15 research outputs found

    Impact of the symbivit preparation on quantitative and qualitative indicators of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    The aim of the work was the verification of Symbivit preparation containing mycorrhiza fungi from the genus Glomus in the cultivation of tomato (varieties Uno Rosso F1 and Brixol F1). The impact of mycorrhiza on the growth parameters of seedlings (overground mass, the mass of the root system, stem diameter, plant height), total fruits yield and quality by the spectrophotometric determination of the total carotenoids in fresh fruits was evaluated. According to the statistical evaluation by the method of multifactorial analysis of variance there was found significant effect of the preparation on all evaluated growth parameters. The increase of the overground part in case of variety Uno Rosso F1 was about 62.43%, in Brixol F1 it was about 75.55% in comparison with control variant. Similarly, the increase in the weight of the root system was found for variety Uno Rosso F1 about 31.38% and for Brixol F1 about 35.98%, as well as in plants height of variety Uno Rosso F1 about 14.06% and of Brixol F1 about 31.84 % when compared to control. Application of Symbivit preparation in tomato cultivation had positive effect on total yields of tomato fruits of both selected varieties. Effect of application of Symbivit preparation on the carotenoids content in tomato fresh fruits was not prove to be statistically significant, as well as it was not found significant difference in the content of total carotenoids when evaluating the influence of the variety

    Quantitative and qualitative parameters in Acorn squash cultivar in the conditions of the Slovak Republic

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    The species Cucurbita pepo includes several types of squashes; in Slovak Republic, well-known and oftenly grown squash types are patisson, zucchini, spaghetti squash, oil pumpkin etc. Several interesting squash types of Cucurbita pepo are grown abroad, including Acorn squash which is well-known mainly in USA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the important quantitative (yield per hectare, average fruit weight) and qualitative (total carotenoids, ascorbic acid, antioxidant activity, total soluble solids) yield parameters of Acorn squash fruits in comparison with patisson which is typical squash type of Cucurbita pepo in Slovak Republic. The field trial was realised in Košice-Šaca in 2016. Within experiment, four cultivars of Acorn type pumpkin were tested (Thelma Sanders; Jet Set; Table Gold; Cream of The Crop). The patisson 'Orfeus' was used as a comparative cultivar for evaluation of individual parameters of Acorn type pumpkin cultivars. Matured pumpkin fruits were harvested on the 7th September 2016. From aspect of yield quantity, Acorn cultivars are appeared as very interesting squash type with good yield potential for growing. The highest yield of squash fruits was found in the cultivar 'Cream of The Crop' (17.8 t.ha-1). In mentioned Acorn cultivar, the yield was higher about 87.4% compared to the tested patisson cultivar 'Orfeus' (9.5 t.ha-1). On the contrary, the average weight of squash fruits was reached in patisson cultivar 'Orfeus' (780.7 g). The qualitative parameters of fruits were expressively influenced by squash cultivar. The content of total carotenoids, ascorbic acid and total soluble solids was markedly higher in all Acorn cultivars, compared to the patisson cultivar 'Orfeus'. The highest content of total carotenoids (26.74 mg.kg-1 fresh weight) and ascorbic acid (238.79 mg.kg-1 f. w.) was found in the squash cultivar 'Table Gold'. The highest content of total soluble solids was determined in the cultivar 'Jet Set' (3.8 °Brix). On the contrary, the highest antioxidant activity (DPPH) was found in the patisson cultivar 'Orfeus' (10.80 %). On the basis of obtained results, it is possible to state that Acorn cultivars are very interesting squash type with promising yield potential for possible growing in conditions of Slovak Republic. In addition, Acorn squashes were expressed by higher content of several nutritional parameters compared to the typical squash type - patisson. Thus, these squashes could be an interesting vegetable for human nutrition

