20 research outputs found

    How Can Collaborative Circular Economy Practices in Modular Construction Help Fédération Internationale de Football Association World Cup Qatar 2022 to Achieve Its Quest for Sustainable Development and Ecological Systems?

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    Embarking on the World Cup journey with circular collaborative strategies can positively impact the environment and socioeconomic outcomes to prosper development at the center of sustainability. World Cup mega-events are set with overriding priorities in cutting down environmental footprints to accelerate sustainable development across the Fédération Internationale de Football Association movement to leave an enduring legacy post-event in global sports. This paper conducts the first of its kind comprehensive critical analysis on ecological quality in life cycle impact assessment for 2022 Fédération Internationale de Football Association World Cup modular container stadiums in Qatar. A “cradle-to-cradle” life cycle assessment, including the material and resource production, construction, operation, and end-of-life (EOL) phase, is analyzed in this study, taking the case of Ras Abu Aboud stadium. Ecoinvent v3.7.1 life cycle inventory database was used to quantify the ecosystem damage-related impacts. Two scenarios were considered for the operation phase: scenario 1 (single year of operation) and scenario 2 (30 years of operation). A sensitivity analysis was used to understand the extent of impact per category indicator subject to material quantity variations. The results showed that the planned circularity contributed to savings in the EOL phase of more than 4.26 × 107 species.year compared with 1.7 species.year across the overall life-cycle impacts. Several perspective-based circular and sharing economy scenarios were assessed to reveal the benefits of circular collaborative economy applications in leveraging possible ecological burdens before, during, and post-mega events in sustainable construction. This research acts as a backbone for future single-sport mega-events to attempt to transition to a carbon-neutral, fully sustainable event with an everlasting legacy

    How circular design can contribute to social sustainability and legacy of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™? The case of innovative shipping container stadium

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    The circular economy proposes a paradigm shift from the ‘take-make-waste’ type of economic system and aims to foster innovation, resource efficiency, and waste prevention. Mega sporting events can be considered great opportunities to promote sustainable cities and communities and leave a lasting positive legacy after the post-game stage. Qatar will organize the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2022 and Ras Abu Aboud (RAA) is designed as a fully reusable and modular shipping container stadium, which will be dismantled, relocated, and reused after the tournament. This study aims to present the first comprehensive analysis on the social sustainability and legacy aspects of a circular and sharing economy application for the FIFA World Cup organization. The research analyzes the entire life cycle phases of the RAA stadium including the raw material production, construction, operations, and end-of-life. The Ecoinvent v.3.7.1 is used to quantify the midpoint environmental and endpoint human health impacts. For its operation phase assessment, two operation scenarios are comparatively analyzed: one-year temporary operation (Scenario 1) and 50 years of permanent operation (Scenario 2). Later, a simulation-based sensitivity analysis is conducted. Finally, we discussed how circular and modular design thinking can bring long-lasting legacy post-event, through reuse and recycling from a socio-economic perspective. An important finding shows that circular design under Scenario 1 can save up to 60% of human health impacts and significantly reduce the material footprint and dependence on imported construction materials. This research will enhance future awareness for sustainability benefits of circular and sharing economy application adopted by mega sporting events concerning the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and FIFA's post-game legacy and sustainability strategies

    Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of preterm and early term births : a population-based register study

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    Preterm birth (PTB) and early term birth (ETB) are associated with high risks of perinatal mortality and morbidity. While extreme to very PTBs have been extensively studied, studies on infants born at later stages of pregnancy, particularly late PTBs and ETBs, are lacking. In this study, we aimed to assess the incidence, risk factors, and feto-maternal outcomes of PTB and ETB births in Qatar. We examined 15,865 singleton live births using 12-month retrospective registry data from the PEARL-Peristat Study. PTB and ETB incidence rates were 8.8% and 33.7%, respectively. PTB and ETB in-hospital mortality rates were 16.9% and 0.2%, respectively. Advanced maternal age, pre-gestational diabetes mellitus (PGDM), assisted pregnancies, and preterm history independently predicted both PTB and ETB, whereas chromosomal and congenital abnormalities were found to be independent predictors of PTB but not ETB. All groups of PTB and ETB were significantly associated with low birth weight (LBW), large for gestational age (LGA) births, caesarean delivery, and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)/or death of neonate in labor room (LR)/operation theatre (OT). On the other hand, all or some groups of PTB were significantly associated with small for gestational age (SGA) births, Apgar 7 at 1 and 5 minutes and in-hospital mortality. The findings of this study may serve as a basis for taking better clinical decisions with accurate assessment of risk factors, complications, and predictions of PTB and ETB

    Management of chronic myeloid leukaemia : current treatment options, challenges, and future strategies

