31 research outputs found

    Regulatory and Legal Bases of Extracurricular Activities in the SPO System

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    В данной статье представлены нормативно-правовые аспекты внеурочной деятельности в организациях среднего-профессионального образования, а также освещены проблемы, касающиеся реализаций внеурочной деятельности в системе СПО.This article presents the regulatory and legal aspects of extracurricular activities in organizations of secondary vocational education, as well as highlights the problems related to the implementation of extracurricular activities in the SPO system

    Criteria of Health and Healthy Lifestyle of Modern Students of Professional Educational Organizations

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    В статье говориться о значимости критериев здоровья у современных студентов обучающихся в профессиональных образовательных организациях, также отражены проблемы существующих критериев здорового образа жизни студентов

    Social Networks as a Way to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle and Physical Activity of Modern Youth

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    Современная молодежь довольна сильно подвержена влиянию моды и иных тенденций, которые можно наблюдать в различных социальных сетях, именно поэтому данное поле деятельности при определенных условиях поможет в популяризации здорового образа жизни и различных видов двигательной активности

    Condition of the Mechanoactivated Calcium Chloride Solution and its Influence on Structural and Mechanical Characteristics of Cement Stone

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    Using the method of dynamic light scattering we investigated the influence of the rotor and pulse impact on a dimensional change of particles in calcium chloride hydrosol used as texturing additives in concrete mixing. The mechanism of the strengthening action of the additive is shown by the results of an assessment of the parameters of the pore structure of the cement stone which is carried out by the method of the low-temperature adsorption and desorption of nitrogen vapors. With the use of the method of the low-temperature adsorption desorption of nitrogen for the analysis of porosity of the experimental exemplars of the cement stone received with the use of the mechanically activated CaCl2 solution, decrease in the area of a specific surface area in 1.7 … 2.1 times and the volume of pore spaces by 1.6 times that is caused by preferred decrease of the maintenance with the diameter over 6 nanometers and decrease in an upper bound of pore size from 160 to 90 nanometers is shown

    Mononuclear subsets and cytokine profile of venous and capillary blood in patients with psoriasis and healthy people

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    Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease with a predominantly cellular mechanism for the development of disorder. Studies in immune pathogenesis of psoriasis were performed either in animal model, which is not just similar to humans, or the data were obtained in patients by means of skin window method, which is traumatic, or by examining venous blood. However, it is difficult to discern parameters of the local immune response in venous blood samples. We have attempted to find an adequate method which would be convenient both for the patient and for the researcher, in order to assess local immune processes occurring in the skin affected by psoriasis. We examined 20 patients with a verified diagnosis of psoriasis, the average age was 44.3 years. The control group included 15 healthy adults, with average age of 46.6 years. Capillary blood was taken by fingerprick, whereas, in psoriatic patients, the samples were taken near the psoriatic lesion at a final volume of 400 μL in two microvettes. Venous blood (3 mL) was taken from the cubital vein into a vacuum tube with EDTA. Clinical analysis of venous and capillary blood was performed in automated hematological analyzer. Immunophenotyping was performed by four-color staining of whole capillary and venous blood followed by lysis of erythrocytes. Cytofluorometry was performed using techniques and reagents from BD Biosciences (USA). Plasma cytokines were determined by multiplex approach (MagPix, BioRad, USA). Upon clinical analysis of blood, the difference between capillary and venous blood was not found, either in healthy group, or among patients with psoriasis. In healthy people, the subsets of mononuclear cells, did not differ between venous and capillary blood. The samples of capillary and venous blood in the patients with psoriasis showed significantly increased levels of double-positive lymphocytes (CD45RA+/CD45R0+), B lymphocytes and NKT lymphocytes (both for relative and and absolute values). A significant increase in the percentage of naive T lymphocytes, activated helpers (Thact) and Treg, as well as B1 cells and Breg, and a significant decrease in B2 lymphocytes was registered in capillary blood of the patients with psoriasis. In venous blood samples from psoriatic patients, only a significant increase in Thact, Treg, and Breg was revealed. In the capillary blood of patients with psoriasis, we found a significant increase in the levels of non-classical M2 monocytes and inflammatory Minfl monocytes, and a decrease in classical M1 monocyte levels; in venous blood of psoriatic patients, only an increase in inflammatory Minfl monocytes was revealed. In capillary blood, all the studied cytokines in psoriasis patients significantly exceeded the levels of corresponding cytokines in healthy controls, except of IL-10. The levels of this cytokine did not differ from healthy group. In venous blood, the levels of most studied cytokines in the group of patients with psoriasis did not differ from the group of healthy ones. Approximately two-fold increase was revealed for IL-4, IL-21, IL-23 and TNF. First, the subsets of mononuclear cells and the cytokine profile of capillary and venous blood of healthy people did not differ significantly. Secondly, our proposed method for determining the subsets of mononuclear cells and capillary blood cytokines profile from the area of psoriatic lesions may be used to monitor local immunity in the patients with psoriasis. This approach is significantly less traumatic than the skin window method and more informative than the studies of venous blood

