136 research outputs found

    Effect of natural and chemical insecticides on Hyalopterus pruni and Armeniaca vulgaris

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    Experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of water extracts of Fagonia arabica, Salix alba and Anthmis pseudocotula and their mixtures with chemical insecticide (Malathion) on growth ofHyalopterus pruni and characters of Armeniaca vulgaris plants and their soils. The data revealed that F.arabica extract at 20% concentration was the most effective followed by S. alba which recorded 62.66and 56.16% reduction in H. pruni population density, respectively. While the mixture of Malathion with F.arabica or S. alba or A. pseudocotula extracts (each one at half concentration) results in 57.88, 57.42 and 60.86% reduction in aphid population, respectively. The plant extracts treatment resulted in significant increase in chlorophyll pigments and total carbohydrates in A. vulgaris whereas carotenoids and total protein content decreased (except S. alba extract treatment which increased total protein content). Soil cations; Ca++, Na+, Mg++, K+ and anions; SO4 2-, HCO3 -, Cl- increased with all plant extracts treatment with exception of A. pseudocotula extract treatment that decreased HCO3 - concentrations. This study recommended that natural insecticides were more effective and safe than chemical ones in pest control

    The potential role of flaxseed oil on lead acetateinduced kidney injure in adult male albino rats

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    Lead (Pb+2) intoxication may initiate many disorders in humans and animals. This study investigated the role of flaxseed oil in protecting rats against Pb+2 exposures. The results showed that the administration of flaxseed oil efficiently protected albino rats against the Pb+2 caused injury, as revealed by some improvement in the histological structure of kidney as well as the restoration of the body weights loss of Pb+2 treated animals. At the same time, flaxseed oil decreased the levels of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide production with concomitant elevation in glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase,  glutathione reductase, glutathione-S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase activities. Thus, this study suggests the possibility of flaxseed oil usefulness in limiting toxicant induced by environmental heavy metals.Key words: Lead, flaxseed oil, kidney, albino rat

    Epithelial lining of the endometrium during the luteal phase in patients under controlled ovarian hyperstimulation

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    The endometrium is receptive for the embryo and presents an implantation window for a limited time. This study is aimed at highlighting an alternation in pinopod expression and to provide more analysisof the structural characteristics of epithelial lining of the endometrium during luteal phase in patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimmulation (COH). Twelve oocyte donors were used. Theyunderwent two endometrial biopsies 2-7 days after human chronic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration. Endometrial epithelial surface appearance was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Microvillibecame more uniformly distributed as the luteal phase progressed. Also the central aspects of the cells appeared to protrude more into the endometrial lumen as the cycle progressed. Apical protrusions(pinopods) were noted to develop and regress during the midluteal phase after HCG administration. Pinopods began development in the region of the glandular orifices to become much denser at the glandular orifices than in regions further away from the glands. In conclusion, epithelial lining ofendometrium in stimulated cycle during the luteal phase progresses in an orderly manner. This advanced development may result in an alteration of the window of implantation between the developing endometrium and the developing blastocyst and affect pregnancy rates in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimmulation

    Protective effect of berberine chloride on Plasmodium chabaudi-induced hepatic tissue injury in mice

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    AbstractThe present study aimed to investigate the protective role of berberine (BER) against Plasmodium chabaudi-induced infection in mice. Animals were divided into three groups. Group I served as a vehicle control. Group II and group III were infected with 1000 P. chabaudi infected erythrocytes. Group III was gavaged with 100μl of 10mg/kg berberine chloride for 10days. All mice were sacrificed at day 10 post-infection. The percentage of parasitemia was significantly reduced more than 30%, after treatment of mice with BER. Infection caused marked hepatic injuries as indicated by histopathological alterations as evidenced by the presence of hepatic lobular inflammatory cellular infiltrations, dilated sinusoids, vacuolated hepatocytes, increased number of Kupffer cells and the malaria pigment, hemozoin. These changes in livers led to the increased histological score. Also, infection induced a significant increase in liver alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase and a significant increase in the total leucocytic count. Moreover, mice became anemic as proved by the significant decrease in erythrocyte number and haemoglobin content. BER showed a significant protective potential by improving the above mentioned parameters. Based on these results, it is concluded that berberine could offer protection against hepatic tissue damage

    Choleoeimeria bunopusi sp. n. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) Infecting the Gall Bladder of the Tuberculated Gecko Bunopus tuberculatus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Saudi Arabia

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    Choleoeimeria bunopusi sp. n. is described from the gall bladder of the tuberculated gecko Bunopus tuberculatus in Saudi Arabia. The prevalence of infection was 13.3% (2/15). Oocysts were ellipsoidal and measured 31 (30–33) × 21 (20–22) μm. Sporocysts were dizoic, elliptical in shape and measured 12 (11–13) × 7 (6–8) μm. The endogenous development was confined to the gall bladder epithelium. The hypertrophic parasitized biliary epithelium either remained in one layer or became stratified. Meronts, gamonts, and young oocysts were detected

    Morphological and molecular characterization of the monogenean gill parasite, Acleotrema maculatus, infecting Argyrops filamentosus fish in the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

