16 research outputs found

    New microsatellite loci for annatto (Bixa orellana), a source of natural dyes from Brazilian Amazonia

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    Annatto (Bixa orellana) is a tropical crop native to the Americas with Amazonia as the likely center of origin of domestication. Annatto is important because it produces the dye bixin, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and textile industries. A total of 32 microsatellite loci were isolated from a microsatellite-enriched genomic library, of which 12 polymorphic loci were used to characterize four populations of B. orellana and B. orellana var. urucurana, the wild relative. Higher genetic diversity estimates were detected for the wild populations when compared to the cultivated populations. Also, higher apparent outcrossing rates were found for the two wild than the cultivated populations. These results indicate a mixed mating system for the species. All markers described herein have potential to be used in further studies evaluating the genetic diversity, population dynamics, domestication, breeding, and conservation genetics of annatto. © 2018, Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding. All rights reserved

    In vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant studies of active principle hexacosylidenecyclohexane extracted from bark of Madhuca longifolia L

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    Abstract: Plants are benefactor of humankind. The enormous increase in multiresistant strains irrespective of potent antibiotics has resulted in an exploration of new plant based products. Free radicals produced in the body are responsible for oxidation of biomolecules and increases the risk of chronic disorders. Antioxidants are the compounds which gives protection against cell damage. Active principle hexacosylidenecyclohexane isolated from the bark of Madhuca longifolia L. is used in the present antimicrobial and antioxidant studies. The antimicrobial activity of active principle was evaluated against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans by disk diffusion method and Minimum inhibitory concentration assay. The antioxidant activity of crude extract was tested by Superoxide dismutase assay and active principle was evaluated by DPPH and TRPA assay. The results obtained from the present work proved active principle have strong antimicrobial and antioxidant activity and can be used in herbal formulations

    Catheter-associated urinary tract infections and prevention by bacterial interference: A review

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common nosocomial infections, accounting for 40% of all nosocomial infections. As much as 80% of these infections are associated with the use of urinary catheters. The risk of developing catheter-associated UTI increases with each day of catheterization. The pathogenesis of catheter-associated UTI is related to susceptibility of inert catheter material to microbial colonization. Once firmly attached on the catheter surface or the uroepithelium, bacteria begin to change phenotypically, moving into the sessile, biofilm mode of growth. Bacterial interference or using nonpathogenic bacteria to prevent symptomatic infection may offer a solution to the problem of recurrent UTI in chronically catheterized individuals

    Evaluation and studies on the structural impact of 3-Aryl-5-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-4,5-Dihydroisoxazole-4-Carbonitriles on their biological activities

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    In present study, a series of isoxazole derivatives was synthesized and evaluated for antibacterial and antifungal activities by disc diffusion method using different bacterial and fungal strains. Some compounds of the series exhibited promising antibacterial and antifungal activity compared to standard drugs. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC’s) was determined against each organism. The compounds were tested for their antioxidant activity and reducing power ability. Free radicals play an important role in various pathological and xenotoxic effects so antioxidant may have protective role in these pathological conditions. Based on the results of an antimicrobial, anti-oxidant study, the effect of substitution on the activity and possible structure activity relationship of the compounds for their antioxidant activity is presente

    To analyze age for prescription of presbyopic glasses and factors influencing frequency of their change

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze age for prescription of presbyopic glasses and factors influencing the frequency of their change. Materials and Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted on patients presenting to the outpatient department of ophthalmology of a tertiary care center from January 2022 to June 2022. Informed written consent was taken. History regarding near work was obtained and detailed examination was done. Results: Males 293 (58.6%) had more preponderance than females 207 (41.4%). Occupations such as tailors, teachers, drivers, engineers, and welders required early (<40–49 years) need of presbyopic correction and frequent (2–3 times in the span of 10 years) change of glasses. Individuals with short height, lower upper segment: lower segment (US: LS) ratio, and hypermetropia were in need of early presbyopic correction and frequent change of glasses. Conclusion: Factors contributing to early need of presbyopic correction in age ranging from <40 to 49 years were occupations needing near work, short height, lower US: LS ratio, and hypermetropia. Factors contributing to increased frequency of change of glasses were occupations needing near work, normal to taller height, lower US: LS ratio, hypermetropia, and the usage of visual display units

    3rd National Conference on Image Processing, Computing, Communication, Networking and Data Analytics

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    This volume contains contributed articles presented in the conference NCICCNDA 2018, organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore, Karnataka (India) on 28th April 2018