    Polymorphism of genes-candidates and ehokardiographic indicators at pregnant women in norm and at preeklampsia

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    Research about interrelation of some ehokardiographic indicators of heart with polymorphic markers of genes angiotensinogen (-6A/G AGT) and chimasa (-1903 G/A СМА) at pregnant women is conducted at preeklampsia. Polymorphism associations -1903 G/A СМА and -6A/G AGT with increase final diastolic left ventricular at pregnant women are found the size at preeklampsia

    Гидрофобизация пэтф-поверхностей для разделения эмульсий типа «вода в масле»

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    The technique of poly(ethylene terephthalate) track-etched membranes (PETF TMs) modification to increase of water-in-oil emulsions separations is developed. The water-in-oil emulsions separations by using PETF TMs with regular pore geometry and pore sizes 200 and 350 nm is described in the article. PETF TMs were modified with octadecyltrichlorosilane by spin-coating method to increase their hydrophobic properties. The results of changes in the pore diameters and the contact angle after PETF TMs modification are presented. The obtained samples were characterized by AFM, SEM and gas permeability test. Chloroform–water and n-hexadecane–water emulsions have been used as a test liquid for water-in-oil emulsions separations. At an operating vacuum of 700 mbar, the specific filtration performance of chloroform: water emulsions were 51.5 and 932.0 l/(m2 ⋅ h), hexadecane: water were 46.1 and 203.4 l/(m2 ⋅ h) for PETF-200 / OTS and PETF-350 / OTS, respectively. The degree of purification of emulsions by modified membranes according to the refractive index is of 100 %. Obtained membranes can be used to separate oil-water emulsions in order to prevent the corrosion of pipelines and changes of crude oil viscosity, as well as the treatment of water purification from oil industry waste.Разработана модификация поли(этилентерефталатных) трековых мембран (ПЭТФ ТМ) для увеличения разделения водомасляных эмульсий. Описано разделение эмульсий типа «вода в масле» с использованием ПЭТФ ТМ с правильной геометрией пор и размером пор 200 и 350 нм. Мембраны модифицированы октадецилтрихлорсиланом методом спин-коатинга для повышения их гидрофобных свойств. Представлены результаты изменения диаметров пор и угла смачивания после модификации ПЭТФ ТМ. Структура образцов изучена методами атомносиловой и сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Методом газопроницаемости определен размер пор мембран. Эмульсии хлороформ–вода и н-гексадекан–вода использовали в качестве тестовой жидкости для разделения эмульсий типа «вода в масле». При вакууме 700 мбар удельные показатели фильтрации эмульсий хлороформ : вода составляли 51,5 и 932,0 л/(м2⋅ч), гексадекан : вода – 46,1 и 203,4 л/(м2⋅ч) для ПЭТФ-200/ОТС и ПЭТФ-350/ОТС соответственно. Степень очистки эмульсий модифицированными мембранами по показателю преломления составила 100 %. Полученные трековые мембраны могут применяться для разделения водонефтяных эмульсий с целью предотвращения коррозии трубопроводов и изменения вязкости нефти, а также при очистке воды от отходов нефтяной промышленности


