975 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of CD105 and Ki-67 in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma and Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma of the Salivary Glands

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    تمهيد         السرطان الكيسي الغدي والسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة  ولهما تداخل في  عدد من الانماط  النسيجية والتي تشمل المثقب، الانبوبي والاصم. ان تداخل الصفات السريرية والمرضية للسرطان الكيسي الغدي والسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة يادي الى جعل التشخيص في مازق. ان السرطان الكيسي الغدي يمتاز بانه اسوا في تطور المرض من السرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة وهذا يجعل التمييز بينهما ضروري لا جل العلاج  ومتابعة تطور المرض. الاهداف         تقييم الظهور الكيميائي النسيجي المناعي لل CD105. ومؤشر التكاثر.Ki-67. للسرطان الكيسي الغدي والسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة للغدد اللعابية، ومقارنة درجة ظهور هذه العوامل مع الخصائص السريرية والمرضية. المواد وطرائق العمل       تضمنت الدراسة 50 عينة لاشخاص مصابين بسرطان الغدد اللعابية، 25 عينه لا شخاص مصابين بالسرطان الكيسي الغدي و25 عينة لا شخاص مصابين بالسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة، جمعت هذه العينات من ارشيف قسم امراض الفم والوجه والفكين/ كلية طب الاسنان/ جامعة بغداد ومختبر الامراض العامة/ مستشفى الشهيد غازي الحريري للجراحات التخصصية، وباستخدام قوالب شمعيه حاوية على النسيج المحفوظ في الفور مالين واجري لها الفحص النسيجي للتأكد من التشخيص بعد تقطيعها الى شرائح دقيقة وبسمك 4 ما يكرو متر.        بعدها تم اجراء الفحوصات المناعية النسيجية الكيميائية لل.CD 105   ومؤشر التكاثر Ki-67 .للشرائح النسيجية بنفس السمك المذكور سابقا مع اجراء اختبار السيطرة السالبة والموجبة  ثم تقييم النتائج الى بعضها البعض والى الخصائص السريرية والمرضية ايضا. النتائج       اظهرت النتائج ان الظهور  الكيميائي النسيجي  المناعي لل.CD105 كان موجبا في  21 عينة للسرطان الكيسي الغدي و 20 عينة للسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة كما اظهرت النتائج ان الظهور  الكيميائي النسيجي  المناعي لمؤشر التكاثرKi-67  كان موجبا في  24 عينة للسرطان الكيسي الغدي23 عينة للسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة .        لوحظ عدم وجود علاقة معنوية لل.CD105  في السرطان الكيسي الغدي والسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة.        لوحظ عدم وجود علاقة معنوية لمؤشر التكاثر Ki-67. في السرطان الكيسي الغدي والسرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة.         لوحظ عدم وجود علاقة معنوية لل CD105. ومؤشر التكاثرKi-67  مع جنس المريض والموقع التشريحي ومكان تحديد الانتشار في السرطان الكيسي الغدي و السرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة.         لوحظ عدم وجود علاقة معنوية لل CD105. ومؤشر التكاثرKi-67  مع درجة التمايز في السرطان الكيسي الغدي. الاستنتاجات        في هذه الدراسة ظهر ان ال CD105 ومؤشر التكاثر Ki-67  تلعب دور مهم في تقييم المرض ولا يمكن اعتبارها غير مهمة في مجال تقييم المرض.  