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    Small molecule therapy is a critical component of targeted anticancer treatment, with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) being the first compounds to treat the clonal Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML) translocation t (9;22) (q34; q11) effectively since 2001. TKIs, such as imatinib, have improved the 10-year survival rate of CML patients to 80%. They bind the kinase and inhibit downstream signaling pathways. However, therapy failure may be seen in 20-25% of CML patients due to intolerance or inadequacy related to dependent or independent mechanisms. This review aimed to summarize current treatment options involving TKIs, resistance mechanisms and the prospective approaches to overcome TKI resistance. We highlight -dependent mechanisms of TKI resistance by reviewing clinically-documented mutations and their consequences for TKI binding. In addition, we summarize independent pathways, including the relevance of drug efflux, dysregulation of microRNA, and the involvement of alternative signaling pathways. We also discuss future approaches, such as gene-editing techniques in the context of CML, as potential therapeutic strategies

    Resection of the liver for colorectal carcinoma metastases - A multi-institutional study of long-term survivors

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    In this review of a collected series of patients undergoing hepatic resection for colorectal metastases, 100 patients were found to have survived greater than five years from the time of resection. Of these 100 long-term survivors, 71 remain disease-free through the last follow-up, 19 recurred prior to five years, and ten recurred after five years. Patient characteristics that may have contributed to survival were examined. Procedures performed included five trisegmentectomies, 32 lobectomies, 16 left lateral segmentectomies, and 45 wedge resections. The margin of resection was recorded in 27 patients, one of whom had a positive margin, nine of whom had a less than or equal to 1-cm margin, and 17 of whom had a greater than 1-cm margin. Eighty-one patients had a solitary metastasis to the liver, 11 patients had two metastases, one patient had three metastases, and four patients had four metastases. Thirty patients had Stage C primary carcinoma, 40 had Stage B primary carcinoma, and one had Stage A primarycarcinoma. The disease-free interval from the time of colon resection to the time of liver resection was less than one year in 65 patients, and greater than one year in 34 patients. Three patients had bilobar metastases. Four of the patients had extrahepatic disease resected simultaneously with the liver resection. Though several contraindications to hepatic resection have been proposed in the past, five-year survival has been found in patients with extrahepatic disease resected simultaneously, patients with bilobar metastases, patients with multiple metastases, and patients with positive margins. Five-year disease-free survivors are also present in each of these subsets. It is concluded that five-year survival is possible in the presence of reported contraindications to resection, and therefore that the decision to resect the liver must be individualized. © 1988 American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

    A Comparative Study on Pandemic Response and Their Impact on Economic Growth: Evidence From COVID-19 Outbreak In Scandanavia

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    Coronavirus strikes again with the delta variant and puts the world in a phase 3 pandemic state. Countries all over the world have adopted different response mechanisms to contain the virus's spread. Health officials call for lockdown strategies as Covid-19 cases rise in most countries. In a faster and more effective worldwide vaccination scenario, leading economies are racing towards "herd immunity" under an optimistic hypothesis, speeding the world's economic recovery. The justification behind countries making a move towards the open community approach is to keep the economy in good shape. Validating both "lockdown" and "herd immunity" approaches, Scandanavian countries were studied in this paper. Sweden, a Nordic member state that follows an open economy approach, and; Denmark, Finland, and Norway that follows strict social-distancing and lockdown strategies as a measure to flatten the curve were considered in this study. This can help assess each government policy's success or failure against containing the virus. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence platform is used to visualize the different factors affecting the economy namely, the number of infected people and the number of deaths per country. The analysis revealed that Sweden chose an open economy strategy, failed to sustain a stable economy, and continued its upward trajectory with a rising number of virus-related deaths. The comparison of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, and unemployment rates showed Sweden as one of the least, if not the worst, among other Nordics in flattening the curve. This research thus contradicts the notion of herd immunity as a measure to sustain a healthy economy to be no longer valid.Scopu

    How circular design can contribute to social sustainability and legacy of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022?? The case of innovative shipping container stadium

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    The circular economy proposes a paradigm shift from the ?take-make-waste? type of economic system and aims to foster innovation, resource efficiency, and waste prevention. Mega sporting events can be considered great opportunities to promote sustainable cities and communities and leave a lasting positive legacy after the post-game stage. Qatar will organize the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2022 and Ras Abu Aboud (RAA) is designed as a fully reusable and modular shipping container stadium, which will be dismantled, relocated, and reused after the tournament. This study aims to present the first comprehensive analysis on the social sustainability and legacy aspects of a circular and sharing economy application for the FIFA World Cup organization. The research analyzes the entire life cycle phases of the RAA stadium including the raw material production, construction, operations, and end-of-life. The Ecoinvent v.3.7.1 is used to quantify the midpoint environmental and endpoint human health impacts. For its operation phase assessment, two operation scenarios are comparatively analyzed: one-year temporary operation (Scenario 1) and 50 years of permanent operation (Scenario 2). Later, a simulation-based sensitivity analysis is conducted. Finally, we discussed how circular and modular design thinking can bring long-lasting legacy post-event, through reuse and recycling from a socio-economic perspective. An important finding shows that circular design under Scenario 1 can save up to 60% of human health impacts and significantly reduce the material footprint and dependence on imported construction materials. This research will enhance future awareness for sustainability benefits of circular and sharing economy application adopted by mega sporting events concerning the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and FIFA's post-game legacy and sustainability strategies.Scopu

