218 research outputs found

    A global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in learning about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in undergraduate medical education : White paper by the World Forum on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WFRMD).

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    Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) encompass a spectrum of degenerative, inflammatory conditions predominantly affecting the joints. They are a leading cause of disability worldwide and an enormous socioeconomic burden. However, worldwide deficiencies in adult and paediatric RMD knowledge among medical school graduates and primary care physicians (PCPs) persist. In October 2017, the World Forum on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WFRMD), an international think tank of RMD and related experts, met to discuss key challenges and opportunities in undergraduate RMD education. Topics included needs analysis, curriculum content, interprofessional education, teaching and learning methods, implementation, assessment and course evaluation and professional formation/career development, which formed a framework for this white paper. We highlight a need for all medical graduates to attain a basic level of RMD knowledge and competency to enable them to confidently diagnose, treat/manage or refer patients. The importance of attracting more medical students to a career in rheumatology, and the indisputable value of integrated, multidisciplinary and multiprofessional care are also discussed. We conclude that RMD teaching for the future will need to address what is being taught, but also where, why and to whom, to ensure that healthcare providers deliver the best patient care possible in their local settin

    Artificial intelligence-based preventive, personalized and precision medicine for cardiovascular disease/stroke risk assessment in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a narrative review

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    The challenges associated with diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease (CVD)/Stroke in Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) arise from the delayed onset of symptoms. Existing clinical risk scores are inadequate in predicting cardiac events, and conventional risk factors alone do not accurately classify many individuals at risk. Several CVD biomarkers consider the multiple pathways involved in the development of atherosclerosis, which is the primary cause of CVD/Stroke in RA. To enhance the accuracy of CVD/Stroke risk assessment in the RA framework, a proposed approach involves combining genomic-based biomarkers (GBBM) derived from plasma and/or serum samples with innovative non-invasive radiomic-based biomarkers (RBBM), such as measurements of synovial fluid, plaque area, and plaque burden. This review presents two hypotheses: (i) RBBM and GBBM biomarkers exhibit a significant correlation and can precisely detect the severity of CVD/Stroke in RA patients. (ii) Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based preventive, precision, and personalized (aiP3) CVD/Stroke risk AtheroEdge™ model (AtheroPoint™, CA, USA) that utilizes deep learning (DL) to accurately classify the risk of CVD/stroke in RA framework. The authors conducted a comprehensive search using the PRISMA technique, identifying 153 studies that assessed the features/biomarkers of RBBM and GBBM for CVD/Stroke. The study demonstrates how DL models can be integrated into the AtheroEdge™–aiP3 framework to determine the risk of CVD/Stroke in RA patients. The findings of this review suggest that the combination of RBBM with GBBM introduces a new dimension to the assessment of CVD/Stroke risk in the RA framework. Synovial fluid levels that are higher than normal lead to an increase in the plaque burden. Additionally, the review provides recommendations for novel, unbiased, and pruned DL algorithms that can predict CVD/Stroke risk within a RA framework that is preventive, precise, and personalized. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Evidence-based decision support for pediatric rheumatology reduces diagnostic errors.

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    BACKGROUND: The number of trained specialists world-wide is insufficient to serve all children with pediatric rheumatologic disorders, even in the countries with robust medical resources. We evaluated the potential of diagnostic decision support software (DDSS) to alleviate this shortage by assessing the ability of such software to improve the diagnostic accuracy of non-specialists. METHODS: Using vignettes of actual clinical cases, clinician testers generated a differential diagnosis before and after using diagnostic decision support software. The evaluation used the SimulConsult® DDSS tool, based on Bayesian pattern matching with temporal onset of each finding in each disease. The tool covered 5405 diseases (averaging 22 findings per disease). Rheumatology content in the database was developed using both primary references and textbooks. The frequency, timing, age of onset and age of disappearance of findings, as well as their incidence, treatability, and heritability were taken into account in order to guide diagnostic decision making. These capabilities allowed key information such as pertinent negatives and evolution over time to be used in the computations. Efficacy was measured by comparing whether the correct condition was included in the differential diagnosis generated by clinicians before using the software ( unaided ), versus after use of the DDSS ( aided ). RESULTS: The 26 clinicians demonstrated a significant reduction in diagnostic errors following introduction of the software, from 28% errors while unaided to 15% using decision support (p \u3c 0.0001). Improvement was greatest for emergency medicine physicians (p = 0.013) and clinicians in practice for less than 10 years (p = 0.012). This error reduction occurred despite the fact that testers employed an open book approach to generate their initial lists of potential diagnoses, spending an average of 8.6 min using printed and electronic sources of medical information before using the diagnostic software. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that decision support can reduce diagnostic errors and improve use of relevant information by generalists. Such assistance could potentially help relieve the shortage of experts in pediatric rheumatology and similarly underserved specialties by improving generalists\u27 ability to evaluate and diagnose patients presenting with musculoskeletal complaints. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02205086

