8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of serum lipid profile among hyperthyroid patients in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano

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    Background: Hyperthyroidism is the condition that reflects excessive concentrations of thyroid hormones in the body that is the thyroid gland is overactive. Hyperthyroidism is thus a cause of thyrotoxicosis, the clinical condition of increased thyroid hormone in the blood (Cleve 2009).Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate serum lipid profile among hyperthyroid patients in Aminu Kano Teaching HospitalMethodology: A total of 62 subjects were used for this study 31 hyperthyroid patients and 31 Control subjects. The blood samples were centrifuged, serum collected and analyzed  spectrophotometrically using enzymatic reaction for {total cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL] while LDL was determined by freidwalds formula.Results: The results show that serum TC, HDL-C, LDLC-C and TG levels were significantly lower in patients than in controls. There were negative and significant correlation between T3 and TC, T3 and TG, TSH and TG in patients (r=~0.292 p<0.05, r=-0.529 p<0.001 and r-0.487 p<0.001 respectively), while there was positive and significant correlation between serum T4 and LDL-C in controls (r=0.426, p<0.05).Conclusion: It can be concluded that serum lipids were significantly reduced in hyperthyroid patients

    Evaluation of Serum Lipid Profile of Under-Five Nigerian Children

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    Background: Serum lipid profile assay forms one of the special investigations in most chemical pathology laboratories worldwide. Several studies in children from different countries have shown that serum lipids exhibit age and geographical pattern of variation prior to puberty. This study was conducted to evaluate serum lipid profile in Nigerian children aged 6 to 36 months. Methods: A total of 115 randomly selected apparently healthy children were studied. These consisted of 38, 40 and 37 children in groups I (6 to 12 months), II (13 to 24 months) and III (25 to 36 months) respectively. There were 60 male and 55 female children. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG) were measured by enzymatic colorimetric method using reagent kits supplied by Human, Gesel F\ufcr Biochemica Und Diagnostica mbH (Wiesbaden, Germany). Serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) were subsequently estimated using Friedewald formula. Results: The reference ranges and (Mean \ub1 SEM) of serum TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, VLDL-C and TC/HDL-C for the total group of children were 1.55-5.42(2.89\ub10.12),0.50-3.29(1.28 \ub1 0.15), 0.45-2.77(1.12 \ub1 0.14), 0.93-3.43(0.79 \ub1 0.14), 0.17-0.72(0.35 \ub1 0.14) mmol/L and 1.01-4.74(2.19 \ub1 0.13) respectively. There were no sex differences in all these parameters. Serum levels of TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TC/HDL-C in the 3 age groups were also statistically similar (p>0.05). Concentrations of TG and VLDL-C were lower (p<0.001) in group II than in I. These values were also significantly lower (p<0.02) in group III than in I. Serum TG and VLDL-C in groups II and III were