441 research outputs found

    History Matching Using Principal Component Analysis

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    Imperial Users onl

    Weak and Semi Compatible Maps in Probabilistic Metric Space Using Implicit Relation

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H25, 47H10.The concept of semi compatibility is given in probabilistic metric space and it has been applied to prove the existence of unique common fixed point of four self-maps with weak compatibility satisfying an implicit relation. At the end we provide examples in support of the result.Authors thank to MPCOST, Bhopal for financial support through the project M-19/2006

    Anteromedial versus trans-tibial technique for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using quadrupled hamstring graft: a comparative study

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    Background: Femoral tunnel position plays a pivotal role for successful outcome in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgeries. Recently, the anteromedial techniques have gained popularity over the trans-tibial technique due to better anatomical position and better stability rotationally and antero-posteriorly then the later. The aim of the present study was to compare the technical difficulty and ease, functional and radiological outcome of trans-tibial and anteromedial portal techniques in ACL reconstruction.Methods: Thirty patients between March 2015 and February 2016 with ACL tear underwent arthroscopic reconstruction using quadrupled hamstring graft and were divided into two groups A (anteromedial) and group B (trans-tibial) as per the technique used. Patients with multiligament injuries, revision surgeries, and osteoarthritis knee were excluded. All the patients were followed-up for 24 months and clinical Lysholm and IKDC scores along with radiological outcome were calculated.Results: The mean age of patients were 32.4Ā±6.3 years. Isolated ACL tear was seen in 16 (53.4%) cases followed by medial meniscus injury in 11 (36.6%) patients. The mean duration between injury and surgery was 14.8Ā±8.99 and 21.6Ā±3.23 days in group A and B respectively (p=0.0122). The radiological position of femoral tunnel in sagittal and coronal plane was statistically significant in both the groups. The Lysholm and IKDC scores showed statistically significant difference at 3 months post-operatively.Conclusions: Anteromedial and trans-tibial techniques have similar long term functional outcomes. However, more anatomical position of the graft through the anteromedial technique and better rotational and anteroposterior stability makes it theoretically to be superior to the trans-tibial technique

    Comparison of efficacy of azilsartan with olmesartan in patients of hypertension: randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Azilsartan and olmesartan are members of ARBs, used in the management of hypertension. Objective was to evaluate efficacy of azilsartan with olmesartan in patients of hypertension. Methods: A randomized, prospective, open label, comparative study was carried out in Pharmacology and Medicine department at Dr. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda, HP. The study stretched over one year and blood pressure was monitored at first, third and sixth month. Out of 69 patients, 35 patients in group A were prescribed tablet azilsartan 40 mg/day and 34 patients in group B patients were prescribed tablet olmesartan 20 mg/day. Tablet chlorthalidone 12.5 mg/day was add on in both the groups. Data was presented as mean+SD. Studentā€™s t test was used and p value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: In group A, systolic blood pressure (SBP) values improved from baseline of 153Ā±10 mmHg to 111Ā±18 mmHg (p<0.001) at 3 months and 109Ā±6.1 mmHg (p<0.001) at 6 months and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) values from baseline of 87Ā±7 mmHg to 67.1Ā±4.6 mmHg (p<0.001) at 3 months and 67.6Ā±2.5 mmHg (p < 0.001) at 6 months. In group B, SBP values improved from baseline of 154Ā±8.5 mmHg to 127Ā±3.6 mmHg (p<0.001) at 3 months and 123Ā±4 mmHg (p<0.001) at 6 months and DBP values from baseline of 85Ā±6.5mm Hg to 75.7Ā±3.3 mmHg (p<0.001) at 3 months and 73Ā±3.3 mmHg (p<0.001) at 6 months. On intergroup comparison improvement in hypertension was better in azilsartan group (p<0.001). Conclusions: The study concluded that azilsartan is significantly better than olmesartan in controlling the hypertension

    Postpartalni supklinički endometritis ā€“ dijagnostika i utjecaj na rane reproduktivne pokazatelje u mliječnih krava

