18 research outputs found

    On Integral Operator Defined by Convolution Involving Hybergeometric Functions

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    For λ>−1 and μ≥0, we consider a liner operator Iλμ on the class of analytic functions in the unit disk defined by the convolution (fμ)(−1)∗f(z), where fμ=(1−μ)z2F1(a,b,c;z)+μz(z2F1(a,b,c;z))', and introduce a certain new subclass of using this operator. Several interesting properties of these classes are obtained

    Monsoon-driven seasonal hypoxia along the northern coast of Oman

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    Dissolved oxygen and current observations from a cabled ocean observatory in the Sea of Oman show that the annual recurrence of coastal hypoxia, defined as dissolved oxygen concentrations ≤63 μM, is associated with the seasonal cycle of local monsoon winds. The observations represent the first long-term (5+ years) continuous moored observations off the northern Omani coast. During the summer/fall southwest (SW) monsoon season (Jun-Nov), winds in the Sea of Oman generate ocean currents that result in coastal upwelling of subsurface waters with low dissolved oxygen concentrations. The source of the poorly oxygenated water is the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the Arabian Sea, a layer approximately 1000-m thick within the 100 to 1200 m depth range, where dissolved oxygen values approach anoxia. During the winter monsoon season (Dec-Feb), the Sea of Oman winds are from the northwest, forcing strong and persistent southeast currents. These winds generate oceanic downwelling conditions along the coastal ocean that ventilate waters at depth. Possible impacts of the monsoon-driven seasonal hypoxia on local fisheries and implications due to climate change are also discussed in this study

    Strong Differential Subordinations Obtained with New Integral Operator Defined by Polylogarithm Function

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    By using the polylogarithm function, a new integral operator is introduced. Strong differential subordination and superordination properties are determined for some families of univalent functions in the open unit disk which are associated with new integral operator by investigating appropriate classes of admissible functions. New strong differential sandwich-type results are also obtained

    On Meromorphic Harmonic Functions with Respect to k-Symmetric Points

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    In our previous work in this journal in 2008, we introduced the generalized derivative operator ð”‡mj for f∈ðÂ’®â„‹. In this paper, we introduce a class of meromorphic harmonic function with respect to k-symmetric points defined by ð”‡mj. Coefficient bounds, distortion theorems, extreme points, convolution conditions, and convex combinations for the functions belonging to this class are obtained

    On Harmonic Functions Defined by Derivative Operator

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Let <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i1.gif"/></inline-formula> denote the class of functions <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i2.gif"/></inline-formula> that are harmonic univalent and sense-preserv- ing in the unit disk <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i3.gif"/></inline-formula>, where <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i4.gif"/></inline-formula>. In this paper, we introduce the class <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i5.gif"/></inline-formula> of functions <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i6.gif"/></inline-formula> which are harmonic in <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i7.gif"/></inline-formula>. A sufficient coefficient of this class is determined. It is shown that this coefficient bound is also necessary for the class <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i8.gif"/></inline-formula> if <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i9.gif"/></inline-formula>, where <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i10.gif"/></inline-formula> and <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i11.gif"/></inline-formula>. Coefficient conditions, such as distortion bounds, convolution conditions, convex combination, extreme points, and neighborhood for the class <inline-formula> <graphic file="1029-242X-2008-263413-i12.gif"/></inline-formula>, are obtained.</p

    Evolution of emergency medical services in Saudi Arabia

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    Application of Hölder Inequality in Generalised Convolutions for Functions with Respect to k-Symmetric Points

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    Abstract Two classes of univalent functions with respect to k-symmetric points define on the unit disk satisfying the conditions: are given. The two inequalities of the functions belonging to these two classes are the starlike and convex functions with respect to k-symmetric points, respectively. Some interesting properties of generalisations of Hadamard product in these classes are given. Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45, 30C50, 30C5

    Transmission dynamics, responses, and clinical features for the first 1100 COVID-19 cases in South Batinah, Oman: Major lessons from a provincial perspective

