179 research outputs found

    Evaluation of lead concentration levels of children's paly ground in Kaduna State Schools

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    Leaded paint and lead from exhaust of vehicle have been observed to be the major contributors of lead contamination, resulting to soil contamination. African infants by way of culture have direct contact with contaminated soil. The study investigated, lead contamination of soil in children’s playgrounds of some selected schools in Kaduna State with emphasis on the premises of nursery/primary schools in the State An Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) was the technique used in the investigation. The results obtained from exterior showed some variations from the background lead levels. Schools such as LK-II, HCPS, SPS, showed high variation from background study. HCPS recorded interior mean lead concentration of 137.5±24.6 (127.0-174.0)ppm and exterior mean lead concentration of 145.8±25.0(26.0-348.7)ppm while the established background lead concentration level is within the range of 23.5-38.9ppm. Keywords: Lead concentration, Contamination, background, EDXRF, Children playground, leaded paint, flakes, debris, building foundation, Kaduna State

    Estimating Additive and Dominance Variance for Litter Traits in Purebred California White Kits Using Different Models

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    Reproductive and growth records of 82 purebred California white kits were used to estimate additive and dominance genetic variances using BULPF90PC-PACK. Estimates were obtained for litter size at birth (LSB) and at weaning (LSW); litter weight at birth (LWB) and at weaning (LWW); individual kit weight at birth (IKWB)and at weaning (IKWW)as well as neonatal (Nil) and morlality at weaning (WM). Two mixed model equations were adopted. The first model included fixed effects and random effects identifying inbreeding depression, additive gene effect and permanent environmental effects. The second model was similar to the first model, but included the dominance genotypic effect. Estimates of heritability from sire component of variance for LSB, LSW, LWB, LWW, IKWB and IKWW were 0.4810.53,0.41/0.44, 0.5010.55 ,0.491NA, 0.4410.47 and 0.48/0.56 from model 1 and 2 respectively. Proportions of dominance effect to total phenotypic variance from the dominance model were 0.222, 0.453, 0.206, 0.349, 0.417 and 0.521 for LSB, LSW, LWB, LWW, IKWB and IKWW respectively. Dominance effects, which are not transferable through gametes (haploid entities) but are recreated at random in the offspring, were found to influence the litter traits analyzed. Therefore, genetic evaluation with the dominance model (Model 2) was found more appropriate than the animal model (Model 1). Keywords: Additive, Dominance, Heritability, Inbreeding, Rabbi

    Evaluation of fertility traits of Friesian X Bunaji dairy cows

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    Data from 13 primaparous and 47 multiparous Friesian-Bunaji (F1)  crossbred cows were used to evaluate the reproductive performance of Friesian x Bunaji dairy cows. Four fertility traits; days to first insemination (DFI), days open (DO), Non-return rate 56 days after first insemination (NRR56) and numbers of insemination per conception (NIC) were analysed . The results revealed that the average days to first insemination (DFI), days open (DO) , number of insemination per conception (NIC), and non- return rate 56 days after first insemination (NRR56) were 122.29 days, 171.18 days, 1.64, and 61%, respectively. These traits were highly variability (CV = 54.01-80.90%). The effects of sire and sex of calf on the reproductive characteristics were not significant (p>0.05). The dam body condition score (BCS) had significant effect on all the reproductive characteristics. The DFI, DO and NIC decreased with increase in BCS. Dams with BCS of < 2.50 had longer DFI and DO, and required higher numberof inseminations before conception (NIC), while those with BCS of >3.50 had shorter DFI and DO with minimum number of insemination per  conception (1.00). Dam parity had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the reproductive characteristics except on NRR56 and NIC. However, the heifer had longer days to first insemination (DFI), and days open (DO) andrequired higher number of inseminations per conception than the older cows. Season of calving had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the reproductive characteristics except on NRR56. The cows that calved during the wet seasons (early and late dry) had higher NRR56 (69 – 71%), than those of the dry (early and late wet) seasons (40 – 59%). The reproductiveperformance of the cows depreciated significantly (p<0.05) within the 3 years (2010 - 2012) of this study; DFI increased from 88.47 to 131.49 days, DO increased from 80.39 to 269.14 days, NIC increased from 1.01 to 2.72, while the percentage non-return rate (NRR56) decreased from 86% to 42%.The heritability (h2) estimates for fertility traits was very low ranging from 0.014 to 0.087. Dam body condition score, parity, season and year of calving are important sources of variation in fertility traits of dairy cows. These results illustrate that environmental effects makes larger contributions to the variability of fertility traits than direct genetic effects, thus reproductive health and feeding management are very importantdeterminant of reproductive performance of dairy cows.Keywords: Fertility, Friesian x Bunaji cows, Parity, Body condition score, Season, Yea