    Impact of nutrition on the quality and quantity of cauliflower florets

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    Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis) as a member of the family Brassicaceae belongs to worldwide popular vegetable with using in all kinds of cuisine. The aim of the work was to find out the effects of nutrition and fertilization (in dependence on the amount of nitrogen) on the yield of florets as well as on selected qualitative characteristics - vitamin C, nitrate and sulforaphane content. Analyses were done by the help of liquid chromatograph (HPLC) with UV detector for separation. The trial was led in Nitra, Slovakia, in 2014 - 2015. Cauliflower variety CHARLOT F1 was selected for testing. Four variants have been examined in the trial: control (without application of fertilizers), N150S80 (application of nitrogen and sulphur at the supply level N: S = 150:80 kg.ha-1), N200S80 and N250S80. Application of nitrogen led to significant increasing of the yields of primary cauliflower florets in case of the dose 200 and 250 kg N.ha-1 (increasing about 87% and 134% compared to control). Applied nitrogen nutrition caused significant nitrates increasing in monitored cauliflower florets in order of the variants: 1 (control) <2 (N = 150 kg.ha-1) <3 (N = 200 kg.ha-1) <4 (N = 250 kg.ha-1), but the highest dosage of nitrates is still under the permissible standard according to Food codex of Slovak republic (700 mg.kg-1 of FM). The influence of differentiated nutrition on sulforaphane content was statistically confirmed in case of the 4th variant in comparison to control, where the decrease about 40% was noticed. Influence of nitrogen fertilizing according to used methodology on vitamin C (AA) content was not statistically confirmed. The nutrient concentration in the curds and stalks of cauliflower varied insignificantly with levels of nitrogen applied

    Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of selected celery (Apium graveolens var. Dulce) varieties in the context of juices production

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    Celery, Apium graveolens var. Dulce (Mill.) is a biennial plant, lesser used in Slovakia in comparison with celeriac, but with increasing popularity because of its very health beneficial properties. The aim of the study was to evaluate quantitative (yields) and qualitative (chlorophyll a and b, soluble solids) parameters in selected patioles of celery in the context of raw juice production in a small-plot field experiment. Six varieties of celery (var. Dulce) were planted - ´Helios´, ´Red Soup´, ´Malachit´, ´Verde Pascal´, ´Golden Self- Blanching´ and ´Celebrity´. The harvest was carried out twice a season in terms of August and September. The chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were determined spectrophotometrically, Total soluble solids were estimated by the help of refractometer. The lowest values in yields reached ´Malachit´variety, the highest ´Red Soup´ variety. In the evaluation of both harvests the ´Celebrity´ and ´Golden S.´ varieties showed the lowest chlorophyll content. The total soluble solid content reached values ranging from 5.00 to 8.77 °BRIX, in the following order: ´Celebrity´ <´Helios´ <´Golden S.´ < ´Red Soup´ <´Verde Pascal´. The term of harvest had significant influence on chlorophyll a and b. The effect wasn´t confirmed on yields and soluble solids according to used statistical analyse. There were mainly other kind of characteristics followed in previous scientific studies about celery (var. Dulce), such a flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, fibre,  the essential oils and phenolic acids, etc. Processing to juices or smoothies allow consuming of other antioxidant - chlorophyll

    Vplyv odrody na vybrané kvantitatívne a kvalitatívne parameter batátov (Ipomoea batatas L.) pestovaných v Slovenskej republike