statistically comparable (p>0.05). Conclusion:Serum concentrations of TC, TG and VLDL-C decrease with advancing age, with more marked decrease between first and second years of life. We hereby recommend that the reference values established in this study be utilized for the interpretation of serum lipid results in pre-school children in Nigerian hospitals and possibly elsewhere in Africa.Introduction: Essai sur le profil des lipides du s\ue9rum constitue une des enqu\ueates sp\ue9ciales dans la plupart des laboratoires de la pathologie chimique dans le monde entire. Des \ue9tudes diverses sur plusieurs pays ont indiqu\ue9 que les lipides du s\ue9rum montre une tendance d'\ue2ge et g\ue9ographique des variation avant la pubert\ue9. Cette \ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 effectu\ue9e afin d'\ue9valuer le profil de lipide s\ue9rum chez des enfants nig\ue9rians \ue2ges de 6 \ue0 36 mois. M\ue9thodes: Un total de 15 enfants choisis au hasard apparemment d'une tr\ue8s bonne sant\ue9 ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tudi\ue9. Ils se composent de 38,40 et 37 enfants du pr\ue9mier groupe (6 au 12 mois), deuzi\ue8m groupe (13 au 24 mois) et troisi\ue8m groupe (25 au 36 mois) respectivement. Il y avait 60 enfants du sexe masculin et 55 enfants du sexe f\ue9minin. Concentration du s\ue9rum du cholest\ue9rol total (TC), la densit\ue9 \ue9lev\ue9e cholest\ue9rol lipoprotein (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG) ont \ue9t\ue9 m\ue9sur\ue9s \ue0 travers la m\ue9thode colorim\ue9trique enzymatique \ue0 travers l'utilisation des \ue9quipements r\ue9actifs fournis par Huam, Gesel Fur Biochemical Und Diagnostica mbH (Wiebaven, Germany). Lipoprotein cholest\ue9rol du s\ue9rum avec une densit\ue9 inf\ue9rieure (LDL-C) et lipoprotein cholest\ue9rol d'une densit\ue9 tr\ue8s inf\ue9rieure (VLDL-C) ont \ue9t\ue9 par la suite calcul\ue9 avec l'utilisation de formule de FriedeWald. R\ue9sultats: La r\ue9f\ue9rence de l'ordre et (moyen +-SEM) du s\ue9rum TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, VLDL-C et TC/HDL-C pour le groupe total des enfants \ue9taient 1,55-5, 42(2,89+-0,12), 050-3,29 (1,28+-0,15), 0,45-2,77 (1,12+-0,14), 0,93-,43 (0,79+-0,14), 0,17-0. 72(0,35+-0,14) mmol/L et 0,01-4,74(2,19+-0,13) respectivement. Il n'y avait aucune diff\ue9rence du sexe dans tous les param\ue8tres. Niveaux du s\ue9rum de TC, LDL-C HDL-C et TC/HDL-C dans les trois groupes d'age \ue9taient \ue9galement statistiquement semblable (p>0,05). Concentrations du TG et VLDL-C \ue9taient moins (p<0 ,001) dans le deuxiem groupe plus que dans le pr\ue9mier groupe. Ces valeurs \ue9taient remarquablement inf\ue9rieur (p<0,02) dans le troisiem plus que dans le pr\ue9mier groupe. S\ue9rum TG et VLDL-C dans le deuxi\ue8m et troisi\ue8m groupe \ue9tait statistiquement comparable (p>0,05) Conclusion: Concentrations du s\ue9rum de TC, TG et VLDL-C diminue avec l'\ue2ge qui s'avance, avec une diminution plus remarquable entre le pr\ue9mier et deuxi\ue8m an de la vie. Donc, nous proposons que des valeurs de r\ue9f\ue9rence soulign\ue9es dans cette \ue9tude peuvent \ueatre utlis\ue9es pour l'intepr\ue9tation des r\ue9sultats du lipide du s\ue9rum chez des enfants pr\ue9scolaires dans des h\uf4pitaux nig\ue9rians et peut \ueatre ailleurs en Afrique

