6 research outputs found

    Le psoriasis unguéal chez l’enfant à propos de 5 cas.

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    Le psoriasis est une dermatose érythémato-squameuse chronique représente 4% des dermatoses de l’enfant. La forme familiale n’est pas rare. C’est une maladie inflammatoire caractérisée par un trouble de l’homéostasie de l’épiderme et des phanères mettant en jeu des facteurs génétiques, immunologiques et environnementaux. Toutes les formes clinique du psoriasis unguéal peuvent s’observer chez les enfants, on peut observer une atteinte matricielle , du lit , ou une atteinte mixte . Le diagnostic du psoriasis est clinique et ne nécessite aucune exploration complémentaire ; Rarement le diagnostic différentiel peut être posé en cas de forme isolée . Son évolution se fait par poussées successives et de survenue imprévisible avec des périodes de rémission plus ou moins longue. Le traitement est essentiellement symptomatique , sauf pour les formes sévère Cependant les progrès réalisés dans la compréhension de la physiopathologie ont permis un élargissement des moyens thérapeutiques. Il faut tenir compte du volet psychologique chez l’enfant d’où la nécessité d’une prise en charge multidisciplinaire . A travers notre étude rétrospective intéressant enfants et nourrissons suivis en consultation de dermatologie pédiatrique au service de pédiatrie IV à l’hôpital d’enfants de Rabat sur une période allant de 2008 à 2010 : 5 cas dans l’ensemble retenus sur des critères cliniques, nous avons étayé les différents aspects cliniques, étiopathogéniques et thérapeutiques . Age était entre 14 mois et 13ans âge moyen était 7,4 ans ,4 garçon et 1e fille, pour les affections associées on a noté un diabète ,un érythème fessier sévère évoquant le syndrome delange , un rhumatisme psoriasique , une PR , et une thyroïdi

    Metastatic giant basal cell carcinoma: a case report

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    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer, characterised by a slow growing behavior, metastasis are extremely rare, and it occurs in less than 0, 1% of all cases.Giant basal cell carcinoma is a rare form of basal cell carcinoma, more aggressive and defined as a tumor measuring more than 5 cm at its largest diameter. Only 1% of all basal cell carcinoma develops to a giant basal cell carcinoma,resulting ofpatient's negligence. Giant basal cell carcinoma is associated with higher potential of metastasis and even death, compared to ordinary basal cell carcinoma.We report a case of giant basal cell carcinoma metastaticin lung occurringin a 79 years old male patient, with a fatal evolution after one course of systemic chemotherapy.Giant basal cell carcinoma is a very rare entity, early detection of these tumors could prevent metastasis occurrence and improve the prognosis of this malignancy.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Small-Cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of nasopharynx: A case report

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    Extra pulmonary small cell carcinomas are extremely rare, accounting for 0.1-0.4% of all malignancies and 2.5-4% of small cell carcinomas. In the head and neck region, the most common primary sites are the larynx, salivary gland, nasal cavity, paranasal sinus, tonsil, and oral cavity. Small cell carcinomas occurring in nasopharynx are extremely rare, to our best knowledge, only four cases of primary nasopharyngeal small cell carcinoma has been described in English literature. We report another case of nasopharyngeal small cell carcinoma arising in a 46-year-old woman. She accused, for five months, nasal blockage, right hypoacousia, exophthalmos and reduced visual acuity. Cerebral and facial magnetic resonance imaging showed an extensive mass of the nasopharynx with the invasion of sphenoidal body, the diagnosis of disseminated small cell carcinoma of nasopahrynx was established. The patient received three courses of systemic chemotherapy; unfortunately, she died after the third course. The prognosis of such entity is poor and is similar to that for patients with extensive small cell lung cancer


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    Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeting the vascular endothelial growth factor; it is actually approved for the treatment of unresectable, locally advanced and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in association with chemotherapy and as maintenance therapy. Infection risk due to use of bevacizumab is a very rare event. Several cases of aspergillosis in patients treated with monoclonal antibodies have been reported, mostly following treatment with tumor necrosis factor alpha blockers. We present a case of a 60 year-old patient treated for stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, who has been diagnosed with invasive aspergillosis following bevacizumab treatment, and, we postulate that bevacizumab may contribute to this infection


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    Multiple Myeloma is a blood cancer type B characterized by clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cells, the median age at diagnosis is 70 years, cases among younger patients are rare, and less than 0, 3 % patients are younger than 30 years in most series. We report a case of a 25-year- old women; she was suffering of a sacred pain radiating towards the left lower limb and fatigue for three months, a magnetic resonance imaging for dorso-lumbar spine showed an expansive process and multiple osteolytic lesions in 2nd, 3rd and 4th sacred vertebras. She underwent a laparotomy that revealed a heavy mass invading the sacrum and the rectum. The histological examination with immunocytochemistry analysis revealed a plasmocytoma and the diagnosis of symptomatic multiple myeloma stage III was established then she received 2 courses of chemotherapy. Despite the rarity of multiple myeloma among young patients, this diagnosis should be evoked when clinical, biological and radiological signs are in favor. It appears that there is no difference between younger and elderly patients on the presentation of the disease, although a longer survival has been reported among young patients