1,375 research outputs found

    Model representation in the PANCOR wall interference assessment code

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    An investigation into the aircraft model description requirements of a wall interference assessment and correction code known as PANCOR was conducted. The accuracy necessary in specifying various elements of the model description were defined. It was found that the specified lift coefficient is the most important model parameter in the wind tunnel simulation. An accurate specification of the model volume was also found to be important. Also developed was a partially automated technique for generating wing lift distributions that are required as input to PANCOR. An existing three dimensional transonic small disturbance code was modified to provide the necessary information. A group of auxiliary computer programs and procedures was developed to help generate the required input for PANCOR

    Review of existing CBCT scans to determine the shape and the extension of the anterior loop of the mental nerve and its relation to gender and age

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    INTRODUCTION: Many studies have used different diagnostic methods to detect and measure the mental loop. Due to different criteria used and dissimilar diagnostic techniques diverse results were found in these studies. Understanding anatomical structures are crucial for planning and placing dental implants. Implant surgeons should be familiar with anatomical variations that they may encounter. METHODS: CBCTs of twenty male and twenty female patients were selected and categorized into four groups; male and female groups aged (18-44) and male and female groups aged (45-65). SIMPLANT Pro 17.01 software was used to determine the shape and the extension of the mental loop. Data was collected and analyzed for statistical significance to determine the association between CBCT findings and the patient's gender and age. RESULTS: The extension of the anterior loop of the metal nerve in this study ranged between 0 – 3.17mm. The mean of the loop was 1.25mm. The mental loops mean extension in males was 1.25mm. The mental loops mean extension in females was 1.23mm. The mental loops mean extension in elders was 1.19mm. The mental loops mean extension in younger group was 1.28mm. Subjects tend to have more curved mental loops compared to straight loops regardless the gender and/ or age group. CONCLUSION: In this study no association found between the shape and the extension of the mental loop with subjects age and gender. Measuring the extension of the mental loop should be mandatory for each individual to avoid injuries during implant placement in the interforaminal region

    Bonding Space, Legacy, Light and Scale

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    Columbus is about community; this is its identity and bonding is what makes it last. The legacy of Columbus’ innovations in industry and architecture has shaped the community and has had significant positive impact on the people’s pride towards the city

    Synthesis, Characteristics and Study the Photoluminscience of the CdSxSe1-x Nanocrystaline Thin Film

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    ركز العمل الحالي على تغير الخصائص التركيبية لتحضير مواد من خلال طرق شبه الموصل النانوي بطريقة الترسيب البخار   CdSxSe1-x توصيف المواد. تم تحضير مادة  الكيميائي ودراسة خصائصها بواسطة حيود الاشعة السينية  والمجهر الالكتروني الماسح والنافذ. وتم دراسة الضيائية البصرية للمواد الانانوية باستخدام ليزر الهليوم- كادميوم النبضي عند درجة حرارة الغرفة وبطول موجي 325 نانومتر حيث اظهرت النتائج ان تغير قمم الضيائية بتغير نسبة الكبريت/ السلينيوم يمكن ان نحصل على الضيائية وبشكل مستمر بين 500-650 نانومتر وبالتالي فان مناغمة الانبعاث لمثل هذه المواد له تطبيقات حديثة في مجال العلوم البايلوجية والطيفية. The present work focuses on the changing of the structural characteristics of the grown materials through different material characterization methods. Semiconductor CdSxSe 1-x nano crystallines have been synthesized by chemical vapor depostion. (X- ray Diffraction; XRD), (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy; FESEM), measured the characterization of Semiconductor CdSxSe1-x nano crystallines. The optical properties of semiconductor CdSxSe1-x nanocrystallines have been studied by the photoluminescence (PL) (He-Cd pulsed ultraviolet laser at 325nm excitation wavelength) at room temperature. The results showed the change rule of photoluminsence peak at different S/Se ratios according to the photoluminsence spectral analysis technology. The photuminscence peak can be continuously modulated between (500- 650) nm, so the tunable emission of the materials in the present work have novle applications in the area of bioscience and spectroscopy, etc


