17 research outputs found

    Effect of Some Medicinal Plants on the Activity of Some Immunological Factors in Saliva and Serum of Type –?? Diabetics

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    The study involved 45 male and 45 females of diabetic patients type- ?? aged from 40-69years , and with the same numbers of males and females for control , all the patients and controls were without any periodontal diseases and without any systemic disease. Diabetic patients were divided in to three groups according to the degree of periodontitis , and the inflamed gingiva of all groups of diabetic patients were treated with the dried fruits powder (crude) of medicinal plants Quercus robur , Thuja occidenalis , Terminalia chebula, Anethum graveolens , respectively and mixture. Some immunological and antimicrobial factors (IgA, Lactoferrin , Lysozyme ) , were detected in serum and saliva of diabetic patients and the controls , the results revealed that the level of IgA , Lysozyme in saliva were more than in serum of the control , and this will insure that these factors are considered to be generally protected against bacteria in the oral cavity . Also there was a significant increase at (p?0.001) especially after treatment with the mixture of medicinal plants , so that the mixture of these plants can be considered the best type in the treatment of inflamed gingiva of type –?? diabetic patients


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    Modern cryptography techniques are virtually unbreakable. As the Internet and other forms of electronic communication become more prevalent, electronic security is becoming increasingly important. Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit card information, and corporate data. The design of the cryptography system is a conventional cryptography that uses one key for encryption and decryption process. The chosen cryptography algorithm is stream cipher algorithm that encrypt one bit at a time. The central problem in the stream-cipher cryptography is the difficulty of generating a long unpredictable sequence of binary signals from short and random key. Pseudo random number generators (PRNG) have been widely used to construct this key sequence. The pseudo random number generator was designed using the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) providing the required nonlinearity properties that increases the randomness statistical properties of the pseudo random generator. The learning algorithm of this neural network is backpropagation learning algorithm. The learning process was done by software program in Matlab (software implementation) to get the efficient weights. Then, the learned neural network was implemented using field programmable gate array (FPGA)

    Dynamic prediction of the carcass composition based on the metabolism of absorbed nutrients : towards an evolution of the dietary recommendations of young bulls

