3 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Teaching Methods, Approaches, and Strategies Found in a Critical Review on Applied Linguistics Course

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    This study investigated the critical review on applied linguistics course teaching methods, approaches, and strategies which would be found in post graduate program in ELT in State University of Malang in the second semester. The lecturer is the teacher who is teaching critical review on applied linguistics course in offering E, class A. This study used one-site case study. Data was gathered from observations. The result of the study showed that the teacher relies on Communicative Language Teaching which was found in the classroom activities. Therefore, this paper critically reviews Intarapanichā€™s article (2013) ā€œTeaching Methods, Approaches and Strategies Found in EFL Classrooms: A Case Study in Lao PDRā€ on the basis of the nature methods, approaches, and strategies in the teaching EFL classrooms, the existing practice in the teaching of EFL, and for the investigation proposed that teacher should adapt learning activities, based upon student abilities and constraint in classroom setting.Keywords: methods, approaches, strategies, applied linguistic cours

    Comic Strips in Teaching Simple Past Tense for EFL Learners

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    Teaching English needs various media and methods to make the studentsenthusiastic in teaching and learning process. A lot of media are employed inteaching and learning process. One of media used in teaching grammar especiallytenses is comic strips. Comic strips tell a story in form of pictures series and textstructures or dialogue. This article aims to find out the effect of using Englishcomic strips as media in teaching simple past tense. A quasi experimental designis used in this study to identify the causal impact of an intervention on targetpopulation without random assignment when the treatments were given. Thesubjects of this study were the seventh grade students of junior high school.The finding of t-test obtained was 3.865 which were higher than t-table 2.08.It means that the comic strips are effective for teaching simple past tense. Thecomic strips can be used in teaching other aspects such as storytelling, anothertense, writing and so forth, and also it can be collaborated with the studentsā€™learning style

    Penentuan Faktor Koreksi Panjang Loncatan Hidrolik pada Kolam Peredam Energi Tipe Bucket

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    Abstrak Pada kolam olak tipe bucket, jari-jari (R) mempengaruhi loncatan hidrolik. Faktor koreksi panjang loncatan yang dipengaruhi oleh jari-jari kolam bucket. Nilai tersebut dapat digunakan menentukan panjang atau luas area pengamanan hilir sungai agar tidak terjadi tergerusan. Uji model fisik dilakukan dengan flum, panjangnya 4,1 m, lebar flume 0,15 m dan tinggi flume 0,24 m. Maka 3 variasi jari-jari kolam olak yaitu R1 = 6 cm, R2 = 7 cm dan R3 = 8 cm kemudian dialirkan air dengan 27 variasi percobaan. Diukur tinggi muka air diatas mercu bendung (Hd), saat meloncat (y1), setelah meloncat (y2) dan panjang loncatan hidrolik (Lj), didapatkan tinggi air saat meloncat (y1) dan bilangan Froude (Fr). Dengan memodifikasi persamaan Silvester (Ļƒ = 3,0 dan Č  = 1,17). panjang loncatan hidrolik mendekati hasil observasi dengan tingkat kesalahan relatif Ī”E = 25,8%, NSE = 0,9, MAE = 6,0 dan RMSE = 3,1. Kata-kata Kunci: Kolam olak, tipe bucket, loncatan hidrolik, bilangan froude. Abstract In a bucket type still pond, radius (R) affects the hydraulic jump. The jump length correction factor is affected by the bucket pool radius. This value can be used to determine the length or area of the river downstream safeguard area so that erosion does not occur. The physical model test was carried out with a flume, the length of which was 4.1 m, the flume width was 0.15 m and the flume height was 0.24 m. Then 3 variations of the radius of the stilling pond, namely R1 = 6 cm, R2 = 7 cm and R3 = 8 cm then water was flowed with 27 experimental variations. Measured the water level above the crest of the weir (Hd), when jumping (y1), after jumping (y2) and the length of the hydraulic jump (Lj), obtained the water height when jumping (y1) and the Froude number (Fr). By modifying Silvester's equation (Ļƒ = 3.0 and Č  = 1.17). hydraulic jump length is close to the observed results with relative error rates Ī”E = 25.8%, NSE = 0.9, MAE = 6.0 and RMSE = 3.1. Keywords: Stilling pond, bucket type, hydraulic jump, froude number. Abstract In a bucket type still pond, radius (R) affects the hydraulic jump. The jump length correction factor is affected by the bucket pool radius. This value can be used to determine the length or area of the river downstream safeguard area so that erosion does not occur. The physical model test was carried out with a flume, the length of which was 4.1 m, the flume width was 0.15 m and the flume height was 0.24 m. Then 3 variations of the radius of the stilling pond, namely R1 = 6 cm, R2 = 7 cm and R3 = 8 cm then water was flowed with 27 experimental variations. Measured the water level above the crest of the weir (Hd), when jumping (y1), after jumping (y2) and the length of the hydraulic jump (Lj), obtained the water height when jumping (y1) and the Froude number (Fr). By modifying Silvester's equation (Ļƒ = 3.0 and Č  = 1.17). hydraulic jump length is close to the observed results with relative error rates Ī”E = 25.8%, NSE = 0.9, MAE = 6.0 and RMSE = 3.1. Keywords: Stilling pond, bucket type, hydraulic jump, froude number. Ā 