ان الاختلاف في الميل البيولوجي ليس له علاقه مع تكوين اوعيه دموية جديدة، ان زباده تكوين الأوعية الدموية يتناسب طرديا مع تكون السرطانات الخبيثة ان ظهور ال CD105 في سرطانات الغدد اللعابية يظهر دوره في تطور السرطانات الخبيثة ودور خلايا الMyoepithelial cell  في السيطرة على تكوين اوعية دموية جديدة  . ان نسبة ظهور مؤشر التكاثر Ki-67 يكون في السرطان الكيسي الغدي اكثر من السرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة.                  هذا التداخل والتفاعل يحفز عمليات بخطوات متعددة تساعد على حدوث سرطان الغدد اللعابية وتساهم في تنظيم عمليات الهجوم والنزعة الخبيثة  لهذه السرطانات. الكلمات الدالة: السرطان الكيسي الغدي، السرطان الغدي المتعدد الاشكال ذو الدرجة الواطئة، الظهور الكيميائي النسيجي المناعي،CD105. مؤشر التكاثرKi-67  .Background: The intersecting clinicopathological features and histological patterns, including cribriform, tubular and solid patterns of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) may end in a problematic diagnosis .ACC has a worse prognosis than  PLGA making distinction important for therapeutic and prognostic purposes . The Aims of this study were to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of CD105 and Ki-67 in adenoid cystic carcinoma and polymorphous low grade adeoncarcinoma of the salivary glands and to correlate the immunoexpression of these proteins with the clinicopathological findings. Materials and methods In this retrospective study , fifty  of archival formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue samples of salivary gland malignancies  were used,  twenty five  blocks of  adenoid cystic carcinomas   and twenty five  blocks of  polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma obtained from the archives of the department of oral pathology / college of dentistry / Baghdad university, Al-Shaheed Ghazi hospital, were included  in our study. Four micrometer sections gained and immunostained using monoclonal antibody against CD105 and Ki-67. The immunoexpression was identified  by the presence of brown stain in the cytoplasm of tumor cell in CD105 and the presence of brown stain in the nucleus  of tumor cell in Ki-67. The proportion of cells that expressed the stain was correlated with the clinicopathological data of the patients. Results: CD105 expression was found positive in 21 cases of ACC and 20cases of PLGA localized in tumor cells.  andKi-67 expression was found positive in 24 cases of ACC and 23 casesof PLGA localized in tumor cells. Non- significant  statistical  relation  (P=0.801) was  detected  regarding CD105  expression  in  both  types  of  tumor and non- significant  statistical  relation (P= 0.852) was detected  regarding Ki-67 expression in both types of tumor . Non- significant  statistical  relation  (P= 0.05) was  detected  regarding CD105 and Ki-67 expression  in relation to sex, site and stage in  both  types  of  tumor. Conclusion: Weak expression CD105 and  Ki-67 in ACC and PLGA  might be explained by CD105 and  Ki-67 did  not represent an exclusive factors consequently; other factors might be involved in the proliferation, progression and  metastasis of both tumor types. Key words: Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma , immunohistochemistry, CD105 and Ki-67. &nbsp

