206 research outputs found

    Biodiversity burdens in Spanish conventional and low-impact single-family homes

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    Biodiversity loss caused by housing is not a well-defined sector of environmental impact. This research quantifies effects on biodiversity of an average Spanish Single-Family House (SFH) with 180 m2 of built surface. The current Spanish SFH stock GWP amounts to 1.16 Gt CO2eq in a 50-year life cycle, 40 % of which is embodied in the building materials and the 60 % are emissions due to the use of the building. This stock also impacts with 10.2 Gt 1,4-DCB the land, water and human health. SFHs also drive 6052 species extinct in a 50 year life cycle, and account for 3.03 M years of life lost due to premature death or lived with a disability. Divided by the 16 M people living in Spanish SFHs, each one lost 0.19 years of their lives (68.1 days) due to their home's impacts on human health. The article compares a reference conventional building against three low-impact cases, to understand how different building techniques and materials influence environmental outcomes that keep biodiversity loss the lowest possible. Scenarios include a standard brick and concrete house as Scenario 0 (SC0, Base), a timber Passivhaus as Scenario 1 (SC1), a straw-bale house with renewable energies as Scenario 2 (SC2), and an earth bioclimatic house as Scenario 3 (SC3). An initial Global Warming Potential (GWP) analysis was performed to relate previous building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies with biodiversity metrics. Three main biodiversity metrics; ecotoxicity (as midpoint indicator), biodiversity loss and damage to human health (both as endpoint indicators) have been considered. Compared to SC0 with 1292 kgCO2-eq·m−2 (516 embodied) of GWP, we found that SC1 emitted −47.0 % of that, SC2–41.4 % and SC3–80.9 %. Concerning ecotoxicity, where SC0 has 11,399 kg 1,4 DCB, the results are −27.9 % in SC1, −19.2 % in SC2, and −45.6 % in SC3. Regarding biodiversity loss, where SC0 has 7.54 E−06 species.yr·m−2, the impacts are −30.9 % in SC1, −32.6 % in SC2, and −58.6 % in SC3. Human health damage in SC0 being 3.37 E−03 DALY, has been reduced in the timber home (SC1) is −44.2 %, of the Straw SFH (SC2) −39.2 %, and of the earth house (SC3) −67.1 %. This article shows that with current existing technological solutions GWP could be reduced in −80.9 %, ecotoxicity in −45.6 %, biodiversity loss in −58.6 % and human health in −67.1 %. Spanish Single-Family Houses built in timber, earth or straw-bale are real alternatives to current cement traditional building.The authors are grateful for the support provided by Life Cycle Thinking Group (LCTG) with the grant funded by the University of the Basque Country (GIU21/010)

    Diskurtso komunitatea. Bertsolaritzaren kasua.

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    [EU] Ikerketa honetan Bertsolaritza diskurtso komunitate gisa aztertu dut, hau da, Bertsolaritza diskurtso praktika zenbaiten bidez osatutako komunitate bat delako hipotesitik zein diskurtso duen aztertu dut. Diskurtso komunitatearen ezaugarriak landu dira Gizarte Psikologiaren ikuspegitik, eta komunitate horren diskurtsoa eta praktikak zehazteko, 2001 eta 2017ko Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketaren finaleko gaiak analizatu dira diskurtso analisiaren metodologia erabiliz[ES] En este trabajo de investigación se ha profundizado en el Bertsolarismo como comunidad discursiva, es decir, el Bertsolarismo como una práctica aglutinadora relacionada con una comunidad concreta. Las características de dicha comunidad se han trabajado desde la teoría de la Psicologia social, y para concretar, tanto la práctica como el discurso de dicha comunidad, se ha utilizado la metodología de análisis discursivo aplicado a las dos finales del 2001 y 2017 de Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa, Campeonato de Bertsolaris de Euskal Herria.[ENG] This research analyses the "bertsolaritza" as a discoursive community, this is, I have analyzed the discourse starting from the hypothesis that the bertsolaritza constitutes a community through the (shared) discursive practices. Characteristics of the discursive community have been studied from the perspective of the Social Psychology, in order to define the discourse and practices of said community, the topics of the 2001 and 2017 "Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa" (Bertsolaris championship of the Basque Country) finals have been analyzed using the method of discourse analysis

