7 research outputs found

    Sleep Quality and Academic Performance Among Medical College Students

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    المقدمة: يعتبر اخد القسط الكافي من النوم عنصر مهم جدا لصحة الانسان.ان اضطراب النوم وعدم الحصول على القسط الكافي منه يعتبر من اهم المشاكل في حياة طلبة كلية الطب والكليات الاخرى مما يؤدي الى ضعف المستوى الدراسي. طريقة العمل: الدراسه هي دراسه مقطعيه لتحديد نسبة قلة وضعف نوعية النوم عند طلبة كليه الطب –جامعة بابل. النتائج: معدل ضعف نوعية النوم واضطرابه عند طلبة كليه الطب –جامعة بابل هو (60.4%) ووجد تاثير سلبي لضعف نوعية النوم على المستوى العلمي للطالب. الاستنتاج:اضطراب النوم وعدم الحصول على القسط الكافي منه يعتبر من اهم المشاكل في حياة طلبة كلية الطب.معدل ضعف نوعية النوم واضطرابه عند طلبة كليه الطب –جامعة بابل هو (60.4%) مما يؤثر سلباًعلى المستوى العلمي للطالب.Background:Sleep plays a very important role in a human health. Poor sleep quality remains as a frequent feature of student life. Quantity and quality of sleep in addition to average sleep time are strongly linked with students’ learning abilities and academic performance. Subjects and method:The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted to assess sleep quality among medical college students – University of Babylon using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). This study was done during April 2016. Results:Mean age of students was (20.63 ± 0.65). Majority was female. According to PSQI(60.4%) of students were poor sleeper. Significant association between quality of sleep and academic performance was found in our study, (72.9%) of those fail in one or more subjects have poor sleep quality. Conclusion: Poor sleep quality was regarded as an important problem among medical college students. Majority of students (60.4%) was poor sleepers. Our study shows significant relation between sleep quality and academic performance among students of Babylon University –College of Medicine

    Burden of Right Ventricular Infarction in Patients with Inferior Myocardial Infarction in Babylon

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    هدف الدراسة: هده الدراسة تهدف الى المقارنة في نسبة حصول الصدمة القلبية والوفاة للمرضى الدين يحصل لديهم احتشاء للعضلة القلبية السفلى والمرضى الدين بحصل لديهم احتشاء للعضلة القلبية السفلى مع احتشاء البطين الايمن . طريقة الدراسة : هده دراسة مقارنة اجريت في مدينة مرجان الطبية في وحدة الانعاش للفترة من 1-2-2014 الى 30-9-2014 للمرضى الدين الدين  أصيبوا باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى .تم تقسيم المرضى الى مجموعتين ,المجموعة الاولى هم المرضى المصابين باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى والمجموعة الثانية هم المرضى المصابين باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى مع احتشاء البطين الايمن للقلب .تم متابعة المرضى طول فترة بقائهم بالمستشفى لأي تعقيدات ممكن ان تحدث. النتائج: مجموع 80 مريض ادخلوا في الدراسة وقسموا الى مجموعتين : المجموعة الاولى26 مريض أصيبوا باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى مع احتشاء البطين الايمن ,والمجموعة الثانية 54 اصيبوا باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى ,المجموعتين لديهم نفس الخصائص .معدل العمر للمرضى هو 59.30 للمجموعة الاولى , 55.03 للمجموعة الثانية .نسبة الذكور للمجموعة الاولى هو 17 (65.4%)  و33(61.1%) للمجموعة الثانية .نسبة الوفيات للمجموعة الاولى هو 4(15.4) و1 (1.9) للمجموعة الثانية . قيمو البي 0.036 وتعتبر نسبة مهمة .عدد المرضى الدين اصيبوا بالصدمة القلبية للمجموعة الاولى هو 7(26.9) وللمجموعة الثانية هو 5(5.6) ,قيمة البي هي 0.011 وتعتبر مهمة . الاستنتاجات: 1-المرضى المصابين باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى والبطين الايمن لديهم نسبة عالية لحدوث الصدمة القلبية اكثر من المرضى المصابين باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى في فترة بقائهم بالمستشفى . 2- المرضى المصابين باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى والبطين الايمن لديهم نسبة عالية للوفاة  اكثر من المرضى المصابين باحتشاء العضلة القلبية السفلى في فترة بقائهم بالمستشفىAim of study:the study aim to comparing the rate of cardiogenic shock and mortality rate between patient with RV infarction and inferior MI and the patient with inferior MI alone. Patient and method: Across sectional study conducted in coronary care unit in merjan medical city at time from the first of March 2014 to the 30th of September 2014 for patient with inferior MI. patients were divided  to two group, the first group for patients with inferior MI and RV infarction and the second group for patients with inferior MI alone. The both groups were monitor in the hospital for any complications that can take place in the hospital stay. Result: A total of 80 patient were enrolled in the study and divided  to two groups, the first group (26 patients) for patients with inferior MI and RV infarction and the second group (54 patients) for patients with inferior MI alone,  both group had the same baseline characteristic. The mean age was 59.30 ± 7.56 for first group and it was 55.03 ± 5.18 for second group, male patients were 17 (65.4%) and 33 (61.1%) in the first and second group respectively. The in hospital mortality was 4 (15.4%) and 1(1.9%) in the first and second group respectively and the P value was 0.036 (significant).The risk of cardiogenic shock was 7 (26.9%) and 5 (5.6%) for first and second group respectively with P value 0.011(significant). Conclusion: 1- The patients with RV infarction and inferior MI expose to higher rate of cardiogenic shock than the patients with inferior MI alone during the time of his hospital stay. 2- The patient with RV infarction and inferior MI had higher in hospital mortality rate when compared with patient with inferior MI alone. &nbsp