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    Le système INRA d’alimentation des Ruminants prédit les réponses de l’animal à des variations d’apports d’aliments ingérés. Toutefois, il évalue mal l’influence de l’alimentation sur la qualité des productions, et en particulier la qualité de la carcasse de bovins dont dépend le paiement des animaux aux producteurs. Pour un type d’animal donné, les poids et composition de la carcasse en lipides et protéines sont prédits par le modèle MECSIC (Hoch et Agabriel, 2004) à partir de l’énergie métabolisable ingérée calculée selon le système INRA de valeur énergétique des aliments et des rations. Or une étude bibliographique suggère que la composition des dépôts dépend aussi pour partie de la composition des rations qui détermine la nature des produits terminaux issus de la digestion des rations et le devenir métabolique des nutriments. Pour tester cette hypothèse, l’objectif fut d’étudier l’effet de la nature de la ration à même quantité énergie métabolisable (EM) ingérée sur la composition des dépôts et de la carcasse. Cet objectif est ciblé sur les bovins mâles en croissance. Les étapes principales de la thèse ont consisté à i) construire une base des données à partir des publications internationales traitant des effets de la variation des rations ingérées sur la composition de la carcasse chez les jeunes bovins, ii) explorer les relations entre la composition de la carcasse et la composition de la ration et sa métabolisabilité. La constitution de la base de données a montré que la composition de la carcasse n’est mesurée que dans 20% des publications, les 80% restantes l’ayant évalué par des mesures indirectes (index USA de rendement de viande, épaisseur de gras sous cutané, persillé, surface de muscle…) qui ne sont pas reliées entre elles. Une étape de recherche préliminaire a été mise en place pour quantifier par méta-analyse les relations entre mesures directes et indirectes de la composition de la carcasse dans le but d’utiliser le maximum de publications pour la suite de la thèse. Nous avons montré que seuls deux indicateurs (index USA de rendement de viande et épaisseur de gras sous-cutané) reflètent correctement la composition de la carcasse et peuvent être utilisés pour établir les lois de variation de sa qualité selon les conditions d’alimentation. Une autre méta-analyse a permis d’explorer à niveaux d’ingestion d’EM similaires, les réponses marginales des dépôts de lipides et protéines dans la carcasse, à des variations strictes de teneurs de la ration en EE, PDI, NDF ou du rapport Amidon/NDF, tout en considérant sa métabolisabilité (q=EM/EB). L’accroissement du rapport Amidon/NDF augmente la teneur en lipides des carcasses mais en deçà d’un seuil de métabolisabilité de la ration de 0,65, i.e. si les rations ont plus de 36% de fourrages. Au-delà de ce seuil, qui correspond à un rapport Amidon/ NDF minimal voisin de 2, il n’y a plus d’effet. Ainsi à même EMI, la composition du gain (et donc l’énergie nette déposée) ne varierait pas linéairement avec la métabolisabilité q de la ration. De plus la teneur en PDI augmente significativement la proportion de lipides de la carcasse (et réduit celle des protéines), surtout si le niveau global d’apports de PDI est limité et ne dépasse pas 2,5 fois les besoins d’entretien en PDI. La teneur en EE a peu d’effets. Ces caractéristiques de ration conduisent à des profils de nutriments (rapport entre nutriments glucogéniques et cétogéniques, azote-alpha-aminé) qui sont aussi discriminants pour la composition de la carcasse. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’il faut considérer les effets de la nature de la ration dans la modélisation de la composition de la carcasse des bovins selon l’EM ingérée. Cela pourra faire l’objet d’une modification significative du modèle de croissance (MECSIC) pour améliorer son pouvoir prédictif.The INRA feeding system for Ruminants predicts the animal's responses to changes in feed intake. However, it poorly evaluates the influence of feed intake on the quality of productions, and in particular the quality of bovine carcass, on which the payment of animals to the producers depends. For a given type of animal, the carcass weight and its composition in lipids and proteins are predicted by the MECSIC model (Hoch and Agabriel, 2004) from the intake of metabolizable energy calculated from the INRA energy system. However, a literature review suggests that the composition of the depots also partly depends on the composition of the rations, which determines the nature of the digestion end products, and the metabolic fate of the nutrients. To test this hypothesis, the objective was to study the effects of the nature of the ration at similar metabolizable energy intake (MEI) on the composition of the carcass. This study is targeted to growing male cattle. The main steps of the thesis consisted of (i) building a database based on international publications on the effects of dietary intake on carcass composition in young cattle, (ii) exploring the relationships between carcass composition and the composition and metabolisability of the ration. The database showed that the composition of the carcass was measured in only 20% of the publications; the remaining 80% evaluated it by indirect measurements (USA yield grade, fat thickness, marbling, ribeye area ...). A preliminary research step was developed to quantify by meta-analysis the relationships between direct and indirect measurements of carcass composition in order to use the maximum number of publications for the rest of the thesis. We have shown that only two indicators (USA yield grade and fat thickness) correctly reflect the composition of the carcass and can be used to establish the response equations of carcass quality to dietary conditions. Another meta-analysis explored the marginal responses of lipid and protein depots in the carcass to strict variations in the dietary concentrations of EE, PDI, NDF or of the starch / NDF ratio, while considering its metabolisability (q = EM / EB). An increase in the starch / NDF ratio increases the lipid content of the carcasses but below a metabolizability threshold of 0.65, i.e. when rations contain more than 36% fodder. Beyond this threshold, which corresponds to a minimum starch / NDF ratio close to 2, there is no longer any effect. Thus, at similar MEI, the composition of the gain (and therefore the net energy deposited) does not vary linearly with the metabolisability q of the diet. Furthermore, the PDI content significantly increases the proportion of carcass lipids (and reduces that of proteins), especially if the overall level of PDI intake is limited and does not exceed 2.5 fold the maintenance requirements in PDI. The dietary EE content has little effect. These diet characteristics result in nutrient profiles (glucogenic / ketogenic ration, alpha-amino-N) which also discriminate carcass composition. Our results suggest that the effects of the nature of the ration should be considered when modeling the carcass composition of bovine animals from MEI. This should lead to significant changes in the MECSIC growth model to improve its predictive power

    Real-time Arabic Video Captioning Using CNN and Transformer Networks Based on Parallel Implementation

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    Video captioning techniques have practical applications in fields like video surveillance and robotic vision, particularly in real-time scenarios. However, most of the current approaches still exhibit certain limitations when applied to live video, and research has predominantly focused on English language captioning. In this paper, we introduced a novel approach for live real-time Arabic video captioning using deep neural networks with a parallel architecture implementation. The proposed model primarily relied on the encoder-decoder architecture trained end-to-end on Arabic text. Video Swin Transformer and deep convolutional network are employed for video understanding, while the standard Transformer architecture is utilized for both video feature encoding and caption decoding. Results from experiments conducted on the translated MSVD and MSR-VTT datasets demonstrate that utilizing an end-to-end Arabic model yielded better performance than methods involving the translation of generated English captions to Arabic. Our approach demonstrates notable advancements over compared methods, yielding a CIDEr score of 78.3 and 36.3 for the MSVD and MSRVTT datasets, respectively. In the context of inference speed, our model achieved a latency of approximately 95 ms using an RTX 3090 GPU for a temporal video segment with 16 frames captured online from a camera device

    Chemical composition of carcass can be predicted from easily obtainable measurements in finishing cattle: A meta-analysis

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    Management practices can contribute to improving carcass quality if carcass quality could be simply evaluated under a wide range of conditions. The objective of this study was to derive quantitative relationships between the most accurate (but laborious) measurements of carcass chemical composition and proxy traits easily obtainable at slaughter (yield grade, subcutaneous fat thickness, marbling, ribeye area and hot carcassweight) bymetaanalysis. Data from 34 publications using male beef cattle were used to develop and validate the models. The breeds were characterized according to origin, rate of maturity, production purpose and frame size. The results indicated that the changes in carcass fat and protein can be predicted from the yield grade or subcutaneous fat thickness, and hot carcass weight, with prediction errors ranging between 9 and 12%. Including the breed characteristics in the models did not improve the fit. The relationships are applicable to group values of male beef cattle having light and fatty carcasses from early-maturing British breeds