    Optimum operational lifespan of household appliances considering manufacturing and use stage improvements via life cycle assessment

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    To lessen the residential sector environmental burdens from the energy consumption of household appliances, notable efforts have been directed to replace existing energy-consuming appliances by new energy-efficient equipment. However, less attention has focused to understand the optimum operating period of households so reduced greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved. Conventional household appliances should be preferably replaced with new designs featuring improved energy efficient models, along with reduced environmental burdens associated with the manufacturing of the new products. Such studies, to the best of our knowledge, have not been extensively investigated. To address this gap, the global warming potential during the life cycle of three representative household appliances, a microwave oven, a dishwasher and a washing machine is analyzed using a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment. To provide guidelines towards impact reduction, the current situation and four new scenarios focused on material efficiency, recycled material, renewable electricity and responsible consumption are analyzed. Depending on the scenario, impacts of 84-261, 317-1330, and 533-1375 kg.CO2 eq/lifetime are obtained for a microwave, a dishwasher and a washing machine, respectively. Balancing energy efficiency and life- time when replacing a class A appliance, operating periods of 3.4-30, 2.7-26.2 and 4.6- 33.9 years for microwaves, dishwashers, and washing machines, render the lowest CO2 footprint. These results may assist manufacturers, policymakers and citizens to promote environmentally sustainable production and consumption patterns. (C)22 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.The authors are grateful for the support provided through the Basque Government (IT-1365-19) and the University of the Basque Country (GIC-18/22) grants

    Life Cycle Analysis Challenges through Building Rating Schemes within the European Framework

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    The decarbonisation of buildings is a crucial milestone if European cities mean to reach their mitigation targets. The construction sector was responsible for 38% of the GHG emissions in 2020. From these emissions, 11% is calculated to be currently embodied in building materials. In this context, an evaluation from a life cycle perspective is becoming increasingly necessary to achieve the objectives set. Currently, there are different building rating systems (BRS) at European level that allow the evaluation of the degree of sustainability of buildings. During this study, the authors have evaluated to what extent and how the most extended five BRS (NF Habitat HQE, VERDE, DGNB, BREEAM, and HPI systems) in the European framework have integrated the life cycle methodology during their evaluation process. Four methodologies have been used in the research in order to analyse these five systems: quantitative assessment, multi-level perspective, mapping–gap analysis, and expert interviews. Although each methodology has produced different results, the need to harmonise the evaluation criteria at the European level, the insufficient consistency of data software, and the availability of skilled LCA professionals for wider LCA market penetration, among others, should be highlighted. The quality and harmonised data of construction products is required for LCA to give aggregated and transformative results.This research was funded by the research project LOCAL-REGEN (PID2019-104871RB-C22), supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) – State Research Agency/10.13039/501100011033

    3D histologia, RGB-tik 3D-ra: 3D inpresio bidezko histologia objektu baten sorkuntza

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    Informazio kantitate handiak transmititzeko duten gaitasuna dela eta, irudiek izugarrizko garrantzia dute zientzia zein hezkuntza munduan. Teknologia berrien garapenarekin urtetik urtera handituz doa grafikoek, diagramek, argazkiek edota maketek gaur egungo gizartean duten garrantzia. Ondorioz, ikusmen arazoak dituzten pertsonek informazioa eskuratzeko geroz eta arazo gehiago dituzte. Lan honetan metodologia bat garatu da non histologiako 5 irudi aztertu, prozesatu eta 3D inprimaketarako artxibo gisa moldatuko diren.Las imágenes siempre han sido importantes en el ámbito científico-educativo, por su capacidad para transmitir grandes cantidades de información. Cada año se incrementa el peso de los gráficos, diagramas, fotografías o maquetas en este campo. Por lo tanto, las personas con alguna discapacidad visual tienen cada vez más problemas para acceder a dicha información. En este trabajo se desarrolla una metodología para analizar, procesar y crear 5 archivos de impresión 3D correspondientes a 5 imagenes del ámbito de la histologia.Due to their ability to transmit large amount of information, images have always been important in the scientific-educational field. The use of graphics, diagrams, photographs or models in these fields is increasing. Therefore, people with visual impairment have more problems while accessing this kind of information. In this work, a methodology for analyze, process and create a 3D printing archive from 5 histology images is carried out