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف وتحليل الملامح الوبائية ورصد واستجابة كوفيد-19، وديناميكيات انتقالها وتشكل المجموعات. طرق البحث: تحليل استرجاعي لبيانات الرصد، بما في ذلك تتبع الاتصال، وعوامل الخطر، والمعلومات السريرية. أجريت تحليلات الانحدار اللوجستية الثنائية لتقييم احتمالات القبول، وتشكل المجموعات، وكونه حالة رئيسية. تم توضيح المجموعات باستخدام أنظمة البيانات الجغرافية وتحليل الشبكات وبرامج التصور. النتائج: تم تشخيص ١١٠٠ حالة إصابة بفيروس كوفيد-١٩ في الفترة من ٢٠ مارس إلى ٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٠، وكانت ١٤٤ حالة منها (١٣,١٪) بدون أعراض. كانت المدة المتوسطة من بدء الأعراض حتى القبول في المستشفى ٧ أيام (٤,٥ - ١٠)، ومدة الأعراض نفسها كانت ٥ أيام (٣ - ٩). تم تحديد 89 مجموعة تحتوي على ٧٣٦ مريضا. وتم تمييز ثلاث مراحل توضح إجراءات الرصد والسيطرة. بدأت المجموعات في المرحلة الثانية وزادت وضوحا في المرحلة الثالثة. المرضى الذين تجاوزوا سن ٥٠ عاما وأولئك الذين يعانون من الحمى لديهم فرصة أكبر للقبول في المستشفى، بنسبة ١٢,٨٥ (٩٥٪ م.م. ٥,١٣ – ٣٢,١٩) و ٢,٥٣ (٩٥٪ م.م. ١,٢٤ – ٥,١٧) على التوالي. وقد لوحظ تشكل المجموعات بين الإناث والمرضى الذين لم يظهروا أعراضا وبين سكان ولاية عوابي، بنسب ٢,٣ (٩٥٪ م.م. ١,٧ – ٣,١) و ٦,٣٩ (٩٥٪ م.م. ٢,٣٣ – ١٧,٢) و ٣,٥٤ (٩٥٪ م.م. ٢,٠٦ – ٦,٠٧) على التوالي. وكان لدى المرضى العاملين في قطاعات الشرطة والدفاع فرصة أعلى لكونهم حالة رئيسية، بنسبة ٧,٨٨ (٩٥٪ م.م. ٣,٣٥ – ١٨,٥٢). الاستنتاجات: يجب دعم التدخلات القائمة على الحالات من خلال التدابير الموسعة على مستوى السكان - خاصة قيود الحركة. يعد إنشاء فرق الوقاية أو وحدات المنطقة، أو من خلال الرعاية الأولية أمرا حاسما للسيطرة على الأوبئة المستقبلية. يجب أن تكون الوقاية دائما أولوية للفئات السكانية الضعيفة. Abstract: Objectives: This study was aimed at exploring and analyzing the epidemiological profile, surveillance, and response to COVID-19, including transmission dynamics and cluster formation. Methodology: This was a retrospective analysis of surveillance data, including contact tracing, risk factors, and clinical information. Binary logistic regressions were used to assess the likelihood of admission, cluster formation, and of each individual being an index patient. Clusters were demonstrated through geographic data systems, network analysis, and visualization software. Results: A total of 1100 COVID-19 cases were diagnosed from 20 March to 7 June 2020, of which 144 (13.1%) were asymptomatic. The median time from symptom onset to admission was 7 days (IQR, 4.5–10), and the median symptom duration was 5 days (IQR, 3–9). Eighty-nine clusters containing 736 patients were identified. The surveillance and control actions were divided into three phases. Clusters began to form in phase 2 and became more pronounced in phase 3. Patients ≥50 years of age and patients presenting with fever had relatively higher odds of admission: OR = 12.85 (95% CI 5.13–32.19) and 2.53 (95% CI 1.24–5.17), respectively. Cluster formation was observed among females, asymptomatic patients, and people living in Awabi: OR = 2.3 (95% CI 1.7–3.1), 6.39 (95% CI 2.33–17.2), and 3.54 (95% CI 2.06–6.07), respectively. Patients working in the police and defense sectors had higher odds of being an index patient: OR = 7.88 (95% CI 3.35–18.52). Conclusion: Case-based interventions should be supported by population-wide measures, particularly movement restrictions. Establishing prevention teams or district units, or primary care will be crucial for the control of future pandemics. Prevention should always be prioritized for vulnerable populations