7 research outputs found
The Performance of Regional Budget Agency in Implementing Performance-Based Budgeting in Maros District- South Sulawesi
Budget has important role in the effort of increasing the performance and effects the government to effectively, efficiently, and professionally run the government system. This research aims to analyze and explain the performance of Regional Budget Agency in implementing performance-based budgeting in Maros District. The research design for this research uses qualitative method. The research result shows implementation of performance-based budgeting in Regional Budget Agency in Maros District has referred on government regulation of minister of home affairs 9, No. 21 of 2011 about guidance of regional budget management with using
budget performance indicator among the input, output,
outcome, and impact from every program. The finding of this
research also explains that Regional Budget Agency of Maros
District in implementing performance-based budgeting has not
used expense standard analysis (ASB), it is a system which
focuses on evaluating the appropriateness of active program and activity, this research finds that program and activity which is run on the sub division on Regional Budget Agency are still difficult in looking appropriateness of workloads and cost on an event and indicating of subjective budget determination, because there is no expense standard which eases in deciding budget organizing with measured calculation formula. In addition, this research also founds the measurement method which is used by Regional Budget Agency in deciding the activities of performance-based budgeting in Maros District Government is only based on performance report (LAKIP) as a tool that has function to measure the performance with showing the presentation of program achievements and active programs.
Keywords—Budget implementation, based-on Performance,Maros Distric
Government Policy Communication in Poverty Alleviation in the City of Makassar
One of the economic development policies in a country is based on the accelerated pace of poverty alleviation in society, which is increasingly becoming a problem for the government The poverty rate in Makassar City is relatively high, so it is very important for the government to optimize policy communication by the government in poverty alleviation. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of communication on government policies in poverty alleviation in Makassar City. This research uses a qualitative method and a phenomenological approach. The study focuses on policy communication on the aspects of transmission, clarity, and transparency of information using data analysis techniques of qualitative interactive models. The results of this study indicate that the communication of Makassar city government policies in reducing community poverty is considered less effective; this is indicated by one of the poverty reduction policies through the Productive Economic Enterprises (UEP) assistance program and the Joint Business Group assistance program (KUBE) whose distribution is not well targeted to the community due to the lack of information provided by the Makassar city government to the sub-district government to assign the sub-district party the task of identifying and collecting data on poor citizens. Apart from that, the Makassar city government also, according to the program policy, did not provide clear and transparent information on the amount of the budget allocated to each community group and the budget allocation for the development needs of the program, because of the UEP and KUBE policies. The findings of this study also assessed that the communication process for poverty alleviation policies did not work according to community expectations because of the sectoral ego of the city government which was politicized by seeking benefits to be obtained by several parties who were not responsible for the implementation of the UEP and KUBE programs.
Keywords: policy communications, government, povert
Development of Apparatus Resources at the Makassar City Investment and One-Stop Service Office
The development of apparatus resources is an activity that must be carried out by organizations so that their knowledge, abilities, skills are in accordance with the demands of the work they are doing. This study aims to determine the development of Apparatus Resources at the Makassar City Investment and One-Stop Service Office (DPMPTSP) in terms of education and training aspects. By using descriptive quantitative research methods. Collecting data using observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. With data analysis technique that is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the development of apparatus in the Makassar City DPMPTSP was seen from the educational aspect which was carried out well because there was an increase in the number of employees who were given the opportunity and permission to continue their education to a higher level, such as employees who were still in high school status were prioritized to be upgraded to graduate degrees. Meanwhile, in the aspect of training, the implementation was considered quite good, where the participation of employees in training in the form of training, induction or orientation, and apprenticeships were carried out alternately every year and were carried out quite proportionally according to the type of training attended by local employees and budget availability. Overall the development of apparatus resources carried out by DPMPTSP Makassar City has been carried out well, with efforts to develop apparatus, of course it provides an increase in the knowledge and skills of employees regarding their duties and functions so that employees can work better and more productively in providing services to the community
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Penangkaran Kakap Putih (Lates calcarifer)
Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha penangkaran ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) di Pulau salemo menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui survei yaitu melakukan pengamatan langsung dan metode kuantitatif melalui wawancara dengan responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha penangkaran ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) sistem KJA di Pulau Salemo diperoleh nilai R/C ratio sebesar 1,34, keuntungan sebesar Rp. 2.604.504,-, NPV rata-rata Rp. 4.790.393, dan Net B/C ratio 1,27 yang berarti usaha penangkaran ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) di Pulau Salemo dapat dikatakan layak, karena hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan memberikan manfaat secara finansial
The Competency of Bureaucrats in the Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Human resource must have high competency because the competency will be able to support the improvement of
bureaucrat performance achievements. So far, many government agencies do not have bureaucrats with adequate competence yet, this is evidenced by the low productivity of bureaucrats and the difficulties in measuring the
performance of bureaucrats within the scope of government agencies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
competence of bureaucrats in the Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The research method used is a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, documents and
observations. The data analysis technique is data analysis using the SPPS application. The result of the research is to
provide logical systematic steps in solving the problem is the best method for solving the next indicator problem, the
results of data processing show that it always works in a definite direction when solving a problem there is a clear
procedure that must be followed indicating that of the 23 respondents, 35% strongly agreed, 58% agreed, 7% expressed doubt, and none of the respondents expressed disagreement / strongly disagreed. The implication of this research is to increase employee productivity by starting with attention to competence.
Keywords: Competency, government, productivit
Implementation of the City Without Slums Program in Makassar City
The slum area in the city of Makassar is in the heavy slum category, namely 288.85 Ha which is divided into 36 sub-districts out of 127 sub-districts in the city of Makassar. This research was conducted aiming to find out how the Implementation of the City Without Slums Program in Makassar City. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a focus on implementation theory by G. Shabbir Cheema and Dennis A. Rondinelli (1983). Sources of research data used secondary data and primary data with data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation as well as data analysis techniques used were data collection, data condensation, data presentation and variation/conclusion. The research results are Of the four variable parameters for implementation success, three variables were good and one variable was considered not well implemented, ie 1. The condition of the environment is not good, from a physical perspective, there have been achievements in reducing slum areas in several sub-districts such as Makassar, Ujung Pandang and Pannampu. However, there have been no socio-cultural changes in the community in the slums in Macassar. 2. Relations between organizations are going well, in this case the actors involved are trying to strengthen institutions through communication and coordination channels carried out between stakeholders involved from the government, and the community and industry in innovating the area program without slums. 3. Organizational resources are running well because they are supported by qualified human resources with the expertise and knowledge to create programs for coaching and socialization of healthy living and environmentally friendly programs. Financial resources have also been utilized as well as possible in accordance with the urgency and needs of the sub-district. 4. The Characteristics and Skills of the Executing Agent are going well, in this case the executors in this case the BKM and the community involved in the work are trained both administratively, financially and technically for implementation in the field
The Development Policy Implementation of Center Point of Indonesia at Indonesia Integrated Global Business Center at Losari Beach in Makassar
This research aims to find out how the development policies implementation of Center Point Of Indonesia (CPI) through the Mentality-Approach, Systems-Approach approach among entrepreneurs/Private Sector and Networking- Approach at Losari Beach, Makassar city. This research method is a qualitative type with a phenomenological approach through the MSN-Approach model to analyze and understand the complex implementation of coastal reclamation (CPI) in Makassar City. Sources of data used in this study are interviews with all elements of policy makers as key informants, observations,and documents. This study uses the Losari Multi-Stakeholder Analysis (MSA) procedure, Makassar City.The results of this study found that the implementation of CPI development policies in Makassar City through the MSN-Approach Model approach (Mentality-Approach, Systems- Approach, and Networking-Approach) was considered less effective. This is because the attitude of the actors who are not consistently responsible for the analysis plan on environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) that does not pay attention to marine sustainability and the economic sustainability of coastal communities. So that it is also assessed the role of government, private sector, and civil society which has not materialized to do good cooperation before making planning, development processes to the management of accountable CPI