29 research outputs found

    Smart ports: towards a high performance, increased productivity, and a better environment

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    Ports are currently competing fiercely for capital and global investments in order to improve revenues, mostly by improving performance and lowering labor costs. Smart ports are a fantastic approach to realize these elements since they integrate information and communication technologies within smart applications, ultimately contributing to port management improvement. This leads to greater performance and lower operational expenses. As a result, several ports in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America have gone smart. However, there are a lot of critical factors to consider when automating port operations, such as greenhouse gas emissions, which have reached alarming proportions. The purpose of this study is to define the most essential tasks conducted by smart ports, such as the smart ship industry, smart gantry and quayside container cranes, transport automation, smart containers, and energy efficiency. Furthermore, it gives a model of the smart port concept and highlights the critical current technologies on which the ports are based. Each technology’s most significant contributions to its development are noted. This technology is compared to more traditional technologies. It is hoped that this effort would pique the curiosity of fresh researchers in this sector

    Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANET Networks

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    الشبكات المتنقلة المخصصة ال(MANET) هي شبكات لاسلكية متخصصة تتكون من عقد لاسلكية تتصل مع بعضها البعض لاسلكيا من دون استخدام بنية تحتية ثابتة او اي سيطرة مركزية تقوم بتحديد المسار بين العقدة المرسلة والمستلمة . في هذا النوع من الشبكات ، كل عقدة يمكن أن تتحرك دون تقييد او  تحفظ في أي اتجاه وكل عقدة تعمل بمثابة الموجه لأنها تقوم بتوجيه حركة البيانات بين  العقد أخرى. تم تصميم عدة انواع من  بروتوكولات التوجيه مثل(AODV,DSR,DSDV) لغرض توجيه البيانات  في هذا النوع من الشبكات. وفي هذه الورقة، تم تحليل الأداء للبروتوكولات التوجيه المختلفة مثل (AODV,DSR,DSDV) لغرض اختبارها وتقييمها بأستخدام  مقاييس عدة مثل الإنتاجية، نسبة تسليم البيانات بين المرسل والمستلم ومتوسط التأخير في ارسال البيانات  من طرف إلى طرف باستخدام محاكي الشبكة (NS-2). MANET is a type of ad hoc network that consists of wireless mobile node communicates with each other without using a fixed infrastructure or central administration and which establishes the route from source to destinͺation. In mobile ad-hoc netwͺork (MANET), eaͺch node can unrͺeservedly move in anͺy direction and every noͺde also aͺct as router as it foͺrward traffic for oͺther nodes.Using varioͺus routinͺg protocols sͺuch as AODV, DͺSR and DͺSDV are desigͺned for routͺing in ad hͺoc networks. In this paper, the execution examination is completed on Ad hoc On-request Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) conventions in view of measurements, for example, Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Average End-to-end Delay (AED) utilizing the Network Simulator (NS-2)

    Morphological and phylogenetic study of Hyalomma anatolicum in Al-Najaf, Iraq

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    Studies had been previously conducted to genetically identify species of ticks in Iraq. Therefore, the current investigational study was conducted to recognize the species of 50 ticks collected from infested skin of cattle. The current study defined the ticks to be from Hyalomma genus depending on theirmorphological features. Using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CoxI) gene, 16 ticks were further confirmed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two PCR products were subjected to DNA sequencing to name the species of the ticks and compare them to some other known ticks in neighbor and world countries. The sequencing results identified the ticks to be Hyalomma anatolicum. One isolate is closely similar to Indian and Iranian isolates, and the other isolate is clustered alone by itself. The results indicated that H. anatolicum is one of the wide-spread ticks that affect cattle in Al Najaf province, Iraq

    Evaluation patterns and algorithm for cancer identifications using dynamic clustering

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    The domain of knowledge discovery and deep data extraction is quite prominent and used in assorted domains including engineering, mathematics and even in medical diagnosis. A number of benchmark datasets are available in which huge research work is going on with the enormous aspects of genomics that is associated with the medical data analytics. In this research manuscript, the work presents the evaluation patterns and the approaches which are used for the cancer identification with the use of dynamic clustering and deep data analytics. The work is having the elements with the medical datasets and their key features by which the training of data in the data mining algorithm can be integrated and then the overall predictions can be done on assorted parameters

    A Control Program for Hydropower Operation Based on Minimizing the Principal Stress Values on the Dam Body: Mosul Dam Case Study

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    This study examines the vibrations produced by hydropower operations to improve embankment dam safety. This study consists of two parts: In the first part, ANSYS-CFX was used to generate a three-dimensional (3-D) finite volume (FV) model to simulate a vertical Francis turbine unit in the Mosul hydropower plant. The pressure pattern result of the turbine model was transformed into the dam body to show how the turbine unit's operation affects the dam's stability. The upstream reservoir conditions, various flow rates, and fully open inlet gates were considered. In the second part of this study, a 3-D FE Mosul dam model was simulated using an ANSYS program. The operational turbine model's water pressure pattern is conveyed to the dam's turbine-shared zone. The maximal and minimal upstream reservoir water levels were investigated. A control program was created depending on the principle stress model results collected from the operation of the hydropower plant with the minimum principal stress on the dam body. This research suggests an enhanced turbine operating system, reducing stress on the dam body and increasing dam operation life.