    Reference percentiles for mid-upper arm circumference, upper arm muscle and fat areas of Nigerian children and adolescent population aged 0 – 19 years

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    INTRODUCTION: Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) has commonly been used for many years as an alternative nutritional status index in field settings, yet estimates of percentile range for healthy children and adolescents have not been documented in Nigeria. We construct reference curves for MUAC and its derived measures of upper arm muscle area (UAMA), upper arm fat area (UAFA) and present sex- and age-specific MUAC, UAMA and UAFA values for children and adolescents. METHODS: Natural cubic splines were fitted by maximum penalized likelihood to develop centile curves for MUAC, UAMA, and UAFA, and the LMS coefficients necessary to estimate the z-score specific to each age and gender were presented. MUAC, UAMA, and UAFA reference curves of US children and adolescents were used for comparison. RESULTS: The centiles of MUAC, UAMA and UAFA increased with age. However, these centile curves show significant sex-specific differences for boys and girls aged ≥ 10, ≥ 14.5 and ≥ 4.5 years of age, respectively. Compared to the US reference, the percentiles of MUAC, UAMA and MUAC are generally lower. CONCLUSION: In this study, we have presented a reference set of curves and tables for MUAC and its measures for healthy children and adolescents

    Pigmenti Associated With Precocious Puberty

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    An 11-year old girl, born at term following an uneventful pregnancy, had some blisters on both sides of the head and discrete but linear vesiculobullous lesions on the arms and the trunk at birth. Months later, she developed hyperpigmented lesions over the areas of the vesiculobullous lesions. She achieved menarche at the age of 7 years and by 9 years, had fully developed secondary sexual characteristics. Her bone age was advanced and had luteinizing hormone and follicular stimulating hormone in the pubertal range. Our patient has demonstrated a rare clinical association of incontinentia pigmenti with idiopathic precocious puberty. The clinical significance of this association of incontinentia pigmenti with precocious puberty is not known.Une fille \ue2g\ue9e de 11 ans n\ue9e pendant la p\ue9riode \ue0 la suite d'une grossesse sans incidents avait eu quelques ampoules dans les deux c\uf4t\ue9s de la t\ueate et l\ue9sions vesiculobilaire (lin\ue9aire) discr\ue8te mais lin\ue9aire sur les bras et le tronc \ue0 la naissance. Quelques mois plus tard, elle a atteint des l\ue9sions hyperpigment\ue9es dans les r\ue9gions des l\ue9sions vesculobiliaires. Elle a atteint du menarche \ue0 l'\ue2ge de 7 ans et \ue0 l'\ue2ge de 9 ans elle avait parfaitement d\ue9velop\ue9 des caract\ue9ristiques sexuels secondaires. L'\ue2ge de son os \ue9tait avanc\ue9 avec des homones lutein\ue9es et des hormones stimulantes folliculaire dans la zone pubertale. Notre patient avait d\ue9montr\ue9 une association clinique rare d'incontinentia pigmenti avec la pubert\ue9 pr\ue9coce idiopathique. L'importance clinique de cette association d'incontinentia pigmenti avec pr\ue9coce pubert\ue9 n'est pas connu

    Половой диморфизм соотношения длины пальцев рук у этнической группы игеде в Нигерии

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    Nowadays sex-age gap, stature, and ancestral ties are used as biological markers to identify people for forensic purposes. This study was carried out to investigate sexual dimorphic characterization in a small ethnic group in northern Nigeria as seen in hand lengths and ratios. The present study was conducted on 862 subjects (308 males and 554 females) aged 11 to 19. Hand length measurements were taken from the ventral crease to the tip of the finger as r2d, l2d, l2d, l4d, and 2d:4d respectively. Student’s t-test was used to describe data and sex differentiation. Pearson’s correlation analysis was applied to establish relationship between stature and age with hand length ratios. Multiple regression models were generated to back up the strength of relationship by prediction from digit lengths for stature. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.Сведения о возрасте, росте и происхождении часто используют в процессуальных целях в качестве биологических маркеров при идентификации людей. Настоящее исследование было направлено на изучение черт полового диморфизма в малой этнической группе на севере Нигерии, проявляющегося в различии пропорций пальцев рук. В нем приняли участие 862 испытуемых (308 мужского и 554 женского пола) в возрасте от 11 до 19 лет. Измеряли расстояние от нижней складки запястья до кончика пальца после чего длины пальцев представляли как r2d, l2d, r4d, l4d и в виде пальцевого соотношения 2d:4d соответственно 1. Для описания данных и половой дифференциации использовали t-критерий Стьюдента. Корреляционный анализ Пирсона применяли для установления взаимосвязи между ростом и возрастом и возможного влияния этих параметров на соотношения длины пальцев рук. Для подтверждения устойчивости выявленных взаимосвязей между длиной пальцев и ростом были сгенерированы модели множественной регрессии, которые прогнозировали рост по установленной длине пальцев. Полученное Р-значение < 0,05 свидетельствует о статистической значимости результатов проведенного исследования.Примечание редакции. В последнее десятилетие во всем мире в криминалистике и судебной медицине заметно выросло количество междисциплинарных исследований многих традиционных антропометрических показателей. Это обусловлено новыми возможностями использования современных компьютерных технологий обработки больших массивов данных и последующего определения идентификационной и диагностической значимости признаков человека. Кроме того, возобновились исследования, направленные на создание высокоинформативных интегрированных криминалистических моделей человека, включающих на ряду с другими данные о его общефизических и анатомических признаках, в том числе о половой принадлежности, конституции, возрасте и росте. Активно разрабатываются биометрические технологии идентификации и аутентификации человека по размерным и иным характеристикам различных частей рук. Во многих зарубежных и международных криминалистических и судебно-медицинских периодических изданиях постоянно публикуются научные статьи, посвященные анализу специфических особенностей антропометрических показателей различных рас, национальностей, отдельных небольших групп населения. Результаты, полученные в ходе исследований половых и возрастных различий антропометрических характеристик рук отдельных достаточно изолированных групп населения представляют определенный интерес и для российских антропологов, криминалистов и судебно-медицинских экспертов.Учитывая междисциплинарную направленность журнала «Теория и практика судебной экспертизы» и его востребованность не только среди криминалистов, но и среди судебно-медицинских экспертов, редакция приняла решение опубликовать в оригинале и переводе поступившую из Нигерии статью, посвященную половому диморфизму соотношения длины рук представителей этнической группы игеде