    DermAI 1.0: A Robust, Generalized, and Novel Attention-Enabled Ensemble-Based Transfer Learning Paradigm for Multiclass Classification of Skin Lesion Images

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    Skin lesion classification plays a crucial role in dermatology, aiding in the early detection, diagnosis, and management of life-threatening malignant lesions. However, standalone transfer learning (TL) models failed to deliver optimal performance. In this study, we present an attention-enabled ensemble-based deep learning technique, a powerful, novel, and generalized method for extracting features for the classification of skin lesions. This technique holds significant promise in enhancing diagnostic accuracy by using seven pre-trained TL models for classification. Six ensemble-based DL (EBDL) models were created using stacking, softmax voting, and weighted average techniques. Furthermore, we investigated the attention mechanism as an effective paradigm and created seven attention-enabled transfer learning (aeTL) models before branching out to construct three attention-enabled ensemble-based DL (aeEBDL) models to create a reliable, adaptive, and generalized paradigm. The mean accuracy of the TL models is 95.30%, and the use of an ensemble-based paradigm increased it by 4.22%, to 99.52%. The aeTL models' performance was superior to the TL models in accuracy by 3.01%, and aeEBDL models outperformed aeTL models by 1.29%. Statistical tests show significant p-value and Kappa coefficient along with a 99.6% reliability index for the aeEBDL models. The approach is highly effective and generalized for the classification of skin lesions

    Deep learning approach for cardiovascular disease risk stratification and survival analysis on a Canadian cohort

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    The quantification of carotid plaque has been routinely used to predict cardiovascular risk in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary artery disease (CAD). To determine how well carotid plaque features predict the likelihood of CAD and cardiovascular (CV) events using deep learning (DL) and compare against the machine learning (ML) paradigm. The participants in this study consisted of 459 individuals who had undergone coronary angiography, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, and focused carotid B-mode ultrasound. Each patient was tracked for thirty days. The measurements on these patients consisted of maximum plaque height (MPH), total plaque area (TPA), carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), and intraplaque neovascularization (IPN). CAD risk and CV event stratification were performed by applying eight types of DL-based models. Univariate and multivariate analysis was also conducted to predict the most significant risk predictors. The DL's model effectiveness was evaluated by the area-under-the-curve measurement while the CV event prediction was evaluated using the Cox proportional hazard model (CPHM) and compared against the DL-based concordance index (c-index). IPN showed a substantial ability to predict CV events (p < 0.0001). The best DL system improved by 21% (0.929 vs. 0.762) over the best ML system. DL-based CV event prediction showed a similar to 17% increase in DL-based c-index compared to the CPHM (0.86 vs. 0.73). CAD and CV incidents were linked to IPN and carotid imaging characteristics. For survival analysis and CAD prediction, the DL-based system performs superior to ML-based models

    A Pharmaceutical Paradigm for Cardiovascular Composite Risk Assessment Using Novel Radiogenomics Risk Predictors in Precision Explainable Artificial Intelligence Framework: Clinical Trial Tool

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is challenging to diagnose and treat since symptoms appear late during the progression of atherosclerosis. Conventional risk factors alone are not always sufficient to properly categorize at-risk patients, and clinical risk scores are inadequate in predicting cardiac events. Integrating genomic-based biomarkers (GBBM) found in plasma/serum samples with novel non-invasive radiomics-based biomarkers (RBBM) such as plaque area, plaque burden, and maximum plaque height can improve composite CVD risk prediction in the pharmaceutical paradigm. These biomarkers consider several pathways involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis disease leading to CVD. Objective: This review proposes two hypotheses: (i) The composite biomarkers are strongly correlated and can be used to detect the severity of CVD/Stroke precisely, and (ii) an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)-based composite risk CVD/Stroke model with survival analysis using deep learning (DL) can predict in preventive, precision, and personalized (aiP 3 ) framework benefiting the pharmaceutical paradigm. Method: The PRISMA search technique resulted in 214 studies assessing composite biomarkers using radiogenomics for CVD/Stroke. The study presents a XAI model using AtheroEdge TM 4.0 to determine the risk of CVD/Stroke in the pharmaceutical framework using the radiogenomics biomarkers. Conclusions: Our observations suggest that the composite CVD risk biomarkers using radiogenomics provide a new dimension to CVD/Stroke risk assessment. The proposed review suggests a unique, unbiased, and XAI model based on AtheroEdge TM 4.0 that can predict the composite risk of CVD/Stroke using radiogenomics in the pharmaceutical paradigm

    Polygenic Risk Score for Cardiovascular Diseases in Artificial Intelligence Paradigm: A Review