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    The present study was aimed at the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis and its impact on early reproductive parameters in postpartum dairy cows (N=45). The proportion of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNCs-%) and intraluminal uterine fluid (ILUF-mm) was assessed by cytotape and transrectal ultrasonography, respectively, for the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis at 8 weeks post-partum. A receiver operator characteristics curve was used to determine the diagnostic threshold of PMNCs and ILUF. The optimal threshold value for PMNCs was ā‰„6% (area under the curve (AUC)-0.89; sensitivity-85.71%; specificity-83.33%; P<0.05) whereas it was ā‰„3.40 mm for ILUF (AUC-0.92; sensitivity-100%; specificity-83.33%; P<0.05). The diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) for the development of subclinical endometritis in cows having a PMNCs percentage and ILUF above the threshold level was 7.70 and 6.00, respectively. Early reproductive parameters, such as days needed for completion of uterine involution (UINV) and first postpartum ovulation (FPO) were studied and were reported to be significantly higher in cows diagnosed with subclinical endometritis based on the percentage of PMNCs (P<0.01; P<0.05 for UINV & FPO, respectively) and ILUF (P<0.05; P<0.01 for UINV & FPO, respectively). Linear correlation analysis showed a significant relationship (pā‰¤0.01-0.05) between the proportion of PMNCs and early reproductive parameters. Similarly, a significant correlation (P<0.01) between ILUF and PMNCs was reported, irrespective of the threshold level. In conclusion, endometrial cytology and transrectal ultrasonography with a threshold level ā‰„6% for PMNCs and ā‰„3.40 mm for ILUF, respectively, defined the presence of subclinical endometritis, and this led to a delay in the establishment of subsequent early post-partum reproductive performance.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti dijagnostiku supkliničkog endometritisa i njegov utjecaj na rane reproduktivne pokazatelje mliječnih krava (n = 45) u postpartalnom razdoblju. Količina polimorfonuklearnih stanica (PMNC u postotku) i intraluminalne maternične tekućine (ILUF u milimetrima) procijenjena je s pomoću test traka i transrektalne ultrasonografije kako bi se dijagnosticirao supklinički endometritis osam tjedana poslije porođaja. ROC krivulja upotrijebljena je kako bi se odredio dijagnostički prag PMNC-a i ILUF-a. Optimalna vrijednost praga za PMNC bila je ā‰„ 6 % (područje ispod krivulje (AUC) 0,89; osjetljivost 85,71 %; specifičnost 83,33 %; P < 0,05), a za ILUF ā‰„ 3,40 mm for (AUC ā€“ 0,92; osjetljivost 100 %; specifičnost 83,33 %; P < 0,05). Omjer dijagnostičkih izgleda (DOR) za razvoj supkliničkog endometritisa u krava koje su imale postotak PMNC-a i ILUF iznad praga bio je 7,70 za PMNC i 6,00 za ILUF. Analizirani su rani reproduktivni pokazatelji, kao Å”to je broj dana potreban za zavrÅ”etak involucije maternice (UINV) i prva postpartalna ovulacija (FPO), te se pokazalo da su bili znakovito veći u krava sa supkliničkim endometritisom uzme li se u obzir postotak PMNC-a (P < 0,01 za UINV i P < 0,05 za FPO) i ILUF (P < 0,05 za UINV i P < 0,01 za FPO). Analiza linearne korelacije pokazala je znakovit odnos (P ā‰¤ 0,01 ā€“ 0,05) između vrijednosti PMNC-a i ranih reproduktivnih pokazatelja. Slično, uočena je znakovita korelacija (P < 0,01) između ILUF-a i PMNC-a, bez obzira na dijagnostički prag. Endometralnom je citologijom i transrektalnom ultrasonografijom s dijagnostičkim pragom ā‰„ 6 % za PMNC i ā‰„ 3,40 mm za ILUF dijagnosticiran supklinički endometritis, zbog čega je odgođeno uspostavljanje uvjeta za ranu reprodukciju nakon porođaja

    Saxagliptin induced bilateral knee arthralgia: a rare case report

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    A 55 year old female patient of type 2 diabetes mellitus on saxagliptin (5 mg once a day), a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor (DPP-4 inhibitors) as add on therapy to metformin (1000 mg twice a day). After two months of addition of saxagliptin, the patient had pain in both the knee joints. Saxagliptin was withdrawn and then the knee pain was gradually relieved. Other cause of joint pains like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, septic arthritis etc. were ruled out. We consider that this case is important in bringing this potential side effect to the attention of both pharmacologists and primary care physicians as DPP- IV inhibitors has been the most commonly used drug substitute to glimepiride as an add on therapy to metformin
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