    Paediatric-Based Reference Values For Serum Lipid Profile In Zaria

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    Considering the fact that serum lipids are lower in children than in adults, there is the need to obtain separate reference values for children worldwide. This would be needed to improve on the diagnosis and subsequent assessment of children with clinical conditions that involve lipid abnormalities. To the best of our knowledge, there are very scanty reports on the reference values of serum lipids in children in African countries, including Nigeria and only few laboratories in these countries have reference values for paediatric patients. This study was conducted to establish reference values for serum lipid profile in 1-3 years children in Zaria. A total of 115 randomly selected apparently healthy children were studied. These consisted of 38, 40 and 37 children in groups I (first year), II (second years) and III (third years) respectively. There were 60 male and 55 female children. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglyceride (TG), very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) and TC/HDL-C ratio (atherogenic index) were measured. The reference ranges and mean±SEM of serum TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, VLDL-C and TC/HDL-C for the total group of children were 1.55-5.42 and 2.89±0.12; 0.50-3.29 and 1.28±0.15; 0.45-2.77 and 1.12±0.14; 0.93-3.43 and 0.79± 0.14; 0.17-0.72 and 0.35± 0.14 mmol/L and 1.01-4.74 and 2.19±0.13 respectively. There were no sex differences in all these parameters. Serum levels of TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TC/HDL-C in the 3 age groups were also statistically similar (p>0.05). Concentrations of TG and VLDL-C were lower (

