114 research outputs found

    Being an Opposition MP in the 22nd Turkish Parliament

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    This article analyzes the role and strategy of the main opposition (CHP) party’s MPs, their perceptions of their roles, their place in the legislative process and their relationship with their party in the 22nd Turkish Grand National Assembly. In multi-party Parliaments characterized by moderate to high levels of partisan competition, understanding the role of the opposition MPs calls for locating and analyzing three major constraints: the informal norms between the majority and the opposition, the place of the opposition MPs in the legislative process, and party discipline. In this context, a major question to be answered is whether there is a space where MPs can act as individuals in Parliament

    Türkiye Okul Öncesi Öğretmeleri Profili Araştırması

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    MakaleWOS:000959740900001The significant technological advances observed in the 21st century and resulting sociological changes require social adaptation. These changes created an essential role for the teachers to instruct the changing qualifications. The present study aimed to determine the profile of preschool teachers in Turkey. Thus, this research was designed as a descriptive study. The study group included 652 teachers. Most of the teachers participating in the research were female participants. Most of the teachers are graduates of pre-school education. However, there are also teachers who have graduated from child development and other fields. The "Turkish Preschool Education Student Profile Questionnaire" developed by Erkan et al. (2001) was adapted by the authors to research the teacher profile. When the findings were examined, it was found that 86% of the teachers participated in educational activities, and these educational activities generally participated in in-service trainings, scientific conferences and cultural events belonging to the ministry; they usually participate in these activities whenever they have the opportunity; the reasons for participating in educational activities are usually due to the lack of time and family situations; It has been determined that the hobbies of teachers are reading books, music, movies, theater and social media. In addition, it was determined that most of the teachers willingly chose pre-school education, as the reason for this, they generally showed that they love children and love to teach. Teachers stated that they volunteered to be a preschool teacher and that they love and care about children. The findings are discussed in the light of the relevant literature. Then recommendations are given.21. yüzyıl ile ortaya çıkan muazzam teknolojik değişim ve buna bağlı olarak gelişen sosyolojik değişim, toplumların bu süreci yaratmasını ve buna uyum sağlamasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Bu süreçte yaşanan değişimin bir sonucu olarak öğretmenler, değişen niteliklerin topluma aktarılmasında önemli bir role sahiptir. Bu araştırma, Türkiye'de çalışmakta olan okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin profilini belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla bu araştırma, betimsel araştırma ile desenlendirilmiştir. Çalışma grubu 652 öğretmenden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin çoğunu kadın katılımcılar oluşturmuştur. Öğretmenlerin çoğu okul öncesi eğitimi mezunudur. Bununla birlikte çocuk gelişimi ve diğer alanlardan mezun olan öğretmenler de mevcuttur. Erkan ve diğerleri tarafından 2001 yılında geliştirilen “Türkiye'de Okul Öncesi Eğitim Öğrenci Profiline Ait Anket” araştırmacılar tarafından uyarlanarak öğretmen profili için uygun hale getirilmiştir. Bulgular incelendiğinde öğretmenlerin %86’sının eğitsel aktivitelere katıldığı, bu eğitsel aktivitelerin genellikle bakanlığa ait hizmet içi eğitimler, bilimsel konferanslar ve kültürel etkinlikler olduğu; bu etkinliklere genellikle fırsat bulduklarında katıldıkları; eğitsel etkinliklere katılma nedenlerinin genellikle zaman bulma sıkıntısı ve ailesel durumlardan kaynaklı olduğu; öğretmenlerin hobilerinin kitap okuma, müzik, film, tiyatro ve sosyal medya şeklinde sıralandığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin birçoğu isteyerek okul öncesi eğitimi seçtiğini, bunun nedeni olarak da genellikle çocukları ve öğretmeyi sevmelerini belirtmiştir. Öğretmenler, okul öncesi öğretmenliğini isteyerek yaptıklarını, çocukları sevdiklerini ve önemsediklerini belirtmişlerdir. Bulgular ilgili alanyazın ışığında tartışılmıştır. Ardından önerilere yer verilmiştir

    Comparison of serum corrected and ionized calcium levels in patients with acute kidney injury

