12 research outputs found

    Localization of chemoreceptors in \u3ci\u3eAzospirillum brasilense\u3c/i\u3e.

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    In order to ensure their survival, bacteria must sense and adapt to a variety of environmental signals. Motile bacteria are able to orient their movement in a chemical gradient by chemotaxis. During chemotaxis, environmental signals are detected by chemotaxis receptors and are propagated via a signal transduction cascade to affect bacterial motility. In a model organism Escherichia coli, chemotaxis receptors, also called MCPs (for methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins) sense changes in concentration gradients by making temporal comparisons about the chemical composition of their surroundings. Decreased attractant concentration or increased repellant concentration results in conformational changes in the MCPs that culminate in autophosphorylation of histidine kinase CheA that in turn phosphorylates response regulator CheY. Phosphorylated CheY interacts with flagellar rotor switch protein FliM and causes it to switch direction of rotation. In E. coli, MCPs form mixed trimers-of-receptor dimers. Together with CheA and CheW proteins they further organize into large patches at the cell poles called arrays. This architecture is important for signal amplification and propagation and is universally conserved among many bacterial species. In contrast to E. coli, nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, Azospirillum brasilense, encode four chemotaxis pathways and 41 MCPs. Previous work shows both Che1 and Che4 contribute to chemotaxis and aerotaxis implying that signals detected by chemotactic receptors must be integrated to generate a coordinated motility response. In this work, fluorescent microscopy imaging studies of some A. brasilense MCPs (Tlp1, Tlp2, Tlp4a, and AerC) in various mutant backgrounds demonstrate their localization in respect to each other and to CheA1 and CheA4 proteins

    Distinct Chemotaxis Protein Paralogs Assemble into Chemoreceptor Signaling Arrays To Coordinate Signaling Output

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    Most chemotactic motile bacteria possess multiple chemotaxis signaling systems, the functions of which are not well characterized. Chemotaxis signaling is initiated by chemoreceptors that assemble as large arrays, together with chemotaxis coupling proteins (CheW) and histidine kinase proteins (CheA), which form a baseplate with the cytoplasmic tips of receptors. These cell pole-localized arrays mediate sensing, signaling, and signal amplification during chemotaxis responses. Membrane-bound chemoreceptors with different cytoplasmic domain lengths segregate into distinct arrays. Here, we show that a bacterium, Azospirillum brasilense, which utilizes two chemotaxis signaling systems controlling distinct motility parameters, coordinates its chemotactic responses through the production of two separate membrane-bound chemoreceptor arrays by mixing paralogs within chemotaxis baseplates. The polar localization of chemoreceptors of different length classes is maintained in strains that had baseplate signaling proteins from either chemotaxis system but was lost when both systems were deleted. Chemotaxis proteins (CheA and CheW) from each of the chemotaxis signaling systems (Che1 and Che4) could physically interact with one another, and chemoreceptors from both classes present in A. brasilense could interact with Che1 and Che4 proteins. The assembly of paralogs from distinct chemotaxis pathways into baseplates provides a straightforward mechanism for coordinating signaling from distinct pathways, which we predict is not unique to this system given the propensity of chemotaxis systems for horizontal gene transfer

    Distinct Chemotaxis Protein Paralogs Assemble into Chemoreceptor Signaling Arrays To Coordinate Signaling Output

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    Most chemotactic motile bacteria possess multiple chemotaxis signaling systems, the functions of which are not well characterized. Chemotaxis signaling is initiated by chemoreceptors that assemble as large arrays, together with chemotaxis coupling proteins (CheW) and histidine kinase proteins (CheA), which form a base- plate with the cytoplasmic tips of receptors. These cell pole-localized arrays mediate sensing, signaling, and signal amplification during chemotaxis responses. Membrane- bound chemoreceptors with different cytoplasmic domain lengths segregate into distinct arrays. Here, we show that a bacterium, Azospirillum brasilense, which utilizes two chemotaxis signaling systems controlling distinct motility parameters, coordi- nates its chemotactic responses through the production of two separate membrane- bound chemoreceptor arrays by mixing paralogs within chemotaxis baseplates. The polar localization of chemoreceptors of different length classes is maintained in strains that had baseplate signaling proteins from either chemotaxis system but was lost when both systems were deleted. Chemotaxis proteins (CheA and CheW) from each of the chemotaxis signaling systems (Che1 and Che4) could physically interact with one another, and chemoreceptors from both classes present in A. brasilense could interact with Che1 and Che4 proteins. The assembly of paralogs from distinct chemotaxis pathways into baseplates provides a straightforward mechanism for co- ordinating signaling from distinct pathways, which we predict is not unique to this system given the propensity of chemotaxis systems for horizontal gene transfer