    Histological structure of the skin in five fish species of Periophthalmus waltoni (Gobiidae) Silurus triostegus (Siluridae), Heteropneustes fossilis (Heteropneustidae), Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Mastacembelidae) and Coptodon zilli (Cichlidae)

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    The five fish species viz. Periophthalmus waltoni, Silurus triostegus, Heteropneustes fossilis, Mastacembelus mastacembelus, and Coptodon zilli were collected in the Shatt Al-Arab River from February to June 2019. The samples were transferred to the laboratory to measure their total lengths and weights. To examine the skin histology and structure in these fishes, a skin sample was taken from the dorsal part close to the lateral line. The results showed that the skin of fish contains two layers: the first is the epidermis, which includes the epithelium. The thickness of the tissue in fish varied from 3 to 20 layers. In this layer, there are mucous cells that were spared and varied in their abundance from one species to another. The dermis includes two layers of stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. These two layers consist of pigment cells that spread directly under the epidermis in a dark brown color. In C. zilli and H.  fossilis, a third layer was found under stratum compactum as hypodermis; the highest thickness of the dermis was recorded in C. zilli

    Some Biochemical and Hematological Alterations Associated with Lead Exposure in Gasoline Station Workers in Gaza Strip

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    Although occupational lead exposure is one of the major public health problems, no previous published research was conducted on lead exposed gasoline station workers in Gaza Strip. This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with lead exposure and to determine biochemical and hematological parameters in leaded gasoline station workers in Gaza Strip. Method: A total 105 gasoline station workers from the Gaza Strip were asked to fill in a questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes, and practice towards lead, as well as associated toxicity symptoms. Out of the 105, seventy two workers gave blood sample for blood lead level and biochemical analysis and those were compared with 70 controls. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine Blood lead level. Liver and kidney function were determined by Biosystem reagent kits. Cell dyne was used to measure complete blood count and sphygmomanometer for blood pressure. SPSS version 11.0 was employed for data analysis. Results: More than half of workers work more than 5 years in the gasoline station. None of them were previously tested for lead. Although the majority of the workers know that lead is an environmental pollutant and has adverse health impact, small number of them follow the protective measures. The most common self reported symptoms among workers were headache, fatigue, irritability and concentration difficulties, sleep disturbance, hypertension, nausea, constipation and dyspepsia. Neither workers attended training courses nor had health professional visited them. The mean Blood lead level (BLL) of the followed up workers was 11.4µg/dl compared to 5.3µg/dl for the controls.Lower BLLwas found in highly educated workers. Positive association was found between BLLs of the workers and work duration. The BLLs in workers who used gloves, respiratory mask or drank milk frequently were significantly lower than those who did not (8.6±4.9, 5.6±1.6 and 9.3±5.2µg/dl versus 13.1±6.0, 12.4±5.9 and 13.3±5.2µg/dl, respectively). The BLLs were significantly higher in workers reported irritability, headache, sleep disturbance, concentration difficulties, hypertension (12.4±5.4. 12.2±5.8, 14.1±5.8, 12.9±5.8, 13.3±6.4 µg/dl, respectively) and those who had not report such symptoms (9.2±5.6, 9.0±5.9, 8.9±5.0, 9.4±5.6, 8.1±2.9µg/dl, respectively). A statistically significant increase were found in BLL, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Alanine Transaminase (ALT), Aspartate Transaminase (AST), Creatinine, systolic and diastolic blood pressure among workers (11.4±6.0µg/dl, 15.4±1.5g/dl, 86.7±5.1, 30.5±3.1, 35.2±2.7, 29.1±11.5U/L, 28.6±7.9U/L, 0.9±0.2mg/dl, 125.7±13.2mmHg and 84.6±9.9mmHg, respectively) compared to controls (5.3±1.0µg/dl, 14.5±0.8g/dl, 84.3±3.7, 28.6±1.6, 33.6±1.2, 23.9±9.7U/L, 24.7±3.6U/L, 0.7±0.1mg/dl, 120.4±3.8mmHg and 81.9±2.7mmHg, respectively). While a statistically significant decrease were found in red blood cells count, Platelets counts, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and urea in workers (4.9±0.4X106, 249.4±58.2X103cell/µl, 179.3±42.6U/L and 27.1±11.6mg/dl, respectively) compared to controls (5.1±0.23X106, 281.5±56.5 X103cell/µl, 193.6±31.8U/L, 31.3±6.3mg/dl, respectively)

    Spousal Concordance of Diabetes Mellitus among Women in Ajman, United Arab Emirates

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    Objectives: Spousal concordance is defined as similar behaviours and associated health statuses between spouses. This study aimed to identify the concordance of diabetes mellitus (DM) and related variables among genetically unrelated couples in Ajman, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Methods: This cross-sectional study included 270 married women attending either the Mushairef Health Center or the Gulf Medical College Hospital in Ajman between May and November 2012. A validated questionnaire was designed to determine sociodemographic characteristics and a history or family history of DM, hypertension, coronary artery disease or dyslipidaemia among the women and their husbands. The weight, height, body mass index, waist circumference, fasting blood sugar and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels of all women were measured. Results: Of the women, 39.3% of those with diabetic husbands and 39.9% of those with non-diabetic husbands were diabetic themselves (P >0.050). The prevalence of DM spousal concordance was 17.8%. A history of hypertension, coronary artery disease and dyslipidaemia was significantly more frequent among women whose husbands had a history of the same conditions (P = 0.001, 0.040 and 0.002, respectively). Spousal concordance of abnormal glycaemia among non-diabetic women with diabetic husbands was significant (P = 0.001). Having a diabetic husband (P = 0.006) and being obese (P = 0.009) were the only significant predictors of hyperglycaemia among non-diabetic women after controlling for confounding factors. Conclusion: There was significant concordance of abnormal glycaemia among non-diabetic women with diabetic husbands. The spouses of diabetic patients may therefore be a target population for regular hyperglycaemia and DM screening

