996 research outputs found

    Health Care Market Deviations from the Ideal Market

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    A common argument in the health policy debate is that market forces allocate resources efficiently in health care, and that government intervention distorts such allocation. Rarely do those making such claims state explicitly that the market they refer to is an ideal in economic theory which can only exist under very strict conditions. This paper explores the strict conditions necessary for that ideal market in the context of health care as a means of examining the claim that market forces do allocate resources efficiently in health care.

    The 43GHz SiO maser in the circumstellar envelope of the AGB star R Cassiopeiae

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    We present multi-epoch, total intensity, high-resolution images of 43GHz, v=1, J=1-0 SiO maser emission toward the Mira variable R Cas. In total we have 23 epochs of data for R Cas at approximate monthly intervals over an optical pulsation phase range from 0.158 to 1.78. These maps show a ring-like distribution of the maser features in a shell, which is assumed to be centred on the star at a radius of 1.6 to 2.3 times the stellar radii. It is clear from these images that the maser emission is significantly extended around the star. At some epochs a faint outer arc can be seen at 2.2 stellar radii. The intensity of the emission waxes and wanes during the stellar phase. Some maser features are seen infalling as well as outflowing. We have made initial comparisons of our data with models by Gray et. al. (2009).Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Chemopreventive effect of corosolic acid in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    Anticancer effects of corosolic acid have been demonstrated earlier in human cervix adenocarcinoma and osteosarcoma cells, but the exact underlying molecular mechanisms have not been studied. Hence, an attempt was made to identify the anticancer mechanism of corosolic acid in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells [HepG2]. The anticancer activity of corosolic acid through cell growth inhibition by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, mitochondrial membrane potential and apoptotic fragmentations by fluorescence microscope was evaluated. In addition, the cleavage of PARP, NF-κB, cytochrome c (cyt. C) release, and Bax and Bcl2 expression was analyzed by Western blot. The results clearly indicate that corosolic acid was involved in the alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential resulting in the release of cyt. C from mitochondria and increased ROS generation. The corosolic acid treatment causes the induction of apoptosis in a dose dependent manner (IC50, 40 μM). In conclusion, corosolic acid had chemopreventive effect on HepG2 cells by apoptosis.Keywords: Corosolic acid, hepatocellular carcinoma, reactive oxygen species (ROS), apoptosis, lipid peroxidationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(19), pp. 2733-274

    Al-Mahkum fih in Accordance with the Islamic Legislation’ Objectives

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    This piece of research assesses compatibility between the conditions of al-Mahkum fih and the objectives of al-Tashri‘. In addition, it examines the ruling of obliging the servants with the impossible deeds, the natural and non-consensual deeds, in accordance with the objectives of Islamis jurisprudence. Further, examine the ruling of obliging servants with tough acts. The ruling of obliging with a deed before satisfying the legal condition for it. In consequence, the researcher has come to an obvious conclusion that is the objectives of al-Tashri‘ are achieved in all of the previous subjects which are related to al-Mahkum fih. Besides, this study shows the glory of Islamic legislation, its mercy and tolerance with the servant in a commendable way. This paper consists of an introduction and a conclusion, in addition to three issues

    Trade and Financial Openness and Financial Development: Is there Asymmetric Co-integration relationship? Evidence from Jordan

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    The current study attempts to explore the asymmetric long-run equilibrium relationship between trade and financial openness and financial development, especially in banking sector. Using Jordanian data, over the period 1980 to 2019. The study has found evidence of asymmetry pattern in the relationship between trade and financial openness and the credit to private sector ratio. From estimation of error-correction model, the adjustment back to equilibrium is more rapid following relative increase in trade and financial openness compared to relative decrease in trade and financial opennes

    Petrology and Sedimentation of the Cambro-Ordovician Saq Sandstone, Saudi Arabia

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    The Saq Sandstone is 600m thick and of Cambro-Ordovician age (?). It is vertically and laterally uniform succession, >90% of which cross-stratified. It is a texturally and mineralogically mature, fine to coarse-grained quartz arenite, with subordinate shale, siltstone, breccia and conglomerate. The Saq Sandstone comprises an upward maturing and fining sequence. It was -largely derived from a craton interior made up of pre-existing and multi-cycle sedimentary rocks. A new formation (The Idwah Formation) overlying the Precambrian-Cambrian basement and older than the Saq Sandstone has been defined. This is a remnant of an earlier extensive cover over the peneplained Precambrian-Cambrian surface. The sandstone was partly or totally deposited in a tide-dominated shallow-shelf marine environment. Six Facies Associations have been recognized: (1) Facies Association A (Bar areas); (2) Facies Association B (Inter-Bar); (3) Facies Association C (Inner-shelf); (4) Facies Association D (Shoreline) and (5) Facies Association E (Scree). The Saq Sandstone was deposited intially during a transgression (Lower and Middle) and then during a regression (Upper) cycle. The regression producing a laterally extensive sheet of beach sandstone. The palaeocurrent pattern throughout Saq Sandstone is unidirectional (NE). This together with the orientation of the beach lamination, suggest that the source lay S to SW of the Saq Basin, although it is difficult to reconstruct a palaeoslope from tidally induced flows. The dominance of a single palaeoflow suggest a strongly asymmetrical tidal system

    Islamic Approach to Protecting Property “Gleaning and its Modern Applications as a Model”