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    The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is less-known vegetable species in Slovak Republic. It is known for sweet taste and various possibilities of use in gastronomy. In this study, the effect of cultivar on the important quantitative (yield of marketable tubers per plant, average weight of marketable tubers, yield of marketable tubers per hectare, share of marketable tubers) and qualitative (antioxidant activity, polyphenol content) parameters of sweet potatoes grown in Slovak Republic was tested. The highest yield (1964.16 g/plant; 54.56 t/ha) and average weight (446.18 g) of marketable tubers (> 150 g) were found in white sweet potato cultivar \u27Višnjica white\u27. The highest ratio of marketable tubers was found in orange cultivar \u27Beauregard\u27 (87.17%). The purple cultivar \u27Višnjica purple\u27 was characterized by significantly lower values of all quantitative parameters of sweet potatoes. On the contrary, the highest antioxidant activity (61.07% DPPH; DPPH: 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and polyphenol content (4506.90 mg/kg dry weight) were found just in purple cultivar \u27Višnjica purple\u27. The significantly higher values of both parameters, compared to other cultivars, are caused by abundance of anthocyanins. Results of this study revealed that sweet potato is expressed by good yield potential, together with its quality, in conditions of Slovak republic, or Middle Europe in generally.Povojník batátový (Ipomoea batatas L.) je menej známym druhom zeleniny v Slovenskej republike. Batáty sa vyznačujú sladkou chuťou a ich využitie v gastronómii je rôzne. V rámci štúdie bol sledovaný vplyv odrody na významné kvantitatívne (úroda predajných hľúz z rastliny, priemerná hmotnosť predajných hľúz, úroda predajných hľúz hektára, podiel predajných hľúz) a kvalitatívne (antioxidačná aktivita, celkový obsah polyfenolov) parametre batátov pestovaných v Slovenskej republike. Najvyššia úroda (1964,16 g/rastlina; 54,56 t/ha) a priemerná hmotnosť (446,18 g) predajných hľúz (> 150 g) boli zistené u bielej odrody batátov \u27Višnjica biela\u27. Najvyšší podiel predajných hľúz bol dosiahnutý u oranžovej odrody \u27Beauregard\u27 (87,17%). Fialová odroda \u27Višnjica fialová\u27 bola sa vyznačovala výrazne nižšími hodnotami u všetkých sledovaných parametrov. Na druhej strane, najvyššia hodnota antioxidačnej aktivity (61,07% DPPH; DPPH: 2,2-Diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl) a obsah polyfenolov (4506,90 mg/kg suchej hmoty) boli zistené práve u uvedenej fialovej odrody \u27Višnjica fialová\u27. Výrazne vyššie hodnoty oboch parametrov, v porovnaní s ostatnými odrodami, sú zapríčinené prítomnosťou antokyanínov v hľuzách batátov. Výsledky štúdie odhalili, že batáty sa v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky, resp. strednej Európy, vyznačujú dobrým úrodovým potenciálom a kvalitou dopestovaných hľúz

    The influence of selenium on selected heavy metals cumulation in Oyster mushroom fruiting bodies

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    Food safety is a very frequent topic. The article deals with the problems of fortification of the most grown mushroom in Slovakia, and the 3rd most grown mushroom in the world, Pleurotus ostreatus. Due to the high environmental pollution of soils and air, there is a risk of the production of dangerous fruiting bodies with high heavy metals content. It is known that these substances can promote serious health effects on human body, such as bone weakness or kidney damages (cadmium) and negative process of cognitive developing (lead). The experiment was focused on biofortification with selenium to reduce the accumulation of selected heavy metals (lead, cadmium) in oyster mushroom, grown with intensive cultivation under artificial conditions. This work confirms that the application of sodium selenate to the growing substrate with straw as the main component can reduce the accumulation of cadmium (by 22.45%) and lead (by 64.81%). Research by various authors reported the ability of the oyster mushroom to embed selenium from the substrate into the fruiting bodies. Based on the results of the experiments, we propose to fortify the growing substrate for the production of oyster mushroom by selenium. This way we produce a food with a high antioxidant potential

    The evaluation of selected qualitative parameters of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in dependence on its cultivar

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    The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is relatively known vegetable species, but it is grown only on small area in the Middle European region. Its cultivars are characterized by different colour of tuber flesh which can be white, beige, yellow, orange and purple. The aim of this study was to determine and compare selected qualitative parameters of tubers (total carotenoids, vitamin C and total soluble solids) among orange, white and purple sweet potato cultivars. The field experiments were established at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in 2016 and 2017. Sweet potatoes were grown by hillock system with using of black non-woven textile for soil mulching. The tuber harvest was realised on the 6th October 2016 and 13rd September 2017. The highest content of total carotenoids was found in orange sweet potato cultivars (78.47 - 122.89 mg.kg-1 fresh weight) and its values were multiple-fold higher in comparison with purple (4.22 mg.kg-1 f. w.) and white (10.71 mg.kg-1 f. w.) cultivars. Orange cultivars were also richer source of vitamin C (246.31 - 325.99 mg.kg-1 f. w.) compared to white (179.66 mg.kg-1 f. w.) and purple (187.75 mg.kg-1 f. w.) cultivars of sweet potatoes. The total soluble solids, expressing mainly sugar content, was higher in purple (10.13 °BRIX) cultivar of sweet potatoes, followed by cultivars with orange (8.52 - 9.72 °BRIX) and white (5.57 °BRIX) tuber flesh. Obtained results showed the significant effect of cultivar, characterized by different tuber flesh colour, on the composition and contribution of sweet potatoes for human health.