    Spousal Concordance of Diabetes Mellitus among Women in Ajman, United Arab Emirates

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    Objectives: Spousal concordance is defined as similar behaviours and associated health statuses between spouses. This study aimed to identify the concordance of diabetes mellitus (DM) and related variables among genetically unrelated couples in Ajman, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Methods: This cross-sectional study included 270 married women attending either the Mushairef Health Center or the Gulf Medical College Hospital in Ajman between May and November 2012. A validated questionnaire was designed to determine sociodemographic characteristics and a history or family history of DM, hypertension, coronary artery disease or dyslipidaemia among the women and their husbands. The weight, height, body mass index, waist circumference, fasting blood sugar and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels of all women were measured. Results: Of the women, 39.3% of those with diabetic husbands and 39.9% of those with non-diabetic husbands were diabetic themselves (P >0.050). The prevalence of DM spousal concordance was 17.8%. A history of hypertension, coronary artery disease and dyslipidaemia was significantly more frequent among women whose husbands had a history of the same conditions (P = 0.001, 0.040 and 0.002, respectively). Spousal concordance of abnormal glycaemia among non-diabetic women with diabetic husbands was significant (P = 0.001). Having a diabetic husband (P = 0.006) and being obese (P = 0.009) were the only significant predictors of hyperglycaemia among non-diabetic women after controlling for confounding factors. Conclusion: There was significant concordance of abnormal glycaemia among non-diabetic women with diabetic husbands. The spouses of diabetic patients may therefore be a target population for regular hyperglycaemia and DM screening

    Evaluation of Lipid Profile as Indicators for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction

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    Patients with cardiovascular diseases or erectile dysfunction initially present to primary care physicians, who have an opportunity to intervene early and favorably affect the clinical course of either condition. Recognition and aggressive treatment of cardiovascular disease risk factors has a major role in management of cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction. Twenty Iraqi patients with age range of 45-50 years were considered in this study. The evaluation of erectile dysfunction was according to NIH Consensus Development Panel on Impotence Procedure. The NIH provided complete information about severity of erectile dysfunction by using its questionnaire. The lipid profile was performed individually. The obtained results predicted elevation of all lipid profile parameters. The results were as follow: Cholesterol 6.65±0.27 mmol/L, triacylglyceral 5.93±0.22 mmol/L, LDL-cholesterol 4.424 ± 0.28 mmol/L, VLDL 1.19 ±0.18 mmol/L and HDL 1.04 mmol/L. All collected results showed strong evidence between increased on serum lipids and erectile dysfunction and laboratory evaluation of lipid showed performed to patients with erectile dysfunction

    Plasma Β-Endorphin and Cortisol Profiles around Periparturient Period at Stressful Conditions in Egyptian Buffalo

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    The study determined the level of plasma β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations in peripheral blood circulation of buffalo cows suffering from reproductive disorders (dystocia and retained placenta) and weakness body condition score during periparturient period. Twenty multi-parous Egyptian buffalo cows at late pregnancy period were used for two months before parturition. β-endorphin concentrations were higher in buffalo suffering from reproductive disorders groups. Whereas, β-endorphin concentrations were 134.9±4.8 for retained placenta, 121.3±4.9 for dystocia, 114.2±8.4 for weakness and 113.5±6.5 pg/ml for control. In the closer period around parturition both of plasma β-endorphin and cortisol followed the same trend toward a gradually increased values during -2,-1days and zero time in all groups. A concomitant trend was noticed in β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations in postpartum period with reduce values were observed in all groups after parturition continued for month or more. Buffalo suffering from reproductive disorders were showed a high relative values in β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations. A significant differences (P<0.01) were observed between the experimental groups. Generally, buffaloes suffering reproductive disorders had a clear impact on blood plasma β-endorphin concentration around parturition process.The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between various reproductive disorders as a stress factors with plasma β–endorphin and cortisol in buffalo cows around parturition and changes in these parameters could be used as an objective measure of the stress associated labour. Stress has been hypothesized to be a cause of impaired reproductive efficiency. Stress may cause an overproduction of beta-endorphins and free radical


