30 research outputs found

    Roles of DRB1*1501 and DRB1*1502 in the pathogenesis of aplastic anemia

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    金沢大学医学部附属病院内科Objective: Although a number of reports have documented a significantly increased incidence of HLA-DR15 in aplastic anemia (AA), the exact role of HLA-DR15 in the immune mechanisms of AA remains unclear. We herein clarify the difference between DRB1*1501 and DRB1*1502, the two DRB1 alleles that determine the presentation of HLA-DR15, in the pathophysiology of AA. Materials and Methods: We investigated the relationships of the patients* HLA-DRB1 allele with both the presence of a small population of CD55-CD59- (PNH-type) blood cells and the response to antithymocyte globulin (ATG) plus cyclosporin (CsA) therapy in 140 Japanese AA patients. Results: Of the 30 different DRB1 alleles, only DRB1*1501 (33.6% vs 12.8%, pc < 0.01) and DRB1*1502 (43.6% vs 24.4%, pc < 0.01) displayed significantly higher frequencies among the AA patients than among a control. AA patients possessing HLA-DR15 tended to be old, and especially, the frequency of DRB1*1502 in patients 40 years of age and older (52.4%) was markedly higher than that in those younger than 40 years old (16.2%, pc < 0.01). Only DRB1*1501 was significantly associated with the presence of a small population of PNH-type cells and it also showed a good response to ATG plus CsA therapy in a univariate analysis. A multivariate analysis showed only the presence of a small population of PNH-type cells to be a significant factor associated with a good response to the immunosuppressive therapy (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Although both DRB1*1501 and DRB1*1502 contribute to the development of AA, the methods of contribution differ between the two alleles. © 2007 International Society for Experimental Hematology

    ギョルイ コッカク ヒョウホン オ モチイタ ESD ノ レイ アユ ノ チギョ ノ ハ オ カンサツ シテ セイタイ ト ノ カンケイ オ シロウ

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    本研究は、透明骨格二重染色標本を海洋環境教育や理科教育を含めたESD(Education for Sustainable Development:持続的発展教育)で利活用できることを実証する事例の第三弾である。ここでは、アユ仔魚の透明標本の歯を観察することで、形態と生態を理解しようと試み、その有効性を事前と事後のアンケートにもとづいて調査した。対象としたのは、5 つのイベントに参加した16 歳から80 歳の男性29 名、女性31 名、計60 名である。プログラムは、アユの生活史、顕微鏡の使い方、透明標本の基礎知識、主題1(体長20mm 前後の個体の歯の探索)、および主題2(体長30mm 前後の個体の歯の観察)の順に進めた。プログラムの前には参加者は全員アユの仔魚に歯が生えていることを知らなかった。しかし、事後のアンケートによると、内翼状骨や基舌骨、基鰓骨などの歯を観察し、これらの歯で動物プランクトンを摂餌することを理解したと判断できた。This study is the third round in a project to utilize double stained fish transparent specimens for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) including science, marine and environmental education. In this round, fish transparent specimens were applied to a study of the relationships between morphology and ecology through the observation of teeth in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis larvae, and its effectiveness was investigated by the preand post-intervention questionnaire. The research examined 60 participants in five learning interventions, the age ranging from 16 to 80 with a mean of 37.1 years old and the sex ratio being 31 females and 29 males. The program was composed of the followings: the life history of ayu, which is a diadromous fish migrating between the river and the sea; how to use the microscope; the basic knowledge of bones; main observation 1, searching teeth of ca. 20 mm in body length (BL) specimens; and main observation 2, searching and observing teeth of ca. 30mm BL specimens.Although no participants recognized the presence of teeth in ayu larvae in the pre-intervention questionnaire, all of them would observe the teeth on bones such as the endopterygoid, basihyal, basibranchial, dentary and upper and lower pharyngeals and understand that the larvae would seize zooplankton during their marine life by using these teeth.河野博: 東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋環境科学部門河野博・デイビッド エリック アンマリサン・石川 新・新城遥己・小野寺暁・手良村知功: 東京海洋大学魚類学研究

    Preliminary report on bycatch fish species collected from the Tokyo Submarine Canyon, Japan

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    An ichthyofaunal list of bycatch species was compiled, the fish captured by bottom gill-nets set at approximately 300 m depth in the Uraga Suido Channel central Japan. Fragmentary ichthyofaunal lists are available for this area; these lists have focused on chondrichthyans or commercial actinopterygians, but voucher specimens have not been prepared for museum storage. An initial list of the fish fauna was compiled with vouchers, and seven species not previously recorded from the channel are reported. Most of these species belong to the Class Actinopterygii; Apristurus platyrhynchus (Tanaka, 1909), Beryx decadactylus Cuvier, 1829, Hoplostethus japonicus Hilgendorf, 1879, Sebastes iracundus (Jordan & Starks, 1904), Scalicus amiscus (Jordan & Starks, 1904), Atrobucca nibe (Jordan & Thompson, 1911), and an unidentified species of the eelpout family Zoarcidae. The taxonomic identity of the eelpout and the biogeography of the Uraga Suido Channel are considered. Further research is required to resolve outstanding faunistic issues, but live collections will likely end when the aging fishers who provide the specimens retire. At that point, existing museum collections will become increasingly important for future research. Examination of a collection that may have been previously deposited in the Chiba Prefectural Museum will be essential

    Preliminary report on bycatch fish species collected from the Tokyo Submarine Canyon, Japan

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    An ichthyofaunal list of bycatch species was compiled, the fish captured by bottom gill-nets set at approximately 300 m depth in the Uraga Suido Channel central Japan. Fragmentary ichthyofaunal lists are available for this area; these lists have focused on chondrichthyans or commercial actinopterygians, but voucher specimens have not been prepared for museum storage. An initial list of the fish fauna was compiled with vouchers, and seven species not previously recorded from the channel are reported. Most of these species belong to the Class Actinopterygii; Apristurus platyrhynchus (Tanaka, 1909), Beryx decadactylus Cuvier, 1829, Hoplostethus japonicus Hilgendorf, 1879, Sebastes iracundus (Jordan & Starks, 1904), Scalicus amiscus (Jordan & Starks, 1904), Atrobucca nibe (Jordan & Thompson, 1911), and an unidentified species of the eelpout family Zoarcidae. The taxonomic identity of the eelpout and the biogeography of the Uraga Suido Channel are considered. Further research is required to resolve outstanding faunistic issues, but live collections will likely end when the aging fishers who provide the specimens retire. At that point, existing museum collections will become increasingly important for future research. Examination of a collection that may have been previously deposited in the Chiba Prefectural Museum will be essential

    Record of Zu cristatus (Bonelli, 1820) from Tokashiku Bay, Tokashiki Island, the Ryukyu Islands

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    沖縄県渡嘉敷島渡嘉志久湾からユキフリソデウオZu cristatus (Bonelli, 1820)の標本が得られた.この標本は琉球列島からの標本に基づく初めての記録であり,かつ国内における2例目の仔魚の標本である.本稿では,今回得られた標本の形態や色彩について記載した.Zu cristatus (Bonalli, 1820) was collected from Tokashiku Bay, Tokashiki Island, Okinawa Prefecture. It represents the first record of the species from the Ryukyu Islands based on the specimen, as well as the second record of a Zu cristatus larva in Japan. Notes on its morphological features and colorations are provided