1,456 research outputs found

    Protecting quantum entanglement from amplitude damping

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    Quantum entanglement is a critical resource for quantum information and quantum computation. However, entanglement of a quantum system is subjected to change due to the interaction with the environment. One typical result of the interaction is the amplitude damping that usually results in the reduction of the entanglement. Here we propose a protocol to protect quantum entanglement from the amplitude damping by applying Hadamard and CNOT gates. As opposed to some recently studied methods, the scheme presented here does not require weak measurement in the reversal process, leading to a faster recovery of entanglement. We propose a possible experimental implementation based on linear optical system

    Exploring EFL Student Teachersā€™ Perceptions of Student-led Seminars

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    Abstract Student-led seminars have not been widely researched from the student perspective despite their prevalence in different streams of education literature. Based on four focus group interviews involving 24 students from a university in Saudi Arabia, this study evaluated student-led seminar sessions from the perspective of EFL student teachers, to generate relevant themes and categories. The themes identified comprised: preparing for seminar sessions, implementing seminar sessions, and receiving feedback after seminar sessions. Results found that students acknowledged the advantages of student-led seminars, but were worried about engaging in student-led seminars. Others preferred to receive guidance from the instructor, and some believed collaborative work was more important than individual work. It is essential to investigate studentsā€™ perceptions to obtain a more thorough understanding and allow the formulation of an effective framework implementing student-led seminars

    An Analysis of the Influence of Cultural Backgrounds of Individuals upon their Perspective towards Privacy within Internet Activities

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    Concern about privacy is an important consideration for users of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly when using computer-mediated communication (CMC), i.e. Internet usage. Several researchers have studied privacy issues by taking into account the views of users to include individuals, organisations, privacy policy makers, governments and trust organisations. This thesis investigates whether an individualā€™s perspectives about privacy are culturally relevant when using the Internet. This research used a survey in the form of a questionnaire in two countries, namely, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia to compare online privacy perspectives of young and mature (male and female) Saudi and Malaysian students. The research examines the relationship of the effect of the cultural background including the effect of social norms, religious belief, Internet regulation and IT skills of these Internet users upon their attitude towards privacy online and their perspectives about privacy. It also examines the effect of nationality (Malaysian and Saudi), gender and age groups. In this study, online privacy perspectives are a synthesis of three perceptions; what is ā€˜personalā€™ information online, the online privacy concerns and the Internet trust, whereby the cultural effects are the effect of religious beliefs, social norms, Internet regulation and IT skills in the privacy attitudes of keeping personal information safe, caring about their and othersā€™ privacy online and when revealing personal information. The demographic factors in this research are nationality, gender and age. To study these relationships, the research uses t-test, ANOVA, and single regression methods as data analysis techniques. The results show that the level of concern and degree of trust exhibited by Malaysian students with regard to submitting personal information via the Internet was affected the most by their gender, and social norms upon their online privacy attitudes. For Saudi students, the level of concern and trust with regard to submitting personal information via the Internet was found to be related to the effect of their age, gender, and religious beliefs on their online privacy attitudes. The other cultural factors, i.e. Internet regulation in force in each country and the IT skills of participants, are likely to have equal effects on both Malaysian and Saudi privacy perspectives. This research adds the cultural background, age and gender effects to the model of the calculus of the privacy concern that is proposed by Dinev and Hart (2006, pp. 63-64). The research also establishes what is ā€˜privateā€™ in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, by identifying ā€œwhat counts as personal information with regard to Internet usersā€ and provides a comparison in this concept between the two countries, their gender and age groups. For examples, Malaysian students consider name, e-mail address, date of birth, nationality and religion as ā€˜personalā€™ information and Saudi students consider home address, phone number, photographic image and credit card number as ā€˜personalā€™ information. In addition Saudi females tend to consider, particularly, home address, phone number, and photographic image as ā€˜personalā€™ information more than Saudi males. These findings should help both web designers and Internet policy makers in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia to consider these cultural effects when designing the privacy policies of their websites

    Studi Perbandingan Penggunaan Aspal Minyak Dengan Aspal Buton Lawele Pada Campuran Aspal Concrete Base Course (Ac-bc) Menggunakan Metode Marshall Test

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      Campuran beraspal merupakan bagian perkerasan lentur  yang terletak dibagian atas atau diatas lapis poondasi. Karena letaknya diatas maka campuran beraspal harus tahan terhadap pengausan akibat beban roda kendaraan dan pengaruh lingkungan (panas matahari dan air hujan). Disamping itu, campuran aspal dituntut untuk memiliki kekuatan yang baik sehingga dapat mengeliminasi tegangan vertical. Campuran Aspal Concrete Base Coarse (AC-BC) merupakan bagian dari perkerasan lentur yang berfungsi sebagai lapis pondasi. Pada Penelitian ini di lakukan pengujian perbandingan penggunaan aspal minyak dengan aspal buton dengan menggunakan method karakteristik marshall mulai dari kepadatan, rongga dalam campuran, rongga dalam agregat, rongga terisi aspal, stabilitas marshall, stabilitas flow dan hasil bagi marshall sehingga akan diperoleh karekteristik sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknik 2010.  Dari hasil studi perbandingan campuran ac-bc, penggunaan aspal minyak, aspal buton dengan variasi kadar aspal minyak, maka diperoleh campuran yang provorsional yaitu, campuran ac-bc dengan menggunakan aspal buton 25% dari berat agregat dan campuran ac-bc dengan kadar apal minyak  5,0 %, memiliki grafik stabilitas yang hamper sama akan tetapi pada campuran tambahan lawele memiliki stabilitas flow yang relativ tinggi. Sehingga penulis menyimpulkan penggunaan tambahan asbuton memiliki keunggulan dipergunakan untuk konstruksi jalan lingkungan dan untuk pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan lingkungan sehingga perlu dikembangkan oleh instansi pemerintah maupun swasta guna perkembangan jaringan transportasi di provinsi Gorontalo pada khususnya dan Negara Indonesia pada umumnya.      Kata Kunci : Aspal Minyak, Aspal Buton, Lawele, Marshall Test


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    One of the factors that cause lower student learnrs is the elusiveness of materials teaching. Therefore, there should be arrange to development of materials teaching which are appropriate of the learners. The efforts of developing materials teaching by using interactive multimedia Computer Based leraning (CBL). This study aims to produce teaching materials math on the Subjects of circles valid criteria or feasible to use in the learning of mathematics. Teaching materials developed is the use of interactive multimedia teaching material Computer Based Learning (CBL) with Microsoft Power Point 2016 software, Quiz Qreator, and Flash. The method used is a method of research and development. The procedure of this study is parsimony steps ADDIE and Sugiyono is the analysis of potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions, product testing, product revision, evaluation, and conclusions. The results showed that the use of interactive multimedia teaching materials CBL has good views of the quality criteria for the validity and effectiveness. Based on the validation of the overall material experts gained 90.9% and is at a very decent criteria. While the results of the validation of the overall media experts gained 95% and is at a very decent criteria. Based on students' test results show that the student has completed the classical which reached 86.6% with an average value of 80.7. Then the results of the students' responses stated that 77.2% of mathematics teaching materials using interactive multimedia CBL good and fit for use in learning
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