97 research outputs found

    A novel power management and control design framework for resilient operation of microgrids

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    This thesis concerns the investigation of the integration of the microgrid, a form of future electric grids, with renewable energy sources, and electric vehicles. It presents an innovative modular tri-level hierarchical management and control design framework for the future grid as a radical departure from the ‘centralised’ paradigm in conventional systems, by capturing and exploiting the unique characteristics of a host of new actors in the energy arena - renewable energy sources, storage systems and electric vehicles. The formulation of the tri-level hierarchical management and control design framework involves a new perspective on the problem description of the power management of EVs within a microgrid, with the consideration of, among others, the bi-directional energy flow between storage and renewable sources. The chronological structure of the tri-level hierarchical management operation facilitates a modular power management and control framework from three levels: Microgrid Operator (MGO), Charging Station Operator (CSO), and Electric Vehicle Operator (EVO). At the top level is the MGO that handles long-term decisions of balancing the power flow between the Distributed Generators (DGs) and the electrical demand for a restructure realistic microgrid model. Optimal scheduling operation of the DGs and EVs is used within the MGO to minimise the total combined operating and emission costs of a hybrid microgrid including the unit commitment strategy. The results have convincingly revealed that discharging EVs could reduce the total cost of the microgrid operation. At the middle level is the CSO that manages medium-term decisions of centralising the operation of aggregated EVs connected to the bus-bar of the microgrid. An energy management concept of charging or discharging the power of EVs in different situations includes the impacts of frequency and voltage deviation on the system, which is developed upon the MGO model above. Comprehensive case studies show that the EVs can act as a regulator of the microgrid, and can control their participating role by discharging active or reactive power in mitigating frequency and/or voltage deviations. Finally, at the low level is the EVO that handles the short-term decisions of decentralising the functioning of an EV and essential power interfacing circuitry, as well as the generation of low-level switching functions. EVO level is a novel Power and Energy Management System (PEMS), which is further structured into three modular, hierarchical processes: Energy Management Shell (EMS), Power Management Shell (PMS), and Power Electronic Shell (PES). The shells operate chronologically with a different object and a different period term. Controlling the power electronics interfacing circuitry is an essential part of the integration of EVs into the microgrid within the EMS. A modified, multi-level, H-bridge cascade inverter without the use of a main (bulky) inductor is proposed to achieve good performance, high power density, and high efficiency. The proposed inverter can operate with multiple energy resources connected in series to create a synergized energy system. In addition, the integration of EVs into a simulated microgrid environment via a modified multi-level architecture with a novel method of Space Vector Modulation (SVM) by the PES is implemented and validated experimentally. The results from the SVM implementation demonstrate a viable alternative switching scheme for high-performance inverters in EV applications. The comprehensive simulation results from the MGO and CSO models, together with the experimental results at the EVO level, not only validate the distinctive functionality of each layer within a novel synergy to harness multiple energy resources, but also serve to provide compelling evidence for the potential of the proposed energy management and control framework in the design of future electric grids. The design framework provides an essential design to for grid modernisation

