43 research outputs found

    A Novel Mobility Control Technique in Miscible Gas Injection Using Direct Gas Thickening in High Pressure and Temperature Reservoir

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    This thesis presents for the first time, the details of extensive numerical and experimental evaluations of effectiveness of thickened associate gas injectionat high temperature for miscible gas floodingwith specific focus on FieldAlocated in southern Oman. The study has identified commercialand safe gas thickeners capable of increasing viscosity of injected gas. It hasalso proposedanovel alternating injection technique that canlower the volume of thickeners usedduringfield-scale applications

    Securing passive optical network against signal injection attack

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    Passive Optical Network (PON) is a promising solution to the last-mile problem in access networks. Security is a very crucial aspect to be considered especially in the current environments that are characterized by much larger data transport capacity. Moreover, securing the physical layer requires urgent attention as it will become more critical in future PON that has much longer distance with the involvement of more users. Thus, it is vulnerable to a variety of attacks, including denial of service (DoS) which jams a network, eavesdropping and masquerade. DoS attack can take place when a continuous upstream signal is transmitted from Optical Network Unit (ONU) to Optical Line Terminal (OLT) with high enough power, causing the OLT to receive the data with high bit error rate. This research proposes a method to secure PON from high power injection attack. The solution is based on the idea of deploying an optical attenuator in the upstream communication towards the splitter to prevent any high signal power injection attack and restrict it up to an acceptable power level. One of the most important benefits of the proposed work is its straightforward implementation in the existing GPON network with minimum cost and effort. The GPON network under studied that focuses on the upstream communication based on standard ITU-T G.984 ( data rate of 1.25 Gbps) examined the effects of varied optical fiber distances and number of ONUs. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using Optisystem to determine the feasibility of the concept. Findings from the simulation results revealed that the optical attenuator compensated the jamming degradation attack up to eight ONUs and maximum distance of 20 km. The proposed system design also found that the method has limitation to reduce the attack at higher ONU numbers e.g. 16 and 32 due to high insertion loss. The overall performance confirms that this method is useful to protect the GPON system and minimize the high power for low insertion loss power splitter

    Al- jahiz Vision in Umayyad era

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    The study seeks to highlight the role played by the Al- jahiz in the presentation of historical novels about the Umayyads, these novels by Al- jahiz himself from the rest of history, literature and other books, the study also explores the factors that contributed to the entry of the Umayyad dynasty in particular conflicts in the last years of the Umayyad state. The study addresses to highlight the role of Al- jahiz in writing the Umayyad state and how it was to the closeness of the Abbasid Caliphate reflection on his writings about the Umayyad dynasty. The study also explores the approach that was followed by most of the history book and Al- jahiz position of many of the writings and novels when streamlines and analyzes and be critic. The study is based on the historical method and descriptive analytical approach in the presentation and discussion of the results through analysis of previous studies, and research will be added due to the lack of scientific research that dealt with the history of the Umayyad dynasty through literature

    Harmonics Temporal Profile in High-Voltage Networks: Case Study

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    This chapter presents a case study about harmonics measurements in high-voltage networks. Measurements were conducted at two locations in the main interconnected system (MIS) of Oman. Voltage and current THDs were recorded for a period of 1 week. The power quality analyzer was set to record required data for a period of 1 week, and the observation period for each recorded value is 10 minutes. At the first location, the grid station (132/33) is feeding industrial as well as other customers. The second grid station (220/132/33 kV) is dedicated to large industrial customers including arc furnaces and rolling mills. The power quality analyzer was installed at the 132 kV side of power transformers at both locations. Recorded data are analyzed, and temporal harmonics profiles are studied. A clear temporal variation of harmonics similar to that of aggregate load and local voltage profiles was observed at the grid station feeding mixed residential and industrial loads. However, this correlation between system load and harmonics profile diminishes at the grid station dedicated for heavy industrial loads

    Direct Gas Thickener

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    Direct gas thickening technique has been developed to control the gas mobility in the miscible gas injection process for enhanced oil recovery. This technique involves increasing the viscosity of the injected gas by adding chemicals that exhibit good solubility in common gasses, such as CO2 or hydrocarbon (HC) solvents. This chapter presents a review of the latest attempts to thicken CO2 and/or hydrocarbon gases using various chemical additives, which can be broadly categorised into polymeric, conventional oligomers, and small-molecule self-interacting compounds. In an ideal situation, chemical compounds must be soluble in the dense CO2 or hydrocarbon solvents and insoluble in both crude oil and brine at reservoir conditions. However, it has been recognised that the use of additives with extraordinary molecular weights for the above purpose would be quite challenging since most of the supercritical fluids are very stable with reduced properties as solvents due to the very low dielectric constant, lack of dipole momentum, and low density. Therefore, one way to attain adequate solubility is to elevate the system pressure and temperature because such conditions give rise to the intermolecular forces between segments or introduce functional groups that undergo self-interacting or intermolecular interactions in the oligomer molecular chains to form a viscosity-enhancing supramolecular network structure in the solution. According to this review, some of the polymers tested to date, such as polydimethylsiloxane, polyfluoroacrylate styrene, and poly(1,1-dihydroperfluorooctyl acrylate), may induce a significant increase of the solvent viscosity at high concentrations. However, the cost and environmental constraints of these materials have made the field application of these thickeners unfeasible. Until now, thickeners composed of small molecules have shown little success to thicken CO2, because CO2 is a weak solvent due to its ionic and polar characteristics. However, these thickeners have resulted in promising outcomes when used in light alkane solvents