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    Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in hospitalized patients (1.92%). The effect of serum corrected and ionized calcium levels in predicting emergency hemodialysis in patients with AKI is unknown. In this study, we aimed to compare serum corrected and ionized calcium levels in patients who were diagnosed with AKI in the emergency service.Methods: Our study was planned retrospectively. Group 1: Patients with AKI who underwent at least one session of emergency hemodialysis. Group 2: The patients with AKIN stage 1-3 who did not undergo hemodialysis. Serum corrected and ionized calcium, creatinine and albumin values of the patients at the time of admission were analyzed. All data of the study were recorded by SPSS 19.0. For statistical significance, p lt;0.050 was accepted.Results: The mean serum corrected calcium levels were lower in group 1 than in group 2, and the difference was statistically significant (p lt;0.001). The mean ionized calcium levels in blood gas were lower in group 1 than in group 2, and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.002).Conclusions: Serum corrected, and ionized calcium levels can be useful in predicting emergency hemodialysis in patients with AKI

    Türkiye'de Toplumsal Cinsiyet Siyasetinde İslami Kadın Ve Muafazakar Eril İktidar İlişkisi.

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    Çalışma, Turkiyede islami kesimdeki kadının sorunlarını ve bakış açısını siyasal alana taşıma iddasında olan dindar kadın aktörlerin iktidardaki adalet ve kalkınma partisinin kadın politikasıyla ilişkileri eleştirileri ve talepleri incelenecektir

    Challenging religious and Secularist Patriarchy Islamist Women s New Activism in Turkey

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    Since the late 1990s, following the state’s process of de-politicization and exclusion, educated Islamist women in the urban centers of Turkey have been active in raising Muslim women’s identity consciousness and generating solidarity with those affected by the headscarf ban. In the women’s organizations analyzed in this article, Islamist women are carving out a niche to challenge both secularist and Islamist patriarchal practices and discourse. This article contends that organized Islamist women have become significant actors in autonomously mobilizing religious women—in the political parties and in the Islamic movement—in the democratization process. The Islamist women’s learning process has opened them up to dialogue and cooperation—on gender equality and other liberalization issues—with secular women as well as with other oppressed groups. However, their “feminist” stance creates some dilemmas for Islamist and secular women

    The 2011 Parliamentary Elections in Turkey and Challenges Ahead for Democratic Reform Under a Dominant Party System

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    The sweeping electoral victory of the centre-right Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey's parliamentary elections of 2011 constitutes a milestone in the governing party's consolidation of political dominance. This article discusses the significance of the recent elections for the challenge of reconciling majoritarian dynamics in the Turkish political system with the need to reach an enduring consensus among parliamentary parties. It is argued that, in the aftermath of the elections, this challenge has become more acute than ever in view of the likely emergence of a dominant party system under intensified political conflict around constitutional reform, despite a relative stabilization of party competition

    Women officials of the Turkish Diyanet: Gendered transformations and predicaments of empowerment?

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    © 2021 Asian Center for Women's Studies, Ewha Womans University.The Presidency of Religious Affairs (the Diyanet) is a unique bureaucratic structure authorized to address the religious service needs of citizens in Turkey’s secular system. For a long time, it was characterized by under-representation of women in its ranks. The longstanding quest of educated religious women for recognition of their expertise and integration into this institution coincided with a policy reorientation in the early 2000s, to expand the Diyanet’s appeal for women through its enlightenment and educational functions. Under the Justice and Development Party (AKP) governments, the issue of gender disparity has been addressed through a new strategy of increasingly recruiting women graduates from Theology faculties. However, despite a ‘feminization’ process undertaken via the pro-women reforms of its organizational structure, the Diyanet’s institutional and political-ideological limitations are intertwined with prevailing gender norms and patriarchal conventions. This article inquires into the gendered dynamics and predicaments that have constrained the status and roles of its women officials and impacted their empowerment prospects. Nevertheless, as women have started to exercise religious authority with men in the Diyanet’s enduring male-dominated structure, the recognition for their expertise, professional commitment, and the potential impact of their work have reinforced the social significance of women’s roles