    How circular design can contribute to social sustainability and legacy of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™? The case of innovative shipping container stadium

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    The circular economy proposes a paradigm shift from the ‘take-make-waste’ type of economic system and aims to foster innovation, resource efficiency, and waste prevention. Mega sporting events can be considered great opportunities to promote sustainable cities and communities and leave a lasting positive legacy after the post-game stage. Qatar will organize the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2022 and Ras Abu Aboud (RAA) is designed as a fully reusable and modular shipping container stadium, which will be dismantled, relocated, and reused after the tournament. This study aims to present the first comprehensive analysis on the social sustainability and legacy aspects of a circular and sharing economy application for the FIFA World Cup organization. The research analyzes the entire life cycle phases of the RAA stadium including the raw material production, construction, operations, and end-of-life. The Ecoinvent v.3.7.1 is used to quantify the midpoint environmental and endpoint human health impacts. For its operation phase assessment, two operation scenarios are comparatively analyzed: one-year temporary operation (Scenario 1) and 50 years of permanent operation (Scenario 2). Later, a simulation-based sensitivity analysis is conducted. Finally, we discussed how circular and modular design thinking can bring long-lasting legacy post-event, through reuse and recycling from a socio-economic perspective. An important finding shows that circular design under Scenario 1 can save up to 60% of human health impacts and significantly reduce the material footprint and dependence on imported construction materials. This research will enhance future awareness for sustainability benefits of circular and sharing economy application adopted by mega sporting events concerning the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and FIFA's post-game legacy and sustainability strategies

    Principal molecular pathways affected in autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) development is a highly multifaceted process as evidenced by the complexity of the factors involved in the etiology of ASD, including genetic and nongenetic factors. Several forms of ASD result from genetic alterations in genes that regulate the process of protein synthesis. A growing body of evidence suggests that abnormal synaptic protein synthesis might contribute to ASD and ASD-like clinical features. Several reports of different mutated genes responsible for ASD cases and genetic models have emerged, revealing dysregulation of many crucial signaling pathways. In this chapter, the authors summarize the various factors described to contribute to ASD, both genetic and nongenetic, and their association with WNT, SHH, RA, FGF, and BMP/TGF-β signaling pathways. In addition, the authors discuss the scope for additional research for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of ASD in the context of disrupted signaling pathways, which could help open the doors to identify possible gene targets and novel therapeutic strategies

    Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms with dyslipidemia and risk of metabolic disorders in the State of Qatar

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    Background: Dyslipidemia is recognized as one of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Objective: The study aimed to investigate the association between selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with dyslipidemia and increased susceptibility risks of CVD, NAFLD, and/or T2DM in dyslipidemia patients in comparison with healthy control individuals from the Qatar genome project. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 2933 adults (859 dyslipidemia patients and 2074 healthy control individuals) from April to December 2021 to investigate the association between 331 selected SNPs with dyslipidemia and increased susceptibility risks of CVD, NAFLD and/or T2DM, and covariates. Results: The genotypic frequencies of six SNPs were found to be significantly different in dyslipidemia patients subjects compared to the control group among males and females. In males, three SNPs were found to be significant, the rs11172113 in over-dominant model, the rs646776 in recessive and over-dominant models, and the rs1111875 in dominant model. On the other hand, two SNPs were found to be significant in females, including rs2954029 in recessive model, and rs1801251 in dominant and recessive models. The rs17514846 SNP was found for dominant and over-dominant models among males and only the dominant model for females. We found that the six SNPs linked to gender type had an influence in relation to disease susceptibility. When controlling for the four covariates (gender, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes), the difference between dyslipidemia and the control group remained significant for the six variants. Finally, males were three times more likely to have dyslipidemia in comparison with females, hypertension was two times more likely to be present in the dyslipidemia group, and diabetes was six times more likely to be in the dyslipidemia group. Conclusion: The current investigation provides evidence of association for a common SNP to coronary heart disease and suggests a sex-dependent effect and encourage potential therapeutic applications. Keywords: Qatar genome project (QGP); cardiovascular disease (CVD); coronary artery disease (CAD); diabetes; dyslipidemia; hypertension; metabolic; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). © 2023 The Authors. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC