17 research outputs found

    Evoluci贸n de la deformaci贸n y los fluidos durante el tr谩nsito d煤ctil-fr谩gil del basamento cristalino Paleozoico de la Cadena Litoral Catalana.

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    El Tur贸 de les Forques es un horst aislado de la Cadena Litoral Catalana, formado principalmente por filitas ordov铆cicas, caracterizado por una intensa fracturaci贸n que abarca desde el Herc铆nico al Ne贸geno. La deformaci贸n Herc铆nica est谩 representada por una foliaci贸n muy penetrativa y por venas de quarzo-clorita sinesquistosas y tardiesquistosas de car谩cter d煤ctil. La extensi贸n Mesozoica est谩 definida por venas y brechas cementadas por las asociaciones albita-cuarzo-clorita卤titanita-rutilo y dolomita-clorita-cuarzo y marca el cambio hacia condiciones de deformaci贸n fr谩giles. La compresi贸n Pale贸gena genera cabalgamientos y fracturas cementadas por calcita-barita. Finalmente la extensi贸n Ne贸gena est谩 representada por fallas normales que generan harinas de falla y fracturas cementadas por calcita. Tanto la deformaci贸n Herc铆nica como la Mesozoica est谩n relacionadas con un flujo de fluidos local ligados al metamorfismo de bajo grado. En cambio, durante las dos siguientes fases deformativas, el flujo de fluidos se da a nivel de cuenca. La localizaci贸n de este bloque a lo largo de la evoluci贸n de la Cadena Costero Catalana tuvo que jugar un control principal en la formaci贸n de las fracturas y parag茅nesis exclusivas del Tur贸 de les Forques

    Influence of basement rocks on fluid evolution during multiphase deformation: the example of the Estamariu thrust in the Pyrenean Axial Zone

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    Calcite veins precipitated in the Estamariu thrust during two tectonic events decipher the temporal and spatial relationships between deformation and fluid migration in a long-lived thrust and determine the influence of basement rocks on the fluid chemistry during deformation. Structural and petrological observations constrain the timing of fluid migration and vein formation, whilst geochemical analyses (未13C, 未18O, 87Sr/86Sr, clumped isotope thermometry and elemental composition) 15 of the related calcite cements and host rocks indicate the fluid origin, pathways and extent of fluid-rock interaction. The first tectonic event, recorded by calcite cements Cc1a and Cc2, is related to the Alpine reactivation of the Estamariu thrust, and is characterized by the migration of meteoric fluids, heated at depth (temperatures between 56 and 98 潞C) and interacted with crystalline basement rocks before upflowing through the thrust zone. During the Neogene extension, the Estamariu thrust was reactivated and normal faults and shear fractures with calcite cements Cc3, Cc4 and Cc5 developed. Cc3 and Cc4 precipitated 20 from hydrothermal fluids (temperatures between 127 and 208 潞C and between 102 and 167 潞C, respectively) derived from crystalline basement rocks and expelled through fault zones during deformation. Cc5 precipitated from low temperature meteoric waters percolating from the surface through small shear fractures. The comparison between our results and already published data in other structures from the Pyrenees suggests that regardless of the origin of the fluids and the tectonic context, basement rocks have a significant influence on the fluid chemistry, particularly on the 87Sr/86Sr ratio. Accordingly, the cements 25 precipitated from fluids interacted with crystalline basement rocks have significantly higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (> 0.710) with respect to those precipitated from fluids that have interacted with the sedimentary cover (< 0.710)

    Fluid composition changes in crystalline basement rocks from ductile to brittle regimes

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    The relationships between deformation and fluid flow have been investigated in the Paleozoic basement of an isolated horst of the Catalan Coastal Ranges. A structural, petrological and geochemical study has been performed in a complex fracture network that resulted from a long-lived tectonic history (from Carboniferous to Miocene). Nine fracture types, developed from a ductile regime in the greenschist facies to a shallow brittle regime, have been characterized in order to establish P, T and fluid compositions during the evolution of the horst. Syncleavage and late-cleavage quartz veins (qtz1-chl1 卤 mu and late qtz2-chl2-dol1) formed during the Hercynian ductile deformation. These minerals precipitated from metamorphic fluids, possibly evolved from seawater, at temperatures between 240 and 340 掳C. En-echelon albite vein arrays (ab-qtz3-chl3 卤 ti-an) and NE-SW normal faults generating breccias mark the change from ductile to brittle, from compression to extension and from a closed to an open hydrologic regime. This paragenesis precipitated from the mixing of metamorphic and magmatic fluids at temperatures between 180 and 290 掳C during the early Permian extension. Dolomite veins (dol2-chl4-qtz4), precipitated at 210-280 掳C from the mixing of previous fluids with hypersaline oxidizing external brines, possibly during the late stage of the early Permian extension. Reverse faults and calcite veins (Cc1-ba) formed either during the Paleogene compression or during the Langhian to early Serravallian minor compression. Calcite and barite precipitated from meteoric or marine waters in an open hydrological system at temperatures below 50 掳C. The Miocene extension is represented by NE-SW normal faults with fault gouges and NNW-SSE normal faults cemented by calcite 2 that precipitated at temperatures below 50 掳C from meteoric fluids in an open basin-scale hydrological system. The studied horst was part of a relay zone between two segments of the NNW-SE Llobregat fault during the early Permian, explaining the high fracture density and the fast upflowing of hydrothermal fluids at that time, thus controlling the development of albite veins exclusively in this area