    Evaluation agronomique de variétés de canne à sucre en début de campagne de récolte à Ferké au Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire : vers un allègement du schéma de sélection

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    Dans le but de contribuer à l’allègement du schéma de sélection de la canne à sucre, 16 variétés ont été évaluées, sur la base du rendement en sucre extractible, de la tolérance au charbon (U. scitaminea), à l’échaudure des feuilles (maladies endémiques) et au foreur de tiges (E. saccharina), dans 4 essais, conduits sur 5 ans, en début de saison de récolte à Sucaf-Ferké 2 (nord de la Côte d’Ivoire). Les variétés commerciales SP701143, SP711406, MEX73523, N19, R575, SP75184 et SP791230 ont présenté, respectivement, des TSE/ha de 12,2 ; 15,3 ; 11,6 ; 11,7 ; 10,6 ; 11,5 et 12,1 significativement supérieures à celles de NCo376 (variété la plus cultivée jusqu’en 2008). Par ailleurs, celles-ci ont été moins sensibles au charbon et au foreur de tiges que NCo376 (taux de charbon < 5000 fouets/ha et ENA % < 3 %). Les variétés commerciales se sont avérées plus adaptées aux conditions de culture du site que les présélectionnées, avec des taux d’adaptation de 33 %, 100 %, 67 % et 75 %. L’étude suggère en outre, la possibilité de réduire la 2e étape de sélection de 2 ans et de conduire le criblage en une seule étape de 3 ans. Ce qui ramènerait la durée du cycle de sélection à 6 ans, contre 11, voire 15 ans auparavant.Mots clés : Variétés de canne à sucre, adaptation, charbon, foreur, Côte d’Ivoir

    Evaluation of Nematicidal Action of Some Botanicals on Meloidogyne incognita In Vivo and In Vitro

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    Eggmasses or larvae of Meloidogyne incognita were exposed to varying concentrations of neem leaf (fresh and dry), Borelia sp., groundnut leaf and garlic bulb. Neem leaf and garlic bulb extracts inhibited hatching of eggmasses and were lethal to larva. A comparative study of neem and garlic bulb extracts prepared at 20% concentration and applied weekly at 25 ml per pot were carried out in the screenhouse. Each pot filled with 2 kg of pasturised soil was inoculated with 2000 larvae of M. incognita by introducing 500 g of infested soil from tomato culture raised in the screenhouse. These extracts significantly reduced root-knot infection indices on tomato when compared to the control. However, garlic extract demonstrated greater potential than neem leaf extract in the control of root-knot infection of tomato in vivo

    CD4 cells profile of HAART naive HIV seropositive clients in Kogi State University Teaching Hospital, Anyigba, Kogi State. Nigeria

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    CD4 lymphocyte cells are the primary targets of Human immune-deficiency virus (HIV). Enumeration of CD4 T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood is used in the assessment of disease clinical stage, risk of  opportunistic infections, evaluation of prognosis and guide decision on the commencement of  antiretroviral therapy. The objective was to determine CD4 cells profile of HIV sero-positive naïve  patients in Kogi State University Teaching Hospital( KSUTH) Anyigba. A total of 404 HIV sero-positive Highly Active Anti Retro Viral Treatment ( HAART) naïve patients comprising 147(36.4%) males and  257 (63.6%) females were examined. Approval was obtained from ethical committee of Kogi State University Teaching Hospital (KSUTH), Anyigba. Written and verbal informed consent was taken from all patients. The overall mean age of patients was 33.0 ± 12.7 years and female-male ratio was  1.7:1. Majority of patients were in the clinical stage two 121(30.5%) and three 200(50.4%). Patients had overall mean CD4 cells count of 381.8 ± 240.8 cells /mm3. Patients CD4 cells count varied statistically with the HIV clinical staging (F =4.512 &amp; P value=0.004) and statistically insignificant with gender (P value = 0.7562 &amp; t Test= 0.3106) and tuberculosis status (P value=0.223 &amp; F=  1.505).Conclusion: This study showed HIV sero-positive HAART naive patients presented in KSUTH with mean age of 33 years. Majority of patients presented in disease clinical stage two and three with a mean CD4 cells counts of 381.8 cells/mm3 . This study recommend the need to reduce stigmatization, discrimination and promote early access to treatment , care and support services.Keywords: HIV/AIDS, CD4, Patient/clients, KSUTH, Nigeria

