodes and results show that there is a significant difference between the I-V characteristics of a tunnel diode and that of an RTD. This work shows promising potential for further increasing the RTD’s output power, DC-RF conversion efficiency and provides the basis for an accurate model of the NDR regio
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