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) related mortality and morbidity heavily strain society. The relationship between external risk factors and our genetics have not been well established. It is widely acknowledged that environmental influence and individual behaviours play a significant role in CVD vulnerability, leading to the development of polygenic risk scores (PRS). We employed the PRISMA search method to locate pertinent research and literature to extensively review artificial intelligence (AI)-based PRS models for CVD risk prediction. Furthermore, we analyzed and compared conventional vs. AI-based solutions for PRS. We summarized the recent advances in our understanding of the use of AI-based PRS for risk prediction of CVD. Our study proposes three hypotheses: i) Multiple genetic variations and risk factors can be incorporated into AI-based PRS to improve the accuracy of CVD risk predicting. ii) AI-based PRS for CVD circumvents the drawbacks of conventional PRS calculators by incorporating a larger variety of genetic and non-genetic components, allowing for more precise and individualised risk estimations. iii) Using AI approaches, it is possible to significantly reduce the dimensionality of huge genomic datasets, resulting in more accurate and effective disease risk prediction models. Our study highlighted that the AI-PRS model outperformed traditional PRS calculators in predicting CVD risk. Furthermore, using AI-based methods to calculate PRS may increase the precision of risk predictions for CVD and have significant ramifications for individualized prevention and treatment plans

    COVLIAS 1.0: Lung segmentation in COVID-19 computed tomography scans using hybrid deep learning artificial intelligence models

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    Background: COVID-19 lung segmentation using Computed Tomography (CT) scans is important for the diagnosis of lung severity. The process of automated lung segmentation is challenging due to (a) CT radiation dosage and (b) ground-glass opacities caused by COVID-19. The lung segmentation methodologies proposed in 2020 were semi-or automated but not reliable, accurate, and user-friendly. The proposed study presents a COVID Lung Image Analysis System (COVLIAS 1.0, AtheroPoint™, Roseville, CA, USA) consisting of hybrid deep learning (HDL) models for lung segmentation. Methodology: The COVLIAS 1.0 consists of three methods based on solo deep learning (SDL) or hybrid deep learning (HDL). SegNet is proposed in the SDL category while VGG-SegNet and ResNet-SegNet are designed under the HDL paradigm. The three proposed AI approaches were benchmarked against the National Institute of Health (NIH)-based conventional segmentation model using fuzzy-connectedness. A cross-validation protocol with a 40:60 ratio between training and testing was designed, with 10% validation data. The ground truth (GT) was manually traced by a radiologist trained personnel. For performance evaluation, nine different criteria were selected to perform the evaluation of SDL or HDL lung segmentation regions and lungs long axis against GT. Results: Using the database of 5000 chest CT images (from 72 patients), COVLIAS 1.0 yielded AUC of ~0.96, ~0.97, ~0.98, and ~0.96 (p-value < 0.001), respectively within 5% range of GT area, for SegNet, VGG-SegNet, ResNet-SegNet, and NIH. The mean Figure of Merit using four models (left and right lung) was above 94%. On benchmarking against the National Institute of Health (NIH) segmentation method, the proposed model demonstrated a 58% and 44% improvement in ResNet-SegNet, 52% and 36% improvement in VGG-SegNet for lung area, and lung long axis, respectively. The PE statistics performance was in the following order: ResNet-SegNet > VGG-SegNet > NIH > SegNet. The HDL runs in <1 s on test data per image. Conclusions: The COVLIAS 1.0 system can be applied in real-time for radiology-based clinical settings

    Vascular Implications of COVID-19: Role of Radiological Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, and Tissue Characterization: A Special Report

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused a pandemic, infecting nearly 80 million people worldwide, with mortality exceeding six million. The average survival span is just 14 days from the time the symptoms become aggressive. The present study delineates the deep-driven vascular damage in the pulmonary, renal, coronary, and carotid vessels due to SARS-CoV-2. This special report addresses an important gap in the literature in understanding (i) the pathophysiology of vascular damage and the role of medical imaging in the visualization of the damage caused by SARS-CoV-2, and (ii) further understanding the severity of COVID-19 using artificial intelligence (AI)-based tissue characterization (TC). PRISMA was used to select 296 studies for AI-based TC. Radiological imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound were selected for imaging of the vasculature infected by COVID-19. Four kinds of hypotheses are presented for showing the vascular damage in radiological images due to COVID-19. Three kinds of AI models, namely, machine learning, deep learning, and transfer learning, are used for TC. Further, the study presents recommendations for improving AI-based architectures for vascular studies. We conclude that the process of vascular damage due to COVID-19 has similarities across vessel types, even though it results in multi-organ dysfunction. Although the mortality rate is ~2% of those infected, the long-term effect of COVID-19 needs monitoring to avoid deaths. AI seems to be penetrating the health care industry at warp speed, and we expect to see an emerging role in patient care, reduce the mortality and morbidity rate
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