    A Massive Tuberculosis Abscess at the Erector Spinae Muscles and Subcutaneous Tissues in a Young Man

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic granulomatous infection which can present in an atypical form. Isolated muscle involvement is very rare. We report a 25-year-old man who presented with a massive cystic swelling on the right side of his back, extending from the lower thoracic to the gluteal region. He had a history of contact with a friend who was suspected of having TB. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the origin of the cyst was from the erector spinae muscles. The result of a fluid aspirate showed acid fast bacilli. The swelling disappeared after treatment with anti-tuberculous medications. Muscular involvement in TB is very rare. In our patient, the reports of an ultrasound and MRI confirmed isolated muscle and subcutaneous involvement without bony lesions. This case is reported to increase physician awareness regarding soft tissue TB. Although it is rare, similar cases may be seen in the future

    The association of Human Leukocyte Antigens Complex with Type 1 Diabetes in Omanis

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    Background: Identifying the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) high risk alleles, genotypes and haplotypes in different populations is beneficial for understanding their roles in type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis and intervention practices. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify T1D associated HLA gene alleles in the Omani population. Methods: Our case-control study included 73 diabetic seropositive children (mean age 9.08±3.27 years) and 110 healthy controls. HLA–A, -B, -C, -DRB1, and -DQB1 genes were genotyped using sequence specific primer polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR). Results: Two HLA class I alleles (B*08, B*58) and three class II alleles (DQB1*02, DRB1*03 and DRB1*04) were associated with T1D susceptibility, while one class I (B*51) and three class II (DQB1*05, DQB1*06, and DRB1*16) alleles were associated with T1D protection. HLA- DRB1*03 and DQB1*02 alleles showed the strongest risk association among all alleles. Six DRB1 residues (E9, S11, S13, Y30, V70 and K71) were significantly associated with T1D susceptibility. Heterozygous genotypes, HLA-DRB1*03/*04 and DQB1*02/*03 were significantly associated with T1D susceptibility (P=4.29E-07, OR=63.2 and P=0.02, OR=3.6, respectively). Furthermore, we detected a significant combined action of DRB1*03-DQB1*02 haplotype in T1D risk (P=1.76E-05, OR=15), and DRB1*16-DQB1*05 haplotype in protection (P=3.12E-2, OR=0.48). Conclusion: Known HLA class II gene alleles are associated with T1D in Omani children. Keywords: Type 1 diabetes; human leukocytes antigens; zygosity; alleles; residues; haplotypes, case-control study; Oma

    Utilize technical elements in the novel "Ibn Soula" by Ali Al-Mamari = توظيف العناصر الفنية في رواية "بن سولع" للكاتب علي المعمري

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    ناقشتْ هذه الدراسة التحليلية رواية "بن سولع" للأديب العُماني علي المعمري، التي بينت أسلوب المعمري في توظيف العناصر الفنية في الرواية. إذْ تعدُّ الرواية بناءً واحدًا لا يمكن فصل عناصرها؛ الشخصية، والزمانية، والحيّز المكاني، والأحداث، واللغة والأسلوب عندما تلتحم، عندئذٍ تحتاج إلى بحث إجرائي لاستخراج مكنوناته الكامنة في أعماقه، لتبيّن حقيقة التاريخ الدفين الذي شهدته تلك المنطقة. تهدف الدراسة: مناقشة توظيف العناصر الفنية في الرواية، وتوظيف الشخصية تاريخياً، والزمن في السرد الروائي، والحيّز، وتوظيف الوصف، وأخيراً توظيف اللغة والأسلوب. ومن خلال المنهج التحليلي، والمنهج الاستقرائي الوصفي؛ بينتْ نتائج الدراسة: اهتمام الكاتب في وصف الصراع، ومعاناة الشعوب في الإمارات، عمان، قطر، البحرين، السعودية، الكويت؛ سواء بسبب حكامها أم أطراف خارجية معادية. عرض الكاتب التاريخ العماني من جميع أبوابه؛ التاريخ السياسي والصراع الداخلي بين حكومة مسقط وعمان، والإمامة، والصراع حول "واحات البريمي" المتنازع عليها بين السعودية وعمان والأمارات. تجلت لنا شخصية الراوي في مخالفته للمعتقدات الخاطئة في المجتمع. ********************************************************** This analytical study discussed the novel "Bin Soula" by the Omani writer Ali Al-Maamari, which showed Al-Maamari's method of employing the artistic elements in the novel. As the novel is one building whose elements cannot be separated; Personality, temporality, spatial space, events, language and style when combined, then you need procedural research to extract its potentials deep within it, to show the truth of the hidden history that this region has witnessed. The study aims to: discuss the employment of artistic elements in the novel, the employment of personality historically, the time in narrative narration, space, the employment of description, and finally the language and style. Through the analytical method and the descriptive inductive approach; The results of the study showed: the writer's interest in describing the conflict and the suffering of peoples in the Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait; Whether because of its rulers or hostile external parties. The author presented Omani history in all its chapters; Political history and internal conflict between the government of Muscat and Oman, the Imamate, and the struggle over the disputed Buraimi Oasis between Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. The narrator's character was revealed to us in contradiction with wrong beliefs in society

