268 research outputs found

    Über den Fugenabstand der Fahrbahnbetondecken

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    In der vorliegende Abhandlung, haben die Verfasser versucht klar zu machen, dass der Fugenabstand der Fahrbahnbetondecken in Abhängigkeit von der Deckendicke, dem Elastizitätsmodul des Betons und dem Untergrundzustande bestimmt werden müssen. Aufgrund dieser Überlegung haben die Verfasser die Risseabstände der Betondecken besichtigt, und haben eine Berechnungsmethode gefunden wie die Fugenabstände bestimmt werden können

    Synthesis and Properties of Polysilsesquioxanes Having Ethoxysulfonyl Group as a Side Chain

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    Polysilsesquioxane having an ethoxysulfonyl group as a side chain was synthesized to prepare a proton-conductive film composed of a main chain of siloxane. At first, sodium 4-(2-methylallyloxy)benzenesulfonate was chlorinated with thionyl chloride. Next, hydrosilylation with trichlorosilane was carried out in the presence of platinum catalyst followed by treatment with ethanol. Finally, the hydrolytic polycondensation was carried out to provide poly(3-(4-ethoxysulfonylphenoxy)-2-methylpropyl)silsesquioxane. This polysilsesquioxane was heated to form a free-standing film that was brittle and brown in color

    Development of high-pressure low-temperature plane strain testing apparatus for methane hydrate-bearing sand

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    AbstractA high-pressure low-temperature plane strain testing apparatus was developed for visualizing the deformation of methane hydrate-bearing sand due to methane hydrate production. Using this testing apparatus, plane strain compression tests were performed on pure Toyoura sand and methane hydrate-bearing sand with localized deformation measurements. From the results, it was observed that the methane hydrate-free specimens, despite their relatively high density, showed changes in compressive volume. Marked increases in the initial stiffness and strength of the methane hydrate-bearing sand were observed (methane hydrate saturation of SMH=60%). Moreover, the volumetric strain changed from compressive to dilative. For the specimens with methane hydrate, a dilative behavior above SMH=0% was observed. An image analysis showed that the shear bands of the methane hydrate-bearing sand were thinner and steeper than those of the host sand. In addition, the dilative volumetric strain in the shear band increased markedly when methane hydrate existed in the pore spaces


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    Several environmental factors during the prenatal period transgenerationally affect the health of newborns in later life. Because low-dose antibiotics have been used for promoting the growth of crops and livestock in agriculture, humans may have ingested residual antibiotics for several decades. However, the effect of prenatal administration of low-dose antibiotics on newborns’ health in later life is unclear. In the present study, we found that prenatal treatment of murine mothers with low-dose antibiotics increased the abundance of bacteria of the phylum Firmicutes and the genera Clostridium IV and XIVa in feces from pups. In addition, the body fat percentage of mice in the antibiotic-treated group was higher than those in the control group at 12 weeks of age even though all pups were fed a standard diet. The body fat percentage of all mice was correlated with the abundance of fecal bacteria of Clostridium IV and XIVa. These results predict that low-dose antibiotic administration during the prenatal period affects the gut microbiota of newborns and possibly their health in later life

    Effects of Consuming Xylitol on Gut Microbiota and Lipid Metabolism in Mice

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    The sugar alcohol xylitol inhibits the growth of some bacterial species including Streptococcus mutans. It is used as a food additive to prevent caries. We previously showed that 1.5–4.0 g/kg body weight/day xylitol as part of a high-fat diet (HFD) improved lipid metabolism in rats. However, the effects of lower daily doses of dietary xylitol on gut microbiota and lipid metabolism are unclear. We examined the effect of 40 and 200 mg/kg body weight/day xylitol intake on gut microbiota and lipid metabolism in mice. Bacterial compositions were characterized by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and targeted real-time PCR. Luminal metabolites were determined by capillary electrophoresis electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Plasma lipid parameters and glucose tolerance were examined. Dietary supplementation with low- or medium-dose xylitol (40 or 194 mg/kg body weight/day, respectively) significantly altered the fecal microbiota composition in mice. Relative to mice not fed xylitol, the addition of medium-dose xylitol to a regular and HFD in experimental mice reduced the abundance of fecal Bacteroidetes phylum and the genus Barnesiella, whereas the abundance of Firmicutes phylum and the genus Prevotella was increased in mice fed an HFD with medium-dose dietary xylitol. Body composition, hepatic and serum lipid parameters, oral glucose tolerance, and luminal metabolites were unaffected by xylitol consumption. In mice, 40 and 194 mg/kg body weight/day xylitol in the diet induced gradual changes in gut microbiota but not in lipid metabolism

    Molecular dynamics simulation on a layer-by-layer homoepitaxial growth process of SrTiO3(001)

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:09355030・基盤研究(A)(2)・H9~H11/研究代表者:宮本, 明/次世代エレクトロニクス材料としての酸化物人口超格子の原子レベル設計と開発

    Glycolate is a Novel Marker of Vitamin B2 Deficiency Involved in Gut Microbe Metabolism in Mice

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    Microbes in the human gut play a role in the production of bioactive compounds, including some vitamins. Although several studies attempted to identify definitive markers for certain vitamin deficiencies, the role of gut microbiota in these deficiencies is unclear. To investigate the role of gut microbiota in deficiencies of four vitamins, B2, B6, folate, and B12, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of metabolites in mice treated and untreated with antibiotics. We identified glycolate (GA) as a novel marker of vitamin B2 (VB2) deficiency, and show that gut microbiota sense dietary VB2 deficiency and accumulate GA in response. The plasma GA concentration responded to reduced VB2 supply from both the gut microbiota and the diet. These results suggest that GA is a novel marker that can be used to assess whether or not the net supply of VB2 from dietary sources and gut microbiota is sufficient. We also found that gut microbiota can provide short-term compensation for host VB2 deficiency when dietary VB2 is withheld

    Effects of Low-Dose Non-Caloric Sweetener Consumption on Gut Microbiota in Mice

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    Non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NASs) provide sweet tastes to food without adding calories or glucose. NASs can be used as alternative sweeteners for controlling blood glucose levels and weight gain. Although the consumption of NASs has increased over the past decade in Japan and other countries, whether these sweeteners affect the composition of the gut microbiome is unclear. In the present study, we examined the effects of sucralose or acesulfame-K ingestion (at most the maximum acceptable daily intake (ADI) levels, 15 mg/kg body weight) on the gut microbiome in mice. Consumption of sucralose, but not acesulfame-K, for 8 weeks reduced the relative amount of Clostridium cluster XIVa in feces. Meanwhile, sucralose and acesulfame-K did not increase food intake, body weight gain or liver weight, or fat in the epididymis or cecum. Only sucralose intake increased the concentration of hepatic cholesterol and cholic acid. Moreover, the relative concentration of butyrate and the ratio of secondary/primary bile acids in luminal metabolites increased with sucralose consumption in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that daily intake of maximum ADI levels of sucralose, but not acesulfame-K, affected the relative amount of the Clostridium cluster XIVa in fecal microbiome and cholesterol bile acid metabolism in mice

    Layer-by-layer heteroepitaxial growth process of a BaO layer on SrTiO3(001) as investigated by molecular dynamics

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:09355030・基盤研究(A)(2)・H9~H11/研究代表者:宮本, 明/次世代エレクトロニクス材料としての酸化物人口超格子の原子レベル設計と開発