39 research outputs found

    The Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Cameroon: Does Financial Regulation Really Matter?

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    Microfinance and its origin are associated with poverty reduction. Despite increased regulation on microfinance institutions, challenges in terms of financial sustainability and social responsibility still persist. The main goal of this paper is to assess the effect of financial regulation on the dual performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon. The Data Envelopment Analysis method and the censored Tobit model were used on data of 169 microfinance institutions of the Cameroon Cooperative Credit Unions League network for the year 2009. The results reveal that the input oriented efficiency level of the network is estimated at 0.422 when return to scale was constant and 0.534 when they were variables. Further findings reveals that elements of financial regulation such as risk coverage ratio and fixed assets coverage ratio significantly compromise MFIs efficiency where as the size of the MFI, the deposit interest rate and belonging to the Anglophone regions significantly has a positive influence on the MFIs efficiency. The paper therefore recommends the adoption of regulatory rules which account for country peculiarities. Keywords: Performance, Microfinance, Financial regulation, DEA, Tobit JEL classification: C14, C24, C61, C67, E44, G21, G28


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    Hukum di Indonesia tebagi atas 3 bagian penting, yaitu; Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana dan Hukum Tata Negara. Di dalam hukum perdata terdapat suatu sistem yang memungkinkan para pihak untuk menyelesaikan sengketa perkara perdata di luar pengadilan. Sistem tersebut dikenal dengan arbitrase. Pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 Tentang Arbitrase, menyebutkan: “Arbitrase merupakan cara penyelesaian suatu sengketa perdata di luar peradilan umum yang didasarkan pada perjanjian Arbitrase yang dibuat secara tertulis oleh para pihak yang bersengketa”. Penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan atau Arbitrase adalah suatu peradilan yang dianjurkan oleh undang-undang demi tercapainya tujuan keadilan yakni untuk memberikan kemanfaatan bagi setiap subyek hukum. Arbitrase sebagai lembaga penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan dapat dijatukan putusan yang bersifat final dan mengikat. Idealnya, para pihak yang menyelesaikan sengketa Arbitrase tidak lagi membawa permasalahan ke pengadilan, baik dalam hal eksekusi ataupun membatalkan putusan Arbitrase. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah fungsi peradilan arbitrase sebagai alternatif penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan dan untuk mengetahuai bagaimana kekuatan mengikat keputusan peradilan arbitrase. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini ialah metode kepustakaan atau library research. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa fungsi dari Lembaga Peradilan Arbitrase adalah membantu menyelasaikan penyelesaian suatu sengketa di luar peradilan umum yang didasarkan atas perjanjian tertulis dari pihak yang bersengketa. Arbitrase memberikan kemudahan para pihak dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa baik dalam hal biaya maupun waktu.  Artinya dalam suatu sengketa kedua belah pihak yang bersengketa melakukan suatu perjanjian bahwa suatu ketika terdapat permasalahan maka penyelesaian sengketa dilakukan dihadapan badan Arbitrase

    Developing capabilities for sustainability in family owned SMEs: An emerging market scenario

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    The academic discourse on ‘family’ perpetuity in family-owned businesses (FOB) is still burgeoning.  Current findings suggest the importance of family control and family inter-generational sustainability in family-owned businesses. Though literature in family perpetuity and sustainability is well documented from the advanced economies, there is a scarcity of insights from emerging markets where this research relates.  The study, therefore, sought to investigate, understand and interpret the underlying drivers of sustainability in small and medium family businesses using the stewardship theory paradigm and relying on evidence from an emerging market economy the Nigerian family business environment. A qualitative method with 41 in-depth interviews involving owners and managers of family-owned small and medium businesses was conducted. The study empirically shows that there is an interrelationship between family structure and business sustainability, hence the practice of polygamy was found to be inimical to family business success and sustainability. The study also showed that the element of spirituality arising from the ideals and values of the owning family is a significant factor for ensuring family wellbeing and business sustainability, and founding owner characteristics (industry experience) and impacts positively on the business performance and continuity. The study confirmed that the stewardship of non-family member employees within the business is provisional stewardship as non-family members rely on other incentives from the owning family members to behave as stewards.  Building on the stewardship theory, the paper develops a model of sustainability for small and medium family businesses. The study contributes to the theoretical literature on stewardship and family business sustainabilit

    The Effect of Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) on Nigerian Federalism: An Examination Intergovernmental Management (IGM) 1999-2007

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    Federalism is a political mechanism for promoting unity-in-diversity in a heterogeneous society. The federal system through the IGR uses the IGM mechanism to provide understanding, cordiality balance and collaboration between and among units of government, and between government and the citizenry. In Nigeria’s federal relation, the IGR seems not to have facilitated the right harmonious interactions between and among the various units of government, and among groups. This has resulted in continued conflict and disharmony in some important areas of federal relation with its negative impact on the citizenry and the federal state. Hence this paper utilizing the documentary method examines the utilization of the IGM practice from 1999-2007 in IGR interactions in some areas of government interface in our federal system

    Egalitarianism, Traditional Authority and Local Governance in Nigeria: A Reflection

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    Local government in a democratic federal state overtly set the tune for individual and group participation in politics and governance at the grassroots level. This means that every institution associated with must re-echo and reinforce the rhythm of egalitarian and collectivism in local governance. While the local government is to promote this values and ensuring accountable to the civil common traditional authority in Nigeria had remained adamant to upholding such value. Thus, given the nature, structure and orientation of traditional authority it is doubtful if it conforms to this democratic rhythm which gives devolved local government its true meaning and value. Despite the diverge there has been calls in some quarters that traditional authority should be incorporated into the local government system and given responsibilities that have executive, legislative and judicial implication over local government. It is against this backdrop that this paper utilizing the documentary and analytical approach argued against such a marriage as it will have constraining implication on egalitarianism and governance at the grassroot level in Nigeria. Keywords: Egalitarianism, Equality, Traditional Authority, Local Governance, Alienation, Democracy, Discrimination and Ethnicity

    Decentralization and Good Administration: A Reflection on the Continuing Paradox of State Administration and Relations in Nigeria.

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    The adoption of decentralization in Nigerian has not produced the right outcome due to government fiscal and political centralization. More so, the isolated application of the dimensions of decentralization without taking cognizance of their inter-linkages has birthed varying forms of contradictions in the polity. This paper utilizing the analytical approach and documentary methods noted that these paradoxes have impacted adversely on the nation’s development hence question’s the value of the state. This paper therefore recommends that the government should strive to entrench in practice the true character of decentralization by incooperating its linkages so that Nigeria can stimulate a healthy spirit of competition among its divergent groups necessary for economic growth and development. Keywords: Decentralization, Centralization, Conflict, Good Administration, Corruption and  Development