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    Objective: to assess liver function changes in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) taking NSAIDs regularly over a long period.Patients and methods. The data obtained during a 10-year PROGRESS prospective single-center cohort study of functional status, activity, and comorbidity (including gastrointestinal tract diseases) in patients with SpA were analyzed. The data of 363 SpA patients receiving NSAIDs regularly over a long period and followed up for 10 years were also explored. The changes that had occurred over a decade in the liver enzyme levels, the number of discontinued NSAID treatments because of a persistent increase in liver enzyme levels, and the number of prescriptions of hepatoprotective agents were analyzed.Results. For 10 years, 18 patients with SpA discontinued their NSAID intake due to elevated liver enzyme levels (≥3 times greater than the reference value); during that time, the same increase in enzyme levels was observed in 2 healthy individuals (χ2 =1.39; p=0.2). In the patients with SpA as compared to the healthy individuals, the relative risk of abnormal liver function was 1.19 (95% CI, 1.009–1.405); odds ratio was 2.9 (95% CI, 0.65–12.95). There was no increased risk for discontinuation of some NSAIDs, including nimesulide (χ2 =0.03, p=0.85), the frequency of using hepatoprotective drugs was proved to be highest for diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen, nimesulide, and ketoprofen.Conclusion. The regular long-term (as long as 10 years) use of NSAIDs to treat SpA is associated with treatment discontinuation because of elevated enzyme levels in every 10 patients. The maximum rate of discontinuation of NSAIDs due to a persistent increase in liver enzyme levels is observed 6–8 years after their regular use, so long-term NSAID therapy requires continuous monitoring of hepatic safety. The longterm intake of nimesulide, as compared with other NSAIDs, is shown to be unassociated with the higher rate of its discontinuation because of worse liver function. Hepatoprotectors are less frequently prescribed to patients taking nimesulide than to those receiving diclofenac sodium or ibuprofen and more frequently to patients using meloxicam. In most cases, prescribing hepatoprotective agents to patients receiving NSAIDs does not require discontinuation of anti-inflammatory therapy. Длительное назначение нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП) требует повышенного внимания к безопасности лечения, в том числе в отношении функции печени.Цель исследования – оценка изменения функции печени у больных спондилоартритами (СпА), регулярно длительно применявших НПВП.Пациенты и методы. Проведен анализ данных, полученных в ходе 10-летнего проспективного когортного одноцентрового исследования, посвященного изучению функционального статуса, активности и сопутствующей патологии (включая заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта) у пациентов со СпА (ПРОГРЕСС). Проанализированы данные 363 больных СпА, наблюдавшихся в течение 10 лет, регулярно длительно принимавших НПВП. Анализировали произошедшие за 10 лет изменения уровня печеночных ферментов, число отмен лечения НПВП по причине стойкого повышения уровня печеночных ферментов и число назначений гепатопротекторов.Результаты. За 10 лет у 18 больных СпА из-за повышения уровня печеночных ферментов (≥3 норм) был прерван прием НПВП, за это время такое же повышение уровня ферментов отмечено у 2 здоровых лиц (χ2 =1,39, p=0,2). Относительный риск нарушения функции печени у пациентов со СпА по сравнению со здоровыми составил 1,19 (95% ДИ 1,009–1,405), отношение шансов – 2,9 (95% ДИ 0,65–12,95). Не отмечено повышения риска отмены НПВП для отдельных препаратов, включая нимесулиды (χ2 =0,03, p=0,85), частота назначения гепатопротекторов оказалась максимальной для диклофенака натрия, ибупрофена, нимесулида и кетопрофена.Выводы. Регулярный длительный (до 10 лет) прием НПВП при СпА ассоциируется с отменой лечения из-за повышения уровня печеночных ферментов у 1 из 10 больных. Максимальная частота отмен НПВП вследствие стойкого повышения уровня печеночных ферментов отмечается через 6–8 лет их регулярного приема, поэтому длительная терапия НПВП требует постоянного мониторинга печеночной безопасности. Прием препаратов нимесулида в долгосрочной перспективе не ассоциируется с большей частотой их отмен из-за ухудшения функции печени по сравнению с другими НПВП. Пациентам, принимающим нимесулид, гепатопротекторы назначаются реже, чем пациентам, получающим диклофенак натрия или ибупрофен, и чаще, чем пациентам, принимающим мелоксикам. В большинстве случаев назначение гепатопротекторов на фоне приема НПВП не требует отмены противовоспалительной терапии.

    Защитные покрытия Ленгмюра–Блоджетт на основе высших жирных кислот

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    The morphology and tribotechnical properties of Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) monolayers and multilayers of some fatty acids, such as nervonic (NA), cerotic (CA) and montanic acids (OCA), was investigated. It was established that the wear resistance of silicon surface coated by LB monolayer of OCA is greater by 11 and 1.3 times in comparison with the LB monomolecular films of NA and CA, respectively. The multilayer of OCA, formed by 140 layers, increases the stability of steel surface by 35 times.Исследованы морфология и трибологические свойства моно- и мультислойных пленок Ленгмюра– Блоджетт (ЛБ) на основе нервоновой (НК), церотиновой (ЦК) и монтановой кислот (МК). Установлено, что ЛБ монослой МК на поверхности кремния в 11 и 1,3 раза стабильнее мономолекулярных ЛБ пленок НК и ЦК соответственно. Мультислойное покрытие МК, состоящее из 140 слоев, в 35 раз увеличивает износоустойчивость стальной поверхности


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    The sources of financing of RUP “BMZ” activity in the period of finance instability on the world markets are give