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    This piece was inspired completely by the unique slab of solid hardwood; a black walnut board that had a taper on its long side, there was also a split down the middle, a crack that was reminiscent of a canyon

    Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Women and Misyar Marriage: Evolution and Progress in the Arabian Gulf

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    Women’s status continues to undergo rapid evolution in the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC). The modernization policies sweeping the energy-rich region has resulted in unintended social and gender imbalances. Partly due to the wealth distribution policies and the vast influx of foreign labor into the GCC, the region’s indigenous people are facing several challenges as they adapt to their surrounding environment. Improvements to women’s education have resulted in an imbalance of highly educated women relative to their male counterparts in the region, tipping the scales of gender roles. While both men and women accept predominantly paternal values, the strides in women’s status may be contradictory to traditions, customs, and expectations. As a result, high divorce rates plague GCC citizens, while misyar marriage reemerges as a temporary antidote

    The Role of Key Impurity Elements on the Performance of Aluminium Electrolysis - Current Efficiency and Metal Quality

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    Impurities such as phosphorus and silicon mainly enter the aluminium electrolysis process with alumina. These impurities dissolve in the electrolyte and affect the performance of the electrolysis, the emissions from the cells and the quality of the metal produced. In the present work, the behavior of phosphorus and silicon species in the industrial Hall-Héroult cells was investigated. The study was based on the deleterious effect of phosphorus and silicon on the aluminium production process. It is established in the literature that for every 100 ppm of phosphorus in the bath the current efficiency is decreased by 1%. The chemical and electrochemical behavior of phosphorus and silicon compounds in the Hall-Héroult process was studied. Measurements were as well carried out in QATALUM industrial cells by analysis of bath and metal after addition of phosphorus and silicon compounds to the bath. Additions of AlPO4, Na3PO4 and SiO2 to the industrial prebaked cells were performed and the variation of the concentration in both the bath and metal was followed over time. Phosphorus showed to have a much longer retention time in the bath than silicon. Variations during start-up of cells and anode effects seemed to influence the phosphorus and silicon level in the cells. From industrial data trends, it can be observed that the amount of phosphorus in the cells decreases with increasing the operating temperature. It was found that merely small amounts of phosphorus are reduced at the cathode. Unlike phosphorus, large amounts of silicon were primarily reduced at the cathode and ended up in the metal. Mass balance for phosphorus for prebake cells was presented. It was found that a massive amount of the phosphorus entering the cells was transported with the off-gases to the dry scrubbers. Since the secondary alumina is used as feeding for the prebake cells, the phosphorus is recycled back and will end up in the produced metal


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    Objective: The objective of the present study is to confirm and/or prove the beneficial outcomes from using Brewer’s yeast and Ginger in constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C) subjects compared to placebo. Methods: A total of 45 patients suffering from IBS-C were enrolled in a double-blind placebo-controlled study as defined by Rome III criteria. Parallel groups were randomly assigned in this study: A placebo group, Brewer’s yeast group, and ginger group, taken daily for 20 days. IBS severity scale and visual analog scale for IBS (VAS-IBS) were used to assess the severity of pain, abdominal distention, and constipation (IBS-C) subjects. The data were measured at 3 times: At 0 time (T0), after 10 days of treatment (T10), and after 20 days of treatment (T20) for the three treatment groups. Results: Intragroup analysis showed a clinically significant reduction in the symptoms of abdominal pain, distention, and constipation, in the Brewer’s yeast group compared to placebo after the 20 days of the study. There was also a significant reduction of abdominal distention and constipation symptoms in the ginger group throughout the study. Conclusion: This study reveals the beneficial effects of Brewer’s yeast and ginger in reducing troublesome gastrointestinal symptoms in subjects with IBS-C and holds the promise to use them in IBS-C patient