    Comparison of methods to evaluate the chemical composition of carcass from beef cattle

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    International audienceIn cattle, the chemical composition of the carcass is usually evaluated from one of three reference methods (rib dissection, specific gravity or a combination of easily obtained measures) or is estimated from proxy traits (USDA yield grade (YG), subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT)). Objectives were to evaluate if the relationships between the chemical composition of the carcass and each of the proxy traits (YG, SFT) differed depending on the reference method. The study was conducted by meta-analysis from published results using 25 publications that reported carcass composition and proxy traits (53%, 31% and 16% of the data were based on rib dissection, specific gravity and combination of easily obtained measures, respectively). Results showed that the amounts of carcass fat or protein that can be predicted from a given proxy trait (YG or SFT) differ significantly with the reference method used to determine carcass fat or protein

    Beef tenderness and intramuscular fat proteomic biomarkers: muscle type effect

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    Tenderness and intramuscular fat content are key attributes for beef sensory qualities.Recently some proteomic analysis revealed several proteins which are considered asgood biomarkers of these quality traits. This study focuses on the analysis of 20 ofthese proteins representative of several biological functions: muscle structure andultrastructure, muscle energetic metabolism, cellular stress and apoptosis. The relativeabundance of the proteins was measured by Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) infive muscles known to have different tenderness and intramuscular lipid contents:Longissimus thoracis (LT), Semimembranosus (SM), Rectus abdominis (RA), Tricepsbrachii (TB) and Semitendinosus (ST). The main results showed a muscle type effecton 16 among the 20 analyzed proteins. They revealed differences in protein abundancedepending on the contractile and metabolic properties of the muscles. The RA musclewas the most different by 11 proteins differentially abundant comparatively to thefour other muscles. Among these 11 proteins, six were less abundant namely enolase3 (ENO3), phosphoglucomutase 1 (PGK1), aldolase (ALDOA), myosin heavy chainIIX (MyHC-IIX), fast myosin light chain 1 (MLC1F), triosephosphate isomerase 1(TPI1) and five more abundant: Heat shock protein (HSP27, HSP70-1A1, B-crystallin(CRYAB), troponin T slow (TNNT1), and aldolase dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1A1).Four proteins: HSP40, four and a half LIM domains protein 1 (FHL1), glycogenphosphorylase B (PYGB) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH1) showed the sameabundance whatever the muscle. The correlations observed between the 20 proteinsin all the five muscles were used to construct a correlation network. The proteins themost connected with the others were in the following order MyHC-IIX, CRYAB, TPI1,PGK1, ALDH1A1, HSP27 and TNNT1. This knowledge is important for understandingthe biological functions related to beef tenderness and intramuscular fat content

    Effets du sexe et du muscle sur l’abondance de biomarqueurs de Tendreté et d’adiposité de la viande en aop maine anjou

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    Some proteins have been revealed as biomarkers for beef tenderness and adiposity by previous studies. The abundanceof these biomarkers could be affected by muscle, animal type (age, gender, breed) and the production system. Thisstudy analyzed the effects of animal and muscle type on the abundance of 20 biomarkers of meat tenderness andadiposity. The studied animals were 15 steers and 86 cows of the Maine Anjou PDO, and muscles were Longissimusthoracis, Rectus abdominis, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Triceps brachii. The results showed that the abundanceof the majority of tenderness or adiposity biomarkers varied significantly between muscles. Rectus abdominis is themost different from other muscles. Gender had an effect on the abundance of several biomarkers in four muscles. InTriceps brachii no effect of gender was observed. These results are valuable and should be considered when predictingmeat tenderness and/or adiposity from the biomarker abundance and also when choosing the best predictor muscle

    Effets du sexe et du muscle sur l’abondance de biomarqueurs de Tendreté et d’adiposité de la viande en aop maine anjou

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    Some proteins have been revealed as biomarkers for beef tenderness and adiposity by previous studies. The abundanceof these biomarkers could be affected by muscle, animal type (age, gender, breed) and the production system. Thisstudy analyzed the effects of animal and muscle type on the abundance of 20 biomarkers of meat tenderness andadiposity. The studied animals were 15 steers and 86 cows of the Maine Anjou PDO, and muscles were Longissimusthoracis, Rectus abdominis, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Triceps brachii. The results showed that the abundanceof the majority of tenderness or adiposity biomarkers varied significantly between muscles. Rectus abdominis is themost different from other muscles. Gender had an effect on the abundance of several biomarkers in four muscles. InTriceps brachii no effect of gender was observed. These results are valuable and should be considered when predictingmeat tenderness and/or adiposity from the biomarker abundance and also when choosing the best predictor muscle