    Setting baselines of the embodied, operational and whole life carbon emissions of the average Spanish residential building

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    The construction sector, responsible for 37 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and 36 % of global energy consumption, is transitioning towards a low-carbon and low-energy model. Measuring and optimising Operational Energy and related emissions in the use phase of buildings has entered both markets and regulations. However, the Embodied Energy within construction materials and respective maintenance and end-of-life processes is still in the research phase. Moreover, Global Warming Potential baselines per built square metre need to be defined in the construction sector, integrating operational and embodied impacts. This research has the main goal of identifying for the first time the Whole Life Carbon (WLC) emissions of the average Spanish residential buildings of the period 1981–2010, broken down into Embodied Carbon (EC) and Operational Carbon (OC). For this purpose, first, a regular average and homogenised average of existing European baselines was performed; next, the average Spanish residential building has been defined and modelled with a real sample from year 2013, and its emissions calculated as Scenario 0; and finally, five new scenarios have been compared in order to understand variations in WLC and their EC and OC contributions. This research shows for the average multifamily building apartment in Spain, with a mean net floor area of 73.1 m2, a WLC baseline of 1944 kg CO2-eq·m−2, 30.8 % (559 kg CO2-eq·m−2) being EC, and the remaining 69.2 % OC. In Scenarios 1 to 3, the following are identified: a WLC reduction of 26.0 % (9.2 % EC) by using wood window frames, 0.8 % (2.7 % EC) by laying a wood inner floor, and 16.1 % (1.0 % EC) by insulating walls with recycled cork. All three items are calculated together in Scenario 4, giving a 36.9 % WLC reduction (9.5 % EC). Finally, Scenario 5 was modelled upon Scenario 4 materials, complying with the upcoming European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive as if built in 2021, reaching a potential WLC reduction of 63.4 % (2.8 % EC) from the original Scenario 0. These figures support technical and policy trends towards minimising the impacts of buildings. Focusing on decarbonisation, targets of over 60 % appear feasible with existing market solutions. Reductions of >80 % are also derived from other impact categories, such as Ionizing Radiation, Marine Eutrophication, and Water Consumption, while Freshwater Ecotoxicity increases by 15 %. The 18 ReCiPe Midpoint indicators plus Energy Footprint, are reduced by an average of 50.4 %.The authors are grateful for the support provided by the Life-Cycle Thinking Group (LCTG) with the grant funded by the University of the Basque Country (GIU21/010). The authors are grateful for the funding provided by the Department of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

    Los precintos árabo-musulmanes de la Península Ibérica y Septimania: de la conquista Omeya del 711 a la formación de Al-Andalus como estado

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    30 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 27-30El presente trabajo abordará el estudio de los 149 precintos hallados en la Península Ibérica y la Septimania. Estos objetos arqueológicos presentan leyendas que nos remiten al proceso de conquista que llevaron a cabo los bereberes y árabes en el 711 sobre los territorios del Regnum Gothorum y la formación de un Estado que en sus primeros momentos quedó conformado como provincia del Califato Omeya y después como un Emirato independiente, es decir, al-Andalus, evidenciándose de esta forma algunos aspectos administrativos, fiscales y sociales de la sociedad andalusí del siglo VIII

    Diskurtso komunitatea. Bertsolaritzaren kasua.