    Integrated management systems in design and survey organizations

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    The relevance of the research topic is due, primarily, to the development trends of the construction industry of the Russian Federation in the face of declining quality of building products, the main reasons are low level of qualification, the lack of systematic monitoring at all stages of the production cycle, the deterioration of product quality of design and survey organizations. Today, the process of carrying out design and survey works is implemented in the conditions of an outdated regulatory and technical base, incorrectly drawn up technical tasks, and in some cases without prior approval of the technological part. The production cycle of construction products begins with the stage of design and survey work. The defining direction in the process of forming such characteristics of finished construction products as quality, its safety for the environment and consumers is the continuous improvement of this stage in changing conditions. Ensuring effective management of the process of creating design and estimate documentation allows to monitor, control and improve the quality, environmental friendliness and safety of construction products at each stage of its design. High indicators of quality, safety for the environment and consumers of design and survey products depend on the combined interaction of internal factors of the organization that ensure its sustainable development in constantly changing external conditions. It is at the stage of design and survey work that decisions are made on the criteria of economic and environmental efficiency of construction and operation of construction products. Design and survey organizations act as guarantors of both the safety of the future object and the payback of the resources invested by the customer, laying in the products the most cost-effective and modern technical solutions from the point of view of human and environmental safety


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    In article works and traveling notes of travelers, pilgrims to Egypt in the period of Muhammad Ali of Egypt board for the purpose of definition of the developed image of a Khedive of Egypt in these works are considered. The author analyzes works of travelers to Egypt and the Holy Land within the XIX century and shows the factors which influenced emergence of certain estimates in an image of the governor of Egypt. The carried-out analysis allowed to establish that despite poverty of the population, the general negative attitude perception of Arabs, including the Ottoman Turk, Khedive Muhammad Ali was the secular, educated and hospitable governor in the opinion of travelers. Meanwhile, absolutely other perception developed at the European travelers to whom honors were also done. The Russian travelers preferred not to focus attention on “east despotism” of Muhammad Ali, considering that use of cruel methods the political situation demanded. Also thanks to notes of travelers it was created including an image of the Turkish oppressor, and Muhammad Ali was presented only from a positive side as the secular and fair governor. Intended creation of a negative image of the Ottoman Turk oppressing Egyptians justified continuous collisions with Porta on the international scene

    Налогообложение доходов физических лиц: индивидуальное или семейное?

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    Выпуск 6, ноябрь -декабрь 2013 Опубликовать статью в журнале -http://publ.naukovedenie.ru Институт Государственного управления, права и инновационных технологий (ИГУПИТ) Аннотация: В последнее время на государственном уровне все больше говорят о необходимости применения мер поддержки семьи и многодетных граждан. Налоговые рычаги, в данной ситуации, безусловно, не являются первостепенными, однако и их роль не маловажна для финансовой поддержки семейных граждан. В данной статье рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с оптимизацией налогового бремени семьи, как «налоговой единицы». Сегодня в Российской Федерации система обложения доходов физических лиц основывается на индивидуальном обложении доходов. Единственная норма налогового законодательства, учитывающая наличие детей у физического лица -стандартный налоговый вычет на ребенка, который может быть предоставлен гражданину в двойном размере, если его супруг (супруга), имея право на этот вычет, отказались от его получения. Следует заметить, что глава 23 Налогового Кодекса Российской Федерации не содержит льгот по налогообложению доходов физического лица если у него есть иные иждивенцы, например пожилые родители, чей доход ниже прожиточного минимума. В статье проведен анализ зарубежного опыта налогообложения доходов таких категорий граждан и предложены направления оптимизации налогового законодательства Российской Федерации с целью обеспечения указанных мер. Ключевые слова: Налог; налог на доходы физических лиц; доход; налогоплательщик; семья; семейное налогообложение; необлагаемый минимум; иждивенцы; дети; оптимизация налогообложения; налоговая единица. Идентификационный номер статьи в журнале 129EVN613 Интернет-журнал «НАУКОВЕДЕНИЕ» Выпуск 6, ноябрь -декабрь 2013 Опубликовать статью в журнале -http://publ.naukovedenie.ru Институт Государственного управления, права и инновационных технологий (ИГУПИТ) Abstract: Lately, at the state level, in Russia talk of the need of application of measures and family support to citizens having many children. Tax levers, in this situation, certainly, aren't paramount, however and their role is important for a financial support of family citizens.Today in the Russian Federation the system of taxation of the income of physical persons is based on individual taxation of the income.The only standard tax legislation considering availability of own children at physical person -the standard tax deduction on the own child who can be provided to the citizen in a double size if his spouse (spouse), having the right to this deduction, refused its obtaining.It should be noted that Chapter 23 of the Tax Code does not include income tax benefits of a natural person if he has other dependents, such as elderly parents, whose income is below the subsistence level.In this article we are close look on question with optimization of tax burden of a family, as "tax unit". In the present article are given some examples of foreign experience of the taxation the incomes of such categories of citizens.The article analyzes the international experience of taxation of income of such categories of citizens and directions of optimization of the tax legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure these measures