    The historical approach to the "Ibn Soula" novel by Ali Al-Mamari = المقاربة التاريخية لرواية "بن سولع" للكاتب علي المعمري

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    تناقش هذه الدراسة التحليلية رواية "بن سولع" للأديب العُماني علي المعمري، التي تبين حقيقة التاريخ الدفين الذي شهدته منطقة شبه الجزيرة العربية، الذي لم تذكره كتب المؤرخين من قبل، وصراع أبنائها فيما بينهم، وتكالب الأطماع الخارجية على خيراتها النفطية والاستراتيجية، وأثره على المجتمع الخليجي. وظف المعمري آلية التاريخ في روايته، حين يجنح إلى الخيال والعاطفة التي قلما نجدها في كتب التاريخ؛ لكي يقود إلى معرفة حقيقة الأوضاع التي عاشتها المنطقة، وكشف الغموض العالق في صراع الواحات العربية. تهدف الدراسة: التعريف بالكاتب وماهية الرواية، وعلاقة عنوان بمضمونها التاريخي العميق. وبيان أهمية الرواية التاريخية، ودور النص التاريخي في الأحداث التاريخية والوقائع. ومناقشة الأحداث التاريخية وتأثر الخليج بالشركات النفطية الغربية. اعتمد الباحث؛ المنهج التحليلي، والمنهج الاستقرائي الوصفي. بينتْ نتائج الدراسة: استطاع قلم المعمري أنْ يصهر العبث الجغرافي والشاهد التاريخي في واحات البريمي، حين تحرّى الدقة والأمانة في توظيفه التاريخ في الرواية. فاستطاع أن يوثق الأحداث والوقائع التاريخية، بطريقة عجز عنها المؤرخون ورواة التاريخ، بل أحجموا عنها خوفا من الطغيان أو مجاملة للشيخ أو للسلطان. تميز المعمري في سرد أحداث التاريخ، باتخاذ التاريخ مادة للسرد، وإعمال الخيال في تقديم المادة التاريخية، بهدف خلق المتعة والتشويق، وشد القارئ إلى متابعة الرواية. فاستطاع أن ينجو من أصعب مزالق "الرواية التاريخية" وهو الانسياق لا شعوريا إلى العواطف الجامحة التي تُمليها الوقائعُ التاريخية الحقيقية. كلمات مفتاحية: المعمري، الرواية التاريخية، بن سولع. *************************************************************************** This analytical study discusses the novel "bn Soula" by the Omani writer Ali Al-Maamari, which shows the truth of the hidden history witnessed in the Arabian Peninsula, which was not mentioned by the books of historians before, the struggle inside it, the demands of external ambitions over its oil and its impact on the Gulf society. Al-Maamari used the history in his novel, when he strives to the imagination and passion that we rarely find in the history books. In order to lead to know the reality of the conditions experienced by the region, and to reveal the mystery lingering in the struggle of Arab oases. The study aims to introduce the author and what the novel is, the relationship of a title to its deep historical content. Explaining the importance of the historical novel, and the role of the historical text in historical events and facts. And discuss the historical events and the Gulf's influence on Western oil companies. The researcher adopted; The analytical method, and the descriptive inductive approach. The findings revealed: Al-Maamari was able to melt the geographical absurdity and the historical witness in Al-Buraimi oases, when the history was employed in a careful and honest way in the novel. He was able to document historical events and facts, in a way that historians and narrators of history were unable to do, but rather refrained from them for fear of tyranny or courtesy of the Sheikh or the Sultan. Al-Maamari has distinguished himself in narrating the events of history, by taking history as a material for narration, and the realization of imagination in presenting historical material, with the aim of creating fun and suspense, and drawing the reader to follow the novel. He managed to escape the most difficult pitfalls of the "historical narration", which is subconsciously drifting into the wild passions dictated by the real historical facts. Key words: Al-Maamari, Historical Novel, Bin Sulaa