    Haematological profile of HIV seropositive HAART naive clients in Kogi State University Teaching Hospital, Anyigba, Kogi State. Nigeria

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    Examination of haematological profile is useful for baseline assessment, treatment monitoring and prognostic evaluation in Hiv/AIDS management. The objectives of the study was to assess the haematological profile of HIV seropositive HAART naive patients who attended Kogi State University Teaching Hospital, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. The study was prospective experimental research. Ethical clearance was obtained from ethical committee of Kogi State University Teaching Hospital, Anyigba. Written and verbal informed consent was taken from all patients. A total of 404 HIV seropositive HAART naive patients comprising 147 (36.4%) males and 257(63.6%)females were examined. The overall mean age of patients was 33.0 ±12.7 years and female-male ratio was 1.7: 1. Half of respondents 200(50.4%) accessed HIV care and treatment for the time in stage three HIV disease. Patients had overall mean CD4 cells count of 381.8 ± 240.8 cells/mm3 , white blood cells count of 5.8 ± 3.6 × 109/L, lymphocyte count 2.3 ±1.3, granulocyte count 0.8 ± 0.8 and platelet count of 260.0 ± 109.1 × 109/L. The mean packed cell volume was 34.1± 5.9 %, haemoglobin 11.3 ± 2.1 g/dl and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration was 31.5 ± 14.3 g/dl. The packed cells volume (p=0.0001, T test= 4.0259) and haemoglobin (p=0.0001, T test= 4.1534) profiles of HIV clients were respectively statistically significance with gender, while CD4 cells count ( p=0.004, F= 4.523) and platelet count (p= 0.008, F = 3.974) were significance respectively with HIV disease staging. The study recommended the need for awareness programs, nutritional education and micronutrients supplementation including multivitamins for HIV clients.Keywords: Haematological, HIV, HAART, patients, KSUTH, Nigeri

    Morphometric Study Of The Teratogenic Effect Of Artesunate On The Central Nervous System Of The Wistar Rat Foetus

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    The teratogenic influence of maternal administration of artesunate on the morphometry of foetal nervous system was studied. Twenty virgin female Wistar rats weighing between 200g and 230g were used for this study. The animals were divided into 4 groups of 5 rats each. Each group was kept in a separate plastic cage. The rats were fed with commercial rat feed and tap water ad libitum throughout the experimental period. The females were caged overnight with sexually mature male rats of the same strain. The presence of sperm (tailed structures) in the vagina smears obtained the following morning confirmed coitus and the sperm positive day was designated as day zero of pregnancy. Oral doses of 0.2mg/kg, 0.4mg/kg and 0.8mg/kg body weight of artesunate were administered to pregnant rats in 3 of the groups respectively from the 7th to the 11th day of gestation. The fourth group of rats was used as the control which received 2.0ml/kg body weight of distilled water on the same days. Results show that the high dose group rats demonstrated significant (

    Estimation of Diagnostic Reference Level for Lumbar Spine X- Ray Procedures in Some Radiological Facilities in Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The worldwide increase in the use of radiation in diagnostic radiology practice has increased the need for organizations that deal with radiation protection to focus on improving patient protection. The essential aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic reference level for lumbar spine anterior posterior in some radiological facilities in Abuja metropolis, Nigeria. This study was performed to assess the values of entrance surface air kerma via indirect method for 87 adult patients whom their ages ranged between 19 to 75 years that underwent lumbar spine X-ray examination in six diagnostic radiology centres. The age of patients ranged from 20 to 60yrs; their weight ranged from 46 to 90 Kg, while the height of patients ranged from 1.4 to 1.8 m. The mean entrance surface air kerma for centres A, B, C, E and F were 2.41mGy, 2.39mGy, 2.75mGy, 2.91mGy and 2.67mGy respectively while the determined diagnostic reference level was 2.83mGy. This indicates improvement in optimization of patients’ doses when compared to established international reference levels. Keywords: Entrance surface air kerma, diagnostic reference level, lumbar spine X- ray examination and radiological facilities DOI: 10.7176/APTA/86-04 Publication date:October 31st 202
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