    IGF axis expression and activity in differentiating dental pulp cells

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    The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis comprises two growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II), two cell surface receptors (IGF1R and IGF2R), six high affinity soluble IGF binding proteins (IGFBP1-6) and various families of IGFBP proteases. The IGF axis acts co-ordinately to control several cellular processes including mitogenesis, apoptosis, cell migration and differentiation. In this latter respect the IGFs are the most abundant growth factors present in bone matrix and the IGF axis is believed to play an important role in the differentiation of osteoblast precursors and also to control bone accretion and resorption which occurs throughout adult life. There is much interest in the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a resource for tissue engineering approaches in the restoration of bone and other hard tissue lesions. As such a thorough knowledge of the effects of the IGF axis on osteogenic differentiation is essential to the success of such tissue engineering approaches. In our laboratories we use dental pulp/stromal cells (DPCs) as a source of precursor cells which can be differentiated to an osteogenic phenotype by culture under appropriate conditions. In order to address some of the issues raised above we have examined the expression and activity of the IGF axis in DPCs which have been induced to differentiate to an osteogenic/matrix mineralising phenotype in vitro. We found that DPCs express all components of the IGF axis (except IGF-I and IGFBP-1) under both basal and osteogenic conditions. With respect to IGFBPs we report that IGFBP protein concentrations in DPC conditioned medium closely follow mRNA levels prepared from DPCs. IGFBP-4 is the most abundant IGFBP in both basal and osteogenic DPCs and levels are not altered between basal and osteogenic cultures. IGFBP-4 and -5 inhibit IG-I and IGF-II stimulated osteogenic differentiation in DPCs. Of some interest although IGFBP-4 expression is not altered by differentiation of DPCs IGFBP-4 proteolysis is enhanced under osteogenic conditions. Subsequently we found that pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) is the sole IGFBP-4 protease in DPC conditioned medium and its concentration is increased under osteogenic conditions. Further IGF-II (an activator of PAPP-A) and stanniocalcin-2 (STC2- an inhibitor of PAPP-A) concentrations are respectively increased and decreased during osteogenic differentiation of DPCs. We suggest that our data may represent a series of coordinated changes in IGF axis expression and activity which represent a novel osteogenic “signature” of differentiating DPCs

    Spatial Analysis of the Results of Parliamentary Elections in Babylon Governorate in 2018

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     . يهتم البحث ببيان جغرافية الدعم التصويتي للأحزاب والكتل الفائزة في انتخابات 12\أيار\2018 البرلمانية؛ وذلك من خلال اجراء تحليل جغرافي لنتائج الانتخابات بالاعتماد على بيانات الشريط الانتخابي الصادر عن المفوضية العليا المستقلة للانتخابات\مكتب بابل، وتكون البحث من مقدمة وثلاثة فصول: تضمن الفصل الاول الاطار النظري ومفاهيم الدراسة، بينما تضمن الفصل الثاني التحليل الجغرافي السياسي لنتائج الانتخابات البرلمانية في محافظة بابل لعام 2018، في حين تضمن الفصل الثالث مجموعة من الاستنتاجات والمقترحات.The research is concerned with the geographical indication of the voting support of the winning parties and blocs in the parliamentary elections of 12\5\ 2018, through making a geographical analysis of the election results by depending on the electoral tape data issued by official resource, the research consists of an introduction and three chapters: The first theoretical framework and concepts of the study, while the second chapter included the geopolitical analysis of the results of parliamentary elections in the province of Babylon in 2018, while the third chapter contained a set of conclusions and suggestion

    The Effectiveness of a Proposed Program of Learning via Playing in Achievement and Deductive Thinking among Fifth Grade Students in Arabic Grammar

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                هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تصميم برنامج تعليمي مقترح قائم على أنماط اللعب وقياس أثرها في تحسين التحصيل والتفكير الاستدلالي، لدى تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي، وتكوّن أفراد الدِّراسة من شعبتين في مدرسة من مدارس محافظة بابل- قسم تربية الهاشمية- في العام الدراسي 2018/ 2019. وجرى توزيع الشعبتين إلى مجموعتين تجريبيّة وضابطة بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة، وكان عدد المجموعة التجريبيّة (34) تلميذًا، وعدد المجموعة الضابطة (33) تلميذًا. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تصميم برنامج تعليمي قائم على أنماط اللعب، وإعداد اختبار للتفكير الاستدلالي، والذي تكوّن من (30) فقرة، وإعداد اختبار تحصيلي الذي تكون من (5) اسئلة، وزعت الأسئلة إلى(6) فقرات فرعية، وجرى تحقيق الخصائص السيكومترية لأدوات الدراسة من صدق وثبات ومعاملات صعوبة وتمييز. وكشفت النتائج عن وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية تعزى إلى أثر برنامج تعليمي لصالح المجموعة التجريبية في مهارات التفكير الاستدلالي والاختبار التحصيلي.The aim of this study was to design an educational program based on the patterns of play and measure its effect on improving achievement and deductive thinking among fifth grade students. The study members consisted of two divisions in the school district of Babil in the academic year 2018/2019. The two divisions were divided into two experimental and control groups in a simple random way. The number of the experimental group was (34) students and the control group (33) students. To achieve the objectives of the study, an educational program was designed based on the modes of play, the preparation of a test of deductive thinking, which consists of (30) paragraphs, and the preparation of an achievement test consisting of (5) questions, and distributed the questions to 6 sub-paragraphs. The psychometric characteristics of the study tools were achieved in terms of honesty, consistency, difficulty coefficients and discrimination. The results revealed that there are statistically significant differences due to the effect of an educational program for the experimental group on the skills of deductive thinking and achievement test


