446 research outputs found

    Intensity correlations and mesoscopic fluctuations of diffusing photons in cold atoms

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    We study the angular correlation function of speckle patterns that result from multiple scattering of photons by cold atomic clouds. We show that this correlation function becomes larger than the value given by Rayleigh law for classical scatterers. These large intensity fluctuations constitute a new mesoscopic interference effect specific to atom-photon interactions, that could not be observed in other systems such as weakly disordered metals. We provide a complete description of this behavior and expressions that allow for a quantitative comparison with experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Disorder

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    Expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is studied, in the presence of a random potential. The expansion is controlled by a single parameter, (μτeff/)(\mu\tau_{eff} /\hbar), where μ\mu is the chemical potential, prior to the release of the BEC from the trap, and τeff\tau_{eff} is a transport relaxation time which characterizes the strength of the disorder. Repulsive interactions (nonlinearity) facilitate transport and can lead to diffusive spreading of the condensate which, in the absence of interactions, would have remained localized in the vicinity of its initial location

    Controlling the Sign of Magnetoconductance in Andreev Quantum Dots

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    We construct a theory of coherent transport through a ballistic quantum dot coupled to a superconductor. We show that the leading-order quantum correction to the two-terminal conductance of these Andreev quantum dots may change sign depending on (i) the number of channels carried by the normal leads or (ii) the magnetic flux threading the dot. In contrast, spin-orbit interaction may affect the magnitude of the correction, but not always its sign. Experimental signatures of the effect include a non-monotonic magnetoconductance curve and a transition from an insulator-like to a metal-like temperature dependence of the conductance. Our results are applicable to ballistic or disordered dots.Comment: Final version (4pages 3figs)- improved presentation and fig 3, and updated reference

    Localized and extended states in a disordered trap

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    We study Anderson localization in a disordered potential combined with an inhomogeneous trap. We show that the spectrum displays both localized and extended states, which coexist at intermediate energies. In the region of coexistence, we find that the extended states result from confinement by the trap and are weakly affected by the disorder. Conversely, the localized states correspond to eigenstates of the disordered potential, which are only affected by the trap via an inhomogeneous energy shift. These results are relevant to disordered quantum gases and we propose a realistic scheme to observe the coexistence of localized and extended states in these systems.Comment: Published versio

    Mesoscopic fluctuations in the spin-electric susceptibility due to Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    We investigate mesoscopic fluctuations in the spin polarization generated by a static electric field and by Rashba spin-orbit interaction in a disordered 2D electron gas. In a diagrammatic approach we find that the out-of-plane polarization -- while being zero for self-averaging systems -- exhibits large sample-to-sample fluctuations which are shown to be well within experimental reach. We evaluate the disorder-averaged variance of the susceptibility and find its dependence on magnetic field, spin-orbit interaction, dephasing, and chemical potential difference.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vortex nucleation through edge states in finite Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the vortex nucleation in a finite Bose-Einstein condensate. Using a set of non-local and chiral boundary conditions to solve the Schro¨\ddot{o}dinger equation of non-interacting bosons in a rotating trap, we obtain a quantitative expression for the characteristic angular velocity for vortex nucleation in a condensate which is found to be 35% of the transverse harmonic trapping frequency.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Both figures and the text have been revise

    Dynamic spin-Hall effect and driven spin helix for linear spin-orbit interactions

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    We derive boundary conditions for the electrically induced spin accumulation in a finite, disordered 2D semiconductor channel. While for DC electric fields these boundary conditions select spatially constant spin profiles equivalent to a vanishing spin-Hall effect, we show that an in-plane ac electric field results in a non-zero ac spin-Hall effect, i.e., it generates a spatially non-uniform out-of-plane polarization even for linear intrinsic spin-orbit interactions. Analyzing different geometries in [001] and [110]-grown quantum wells, we find that although this out-of-plane polarization is typically confined to within a few spin-orbit lengths from the channel edges, it is also possible to generate spatially oscillating spin profiles which extend over the whole channel. The latter is due to the excitation of a driven spin-helix mode in the transverse direction of the channel. We show that while finite frequencies suppress this mode, it can be amplified by a magnetic field tuned to resonance with the frequency of the electric field. In this case, finite size effects at equal strengths of Rashba- and Dresselhaus SOI lead to an enhancement of the magnitude of this helix mode. We comment on the relation between spin currents and boundary conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, added references, corrected typos, extended section V, VI