    Integraci贸 dels sistemes de classificaci贸 de les roques: eina d'aprenentatge transversal per al foment d'equips docents en l'脿mbit de la Geologia.

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    As a response to the need to implement a comprehensive tool for the classification of rocks, an interdisciplinary and interuniversity teaching team formed by teachers and students has been constituted. The team develops teaching actions to improve the university learning on petrology and mineralogy. Such actions will have positive repercussions to undergraduates and postgraduates students as well as to secondary and baccalaureate teachers, and to other professional not directly related to teaching. Moreover, with the implementation of such tool will clearly promote the self-learning of students by means of a uniform and common system of classification of rocks aimed to all types of public

    Barcelona Rocks, A mobile App to learn Geology in your city.

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    Barcelona Rocks is an application for personal mobile devices suitable for secondary and high school students as well as the general public without a solid background in Earth Sciences

    BCN Rocks: aprendiendo geolog铆a urbana a trav茅s de una aplicaci贸n App interactiva.

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    Barcelona Rocks (BCN Rocks) es una aplicaci贸n (App) para dispositivos m贸viles personales (con versiones para Android y iOS) apta para ser utilizada por estudiantes de Ense帽anza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y Bachillerato, y para el p煤blico en general, con el objetivo de aprender geolog铆a a partir de recursos did谩cticos proporcionados por las rocas de las fachadas y pavimentos de dos zonas emblem谩ticas y c茅ntricas de la ciudad de Barcelona como son el Passeig de Gr脿cia y el Barri G貌tic. La aplicaci贸n presenta tres grandes apartados "ELEMENTOS", "EXPLORA" y "LABORATORIO" que pretenden satisfacer diversas facetas del usuario. En el apartado Elementos, el usuario encontrar谩 el conjunto de edificios que contiene la aplicaci贸n, toda la informaci贸n sobre las rocas que los forman, as铆 como una breve explicaci贸n sobre la historia y arquitectura de cada uno de ellos. Con el apartado Explora, se pretende despertar la curiosidad o la parte m谩s expedicionaria del usuario. Para ello se proponen una serie de rutas que pueden realizarse siguiendo, bien el criterio de posici贸n geogr谩fica de los edificios incluidos en la App, bien teniendo en cuenta la antig眉edad de las construcciones (desde la Barcino romana hasta la Barcelona actual). Finalmente, el partado Laboratorio, permite al usuario investigar distintos aspectos geol贸gicos mediante experimentos interactivos

    Evoluci贸n metam贸rfica de las kinzigitas en facies granulita del macizo del Agl铆

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    In the Agly massif outcrops one of the deepest parts of the Hercynian crust. Its basement is constituted by a monotonous pile of paragneisses and anatectic migmatites which presents numerous intercalations of kinzigites, marbles, calcsilicates and basic rocks. This work describes the main structural and metamorphic features of the kinzigites in order to define the P-T evolution of a granulite facies crustal segment. The main mineral metamorphic association is in equilibrium at the univariant prograde reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + H2O and it is formed synchronously with the development of the regional foliation (S2). Following this association and close to the climax, there is a slight pressure drop recorded in the formation of cordierite coronas around garnet porphyroblasts; finally there is a retrograde stage linked to a high grade extensional event (D3). Petrographic observations in conjunction with Schreinemakers analysis and thermobarometric calculations have enable the construction of a nearlyisobaric P-T path and determine that the metamorphic peak is reached at 790 潞C and 5,5 kbar by the deepest rocks. Assuming a linear gradient it is concluded that the climax is achieved at different times and at different crustal levels and that, af ter the climax, there is an important shor tening of the lithological column consistent with an extensional unroofing

    Polyphasic hydrothermal and meteoric fluid regimes during the growth of a segmented fault involving crystalline and carbonate rocks (Barcelona Plain, NE Spain)