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    [EU] Ikerketa honetan Bertsolaritza diskurtso komunitate gisa aztertu dut, hau da, Bertsolaritza diskurtso praktika zenbaiten bidez osatutako komunitate bat delako hipotesitik zein diskurtso duen aztertu dut. Diskurtso komunitatearen ezaugarriak landu dira Gizarte Psikologiaren ikuspegitik, eta komunitate horren diskurtsoa eta praktikak zehazteko, 2001 eta 2017ko Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketaren finaleko gaiak analizatu dira diskurtso analisiaren metodologia erabiliz[ES] En este trabajo de investigación se ha profundizado en el Bertsolarismo como comunidad discursiva, es decir, el Bertsolarismo como una práctica aglutinadora relacionada con una comunidad concreta. Las características de dicha comunidad se han trabajado desde la teoría de la Psicologia social, y para concretar, tanto la práctica como el discurso de dicha comunidad, se ha utilizado la metodología de análisis discursivo aplicado a las dos finales del 2001 y 2017 de Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa, Campeonato de Bertsolaris de Euskal Herria.[ENG] This research analyses the "bertsolaritza" as a discoursive community, this is, I have analyzed the discourse starting from the hypothesis that the bertsolaritza constitutes a community through the (shared) discursive practices. Characteristics of the discursive community have been studied from the perspective of the Social Psychology, in order to define the discourse and practices of said community, the topics of the 2001 and 2017 "Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa" (Bertsolaris championship of the Basque Country) finals have been analyzed using the method of discourse analysis

    Beyond ecodesign, internationalized markets enhance the global warming potential in the wood furniture sector

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    Circular Economy principles encourage the implementation of bio-based and renewable materials over non-renewable technical counterparts. Wood-based materials can effectively address finite resource depletion and the accumulation of non-biodegradable waste into terrestrial and marine environments. In this context, the furniture industry has long relied on the use of wood for manufacture goods. However, the use of renewable materials is not directly translated into sustainable consumer goods. Accordingly, this work analyzes the life cycle environmental impacts of an eco-designed and locally-manufactured wooden bunk bed and compares local and international market scenarios to understand its cradle-to-grave environmental footprint. Using primary data, the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is followed to quantify and compare the environmental impacts of a currently commercially available wooden bunk bed over alternative scenarios. To facilitate future comparison, 1 kg of furniture is used as a functional unit. The cradle-to-grave system boundaries are established according to the reference "Furniture, except seats and mattresses" Product Category Rule. The upstream, core and downstream life-cycle stages are considered, and the environmental impacts are presented into eight different categories. To provide the bigger picture, obtained results are compared with literature. A cradle-to-grave CO2-eq footprint of 1.71 kg per kg of an already eco-designed bunk bed is obtained, 15.1% below average traditional furniture. The downstream stage contributes to the 58.3% of the total greenhouse gas emissions, while the upstream and core phases present a share of 26.2% and 15.5%, respectively. Such a large contribution of the downstream phase originates from the transportation to the final customer (82.6% of this phase). For upstream and core phases, plywood production (53.1% share during the upstream) and electricity consumption (75.1% share during the core) are the main hotspots. Furthermore, this work quantifies the global warming potential of current inter-nationalized wood furniture markets. Local furniture sale can reduce the CO2 emissions of the wooden bunk bed by 40%. Instead, selling the bed abroad involves a CO2 emission increase of 59%, while raw material importation enhances the impacts by 39-45%. The adoption of local production and consumption patterns emerge the most effective measures to reduce the environmental impacts of the furniture industry as the purchase of an overseas manufactured wood bunk increases the emissions by 79%. This research aims not only to bring light in the scientific community in LCA calculations but also help producers and consumers in the transition towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns in the wooden furniture market.The authors are grateful for the assistance provided through the Basque Government (IT-1365-19) and the University of the Basque Country (GIC-18/22; Convocatoria de ayudas a grupos de investigacion GIU21/010) grants. The authors also acknowledge the funds from the University of the Basque Country for the Open Access. Authors are also thankful to Muebles LUFE for collaborating with us and providing all the necessary primary data for this work
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