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    The Covid 19 pandemic has more than ever shown the changing risk environment, and nature risk that affect and threaten all sectors. It has reinforced the call for multi sectoral and multi -hazard and preventive approaches that integrate disaster and crisis risk management for strengthening the resilience of people and different urban systems. Educational institutions in Iraq has been working in this area in accordance with its program to enhance universities capacities to reduce disaster risk and to improve educational process in Tim o Covid 19. This study focuses on the Smart technology and Resilient process of higher education concepts that, according to current scientific literature, seem to play a leading role in enhancing institutions capacities to cope with fast, unpredictable and temporal pandemic changes. Resilient process of education in this section is presented as: A dynamic Functional quality of long-life learning which has the capacity to reduce disaster risk. The objective of this research is to indicate a model of long-life learning and enhancing resilient process of learning by using smart technology. We will analyses process that adapted by the ministry of higher education in Iraq in the period of Covid 19. Results show that during two years smart technology worked as helping process that has the capacity to give fast response, recover time and adaptive to continuous changes also it helped students to be more positive and active

    Distribution Of Some Heavy Metals In Water,Sediment & Fish Cyprinus carpio in Euphrates River Near Al- Nassiriya City Center South Iraq .

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    The heavy metals Cd, Cu, Fe, pb, and Zn were determined in dissolved and particulate phases of the water,in addition to exchangeable and residual phases of the sediment and in the selected organs of the fish Cyprinus carpio collected from the Euphrates River near Al-Nassiriya city center south of Iraq during the summer period / 2009 .Also sediment texture and total organic carbon(TOC) were measured. Analysis emploing a flam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers . The mean regional concentrations of the heavy metals in dissolved (µg/l) and particulate phases (µg/gm) dry weight were Cd (0.15,16.13) ,Cu (0.59,24.48) ,Fe (726,909.4) ,Pb (0.20, 49.95) and Zn (2.5,35.62) respectively,and those for exchangeable and residual phases of the Sediment were Cd (0.2,0.1) ,Cu (13.75,16.65) ,Fe (683 , 1351 ) ,Pb (10.1,1.07) and Zn (7.3,16.75)µg/gm dry weight respectively. The heavy metals concentrations in C. carpio organs followed the trend gill > liver > kidney> muscles . The mean concentration in the muscles were Cd (ND) , Cu (0.07) , Fe (4.7) , pb (0.06) and Zn (6.4) (µg/gm) dry weight . The statistical analysis proved a significant correlation between metal concentration in the sediment and total organic carbon, also a positive correlation was proved between its concentrations in the liver organ and the water (particulate phase) . In conclusion the trace metals concentration in particulate phase were higher than its concentration in the dissolved phase . The fish organs showed variations in the metals concentration and the muscle organs showed less concentration than the other organs

    Making the NET. Framework More Secure Depending on Architecture of NET. Framework and its Security Levels

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    The .NET Framework is a managed type-safe environment for application development and execution. The .NET Framework manages all aspects of your program's execution, it allocates memory for the storage of data and instructions, grants or denies the appropriate permissions to your application, initiates and manages application execution, and manages the reallocation of memory from resources that are no longer needed

    Quadtree partitioning scheme of color image based

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    Image segmentation is an essential complementary process in digital image processing and computer vision, but mostly utilizes simple segmentation techniques, such as fixed partitioning scheme and global thresholding techniques due to their simplicity and popularity, in spite of their inefficiency. This paper introduces a new split-merge segmentation process for a quadtree scheme of colour images, based on exploiting the spatial and spectral information embedded within the bands and between bands, respectively. The results show that this technique is efficient in terms of quality of segmentation and time, which can be used in standard techniques as alternative to a fixed partitioning scheme