277 research outputs found

    The Effect of Glycan Linked to Cationic Peanut Peroxidase on its Activity

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    The roles of heme-, calcium- and glycan moieties on the peanut peroxidase enzyme activity have been previously studied. While the 3-D protein structure is known and some information about the glycan chain is known, due to uneven distribution of the 5 glycans, only a partial understanding of the furthest sugar groups on the 16 glycan chain was available. Now, having used gel-filtration column chromatography followed by lectin affinity column work, I showed that there is a rich array of galactose there. Moreover, I determined that not too many of the sugars are removed in the culture period of 14 days. Alternatively, I can also suggest that still a large amount of peroxidase is released by the end of the 14-day culturing period. These released proteins have not had the time to lose their sugars; while the enzyme that was released at the beginning of the incubation period had lost sugars

    Year in review 2006: Critical Care – cardiology

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    This review summarizes key research papers published in the fields of cardiology and intensive care during 2006 in Critical Care and, where relevant, in other journals within the field. The papers have been grouped into categories: haemodynamic monitoring, vascular access in intensive care, microvascular assessment and manipulation, and impact of metabolic acidosis on outcome

    Wintering Birds in Northern Saudi Arabia: February 2009

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    The northern plains of Saudi Arabia are an area of approximately 231,000 km2, or roughly equivalent to the size of the whole of the United Kingdom. During previous ABBA Surveys in this area in late winter and spring significant numbers of wintering species such as Dotterel Charadrius morinellus, sandgrouse Pterocles sps and eagles and vultures have been recorded, as well as the threatened Sociable Plover Vanellus gregarius. The main objective of ABBA Survey 40 (30 January - 28 February 2009) was to assess wintering populations of these birds in northern Arabia through sampling methods. In all 21 timed walked censuses in the early morning and 25 driven transect counts (over a total distance of 1511 km) were carried out. Unfortunately most of the region had suffered a severe drought over an extended period, perhaps the previous ten years or longer, and in most of the survey area there had been no rain at all during the winter/spring period of 2008/2009. This lack of rain had resulted in a complete lack of green vegetation in most of the western part of the area studied. Consequently the census results showed low species diversity and small populations

    Air Pollution Index Estimation Model Based On Artificial Neural Network

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    Environmental conservation efforts are always dealing with a complex problem because it involves a large number of variables. However, choosing a correct model structure, and optimum training algorithm with minimum complexity is crucial. Therefore, a dimensional reduction method was implemented based on the multiway principal component analysis (MPCA) method. Three models were built in first part; ozone estimation model, particulate matter 10 (PM10) estimation model, and air pollution index (API) estimation model. Six inputs were used in ozone and PM10 models, which are nitrogen oxides( NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxides (SO2), wind speed, air temperature, and relative humidity. After that, ozone and PM 10 were used as input to the API estimation model. The result shows that the implementation of the MPCA has insignificant improvement on the overall correlation factor due to the high nonlinearity of data

    Types of glaucoma in a university health centre in Al‑Ahsa, Saudi Arabia: a pilot study

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    Objective: The objective was to assess the profile of different types of glaucoma in a University Health Centre in Al‑Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.Materials and Methods: It is a retrospective study in which the files of the patients at King Faisal University Health Centre were reviewed. The data collected included: Age, sex, race, visual acuity, the slit lamp examination findings, the intraocular pressure (IOP) as the average of 3 readings, the cup‑to‑disc ratio (CDR), the visual field changes, and the details of treatment received.Results: Eighty glaucomatous eyes from 50 patients were included in the study. The mean age was 54.8 ± 12.7 years, and the mean IOP was 19 ± 3.9 mmHg that ranged from 11 to 28 mmHg. The mean CDR mean was 0.48 ± 0.16 that ranged between 0.3 and 0.9. Ninety‑one percent of the visual field defects were arcuate scotomata. Primary open‑angle glaucoma (POAG) (60%) was the most predominant type of glaucoma, followed by primary angle closure glaucoma (ACG) (21.3%), secondary OAG (7.5%), and secondary ACG (6.3%). As for the anti‑glaucoma medications, 88% of the studied patients were on more than one medicine.Conclusion: This pilot study has demonstrated that POAG may be the predominant type of glaucoma in Al‑Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Apopulation‑based study with a larger sample size is warranted to confirm the outcome and to provide a baseline data on the prevalence of types of glaucoma in this region of KSA.Keywords: Glaucoma, glaucoma types, prevalence, Saudi Arabi

    Creation of Computerized 3D MRI-Integrated Atlases of the Human Basal Ganglia and Thalamus

