298 research outputs found

    Delta-Function Bose Gas Picture of S=1 Antiferromagnetic Quantum Spin Chains Near Critical Fields

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    We study the zero-temperature magnetization curve (M-H curve) of the S=1 bilinear-biquadratic spin chain, whose Hamiltonian is given by H=∑iSiSi+1+β(SiSi+1)2withH=\sum_{i} S_i S_{i+1}+\beta (S_iS_{i+1})^2 with 0 \leq \beta <1.Wefocusonvalidityofthedelta−functionbose−gaspicturenearthetwocriticalfields:thesaturationfield. We focus on validity of the delta-function bose-gas picture near the two critical fields: the saturation field H_sandthelowercriticalfield and the lower critical field H_cassociatedwiththeHaldanegap.Near associated with the Haldane gap. Near H_s,wetake‘‘low−energyeffectiveS−matrix′′approach,whichgivescorrecteffectivebose−gascouplingconstant, we take ``low-energy effective S-matrix'' approach, which gives correct effective bose-gas coupling constant c,differentfromthespin−wavevalue.ComparingtheM−Hcurveofthebosegaswiththeproduct−wavefunctionrenormalizationgroup(PWFRG)calculation,excellentagreementisseen.Near, different from the spin-wave value. Comparing the M-H curve of the bose gas with the product-wavefunction renormalization group (PWFRG) calculation, excellent agreement is seen. Near H_c,comparingthePWFRGresultwiththebose−gasprediction,wefindthattherearetwodistinctregionsof, comparing the PWFRG result with the bose-gas prediction, we find that there are two distinct regions of \betaseparatedbyacriticalvalue separated by a critical value \beta_c(\approx 0.41).Intheregion. In the region 0<\beta<\beta_c,theeffectivecoupling, the effective coupling cispositivebutrathersmall.Thesmallvalueof is positive but rather small. The small value of cmakesthe‘‘criticalregion′′ofthesquare−rootbehavior makes the ``critical region'' of the square-root behavior M\sim \sqrt{H-H_c}verynarrow.Further,wefindthatinthe very narrow. Further, we find that in the \beta \to \beta_c-0,thesquare−rootbehaviortransmutestoadifferentone,, the square-root behavior transmutes to a different one, M\sim (H-H_c)^{1/4}.Intheregion. In the region \beta_c<\beta <1,thesquare−rootbehaviorisratherdistinct,buttheeffectivecoupling, the square-root behavior is rather distinct, but the effective coupling c$ becomes negative.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX, 8 ps figure

    Current status of the CLIO project

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    CLIO (Cryogenic Laser Interferometer Observatory) is a Japanese gravitational wave detector project. One of the main purposes of CLIO is to demonstrate thermal-noise suppression by cooling mirrors for a future Japanese project, LCGT (Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational Telescope). The CLIO site is in Kamioka mine, as is LCGT. The progress of CLIO between 2005 and 2007 (room- and cryogenic-temperature experiments) is introduced in this article. In a room-temperature experiment, we made efforts to improve the sensitivity. The current best sensitivity at 300 K is about 6×10−21/Hz6 \times 10^{-21} /\sqrt{\rm Hz} around 400 Hz. Below 20 Hz, the strain (not displacement) sensitivity is comparable to that of LIGO, although the baselines of CLIO are 40-times shorter (CLIO: 100m, LIGO: 4km). This is because seismic noise is extremely small in Kamioka mine. We operated the interferometer at room temperature for gravitational wave observations. We obtained 86 hours of data. In the cryogenic experiment, it was confirmed that the mirrors were sufficiently cooled (14 K). However, we found that the radiation shield ducts transferred 300K radiation into the cryostat more effectively than we had expected. We observed that noise caused by pure aluminum wires to suspend a mirror was suppressed by cooling the mirror.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Amaldi7 proceedings, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (accepted

    Results of the search for inspiraling compact star binaries from TAMA300's observation in 2000-2004

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    We analyze the data of TAMA300 detector to search for gravitational waves from inspiraling compact star binaries with masses of the component stars in the range 1-3Msolar. In this analysis, 2705 hours of data, taken during the years 2000-2004, are used for the event search. We combine the results of different observation runs, and obtained a single upper limit on the rate of the coalescence of compact binaries in our Galaxy of 20 per year at a 90% confidence level. In this upper limit, the effect of various systematic errors such like the uncertainty of the background estimation and the calibration of the detector's sensitivity are included.Comment: 8 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses revtex4.sty The author list was correcte

    Middle-Field Cusp Singularities in the Magnetization Process of One-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    We study the zero-temperature magnetization process (M-H curve) of one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets using a variant of the density-matrix renormalization group method. For both the S=1/2 zig-zag spin ladder and the S=1 bilinear-biquadratic chain, we find clear cusp-type singularities in the middle-field region of the M-H curve. These singularities are successfully explained in terms of the double-minimum shape of the energy dispersion of the low-lying excitations. For the S=1/2 zig-zag spin ladder, we find that the cusp formation accompanies the Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid transition.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures, some mistakes in references are correcte