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    Islam recognizes the ownership system, for Allah is the true and ultimate owner of property, which He grants to whomever He wishes, and whoever Allah gives property, none shall remove ownership of it except Allah Almighty. Actually, public finance in Islam entails a moral dimension, which is strictly safeguarded, for it aims alongside the soundness of the financial systems to promote moral virtues, for everlasting civilizations are grounded in capital and morality. Actually, Islam has, since the inception of the Islamic state, prescribed various kinds of contracts, and enacted diverse systems to develop capital, while prescribing deterrent punishments some of which are physical and financial to protect it. Islam’s orientation in achieving all of this is to abide by the fundamentals, and categorical precepts, whereby it is impermissible to violate or contravene them, and it also created a wide circle for independent interpretation related to capital and wealth, to achieve the public interest under the rubric of the aims of the Shari`ah, and its overall foundations, whereby it does not impose stifling limitations, or inert rules, or sterile methods.[1]The Muslim jurists have concurred on the necessity of defining gleaning (Al-Luqata r.) but they differed on the period of announcement(al-Ta`rif ar.) according to the value and importance of the gleaning; whereby if the gleaning is considerable wealth, the majority of the Fuqaha are of the position that it is announced for a period of one year and the Hanafis have delved in detail regarding this matter. And if the glean is of tiny value, this has given rise to difference between them, where it is not announced for a year, but rather is announced as an amount which most probably the one who lost it does not claim it, while the Hanbali jurists hold the position regarding it as being the same as the amount of a considerable value, which is announced for a complete period of one yearwhich is the position that I favor and consider more plausible.And it is permissible for the indigent gleaner to benefit from the glean. However, if he is wealthy then he may give it in charity where the reward (i.e. Divine recompense) is for its owner, and he may give it in charity to any poor person, even if a relative. Keywords: Glean, Property, Benefit, Capital, Poor Person [1]Awhab, Nadhir Bin Muhammad Al-Tayyeb, Protection of Public Property in Islamic, Jurisprudence, Nayef Arab Academy for Security Sciences, Center of Studies and Research, Riyadh, 2001 A.D., p.5

    Impact of Zakat Taxon Economic Recession Compared to Regular (State) Taxes

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    The Islamic obligation of Zakat plays a significant role in financing development, for Zakat has an investment role because it is oriented to generate and create new human productive capacities in society, in addition to its financing role through the means of expenditure. Furthermore, Zakat addresses and handles the psychological and objective reasons driving individuals to horde (amassment)and to refrain from participating in economic activity. Undoubtedly tax laws are not devoid of benefits to the state in case formulated according to well studied bases, where such taxes are imposed on segments of society which would not be harmed nor suffer distress as a consequence of such taxes, or which in principle should not be subjected to such taxes, given that they should basically be levied only on the wealthy, and should be imposed only in case the state is in need. And in all cases the present study focuses on highlighting the difference between Zakat as a religious obligation, and taxes as a legal obligation, and the impact of each of them on recession as an economic concept. Keywords: Zakat, Taxes, Recession. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-9-04 Publication date:March 31st 201

    The Role of Lactoferrin and Adenosin De Aminase Enzyme in Thyroiditis (single and multiple nodule goiters) Iraqi Pateints

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    Lactoferrin is a multifunctional iron-binding protein present in several mucosal secretions as well as in secondary granules of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Anti-lactoferrin antibodies, which belong to anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies have been described in several immunomediated diseases. A total of 60 nodular and multi-nodular goiter patients, their age ranged from (22-71) years, attending the Medical City\Surgery department and Dijlah Private Hospital, during the period from August 2010 -April 2011. In addition, twenty healthy (controls), matched patients for age, were also included in the study. The study was conducted for the detection of serum level of anti- lactoferrin antibodies by using immunometric enzyme immunoassay. While (ADA) enzyme activity was measured by the method of (Giusti, 1981), also Protein ratio was measured by the method of (Bradford, 1976). Anti- lactoferrin antibodies were detected in 14 (23.33%) patients, which was significantly higher than that in normal individuals (p value 0.01) and the mean of positive cases was (4.473 ± 0.206) compared to the  negative cases which was (23.676 ± 2.137) (P value 0.001). (ADA) enzyme showed an increasing in mean value (4.56A ± 1.27) in patients, compared to controls (1.18 B ± 0.49). Total protein was detecting with high values and significant difference between patients (21.99B ± 0.33 gm/100ml) and control group (8.37A ± 1.31 gm/100ml). Where the normal value of the total protein is (6.4–8.3) gram per deciliter (g/dL). We conclude that anti-lactoferrin antibodies could be detected in patients with thyroiditis (single and multiple nodule goiters) in addition to elevatet level of  (ADA) enzyme and often total protein in the same patients. Keywords: Thyroiditis, Single and multiple nodule goiters, Lactoferrin, Adenosin De Aminase enzyme, protein

    The degree of principals' practice of transformational leadership in the Directorate of Education of Bani Kenana from the point of view of teachers

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    The study aimed to investigate the degree of principals' practice of transformational leadership in the Directorate of Education of Bani Kenana from the point of view of teachers and to identify the effect of the independent variables: gender and years of experience. A sample of (317) female teachers and (228) teachers were formed. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used descriptive and explanatory analysis. A questionnaire consisting of (31) paragraphs was used. The statistical package (spss.22) was used, such as descriptive statistics, means, and standard deviation, and the explanatory statistics were used. The independent t-Test and one way ANOVA were used. The results of the study showed that the highest mean was associated with the continuous professional development paragraph for itself with all members of the school community with a high mean of (4.78. - 4.59), all of them were of high grade. The results also showed that there were differences between the means on the study of the degree of principals' practice of the transformational leadership in the Directorate of Education of Bani Kenana from the point of view of teachers due to gender to favor of (males) and practical experience to favor of (more than 10 years) category