    Evaluation of Serum Lipid Profile of Under-Five Nigerian Children

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    Background: Serum lipid profile assay forms one of the special investigations in most chemical pathology laboratories worldwide. Several studies in children from different countries have shown that serum lipids exhibit age and geographical pattern of variation prior to puberty. This study was conducted to evaluate serum lipid profile in Nigerian children aged 6 to 36 months. Methods: A total of 115 randomly selected apparently healthy children were studied. These consisted of 38, 40 and 37 children in groups I (6 to 12 months), II (13 to 24 months) and III (25 to 36 months) respectively. There were 60 male and 55 female children. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG) were measured by enzymatic colorimetric method using reagent kits supplied by Human, Gesel Für Biochemica Und Diagnostica mbH (Wiesbaden, Germany). Serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) were subsequently estimated using Friedewald formula. Results: The reference ranges and (Mean ± SEM) of serum TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, VLDL-C and TC/HDL-C for the total group of children were 1.55-5.42(2.89±0.12),0.50-3.29(1.28 ± 0.15), 0.45-2.77(1.12 ± 0.14), 0.93-3.43(0.79 ± 0.14), 0.17-0.72(0.35 ± 0.14) mmol/L and 1.01-4.74(2.19 ± 0.13) respectively. There were no sex differences in all these parameters. Serum levels of TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TC/HDL-C in the 3 age groups were also statistically similar (p>0.05). Concentrations of TG and VLDL-C were lower (p<0.001) in group II than in I. These values were also significantly lower (p<0.02) in group III than in I. Serum TG and VLDL-C in groups II and III were statistically comparable (p>0.05). Conclusion:Serum concentrations of TC, TG and VLDL-C decrease with advancing age, with more marked decrease between first and second years of life. We hereby recommend that the reference values established in this study be utilized for the interpretation of serum lipid results in pre-school children in Nigerian hospitals and possibly elsewhere in Africa.Introduction: Essai sur le profil des lipides du sérum constitue une des enquêtes spéciales dans la plupart des laboratoires de la pathologie chimique dans le monde entire. Des études diverses sur plusieurs pays ont indiqué que les lipides du sérum montre une tendance d&apos;âge et géographique des variation avant la puberté. Cette étude a été effectuée afin d&apos;évaluer le profil de lipide sérum chez des enfants nigérians âges de 6 à 36 mois. Méthodes: Un total de 15 enfants choisis au hasard apparemment d&apos;une très bonne santé ont été étudié. Ils se composent de 38,40 et 37 enfants du prémier groupe (6 au 12 mois), deuzièm groupe (13 au 24 mois) et troisièm groupe (25 au 36 mois) respectivement. Il y avait 60 enfants du sexe masculin et 55 enfants du sexe féminin. Concentration du sérum du cholestérol total (TC), la densité élevée cholestérol lipoprotein (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG) ont été mésurés à travers la méthode colorimétrique enzymatique à travers l&apos;utilisation des équipements réactifs fournis par Huam, Gesel Fur Biochemical Und Diagnostica mbH (Wiebaven, Germany). Lipoprotein cholestérol du sérum avec une densité inférieure (LDL-C) et lipoprotein cholestérol d&apos;une densité très inférieure (VLDL-C) ont été par la suite calculé avec l&apos;utilisation de formule de FriedeWald. Résultats: La référence de l&apos;ordre et (moyen +-SEM) du sérum TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, VLDL-C et TC/HDL-C pour le groupe total des enfants étaient 1,55-5, 42(2,89+-0,12), 050-3,29 (1,28+-0,15), 0,45-2,77 (1,12+-0,14), 0,93-,43 (0,79+-0,14), 0,17-0. 72(0,35+-0,14) mmol/L et 0,01-4,74(2,19+-0,13) respectivement. Il n&apos;y avait aucune différence du sexe dans tous les paramètres. Niveaux du sérum de TC, LDL-C HDL-C et TC/HDL-C dans les trois groupes d&apos;age étaient également statistiquement semblable (p>0,05). Concentrations du TG et VLDL-C étaient moins (p<0 ,001) dans le deuxiem groupe plus que dans le prémier groupe. Ces valeurs étaient remarquablement inférieur (p<0,02) dans le troisiem plus que dans le prémier groupe. Sérum TG et VLDL-C dans le deuxièm et troisièm groupe était statistiquement comparable (p>0,05) Conclusion: Concentrations du sérum de TC, TG et VLDL-C diminue avec l&apos;âge qui s&apos;avance, avec une diminution plus remarquable entre le prémier et deuxièm an de la vie. Donc, nous proposons que des valeurs de référence soulignées dans cette étude peuvent être utlisées pour l&apos;inteprétation des résultats du lipide du sérum chez des enfants préscolaires dans des hôpitaux nigérians et peut être ailleurs en Afrique

    Serum total cholesterol in hypertensive Northern Nigerians

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    Hypertension is associated with several lipid abnormalities including elevated total cholesterol (TC) concentrations. The presence of dyslipidaemia increases risks of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. There is paucity of data on the pattern of serum TC in hypertensive patients in northern Nigeria. The objective of the present study was therefore to evaluate serum total cholesterol in hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects in Zaria, Northern Nigeria. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol (TC) were measured in 100 hypertensive patients and fifty 50 normotensive. Body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure (BP) were also measured in both hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects. The data obtained were analysed using Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Two-tailed student&apos;s t-test for matched samples and Pearson&apos;s linear correlation analysis statistical methods were employed for the analyses. A p-value of equal to or less than 0.05 (p 0.05) was considered as statistically significant. The results of serum TC in hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects were 5.12 ± 0.12 and 4.50 ± 0.11 mmol/L, respectively (p &lt; 0.05). Furthermore, there were positive and significant correlations between serum TC and BP in both hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects. Similarly, there were positive and significant correlations between serum TC and BMI in hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects. These findings demonstrate that serum TC levels increase as the BP and BMI rise in both hypertensive patients and normotensive subjects. Hypertensive patients demonstrate higher serum TC concentrations than their normotensive counterparts, suggesting a high risk of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke among hypertensives. We recommend routine evaluation and proper management of serum TC in hypertensive patients