    The density-matrix renormalization group

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    The density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is a numerical algorithm for the efficient truncation of the Hilbert space of low-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems based on a rather general decimation prescription. This algorithm has achieved unprecedented precision in the description of one-dimensional quantum systems. It has therefore quickly acquired the status of method of choice for numerical studies of one-dimensional quantum systems. Its applications to the calculation of static, dynamic and thermodynamic quantities in such systems are reviewed. The potential of DMRG applications in the fields of two-dimensional quantum systems, quantum chemistry, three-dimensional small grains, nuclear physics, equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics, and time-dependent phenomena is discussed. This review also considers the theoretical foundations of the method, examining its relationship to matrix-product states and the quantum information content of the density matrices generated by DMRG.Comment: accepted by Rev. Mod. Phys. in July 2004; scheduled to appear in the January 2005 issu

    The Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Organic Molecular Crystals on Intrinsically Non-Magnetic Disorder: a Signature of either Unconventional Superconductivity or Novel Local Magnetic Moment Formation

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    We give a theoretical analysis of published experimental studies of the effects of impurities and disorder on the superconducting transition temperature, T_c, of the organic molecular crystals kappa-ET_2X and beta-ET_2X (where ET is bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene and X is an anion eg I_3). The Abrikosov-Gorkov (AG) formula describes the suppression of T_c both by magnetic impurities in singlet superconductors, including s-wave superconductors and by non-magnetic impurities in a non-s-wave superconductor. We show that various sources of disorder lead to the suppression of T_c as described by the AG formula. This is confirmed by the excellent fit to the data, the fact that these materials are in the clean limit and the excellent agreement between the value of the interlayer hopping integral, t_perp, calculated from this fit and the value of t_perp found from angular-dependant magnetoresistance and quantum oscillation experiments. If the disorder is, as seems most likely, non-magnetic then the pairing state cannot be s-wave. We show that the cooling rate dependence of the magnetisation is inconsistent with paramagnetic impurities. Triplet pairing is ruled out by several experiments. If the disorder is non-magnetic then this implies that l>=2, in which case Occam's razor suggests that d-wave pairing is realised. Given the proximity of these materials to an antiferromagnetic Mott transition, it is possible that the disorder leads to the formation of local magnetic moments via some novel mechanism. Thus we conclude that either kappa-ET_2X and beta-ET_2X are d-wave superconductors or else they display a novel mechanism for the formation of localised moments. We suggest systematic experiments to differentiate between these scenarios.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Gravitational Wave Detection by Interferometry (Ground and Space)

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    Significant progress has been made in recent years on the development of gravitational wave detectors. Sources such as coalescing compact binary systems, neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries, stellar collapses and pulsars are all possible candidates for detection. The most promising design of gravitational wave detector uses test masses a long distance apart and freely suspended as pendulums on Earth or in drag-free craft in space. The main theme of this review is a discussion of the mechanical and optical principles used in the various long baseline systems in operation around the world - LIGO (USA), Virgo (Italy/France), TAMA300 and LCGT (Japan), and GEO600 (Germany/U.K.) - and in LISA, a proposed space-borne interferometer. A review of recent science runs from the current generation of ground-based detectors will be discussed, in addition to highlighting the astrophysical results gained thus far. Looking to the future, the major upgrades to LIGO (Advanced LIGO), Virgo (Advanced Virgo), LCGT and GEO600 (GEO-HF) will be completed over the coming years, which will create a network of detectors with significantly improved sensitivity required to detect gravitational waves. Beyond this, the concept and design of possible future "third generation" gravitational wave detectors, such as the Einstein Telescope (ET), will be discussed.Comment: Published in Living Reviews in Relativit

    Effects of Clenbuterol, a β2-Adrenergic Agonist, on Sizes of Masseter, Temporalis, Digastric, and Tongue muscles

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    We compared the hypertrophic effects of clenbuterol, a β2-adrenergic agonist, on the masseter, digastric, and temporalis with those on the tongue, tibialis anterior, soleus, diaphragm, and heart. The weights of masseter, digastric and temporalis in the clenbuterol group were 36 ~ 56% greater than those in the control group, whereas those of the tibialis anterior, diaphragm, and heart weights in the clenbuterol group were 9 ~ 33% greater than those in the control group. No significant difference in the weights of the soleus and tongue was found between the control and clenbuterol groups. Taken together with our present and previously reported results, it is suggested that the hypertrophic effects of clenbuterol on the masseter, digastric, and temporalis are greater than those on the limb, trunk, and heart
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