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    ABSTRACT Fish are considered one of the important sources of protein which are invaded by different parasites. This study aimed to shed light on monogenean parasites that infect fish within the family Sparidae in Saudi Arabia. A total of 30 Argyrops filamentosus specimens were collected from the Red Sea, the city of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), and then examined for the presence of monogenean parasites. Parasitic species were isolated and studied morphologically using light microscopic examination and molecularly via the partial sequencing of the 28S rRNA gene. Only a monogenean parasitic species has been identified. This parasite is morphologically and morphometric compatible with previously Acleotrema maculatus Morsy, El-Fayoumi & Fahmy (2014), identified from Plectropomus maculatus in the Red Sea, Egypt. Phylogeny revealed that this putative diplectanid species nested well within a clade clustering Diplectanidae species, which along with morphological data, suggests it is a member of the genus Acleotrema. Query sequences showed identities of 98.92% for 28S rRNA (AF026118.1) of Acleotrema sp. This study reflects the first account of this genus as endoparasite taxa of the examined sparid fish, as well as providing novel DNA data for this species

    In vitro antiparasitic activity of ethanolic leaves extract of Anethum graveolens

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    ABSTRACT Natural products are safe environmentally friendly agents and have no negative impact on the environment, they can be used to combat parasitic diseases. Helminthiasis and coccidiosis are parasitic diseases that harm both health and the economy. This research aimed to see how Anethum graveolens leaves extract (AGLE) worked as an anti-parasitic modulator during oocyst sporulation of an Eimeria papillata infection. FT-IR phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of eight compounds. The time required to induce paralysis and death in worms at the highest concentration (200 mg/mL) was 4.57±0.26 and 5.22±0.10 min, respectively. In an in vitro study, AGLE (300 mg/ml) inhibited sporulation by approximately 100% after 72 and 96 hr. AGLE (200, 100, and 50 mg/ml), amprolium, DettolTM, and phenol induced variable inhibition levels at 96 hr of 5.54%, 1.01%, 37.33%, 81.33%, and 89.33%, respectively. Our findings suggest that AGLE has potent anthelmintic and anticoccidial properties that could be further developed into a novel therapeutic agent

    Berberine-Induced Amelioration of the Pathological Changes in Nutrient's Homeostasis During Murine Intestinal Eimeria papillata Infection

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    Abstract.-The current work aimed to study the ameliorative effect of berberine on the induced pathological changes in nutrient's homeostasis in mice infected with Eimeria papillata. Mice were randomly divided into three groups. The first group represents the control non-infected animals. Second and third groups were orally infected with 1.5×10 3 sporulated E. papillata oocysts. The 3 rd group was treated with a daily dose (10 mg/kg) of berberine chloride solution for five successive days. All animals were sacrificed on day 5 p.i.. E. papillata infection induced a state of disturbance in nutrient homeostasis. Blood glucose levels and total proteins were elevated with concurrent decrease in level of carbohydrates and soluble proteins in jejunum of mice. Also, infection induced a hyperlipidemic status as shown from the increase in triglycerides, total lipids, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) with the mutual decrease in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and phospholipids. Also, E. papillata caused marked disturbance in blood metal ion concentrations. Both ferrous and selenium ion levels were decreased, while sodium and potassium ion concentrations were increased. Berberine treatment of infected mice with E. papillata showed a great enhancement in nutrient homeostatic status and also reduced blood glucose level and restored jejunal carbohydrate content. In addition, berberine exerted hypolipidemic effect on the increased fractions of carbohydrates and lipids. Finally, berberine showed a marked enhancement in the levels of altered blood metal ions by the infection. Palm pollen grains or their extracts could be used within food mixtures or water to correct the induced metabolic disturbance and growth depression associated with the intestinal coccidial infections

    Efficacy of Teucrium polium leaves extract as anticoccidial and anthelmintic: In vitro study

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    ABSTRACT Natural sources are microbiological species and medicinal plants, which could be potential new sources for development of drugs against different diseases. Coccidiosis affects many animals and leads to great economic losses. Drug-resistant strains of Eimeria species have emerged because of overuse and misuse of drugs. In vitro, using Eimeria papillata oocyst and earthworm (Eisenia fetida), we evaluated the anticoccidial and anthelmintic effect of Teucrium polium leaves extract (TPLE). Using infrared spectroscopy showed the presence of thirteen compounds for TPLE. Mebendazole (10 mg/mL) caused paralysis and earthworm death by 13.91±0.373 and 18.2±0.980 min, respectively, while, for TPLE (100 mg/ml) were 4.23±0.077 and 4.817±0.386 min. Also, the histological study revealed obvious surface architecture abnormality for treated worms. Moreover, TPLE (300 mg/mL) and formalin (5%) at 72, 96, and 120 hrs led to inhibition of sporulation by approximately 100% with marked deformities, while TPLE (200, 100, 50, and 25 mg/mL), amprolium, DettolTM, and phenol at 120 hr approximately 65.9%, 23.6%, 4.8%, 3.2%, 12.6%, 68.4%, and 46.6%, respectively. This pilot investigation revealed that TPLE possesses anticoccidial and anthelmintic activity, encouraging additional testing in vivo to create a new medication for the treatment of coccidiosis and helminthiasis