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    This study aimed to test the impact of health education programmer's intervention on the prevalence of intestinal parasites among school children in Gaza city, Beit labia villages and Jabalia refugee camp "Gaza Strip" over 6 month. In this study 432 stool samples were collected from school children aged 6- 11 years old, each stool sample was examined using wet mount and formalether sedimentation technique. Of these 432 stool sample 125 were found to be positive with a prevalence of (28.9%). The infected children were treated with suitable anti- parasitic drug under the supervision of school of health in the ministry of health. Then the treated children were divided into two groups the first group remained on the treatment only but the second group received treatment and health education. After 6-month a second stool sample was collected from each child in the two groups then analyzed. The final result indicated that prevalence of intestinal parasites had declined from 21.5% to 5.1%. Ration was 3.4% in first group which received treatment only and 1.62% in second group which received treatment and health education. The rule of health education in decreasing prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was statistically significancant (P= 0.001). The relationship between intestinal parasites and sex, residence, age, school, job, of father and other relations were investigated and studied

    Towards lean and green thinking in construction projects at Gaza Strip

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    Background and problem: Integrating lean and green principles while implementing construction project has become an important aspect of modern construction. Lean construction and green building are used to maximize the economic benefits, address quality, reduce waste and minimize the negative environmental impacts in construction. Aims: The objectives of this paper were to measure the degree of knowledge of lean and green approaches in construction industry in Gaza Strip and to identify the most important benefits from application of lean and green in construction. Methodology: Literature review and questionnaire survey were used in this study. A total of 155 copies of the questionnaire were distributed randomly to owners, consultants and contractors in the Gaza Strip, and 119 copies of the questionnaire were received. Results: The results revealed that the awareness level of lean and green construction by owners, consultants and contractors in the construction industry in Gaza Strip is moderate. There are very important benefits of applying lean and green construction such as “reduce non- useful work that does not add value to work”, “reduce the environmental impact of the construction process” and “saving the money needed to complete the project”. Conclusions: It was concluded that integrating both concepts on projects showed that lean leads to green but not necessarily vice versa. The fields of lean and green thinking, however, have been developed largely independent of each other. There is a big gap in the knowledge and application of the lean construction and the green application

    Semapimod Sensitizes Glioblastoma Tumors to Ionizing Radiation by Targeting Microglia

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    Glioblastoma is the most malignant and lethal form of astrocytoma, with patients having a median survival time of approximately 15 months with current therapeutic modalities. It is therefore important to identify novel therapeutics. There is mounting evidence that microglia (specialized brain-resident macrophages) play a significant role in the development and progression of glioblastoma tumors. In this paper we show that microglia, in addition to stimulating glioblastoma cell invasion, also promote glioblastoma cell proliferation and resistance to ionizing radiation in vitro. We found that semapimod, a drug that selectively interferes with the function of macrophages and microglia, potently inhibits microglia-stimulated GL261 invasion, without affecting serum-stimulated glioblastoma cell invasion. Semapimod also inhibits microglia-stimulated resistance of glioblastoma cells to radiation, but has no significant effect on microglia-stimulated glioblastoma cell proliferation. We also found that intracranially administered semapimod strongly increases the survival of GL261 tumor-bearing animals in combination with radiation, but has no significant benefit in the absence of radiation. In conclusion, our observations indicate that semapimod sensitizes glioblastoma tumors to ionizing radiation by targeting microglia and/or infiltrating macrophages