    Impact of sleep quality on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Glycemic control is important to reduce the risk of micro - vascular problems among patients with diabetes mellitus. Sleep limitation leads to increase Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) levels; though, slight is known regarding the metabolic impacts of usual sleep limitation. The current study was a hospital-based cross-sectional study which performed to evaluate the association between habitual sleep quality with glycemic control and HbA1c fluctuations among contributors in the medical merjan city among Type 2 diabetics. Objectives: The purpose of current study is to assess sleep quality among Type 2 diabetic patients and to consider the influence of sleep value on glycemic control among those patients in Al-Hilla City. Methods: Our study was “descriptive cross sectional study” to assess the sleep quality using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index by filling out the questionnaire formats which designed for usage of the study. This study include a “convenient sample” of 150 Type 2 diabetic patients who visit the specialist day clinic in diabetic center of merjan medical hospital between the 25th of February to the end of June, 2018. Verbal approval was attained from each Type 2 diabetic patient, data collection was done through the interviewing of contributors by use of structural questionnaire. Results: The mean age of diabetic patients was (53.20 ± 13.53), Male represents (42.7%) and female represents (57.3%). Poor sleep quality represent (35.3%). There was a significant increase in level of HbA1c and random blood sugar among patients with Type 2 diabetics with poor sleep quality and significant decrease of cholesterol and triglycerides levels with increase duration of diabetes mellitus. Conclusions: Poor sleep was common among diabetic patients. There is close association between sleep quality and glycemic control, as well as short sleepers have an increased occurrence of diabetes

    Knowledge, attitude, and practice of junior doctors about thalassemia in Babylon province

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    Background: Thalassemia is a chronic condition that is caused by hereditary defects in hemoglobin production. Thalassemia is classified into two major categories, named α- and β-thalassemia, according to the hemoglobin gene defect. Premarital screening in the family members, followed by prenatal diagnosis is the most effective strategy for control of thalassemia. The most important thing is the determination of the traits or carriers of thalassemia. In our country, doctors acquired knowledge about thalassemia when they were students in medical college and after graduation, they worked in different hospitals. Some of them had worked in the thalassemia unit whereas others had not. Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of junior doctors about thalassemia in Babylon province. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 junior doctors (resident doctors and permanent doctors) who had different years of experience and places of work in Babylon province. The knowledge, attitude, and practice were assessed according to scoring by a group of researchers. Results: A cross-sectional study of 200 junior doctors (resident and permanent doctors), whose age ranged from 24 to 34 years with a mean age of (27.5 ±2.27) years. Most of the junior doctors were females: 145 (72.5%) worked in the emergency department 107 (53.5%). There were 92 (46%) junior doctors who possessed adequate knowledge about thalassemia. There were a significant association between knowledge and age, position/job, and smoking: P = 0.01, 0.02, and 0.04, respectively. The doctors had a positive attitude and good practice about thalassemia, 65 (32.5%) and 84 (42%) respectively. Regarding attitude, there is a significant association between it and position/job, P = 0.02 and in practice there is a significant association between it and gender, which is more in females (P = 0.02). Conclusion: The doctors had adequate knowledge, positive attitude, and good practice about thalassemia: 92 (46%), 65 (32.5%), and 84 (42%), respectively

    Socio-demographic features and trends of suicide mortality in Babylon province, Irak

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    Background: Suicide is defined as an act of intentionally causing one's death. Different psychological disorders including depression, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse, and addiction, and anxiety disorders represent risk factors for suicide. The previous history of suicidal attempts is associated with increased risk for future suicide. Methods of suicide and self-harm include the use of poison, misuse of drugs, burning, hanging, self- cutting, jumping from bridges. Effective suicidal prevention includes stopping access to the common methods of suicide such as drugs and poisons, effective treatment of psychological disorders, and substance abuse; improving the socioeconomic status and use of health education especially by using mass media. Objective:  This study was performed to assess the socio-demographic features of suicidal victims and the trend of suicide in Babylon province and to describe the most common methods of suicide used. Patients and method: Was a retrospective study, and the sample was a total of 72 suicidal death collected from records of Forensic Medicine Center of Babylon province during periods of January 2015 to the end of December 2019.     Results: The current study includes seventy-two suicidal deaths for five years from January 2015 to the end of December 2019. The mean age of suicidal victims was (25.52 ± 12.51) years the younger one was 11 years and the older one was 68. In the current study 32 cases (44.4%) were below 20 years and 31 cases (43.1%) were between 20-39 years. Most of those victims were male 46 cases (63.9%), most of them 39 cases (54.2%) were from the Hilla (center of Babylon). In the current study hanging was the most common method of suicide using, which represents about three quarters (72.2%) of suicidal death (52 cases). Conclusion: Suicide represents an important public health problem in many developing and developed countries and is regarded as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. There were increasing trends of suicide in our country as a result of social, economic, and political problems. Hanging was the most common method of suicide