40 research outputs found

    Magnezyotermik İndirgeme ile PrB6 Sentezi

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    Bu çalışmada, magnezyotermik indirgeme ile mikro ve nano boyutta PrB6 sentezlenmiştir ve optimum reaksiyon koşulları tespit edilmiştir. Optimum sıcaklığı belirlemek için Praseodymium(III, IV) oksit, bor(III) oksit ve magnezyum reaksiyon süresi sabit tutularak (2 saat) 600, 700, 800 ve 900°C ‘de tepkime vermeleri sağlanmıştır. Optimum sıcaklık 900°C olarak saptanmıştır. Daha sonra optimum olan sıcaklıkta (900°C) sabit tutularak 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 saat süreyle tepkime vermeleri sağlanmıştır. En uygun tepkime süresi 8 saat olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Oluşan saf PrB6 X-Işını Kırınımı (XRD) ve Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) ile analiz edilmiştir. XRD analizi ile saf PrB6 oluştuğu XRD ile kanıtlanmıştır. Numunelerin morfolojilerini karakterize etmek için SEM analizi yapılmıştır. Heterojen ve nano–mikro boyutta PrB6 varlığı gözlenmiştir

    Reflective Practices in Learning Turkish Pronunciation as a Foreign Language

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    In this study, the aim is to raise the awareness of learners of Turkish as a foreign/second language by using reflective thinking stages (recalling experiences, researching causes, trying to change and improve experiences) and to improve their experiences by presenting solutions to the phonetic errors they frequently made in their pronunciation. The research is a qualitative study, and it is based on Bartlett's reflective teaching stages (mapping, informing, contesting, appraising and acting). The implementation stage lasted 8 class hours (400 minutes), consisting of two hours per week, at A2 level at the TÖMER İzmir branch of Ankara University. Following each implementation, reflections on the teaching process were obtained thanks to the diaries kept by both the learners and the researcher who carried out the implementation and created course reports, course records were formed and peer evaluations were obtained and, when needed, rearrangements were made. At the end of the implementation phase, the data obtained through the interviews with teachers and learners about the process, the findings of the new teaching process on the usefulness of work and the level of awareness for pronunciation were shared with the instructors and learners. It was concluded that the implementation led to a positive development in learners and that they acquired communicative skills by finding the opportunity to do speaking practice, through the reflective practices performed

    Measurement of Bone Mineral Density in HIV-Infected Individuals Who Are Not Considered as a Specific Risk Group for Bone Mineral Densitometry Screening

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    Objective: As HIV-infected individuals continue to live longer with antiretroviral therapy (ART), systemic metabolic complications are also becoming more frequent. HIV-infected patients who have ART have a 2-6% reduction in bone mineral density (BMD) over the first two years. This reduction in BMD is thought to be due to the complex relationship between the virus itself, ART and the usual risk factors of osteoporosis. We aimed to investigate the possibility that the decrease in BMD occurred at younger ages in HIV-infected individuals, and to show the factors that affect it