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    Functional brain imaging and neurosurgery in subcortical areas often requires visualization of brain nuclei beyond the resolution of current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods. We present techniques used to create: (1) a lower resolution 3D atlas, based on the Schaltenbrand and Wahren print atlas, which was integrated into a stereotactic neurosurgery planning and visualization platform (VIPER); and (2) a higher resolution 3D atlas derived from a single set of manually segmented histological slices containing nuclei of the basal ganglia, thalamus, basal forebrain, and medial temporal lobe. Both atlases were integrated to a canonical MRI (Colin27) from a young male participant by manually identifying homologous landmarks. The lower resolution atlas was then warped to fit the MRI based on the identified landmarks. A pseudo-MRI representation of the high-resolution atlas was created, and a non-linear transformation was calculated in order to match the atlas to the template MRI. The atlas can then be warped to match the anatomy of Parkinson's disease surgical candidates by using 3D automated non-linear deformation methods. By way of functional validation of the atlas, the location of the sensory thalamus was correlated with stereotactic intraoperative physiological data. The position of subthalamic electrode positions in patients with Parkinson's disease was also evaluated in the atlas-integrated MRI space. Finally, probabilistic maps of subthalamic stimulation electrodes were developed, in order to allow group analysis of the location of contacts associated with the best motor outcomes. We have therefore developed, and are continuing to validate, a high-resolution computerized MRI-integrated 3D histological atlas, which is useful in functional neurosurgery, and for functional and anatomical studies of the human basal ganglia, thalamus, and basal forebrain

    Psychological and Social Factors Enhancing the Participation of Saudi Women in Entrepreneurship: A Field Study on Female Students of Jouf University

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    The current study aims at trying to identify the psychological and social factors that enhance the participation of Saudi women in the field of entrepreneurship. With the aim of proposing appropriate solutions to activate the role of Saudi women in the economic development of their country. The study questions crystallized in the following main question: What are the most important social and psychological factors (concern about the future - motivation for achievement - self- confidence) that are effective in enhancing the participation of Jouf University female students in entrepreneurial projects? Do these factors vary according to the social level of the family, specialization (scientific and literary), and the students social status (married and single)? The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, using a questionnaire that included three axes (basic data - social factors - psychological factors (concern about the future - motivation for achievement - self- confidence)). The questionnaire was applied, after verifying the psychometric characteristics, on a sample of undergraduate students (393) students from the College of Science and Arts in Qurayyat, Al-Jouf University, in the second semester 1442/1443 AH - 2021/2022 AD. They were randomly selected. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: that the most important factors that enhance the participation of female students in womens leadership projects are the psychological factors represented, respectively, in (concern about the future, self-confidence, motivation for achievement), followed by social factors, respectively, the presence of previous work experience, and the number of hours Work, work-related specialization and the proximity of the workplace to the place of the population

    Implementing the TRAPD model for the Saudi adaptation of the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.0

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    Abstract Background The World Mental Health-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) 3.0, originally in English, is a fully-structured interview designed for the assessment of mental disorders. Although Arabic translations of CIDI from countries like Lebanon and Iraq exist, a Modern Standard Arabic translation was developed to suit the Saudi population. While the translation model used in the present paper has been used to translate instruments in Asian and European languages, there is no study to the best of our knowledge which has used this specific model to translate a validated instrument from English to Arabic. Case presentation This paper describes the Saudi adaptation of CIDI 3.0. The TRAPD team translation model—comprising of translation, review, adjudication, pretesting and documentation—was implemented to carry out the Saudi adaptation of CIDI 3.0. Pretests involving cognitive interviewing and pilot study led to translation revisions which consequently confirmed that Saudi respondents had a good understanding of various items of the instrument. The adaptation procedures for the Saudi CIDI 3.0 were well documented and the instrument was linguistically validated with the Saudi population. Conclusion The TRAPD model was successfully implemented to adapt the CIDI 3.0 to be used as the main survey instrument for the Saudi National Mental Health Survey, findings of which will provide health policy makers mental health indicators for health decision making and planning.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148144/1/13033_2019_Article_267.pd


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    Military campaigns in the 21st Century are extremely complex multi-dimensional undertakings. In today’s globalized reality, influence of wars will go beyond the theatre of operations into issues of international economy, human migration, airspace and sea lanes, thus adding new dimensions to campaign planning.  Converting theory and doctrine to practice is never easy.  Realistic training may be the best bridge to ensure that classroom knowledge is correctly applied to the real battlefield.  This paper looks at this challenge through the combined experience of six foreign exchange students who graduated from Indonesia’s Air Command and Staff College, 2018.  The purpose of this paper is to highlight some of the challenges to campaign planning, especially in light of multinational influences, extract lessons learned from recent military campaigns and then provide feedback for Indonesia’s wargaming training methodology as practiced in the air command and staff college.  The foundation to Indonesia’s wargaming exercises is the 14-step Military Decision Making Process (MDMP).  MDMP in its general form is part of the campaign planning processes for the authors’ respective countries too, varying only in the sequence and emphasis on steps and tasks within the process and strategies for exercising the process.  This paper will conclude that even the most theoretically sound campaign planning process would lead to operational failure, unless critical thinking & planning abilities are developed in upcoming military leaders through a sound understanding of theory, realistic wargaming, and deep analysis. This requires realistic training in an open learning environment, and a willingness to analyse one’s own country-specific mistakes and successes