    Estimation of the Petrophysical Properties of the Lower Cretaceous Yamama (YC) Formation in Siba Field

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       In southern Iraq, the Yamama Formation has been a primary carbonate resource since the Lower Cretaceous era. This study covers Siba Field, which is located in southeastern Iraq. This paper will be devoted to a YC unit of study. The most crucial step in reservoir management is petrophysical characterization. The primary goal of this research is to assess the reservoir features and lithology of the Yamama (YC) Formation in the Siba region. Accessible excellent logs include sonic, density, neutron, gamma-ray, SP, and resistivity readings. The Interactive Petrophysics (IP4.4) program examined and estimated petrophysical features such as clay volume, porosity, and water saturation. The optimum approach was the neutron density and clay volume calculation using the Gamma Ray Method (VclGR), it was 0.246 in SB-6 since they are not impacted by anything. The Archie method was chosen due to its suitability for limestone. The lithology and mineralogy of the formations were determined using M-N cross plots; the diagram revealed that the Formation was composed of limestone. The Archie parameter was determined using the Pickett plot and formation water resistivity from the Pickett plot and SP log where the results were similar in all wells (RW=0.016, m=2.08, n=2.3, a=1.1). In addition, the higher section of the formation has good reservoir qualities such as density is (2.368g/cc), porosity is (PHIE=0.117) in SB-6

    Use of the ARDL Model to Measure and Analyze the Relationship between Imports and some Macroeconomic Indicators-Iraq Case Study for the Period 1988-2017

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    تناول البحث دراسة العلاقة بين الاستيرادات وبعض مؤشرات الاقتصاد الكلي (الناتج والتضخم والبطالة) في الاقتصاد العراقي للمدة 1988-2017. تساهم الاستيرادات بدور مهم في التأثير في بعض مؤشرات الاقتصاد الكلي، لما لها من دور في تحديد حجم الناتج للاقتصاد المحلي، كما تسهم في استقرار المستوى العام للاسعار، فضلاً عن دورها غير المباشر بالتأثير في سوق العمل.       وقد انطلق البحث من فرضية مفادها، أن للاستيرادات دور مهم في استقرار الناتج، وهذا يعتمد على مدى مساهمتها في تنشيط قطاعات الاقتصاد الوطني. كما لها دور مهم في استقرار معدلات التضخم والتأثير في حجم البطالة.       وتتركز اهمية البحث في توضيح طبيعة العلاقة بين الاستيرادات من جهة والناتج المحلي الاجمالي والتضخم والبطالة من جهة اخرى في الاقتصاد العراقي.       واستند البحث على استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي، من خلال تحليل تطور البيانات عبر المراحل الزمنية المختلفة واستقراء الواقع الاقتصادي وتحليل الظواهر الاقتصادية وتطورها خلال مدة البحث، ومن ثم استنباط الآثار الاقتصادية الناتجة عنها.       ومن اهم الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث، هي أن للاستيرادات دور مهم في التأثير في الناتج وهذا يعتمد على حجم وغرض استخدامها، فضلاً عن تأثيرها في التضخم ومعدل البطالة. وأن تأثير الطلب المحلي على الناتج، يعتمد على مدى مساهمة السلع والخدمات المنتجة محلياً في تلبية الطلب الاضافي، إذ أن حجم المضاعف في الاقتصاد المفتوح يكون اصغر مما هو في الاقتصاد المغلق.       ولتوضيح العلاقة بين الاستيرادات ومؤشرات الاقتصاد الكلي المستخدمة في البحث، تم الاستعانة بالقياس الاقتصادي، إذ تم استخدام نموذج الانحدار الذاتي للابطاءات الموزعة ARDL. The study examined the relationship between imports and some macroeconomic indicators (output, inflation and unemployment) in the Iraqi economy for the period 1988-2017. Importation plays an important role in influencing some macroeconomic indicators, because they have a role in determining the size of the output of the local economy, as well as contributing to the stability of the general price level, as well as indirectly affecting the labor market.       The research started from the premise that imports have an important role in stabilizing output, depending on the extent of their contribution to the revitalization of sectors of the national economy. They also play an important role in stabilizing inflation rates and influencing unemployment.       The importance of the research is to clarify the nature of the relationship between imports on the one hand and GDP, inflation and unemployment on the other hand in the Iraqi economy.       The research was based on the use of the inductive method by analyzing the evolution of data across the different time periods, extrapolating the economic reality, analyzing the economic phenomena and their development during the research period, and then deducing the resulting economic effects.       One important conclusion of the research is that imports have an important role to play in influencing output, depending on the size and purpose of their use, as well as their impact on inflation and unemployment. The impact of domestic demand on output depends on the extent to which locally produced goods and services contribute to meeting the additional demand. The size of the multiplier in the open economy is smaller than in the closed economy.       To illustrate the relationship between imports and macroeconomic indicators used in the research, economic measurement was used. The ARDL model was used

    Deep learning improves pancreatic cancer diagnosis using RNA-based variants

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    For optimal pancreatic cancer treatment, early and accurate diagnosis is vital. Blood-derived biomarkers and genetic predispositions can contribute to early diagnosis, but they often have limited accuracy or applicability. Here, we seek to exploit the synergy between them by combining the biomarker CA19-9 with RNA-based variants. We use deep sequencing and deep learning to improve differentiating pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. We obtained samples of nucleated cells found in peripheral blood from 268 patients suffering from resectable, non-resectable pancreatic cancer, and chronic pancreatitis. We sequenced RNA with high coverage and obtained millions of variants. The high-quality variants served as input together with CA19-9 values to deep learning models. Our model achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 96% in differentiating resectable cancer from pancreatitis using a test cohort. Moreover, we identified variants to estimate survival in resectable cancer. We show that the blood transcriptome harbours variants, which can substantially improve noninvasive clinical diagnosis