    Polyphenols and their Mechanism of Action in Allergic Immune ResponseImmune Response

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    Mini review article deals with the most studied group of chemical compounds – polyphenols – predominantly flavonoids in relation to their allergic immune response. There is clarified and discussed their mechanism of action as well. We emphasized on the strongest inhibitors of allergic reactions - luteolin, fisetin and apigenin, but in the second part the currently studied flavonoids have been summarized as well.&nbsp;</p

    Dynamics of Selected Bioactive Substances Changes in Cucurbita Moschata Duch. Ex Poir. After Storage and Different Methods of Technological Processing

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    The winter squash is an important source of antioxidants, especially carotenoids. The aim of submitted research work was to determine the effect of genotype, storage and different methods of technological processing (baking, boiling and sterilization) on the content of ascorbic acid and total carotenoids in fruits of winter squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir.). The small-plot field experiment was established at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in 2013. Five cultivars of winter squash (‘Liscia’, ‘Orange’, ‘Hannah’, ‘UG 205 F1’ and ‘Waltham’) were examined in experiment. The total carotenoids content in the pulp of fresh fruits was ranged from 9.33 to 15.10 mg.100 g−1. Its highest value was determined in case of ‘Orange’ variety. The storage and the thermal treatment of fruit pulp in case of baking had positive impact from the total carotenoid content point of view. The baking resulted in the increase of its value in winter squash. On the contrary, sterilization tended to the decrease of total carotenoid content in edible part of squash. The total carotenoids content in the baking pulp was ranged from 14.27 to 31.87 mg.100 g−1. The vitamin C content before storage and technological processing ranged in interval from 13.88 to 18.69 mg.100 g−1. Particular thermal methods of processing and storage resulted in decrease of vitamin C content in the pulp of all winter squash varieties

    Yield parameters, antioxidant activity, polyphenol and total soluble solids content of beetroot cultivars with different flesh colours

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    This study aimed to evaluate yield parameters, antioxidant activity (AOA), total polyphenol content (TPC) and total soluble solids (TSS) in beetroot cultivars with different flesh colours. Field experiments were established at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in 2016 and 2017. Within the study, 16 beetroot cultivars were tested, including 11 red-fleshed (‘Boltardy’, ‘Boro’ F1, ‘Crosby Egyptian’, ‘Cylindra’, ‘Detroit Globe’, ‘Detroit 2’, ‘Egyptian Turnip Rooted’, ‘Opolski’, ‘Pablo’ F1, ‘Renova’ and ‘Taunus’ F1), 2 yellow-fleshed (‘Boldor’ F1 and ‘Golden’), 2 white-flesh cultivars (‘Albino’ and ‘White Detroit’) and 1 red-white fleshed cultivar (‘Chioggia’). All beetroot cultivars with red flesh colour showed higher AOA and TPC than different-coloured beetroot cultivars. The highest root yield was found in the white-fleshed beetroot cultivar ‘Albino’ (37.80–41.91 t · ha−1). The highest root weight was found in the white-fleshed beetroot cultivar ‘White Detroit’ (362.4–412.1 g). The highest AOA (819.19–972.50 mg TEAC · kg−1 d.w.) and TPC (2,387.70–2,731.00 mg · kg−1 d.w.) were found in the red-fleshed beetroot cultivar ‘Pablo’ F1. Different-coloured cultivars of beetroot were characterised by a lower content of TSS (6.4–8.8 ºBRIX) than cultivars with typical, red flesh colour (7.8–10.8 ºBRIX). Results clearly indicate that cultivar, or flesh colour, is showed as a significant factor influencing the quality of beetroot. Knowing of yield potential and quality of beetroot cultivars is important for growers as well as consumers. Results of this study indicate that white-fleshed cultivars of beetroot are characterised by high yield potential but lower quality, including lower AOA, TPC and TSS