    Distinct Chemotaxis Protein Paralogs Assemble into Chemoreceptor Signaling Arrays To Coordinate Signaling Output

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    The assembly of chemotaxis receptors and signaling proteins into polar arrays is universal in motile chemotactic bacteria. Comparative genome analyses indicate that most motile bacteria possess multiple chemotaxis signaling systems, and experimental evidence suggests that signaling from distinct chemotaxis systems is integrated. Here, we identify one such mechanism. We show that paralogs from two chemotaxis systems assemble together into chemoreceptor arrays, forming baseplates comprised of proteins from both chemotaxis systems. These mixed arrays provide a straightforward mechanism for signal integration and coordinated response output from distinct chemotaxis systems. Given that most chemotactic bacteria encode multiple chemotaxis systems and the propensity for these systems to be laterally transferred, this mechanism may be common to ensure chemotaxis signal integration occurs.Most chemotactic motile bacteria possess multiple chemotaxis signaling systems, the functions of which are not well characterized. Chemotaxis signaling is initiated by chemoreceptors that assemble as large arrays, together with chemotaxis coupling proteins (CheW) and histidine kinase proteins (CheA), which form a baseplate with the cytoplasmic tips of receptors. These cell pole-localized arrays mediate sensing, signaling, and signal amplification during chemotaxis responses. Membrane-bound chemoreceptors with different cytoplasmic domain lengths segregate into distinct arrays. Here, we show that a bacterium, Azospirillum brasilense, which utilizes two chemotaxis signaling systems controlling distinct motility parameters, coordinates its chemotactic responses through the production of two separate membrane-bound chemoreceptor arrays by mixing paralogs within chemotaxis baseplates. The polar localization of chemoreceptors of different length classes is maintained in strains that had baseplate signaling proteins from either chemotaxis system but was lost when both systems were deleted. Chemotaxis proteins (CheA and CheW) from each of the chemotaxis signaling systems (Che1 and Che4) could physically interact with one another, and chemoreceptors from both classes present in A. brasilense could interact with Che1 and Che4 proteins. The assembly of paralogs from distinct chemotaxis pathways into baseplates provides a straightforward mechanism for coordinating signaling from distinct pathways, which we predict is not unique to this system given the propensity of chemotaxis systems for horizontal gene transfer

    Effect of Chitosan and Amphiphilic Polymers on the Photosensitizing and Spectral Properties of Rose Bengal

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    The influence of chitosan (CS) and amphiphilic polymers (AP: pluronic F108 and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)) on the photocatalytic activity of rose bengal (RB) in a model reaction of tryptophan photo-oxidation in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was studied. It was shown that in the presence of CS, the effective rate constant keff of tryptophan photo-oxidation catalyzed by RB in PBS solution decreases by a factor of two. This is due to the ionic interaction of the RB with the chitosan. Rose bengal in a slightly acidic environment (pH 4.5) passes into a neutral lactone form, which sharply reduces the photosensitizing properties of the dye. It was demonstrated that the introduction of AP into a solution containing RB and CS prevents direct interaction between RB and CS. This is evidenced by the presence of photocatalytic activity of the dye in the RB-AP-CS systems, as well as bathochromic shifts of the main absorption bands of the dye, and an increase in the optical density and luminescence intensity of the RB when AP is introduced into a buffer solution containing RB and chitosan. The presence of RB-CS and RB-AP interaction in aqueous and PBS media is confirmed by the increase in the degree of fluorescence anisotropy (r) of these binary systems. In an aqueous solution, the value of r for the RB-F108-CS system decreases by a factor of 3.5 (compared to the value of r for the RB-CS system), which is associated with the localization of the dye in pluronic micelles. In PBS, the fluorescence anisotropy is practically the same for all systems, which is related to the stability of the dye structure in this medium. The presence of interaction between RB and AP in aqueous solutions was confirmed by the proton NMR method. In addition, the formation of RB-F108 macromolecular complexes, which form associates during solution concentration (in particular, during evaporation), was shown by AFM. Such RB-AP-CS systems may be promising for practical application in the treatment of local foci of infections by aPDT