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    A polyphasic tectonic鈥恌luid system of a fault that involves crystalline and carbonate rocks (Hospital fault, Barcelona Plain) has been inferred from regional to thin section scale observations combined with geochemical analyses. Cathodoluminescence, microprobe analyses and stable isotopy in fracture鈥恟elated cements record the circulation of successive alternations of hydrothermal and low鈥恡emperature meteoric fluids linked with three main regional tectonic events. The first event corresponds to the Mesozoic extension, which had two rifting stages, and it is characterized by the independent tectonic activity of two fault segments, namely southern and northern Hospital fault segments. During the Late Permian鈥怣iddle Jurassic rifting, these segments controlled the thickness and distribution of the Triassic sediments. Also, dolomitization was produced in an early stage by Triassic seawater at shallow conditions. During increasing burial, formation of fractures and their dolomite鈥恟elated cements took place. Fault activity during the Middle Jurassic-Late Cretaceous rifting was localized in the southern segment, and it was characterized by hydrothermal brines, with temperatures over 180掳C, which ascended through this fault segment precipitating quartz, chlorite, and calcite. The second event corresponds to the Paleogene compression (Chattian), which produced exhumation, folding and erosion, favouring the percolation of low鈥恡emperature meteoric fluids which produced the calcitization of the dolostones and of the dolomite cements. The third event is linked with the Neogene extension, where three stages have been identified. During the syn鈥恟ift stage, the southern segment of the Hospital fault grew by tip propagation. In the relay zone, hydrothermal brines with temperature around 140掳C upflowed. During the late postrift, the Hospital fault acted as a unique segment and deformation occurred at shallow conditions and under a low鈥恡emperature meteoric regime. Finally, and possibly during the Messinian compression, NW鈥怱E strike鈥恠lip faults offset the Hospital fault to its current configuration

    Identifying metamorphic rocks with the help of the petrographic microscope

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    El metamorfismo es un proceso que tiene lugar en el interior de la corteza y el manto superior, generalmente asociado a los l铆mites de placas tect贸nicas, y que da lugar a la formaci贸n de rocas metam贸rficas. Este proceso se caracteriza por un conjunto de cambios en la textura y la mineralog铆a, en el estado s贸lido, que experimenta cualquier roca sometida a condiciones de presi贸n y temperatura diferentes a las de su formaci贸n, excluyendo los procesos diagen茅ticos propios de rocas sedimentarias. La clasificaci贸n de las rocas metam贸rficas resulta bastante compleja ya que est谩n constituidas por una gran variedad de minerales y de texturas que a menudo requieren ser identificados con la ayuda del microscopio petrogr谩fico. En las aulas de Secundaria y Bachillerato siempre es un reto para el profesorado la ense帽anza de estas rocas. Por ello, en este trabajo se describen los aspectos m谩s relevantes a cerca del metamorfismo y se propone una actividad did谩ctica la cual incluye fichas de apoyo a la identificaci贸n del tipo de metamorfismo y los grupos composicionales y 13 descripciones de rocas metam贸rficas en l谩mina delgada

    The importance of structural complexity in the localization of geothermalsystems: A case study along the Vall猫s-Pened猫s Fault in the Catalan CoastalRanges (NE Spain)

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    The Vall猫s-Pened猫s Fault is a Neogene normal fault marked by the presence of two established geothermalsystems at La Garriga-Samal煤s and Caldes de Montbu铆, within the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Spain). Theanalysis and collation of existing and new geological and geophysical datasets provide the basis for the developmentof an improved conceptual model that explains the presence and localization of hot geothermal fluidsystems at relatively shallow depths (e.g., 60 鈼 at surface and 90 鈼 at 1 km). Geothermal flow is concentratedwithin Paleozoic granodiorites of the immediate footwall of the V-P fault, host rocks that are susceptible to faultrelatedfracturing, and the generation of both extension and hybrid fracture systems in association with activefault displacements. Flow localization is enhanced further by the presence of fault-related structural complexities,with both systems marked by 300 m wide steps in the main fault trace. These are attributed to relaydevelopment and breaching characterizing host rocks by high fracture intensities and fault rock development ona fault that locally has a vertical displacement of over 1.5 km. Accentuated fracturing and deformation areconsistent with strain localization predicted by existing models for the development of fault zones along normalfaults. The plumbing of the geothermal systems is attributed to up-fault flow in combination with lateral flowcontrolled by the intersection of the V-P fault with a low-angled Paleogene thrust defining the base of the hostrockgranodiorites, with the geothermal systems localized at the distal end of the thrust. Sustained geothermalflow is attributed to groundwater flow circulation associated with seismic pumping and valving of warmer anddeeper fluids, and the ingress of groundwater along faults and within fractured basement rocks